Source code for datafind

# Copyright (C) 2020  Patrick Godwin (
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
import glob
import math
import os

import gwdatafind
from lal.utils import CacheEntry
from ligo.segments import segment, segmentlist, segmentlistdict

DEFAULT_DATAFIND_SERVER = os.getenv('LIGO_DATAFIND_SERVER', 'ldr.ldas.cit:80')

[docs]class DataFileMixin:
[docs] def description(self, svd_bin=None, subtype=None): # FIXME: sanity check subtype input description = [] if svd_bin: description.append(svd_bin) description.append(f"GSTLAL_{}") if subtype: description.append(subtype.upper()) return "_".join(description)
[docs] def filename(self, ifos, span=None, svd_bin=None, subtype=None, extension=None): if not span: span = segment(0, 0) if not extension: extension = self.extension return T050017_filename(ifos, self.description(svd_bin, subtype), span, extension)
[docs] def file_pattern(self, svd_bin=None, subtype=None, extension=None): if not extension: extension = self.extension return f"*-{self.description(svd_bin, subtype)}-*-*{extension}"
[docs] def directory(self, root=None, start=None): path = if root: path = os.path.join(root, path) if start: path = os.path.join(path, gps_directory(start)) return path
class DataType(DataFileMixin, Enum): REFERENCE_PSD = (0, "xml.gz") MEDIAN_PSD = (1, "xml.gz") SMOOTH_PSD = (2, "xml.gz") TRIGGERS = (10, "xml.gz") DIST_STATS = (20, "xml.gz") PRIOR_DIST_STATS = (21, "xml.gz") MARG_DIST_STATS = (22, "xml.gz") DIST_STAT_PDFS = (30, "xml.gz") POST_DIST_STAT_PDFS = (31, "xml.gz") ZEROLAG_DIST_STAT_PDFS = (32, "xml.gz") TEMPLATE_BANK = (40, "xml.gz") SPLIT_BANK = (41, "xml.gz") SVD_BANK = (42, "xml.gz") SVD_MANIFEST = (50, "json") MASS_MODEL = (60, "h5") FRAMES = (70, "gwf") INJECTIONS = (80, "xml") SPLIT_INJECTIONS = (81, "xml") MATCHED_INJECTIONS = (82, "xml") LNLR_SIGNAL_CDF = (90, "pkl") def __init__(self, value, extension): self.extension = extension def __str__(self): return
[docs]@dataclass class DataCache: name: "DataType" cache: list = field(default_factory=list) @property def files(self): return [entry.path for entry in self.cache] def __len__(self): return len(self.cache) def __add__(self, other): assert ==, "can't combine two DataCaches with different data types" return DataCache(, self.cache + other.cache)
[docs] def chunked(self, chunk_size): for i in range(0, len(self), chunk_size): yield DataCache(, self.cache[i:i+chunk_size])
[docs] def groupby(self, *group): # determine groupby operation keyfunc = self._groupby_keyfunc(group) # return groups of DataCaches keyed by group grouped = defaultdict(list) for entry in self.cache: grouped[keyfunc(entry)].append(entry) return {key: DataCache(, cache) for key, cache in sorted(grouped.items())}
[docs] def groupby_bins(self, bin_type, bins): assert bin_type in set(("time", "segment", "time_bin")), f"bin_type: {bin_type} not supported" # return groups of DataCaches keyed by group grouped = defaultdict(list) for bin_ in bins: for entry in self.cache: if entry.segment in bin_: grouped[bin_].append(entry) return {key: DataCache(, cache) for key, cache in sorted(grouped.items())}
def _groupby_keyfunc(self, groups): if isinstance(groups, str): groups = [groups] def keyfunc(key): keys = [] for group in groups: if group in set(("ifo", "instrument", "observatory")): keys.append(key.observatory) elif group in set(("time", "segment", "time_bin")): keys.append(key.segment) elif group in set(("bin", "svd_bin")): keys.append(key.description.split("_")[0]) elif group in set(("subtype", "tag")): keys.append(key.description.rpartition(f"GSTLAL_{}")[2].lstrip("_")) elif group in set(("directory", "dirname")): keys.append(os.path.dirname(key.path)) else: raise ValueError(f"{group} not a valid groupby operation") if len(keys) > 1: return tuple(keys) else: return keys[0] return keyfunc
[docs] def copy(self, root=None): cache_paths = [] for entry in self.cache: filedir = self._data_path(, start=entry.segment[0], root=root) filename = os.path.basename(entry.path) cache_paths.append(os.path.join(filedir, filename)) return DataCache.from_files(, cache_paths)
