.. _hyperparameters: ================ Hyper-parameters ================ This short guide will illustrate how to estimate hyper-parameters from posterior samples using :code:`bilby` using a simplistic problem. Setting up the problem ---------------------- We are given three data sets labelled by a, b, and c. Each data set consists of :math:`N` observations of a variable :math:`y` taken at a dependent variable :math:`x`. Notationally, we can write these three data sets as :math:`(y_i^a, x_i^a),(y_i^b, x_i^b),(y_i^c, x_i^c)` where :math:`i \in [0, N]` labels the indexes of each data set. Plotting the data, we see that all three look like they could be modelled by a linear function with some slope and some intercept: .. image:: images/hyper_parameter_data.png Given any individual data set, you could write down a linear model :math:`y(x) = c_0 + c_1 x` and infer the intercept and gradient. For example, given the a-data set, you could calculate :math:`P(c_0|y_i^a, x_i^a)` by fitting the model to the data. Here is a figure demonstrating the posteriors on the intercept, for the three data sets given above .. image:: images/hyper_parameter_combined_posteriors.png While the data looks noise, the overlap in the :math:`c_0` posteriors might (especially given context about how the data was produced and the physical setting) make you believe all data sets share a common intercept. How would you go about estimating this? You could just take the mean of the means of the posterior and that would give you a pretty good estimate. However, we'll now discuss how to do this with hyper parameters. Understanding the population using hyperparameters -------------------------------------------------- We first need to define our hyperparameterized model. In this case, it is as simple as .. math:: c_0 \sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_{c_0}, \sigma_{c_0}) That is, we model the population :math:`c_0` (from which each of the data sets was drawn) as coming from a normal distribution with some mean and some standard deviation. To do - write in details of the likelihood and its derivation For the samples in the figure above, the posterior on these hyperparamters is given by .. image:: images/hyper_parameter_corner.png