Source code for glue.lal

# Copyright (C) 2006-2013  Kipp Cannon
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================

This module contains bits and pieces of use when interacting with LAL and
LAL-derived code (eg. LALApps programs)

from __future__ import absolute_import

	from functools import total_ordering
except ImportError:
	from functools32 import total_ordering
import fnmatch
import math
import os
import re
import sys
from six.moves import urllib
import warnings
import six

try:  # python < 3
except NameError:  # python >= 3
    long = int

from ligo import segments

__author__ = "Kipp Cannon <>"

# =============================================================================
#                          High precision time object
# =============================================================================

# Python version in case LAL isn't available

[docs]@total_ordering class LIGOTimeGPS(object): """ An object for storing times with nanosecond resolution. LAL defines an equivalent object which is used through-out the search algorithms to represent times. Many LALApps routines input and output times in a manner that meshes well with this object. Internally the time is represented as a signed integer "seconds" part and an unsigned integer "nanoseconds" part. The actual time is always constructed by adding the nanoseconds to the seconds. So -0.5 s is represented by setting seconds = -1, and nanoseconds to 500000000. That's the way LAL does it. """ # basic class methods def __init__(self, seconds, nanoseconds = 0): """ Create a LIGOTimeGPS instance. The first parameter is the count of seconds, and the second (optional) parameter is the count of nanoseconds. If the nanoseconds parameter is not supplied, it is assumed to be 0. Either parameter can be a numeric type or an ASCII string. Example: >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) LIGOTimeGPS(100, 500000000) >>> LIGOTimeGPS("100.5") LIGOTimeGPS(100, 500000000) >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100, 500000000) LIGOTimeGPS(100, 500000000) >>> LIGOTimeGPS(0, 100500000000) LIGOTimeGPS(100, 500000000) >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.2, 300000000) LIGOTimeGPS(100, 500000000) >>> LIGOTimeGPS("0.000000001") LIGOTimeGPS(0, 1) >>> LIGOTimeGPS("0.0000000012") LIGOTimeGPS(0, 1) >>> LIGOTimeGPS("0.0000000018") LIGOTimeGPS(0, 2) >>> LIGOTimeGPS("-0.8") LIGOTimeGPS(-1, 200000000) >>> LIGOTimeGPS("-1.2") LIGOTimeGPS(-2, 800000000) """ if not isinstance(nanoseconds, (float, int, long)): try: nanoseconds = float(nanoseconds) except: raise TypeError(nanoseconds) if isinstance(seconds, float): ns, seconds = math.modf(seconds) seconds = int(seconds) nanoseconds += ns * 1e9 elif not isinstance(seconds, six.integer_types): if isinstance(seconds, (six.binary_type, six.text_type)): sign = -1 if seconds.lstrip().startswith("-") else +1 try: if "." in seconds: seconds, ns = seconds.split(".") ns = round(sign * float("." + ns) * 1e9) else: ns = 0 seconds = int(seconds) except: raise TypeError("invalid literal for LIGOTimeGPS(): %s" % seconds) nanoseconds += ns elif hasattr(seconds, "gpsSeconds") and hasattr(seconds, "gpsNanoSeconds"): # handle LIGOTimeGPS(x) where x is an # object with gpsSeconds and gpsNanoSeconds # fields. nanoseconds += seconds.gpsNanoSeconds seconds = seconds.gpsSeconds elif hasattr(seconds, "seconds") and hasattr(seconds, "nanoseconds"): # handle LIGOTimeGPS(x) where x is an # object with seconds and nanoseconds # fields. nanoseconds += seconds.nanoseconds seconds = seconds.seconds else: raise TypeError(seconds) self.__seconds = seconds + int(nanoseconds // 1000000000) self.__nanoseconds = int(nanoseconds % 1000000000) seconds = gpsSeconds = property(lambda self: self.__seconds) nanoseconds = gpsNanoSeconds = property(lambda self: self.__nanoseconds) def __repr__(self): return "LIGOTimeGPS(%d, %u)" % (self.__seconds, self.__nanoseconds) def __str__(self): """ Return an ASCII string representation of a LIGOTimeGPS. """ if (self.__seconds >= 0) or (self.__nanoseconds == 0): s = "%d.%09u" % (self.__seconds, self.__nanoseconds) elif self.__seconds < -1: s = "%d.%09u" % (self.__seconds + 1, 1000000000 - self.