[docs] @classmethod def generate( cls, name, ifos, time_bins=None, svd_bins=None, subtype=None, extension=None, root=None, create_dirs=True ): # format args if isinstance(ifos, str) or isinstance(ifos, frozenset): ifos = [ifos] if svd_bins and isinstance(svd_bins, str): svd_bins = [svd_bins] if subtype is None or isinstance(subtype, str): subtype = [subtype] # format time bins if not time_bins: time_bins = segmentlistdict({ifo: segmentlist([segment(0, 0)]) for ifo in ifos}) elif isinstance(time_bins, segment): time_bins = segmentlistdict({ifo: segmentlist([time_bins]) for ifo in ifos}) elif isinstance(time_bins, segmentlist): time_bins = segmentlistdict({ifo: time_bins for ifo in ifos}) else: time_bins = segmentlistdict({ifo: time_bins[ifo] for ifo in ifos if ifo in time_bins}) # generate the cache cache = [] for ifo, time_bins in time_bins.items(): for span in time_bins: path = cls._data_path(name, start=span[0], root=root, create=create_dirs) if svd_bins: for svd_bin in svd_bins: for stype in subtype: filename = name.filename( ifo, span, svd_bin=svd_bin, subtype=stype, extension=extension ) cache.append(os.path.join(path, filename)) else: for stype in subtype: filename = name.filename(ifo, span, subtype=stype, extension=extension) cache.append(os.path.join(path, filename)) return cls(name, [CacheEntry.from_T050017(entry) for entry in cache])
[docs] @classmethod def find(cls, name, start=None, end=None, root=None, segments=None, svd_bins=None, extension=None, subtype=None): cache = [] if svd_bins: svd_bins = set([svd_bins]) if isinstance(svd_bins, str) else set(svd_bins) else: svd_bins = [None] if subtype is None or isinstance(subtype, str): subtype = [subtype] for svd_bin in svd_bins: for stype in subtype: cache.extend(glob.glob(cls._glob_path(name, root, svd_bin, stype, extension=extension))) cache.extend(glob.glob(cls._glob_path(name, root, svd_bin, stype, extension=extension, gps_dir=False))) cache = [CacheEntry.from_T050017(entry) for entry in cache] if segments: cache = [entry for entry in cache if segments.intersects_segment(entry.segment)] return cls(name, cache)
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, name, files): if isinstance(files, str): files = [files] return cls(name, [CacheEntry.from_T050017(entry) for entry in files])
@staticmethod def _data_path(datatype, start=None, root=None, create=True): path =, root=root) if create: os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) return path @staticmethod def _glob_path(name, root=None, svd_bin=None, subtype=None, extension=None, gps_dir=True): if gps_dir: glob_path = os.path.join(str(name).lower(), "*", name.file_pattern(svd_bin, subtype, extension=extension)) else: glob_path = os.path.join(str(name).lower(), name.file_pattern(svd_bin, subtype, extension=extension)) if root: glob_path = os.path.join(root, glob_path) return glob_path
[docs]def load_frame_cache(start, end, frame_types, host=None): """ Given a span and a set of frame types, loads a frame cache. """ if not host: host = DEFAULT_DATAFIND_SERVER cache = [] with gwdatafind.Session() as sess: for ifo, frame_type in frame_types.items(): urls = gwdatafind.find_urls(ifo[0], frame_type, start, end, host=host, session=sess) cache.extend([CacheEntry.from_T050017(url) for url in urls]) return cache
[docs]def gps_directory(gpstime): """ Given a gps time, returns the directory name where files corresponding to this time will be written to, e.g. 1234567890 -> '12345'. """ return str(int(gpstime))[:5]
[docs]def T050017_filename(instruments, description, seg, extension, path=None): """ A function to generate a T050017 filename. """ if not isinstance(instruments, str): instruments = "".join(sorted(list(instruments))) start, end = seg start = int(math.floor(start)) try: duration = int(math.ceil(end)) - start # FIXME this is not a good way of handling this... except OverflowError: duration = 2000000000 extension = extension.strip('.') if path is not None: return '%s/%s-%s-%d-%d.%s' % (path, instruments, description, start, duration, extension) else: return '%s-%s-%d-%d.%s' % (instruments, description, start, duration, extension)