===================== The Open Science Grid ===================== The `Open Science Grid `_ (OSG), is an ideal resource for large-scale non-time-senstive analyses. :code:`bilby_pipe` provides a simple interface to enable jobs to be submitted through the OSG. To run jobs through the OSG, login to .. code-block:: console ssh albert.einstein@ldas-osg.ligo.caltech.edu Then submit usual :code:`bilby_pipe` jobs, but with the flat .. code-block:: console osg = True In your configuration (ini) files. .. note:: When running on the OSG, the software you run needs to be available on the compute nodes. This is most easily done by using the `IGWN conda distribution available through cvmfs `_. We do not support access to arbitrary software installations across the OSG. For testing, you may find it useful to use the:code:`analysis-executable` to point to the cvmfs-installed :code:`bilby_pipe_analysis` executable.