__nanoseconds) else: s = "-0.%09u" % (1000000000 - self.__nanoseconds) return s.rstrip("0").rstrip(".") # type conversion def __float__(self): """ Convert a LIGOTimeGPS to seconds as a float. Example: >>> float(LIGOTimeGPS(100.5)) 100.5 """ return self.__seconds + self.__nanoseconds * 1e-9 def __int__(self): """ Return the integer part (seconds) of a LIGOTimeGPS as an int. Example: >>> int(LIGOTimeGPS(100.5)) 100 """ return self.__seconds def __long__(self): """ Return the integer part (seconds) of a LIGOTimeGPS as a long. Example: >>> repr(long(LIGOTimeGPS(100.5))) == '100L' if sys.version_info.major < 3 else True True """ return long(self.__seconds)
[docs] def ns(self): """ Convert a LIGOTimeGPS to a count of nanoseconds as a long. Example: >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5).ns() 100500000000 """ return self.__seconds * 1000000000 + self.__nanoseconds
# comparison def __hash__(self): return self.__seconds ^ self.__nanoseconds def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, LIGOTimeGPS): try: other = LIGOTimeGPS(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented return self.ns() == other.ns() def __lt__(self, other): """ Compare a value to a LIGOTimeGPS. If the value being compared to the LIGOTimeGPS is not also a LIGOTimeGPS, then an attempt is made to convert it to a LIGOTimeGPS. Example: >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) < LIGOTimeGPS(200) True >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) < 200 True >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) < "200" True """ if not isinstance(other, LIGOTimeGPS): try: other = LIGOTimeGPS(other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented return self.ns() < other.ns() def __bool__(self): """ Return True if the LIGOTimeGPS is nonzero. Example: >>> bool(LIGOTimeGPS(100.5)) True """ return bool(self.__seconds) or bool(self.__nanoseconds) # The old Python 2 name for __bool__. __nonzero__ = __bool__ # arithmetic def __add__(self, other): """ Add a value to a LIGOTimeGPS. If the value being added to the LIGOTimeGPS is not also a LIGOTimeGPS, then an attempt is made to convert it to a LIGOTimeGPS. Example: >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) + LIGOTimeGPS(3) LIGOTimeGPS(103, 500000000) >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) + 3 LIGOTimeGPS(103, 500000000) >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) + "3" LIGOTimeGPS(103, 500000000) """ if not isinstance(other, LIGOTimeGPS): other = LIGOTimeGPS(other) return LIGOTimeGPS(self.__seconds + other.seconds, self.__nanoseconds + other.nanoseconds) # addition is commutative. __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): """ Subtract a value from a LIGOTimeGPS. If the value being subtracted from the LIGOTimeGPS is not also a LIGOTimeGPS, then an attempt is made to convert it to a LIGOTimeGPS. Example: >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) - LIGOTimeGPS(3) LIGOTimeGPS(97, 500000000) >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) - 3 LIGOTimeGPS(97, 500000000) >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) - "3" LIGOTimeGPS(97, 500000000) """ if not isinstance(other, LIGOTimeGPS): other = LIGOTimeGPS(other) return LIGOTimeGPS(self.__seconds - other.seconds, self.__nanoseconds - other.nanoseconds) def __rsub__(self, other): """ Subtract a LIGOTimeGPS from a value. """ if not isinstance(other, LIGOTimeGPS): other = LIGOTimeGPS(other) return LIGOTimeGPS(other.seconds - self.__seconds, other.nanoseconds - self.__nanoseconds) def __mul__(self, other): """ Multiply a LIGOTimeGPS by a number. Example: >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) * 2 LIGOTimeGPS(201, 0) """ seconds = self.__seconds nanoseconds = self.