Source code for glue.text_progress_bar

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
Text-mode progress bars
from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals
from six.moves import range

import collections
import locale
import math
import os
import struct
import sys

__all__ = ('ProgressBar', 'ProgressBarTheme')

# From
def getTerminalSize():
    returns (lines:int, cols:int)

    def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd):
        # These two imports are only present on POSIX systems, so they must be
        # guarded by a try block.
        import fcntl
        import termios
        return struct.unpack("hh", fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, "1234"))
    # try stdin, stdout, stderr
    for fd in (0, 1, 2):
            return ioctl_GWINSZ(fd)
    # try os.ctermid()
        fd =, os.O_RDONLY)
            return ioctl_GWINSZ(fd)
    # try environment variables
        return tuple(int(os.getenv(var)) for var in ("LINES", "COLUMNS"))
    # i give up. return default.
    return (25, 80)

_ProgressBarTheme = collections.namedtuple(
    '_ProgressBarTheme', 'sequence twiddle_sequence left_border right_border')

[docs]class ProgressBarTheme(_ProgressBarTheme):
[docs] def is_compatible_with_encoding(self, coding): if not coding: coding = locale.getpreferredencoding() try: for string in self: string.encode(coding) except UnicodeEncodeError: return False else: return True
[docs] def is_compatible_with_stream(self, stream): return self.is_compatible_with_encoding(stream.encoding)
default_unicode_theme = ProgressBarTheme( ' ▏▎▍▌▋▊▉█', ' ▏▎▍▌▋▊▉██▉▊▋▌▍▎▏ ', '▐', '▌') default_ascii_theme = ProgressBarTheme( ' .:!|', ' ..', ' |', u'| ')
[docs]class ProgressBar: """Display a text progress bar. A final line feed is printed when the ProgressBar is garbage collected. Explicitly deleting the object can force a line feed when desired. As an alternative, using the ProgressBar as a context manager will ensure a final line feed is printed when the code block within which the ProgressBar is being used exits. Example: >>> with ProgressBar(max=3) as pb: ... pb.update(1) ... pb.update(2) ... pb.update(3) ... """ def __init__( self, text='Working', max=1, value=0, textwidth=24, fid=None, theme=None): if fid is None: self.fid = sys.stderr if hasattr(self.fid, 'fileno'): self.isatty = os.isatty(self.fid.fileno()) else: self.isatty = False if theme is None: if self.isatty and default_unicode_theme.is_compatible_with_stream( self.fid) and 'xterm' in os.environ.get('TERM', ''): theme = default_unicode_theme else: theme = default_ascii_theme self.text = text self.max = max self.value = value self.textwidth = textwidth self.sequence = ('',) + tuple(theme.sequence) self.twiddle_sequence = tuple( theme.twiddle_sequence[-i:] + theme.twiddle_sequence[:-i] for i in range(len(theme.twiddle_sequence))) self.left_border = theme.left_border self.right_border = theme.right_border self.twiddle = 0 self.linefed = False
[docs] def iterate(self, iterable, format="%s", print_every=1): """Use as a target of a for-loop to issue a progress update for every iteration. For example: progress = ProgressBar() for text in progress.iterate(["foo", "bar", "bat"]): ... """ # If iterable has a definite length, then set the maximum value of the # progress bar. Else, set the maximum value to -1 so that the progress # bar displays indeterminate progress (scrolling dots). try: length = len(iterable) except TypeError: self.max = -1 else: self.max = length # Iterate over the input, updating the progress bar for each element. for i, item in enumerate(iterable): yield item if i % print_every == 0: self.update(i + 1, format % item)
[docs] def show(self): """Redraw the text progress bar.""" # Be silent if writing to a tty if not self.isatty: return if len(self.text) > self.textwidth: label = self.text[:self.textwidth] else: label = self.text.rjust(self.textwidth) terminalSize = getTerminalSize() if terminalSize is None: terminalSize = 80 else: terminalSize = terminalSize[1] barWidth = terminalSize - self.textwidth - len(self.left_border) \ - len(self.right_border) - 7 if self.value is None or self.value < 0: pattern = self.twiddle_sequence[ self.twiddle % len(self.twiddle_sequence)] self.twiddle += 1 barSymbols = (pattern * int(math.ceil(barWidth / len(self.twiddle_sequence))))[0:barWidth] progressFractionText = ' ' else: progressFraction = max(0.0, min(1.0, float(self.value) / self.max)) fMinor, iMajor = math.modf(progressFraction * barWidth) iMajor = int(iMajor) iMinor = int(math.ceil(fMinor * (len(self.sequence) - 1))) iMajorMinor = int(math.ceil(progressFraction * barWidth)) barSymbols = ( (self.sequence[-1] * iMajor) + self.sequence[iMinor] + (self.sequence[1] * (barWidth - iMajorMinor))) progressFractionText = ('%.1f%%' % (100 * progressFraction)).rjust(6) print( '\r\x1B[1m', label, '\x1B[0m', self.left_border, '\x1B[36m', barSymbols, '\x1B[0m', self.right_border, progressFractionText, sep='', end='', file=self.fid) self.fid.flush() self.linefed = False
[docs] def update(self, value=None, text=None): """Redraw the progress bar, optionally changing the value and text and return the (possibly new) value. For I/O performance, the progress bar might not be written to the terminal if the text does not change and the value changes by too little. Use .show() to force a redraw.""" redraw = False if text is not None: redraw = text != self.text self.text = text if value is not None: redraw |= self.max == 0 or round(value / (0.0003 * self.max)) != \ round(self.value / (0.0003 * self.max)) self.value = value if redraw: return self.value
[docs] def increment(self, delta=1, text=None): """Redraw the progress bar, incrementing the value by delta (default=1) and optionally changing the text. Returns the ProgressBar's new value. See also .update().""" return self.update(value=min(self.max, self.value + delta), text=text)
[docs] def linefeed(self): # Be silent if writing to a tty if not self.isatty: return if not self.linefed: print(file=self.fid) self.fid.flush() self.linefed = True
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, tb): try: self.linefeed() except: pass def __del__(self): self.linefeed()
def demo(): """Demonstrate progress bar.""" from time import sleep maxProgress = 1000 with ProgressBar(max=maxProgress) as progressbar: for i in range(-100, maxProgress): sleep(0.01) progressbar.update(i + 1) progressbar2 = ProgressBar(max=maxProgress) for s in progressbar2.iterate(list(range(maxProgress))): sleep(0.01) for s in progressbar2.iterate( list(range(maxProgress)), format='iteration %d'): sleep(0.01) if __name__ == '__main__': demo()