=================================== The Open Science Grid and IGWN-grid =================================== The `IGWN Grid `_ is now the recommended way to submit :code:`bilby_pipe` analyses using LVK resources. The IGWN Grid allows access to all dedicated resources (i.e. CIT, LHO), but also resources such as the Open Science Grid. To run jobs through the OSG, login to .. code-block:: console ssh albert.einstein@ldas-osg.ligo.caltech.edu Then submit usual :code:`bilby_pipe` jobs, but with the flag .. code-block:: console osg = True in your configuration (ini) files. When running on the IGWN-grid, the software you run needs to be available on the compute nodes. This is most easily done by using the `IGWN conda distribution available through cvmfs `_. To this end, you should either submit your job using an IGWN environment, or use the :code:`conda-env` flag to choose one of the IGWN environments. When using the IGWN-grid, you can specify which site you would like your job to run on by using the :code:`desired-sites` option.