__nanoseconds if seconds < 0 and nanoseconds > 0: seconds += 1 nanoseconds -= 1000000000 elif seconds > 0 and nanoseconds < 0: seconds -= 1 nanoseconds += 1000000000 slo = seconds % 131072 shi = seconds - slo olo = other % 2**(int(math.log(other, 2)) - 26) if other else 0 ohi = other - olo nanoseconds *= float(other) seconds = 0. for addend in (slo * olo, shi * olo, slo * ohi, shi * ohi): n, s = math.modf(addend) seconds += s nanoseconds += n * 1e9 return LIGOTimeGPS(seconds, round(nanoseconds)) # multiplication is commutative __rmul__ = __mul__ def __truediv__(self, other): """ Divide a LIGOTimeGPS by a number. Example: >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) / 2 LIGOTimeGPS(50, 250000000) """ quotient = LIGOTimeGPS(float(self) / float(other)) for n in range(100): residual = float(self - quotient * other) / float(other) quotient += residual if abs(residual) <= 0.5e-9: break return quotient # Old Python 2 name for __truediv__ __div__ = __truediv__ def __floordiv__(self, other): """Integer division (not implemented).""" return NotImplemented def __mod__(self, other): """ Compute the remainder when a LIGOTimeGPS is divided by a number. Example: >>> LIGOTimeGPS(100.5) % 3 LIGOTimeGPS(1, 500000000) """ quotient = int(self / other) return self - quotient * other # unary arithmetic def __pos__(self): return self def __neg__(self): return LIGOTimeGPS(0, -self.ns()) def __abs__(self): if self.__seconds >= 0: return self return -self
# # ============================================================================= # # LAL Cache File Manipulation # # ============================================================================= # try: import lal.utils class CacheEntry(lal.utils.CacheEntry): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("glue.lal.CacheEntry is deprecated, use lal.utils.CacheEntry instead", DeprecationWarning) return super(CacheEntry, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) except ImportError: # Define a class that will fail if invoked
[docs] class CacheEntry(object): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise ValueError("glue.lal.CacheEntry is deprecated and lal is not available. Use lal.utils.CacheEntry instead.")
# # An object representing a LAL cache file #
[docs]class Cache(list): """ An object representing a LAL cache file. Currently it is possible to add anything to a Cache. This method should check that the thing you are adding is a CacheEntry and throw an error if it is not. """ entry_class = CacheEntry # methods to create new Cache objects
[docs] def fromfile(cls, fileobj, coltype=LIGOTimeGPS): """ Return a Cache object whose entries are read from an open file. """ c = [cls.entry_class(line, coltype=coltype) for line in fileobj] return cls(c)
fromfile = classmethod(fromfile)
[docs] def fromfilenames(cls, filenames, coltype=LIGOTimeGPS): """ Read Cache objects from the files named and concatenate the results into a single Cache. """ cache = cls() for filename in filenames: cache.extend(cls.fromfile(open(filename), coltype=coltype)) return cache
fromfilenames = classmethod(fromfilenames)
[docs] def from_urls(cls, urllist, coltype=LIGOTimeGPS): """ Return a Cache whose entries are inferred from the URLs in urllist, if possible. PFN lists will also work; for PFNs, the path will be absolutized and "file://" and "localhost" will be assumed for the schemes and hosts. The filenames must be in the format set forth by DASWG in T050017-00. """ def pfn_to_url(url): scheme, host, path, dummy, dummy = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) if scheme == "": path = os.path.abspath(path) return urllib.parse.urlunsplit((scheme or "file", host or "localhost", path, "", "")) return cls([cls.entry_class.from_T050017(pfn_to_url(f), coltype=coltype) \ for f in urllist])
from_urls = classmethod(from_urls) # some set arithmetic to make life better def __isub__(self, other): """ Remove elements from self that are in other. """ end = len(self) - 1 for i, elem in enumerate(self[::-1]): if elem in other: del self[end - i] return self def __sub__(self, other): """ Return a Cache containing the entries of self that are not in other. """ return self.__class__([elem for elem in self if elem not in other]) def __ior__(self, other): """ Append entries from other onto self without introducing (new) duplicates. """ self.extend(other - self) return self def __or__(self, other): """ Return a Cache containing all entries of self and other. """ return self.__class__(self[:]).__ior__(other) def __iand__(self, other): """ Remove elements in self that are not in other. """ end = len(self) - 1 for i, elem in enumerate(self[::-1]): if elem not in other: del self[end - i] return self def __and__(self, other): """ Return a Cache containing the entries of self that are also in other. """ return self.__class__([elem for elem in self if elem in other])
[docs] def unique(self): """ Return a Cache which has every element of self, but without duplication. Preserve order. Does not hash, so a bit slow. """ seen = set() return self.__class__([x for x in self if x not in seen and not seen.add(x)])
#new = self.__class__([]) #for elem in self: # if elem not in new: # new.append(elem) #return new # other useful manipulations
[docs] def tofile(self, fileobj): """ write a cache object to the fileobj as a lal cache file """ for entry in self: fileobj.write('%s\n' % str(entry)) fileobj.close()
[docs] def topfnfile(self, fileobj): """ write a cache object to filename as a plain text pfn file """ for entry in self: fileobj.write('%s\n' % entry.path) fileobj.close()
[docs] def to_segmentlistdict(self): """ Return a segmentlistdict object describing the instruments and times spanned by the entries in this Cache. The return value is coalesced. """ d = segments.segmentlistdict() for entry in self: d |= entry.segmentlistdict return d
[docs] def sieve(self, ifos=None, description=None, segment=None, segmentlist=None, exact_match=False): """ Return a Cache object with those CacheEntries that contain the given patterns (or overlap, in the case of segment or segmentlist). If exact_match is True, then non-None ifos, description, and segment patterns must match exactly, and a non-None segmentlist must contain a segment which matches exactly). It makes little sense to specify both segment and segmentlist arguments, but it is not prohibited. Bash-style wildcards (*?) are allowed for ifos and description. """ if exact_match: segment_func = lambda e: e.segment == segment segmentlist_func = lambda e: e.segment in segmentlist else: if ifos is not None: ifos = "*" + ifos + "*" if description is not None: description = "*" + description + "*" segment_func = lambda e: segment.intersects(e.segment) segmentlist_func = lambda e: segmentlist.intersects_segment(e.segment) c = self if ifos is not None: ifos_regexp = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(ifos)) c = [entry for entry in c if ifos_regexp.match(entry.observatory) is not None] if description is not None: descr_regexp = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(description)) c = [entry for entry in c if descr_regexp.match(entry.description) is not None] if segment is not None: c = [entry for entry in c if segment_func(entry)] if segmentlist is not None: # must coalesce for intersects_segment() to work segmentlist.coalesce() c = [entry for entry in c if segmentlist_func(entry)] return self.__class__(c)
[docs] def pfnlist(self): """ Return a list of physical file names. """ return [entry.path for entry in self]
[docs] def checkfilesexist(self, on_missing="warn"): ''' Runs through the entries of the Cache() object and checks each entry if the file which it points to exists or not. If the file does exist then it adds the entry to the Cache() object containing found files, otherwise it adds the entry to the Cache() object containing all entries that are missing. It returns both in the follwing order: Cache_Found, Cache_Missed. Pass on_missing to control how missing files are handled: "warn": print a warning message saying how many files are missing out of the total checked. "error": raise an exception if any are missing "ignore": do nothing ''' if on_missing not in ("warn", "error", "ignore"): raise ValueError("on_missing must be \"warn\", \"error\", or \"ignore\".") c_found = [] c_missed = [] for entry in self: if os.path.isfile(entry.path): c_found.append(entry) else: c_missed.append(entry) if len(c_missed) > 0: msg = "%d of %d files in the cache were not found "\ "on disk" % (len(c_missed), len(self)) if on_missing == "warn": sys.stderr.write("warning: %s\n" % msg) elif on_missing == "error": raise ValueError(msg) elif on_missing == "ignore": pass else: raise ValueError("Why am I here? "\ "Please file a bug report!") return self.__class__(c_found), self.__class__(c_missed)
def __getslice__(self, i, j): return self.__class__(super(Cache, self).__getslice__(i, j))