Source code for emcee.ensemble

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
An affine invariant Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampler.

Goodman & Weare, Ensemble Samplers With Affine Invariance
   Comm. App. Math. Comp. Sci., Vol. 5 (2010), No. 1, 65–80


from __future__ import (division, print_function, absolute_import,

__all__ = ["EnsembleSampler"]

import multiprocessing
import numpy as np

    import acor
    acor = acor
except ImportError:
    acor = None

from .sampler import Sampler

[docs]class EnsembleSampler(Sampler): """ A generalized Ensemble sampler that uses 2 ensembles for parallelization. The ``__init__`` function will raise an ``AssertionError`` if ``k < 2 * dim`` (and you haven't set the ``live_dangerously`` parameter) or if ``k`` is odd. **Warning**: The :attr:`chain` member of this object has the shape: ``(nwalkers, nlinks, dim)`` where ``nlinks`` is the number of steps taken by the chain and ``k`` is the number of walkers. Use the :attr:`flatchain` property to get the chain flattened to ``(nlinks, dim)``. For users of pre-1.0 versions, this shape is different so be careful! :param nwalkers: The number of Goodman & Weare "walkers". :param dim: Number of dimensions in the parameter space. :param lnpostfn: A function that takes a vector in the parameter space as input and returns the natural logarithm of the posterior probability for that position. :param a: (optional) The proposal scale parameter. (default: ``2.0``) :param args: (optional) A list of extra arguments for ``lnpostfn``. ``lnpostfn`` will be called with the sequence ``lnpostfn(p, *args)``. :param postargs: (optional) Alias of ``args`` for backwards compatibility. :param threads: (optional) The number of threads to use for parallelization. If ``threads == 1``, then the ``multiprocessing`` module is not used but if ``threads > 1``, then a ``Pool`` object is created and calls to ``lnpostfn`` are run in parallel. :param pool: (optional) An alternative method of using the parallelized algorithm. If provided, the value of ``threads`` is ignored and the object provided by ``pool`` is used for all parallelization. It can be any object with a ``map`` method that follows the same calling sequence as the built-in ``map`` function. """ def __init__(self, nwalkers, dim, lnpostfn, a=2.0, args=[], postargs=None, threads=1, pool=None, live_dangerously=False): self.k = nwalkers self.a = a self.threads = threads self.pool = pool if postargs is not None: args = postargs super(EnsembleSampler, self).__init__(dim, lnpostfn, args=args) # Do a little bit of _magic_ to make the likelihood call with # ``args`` pickleable. self.lnprobfn = _function_wrapper(self.lnprobfn, self.args) assert self.k % 2 == 0, "The number of walkers must be even." if not live_dangerously: assert self.k >= 2 * self.dim, ( "The number of walkers needs to be more than twice the " "dimension of your parameter space... unless you're " "crazy!") if self.threads > 1 and self.pool is None: self.pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self.threads)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Clear the ``chain`` and ``lnprobability`` array. Also reset the bookkeeping parameters. """ super(EnsembleSampler, self).reset() self.naccepted = np.zeros(self.k) self._chain = np.empty((self.k, 0, self.dim)) self._lnprob = np.empty((self.k, 0)) # Initialize list for storing optional metadata blobs. self._blobs = []
[docs] def sample(self, p0, lnprob0=None, rstate0=None, blobs0=None, iterations=1, thin=1, storechain=True, mh_proposal=None): """ Advance the chain ``iterations`` steps as a generator. :param p0: A list of the initial positions of the walkers in the parameter space. It should have the shape ``(nwalkers, dim)``. :param lnprob0: (optional) The list of log posterior probabilities for the walkers at positions given by ``p0``. If ``lnprob is None``, the initial values are calculated. It should have the shape ``(k, dim)``. :param rstate0: (optional) The state of the random number generator. See the :attr:`Sampler.random_state` property for details. :param iterations: (optional) The number of steps to run. :param thin: (optional) If you only want to store and yield every ``thin`` samples in the chain, set thin to an integer greater than 1. :param storechain: (optional) By default, the sampler stores (in memory) the positions and log-probabilities of the samples in the chain. If you are using another method to store the samples to a file or if you don't need to analyse the samples after the fact (for burn-in for example) set ``storechain`` to ``False``. :param mh_proposal: (optional) A function that returns a list of positions for ``nwalkers`` walkers given a current list of positions of the same size. See :class:`utils.MH_proposal_axisaligned` for an example. At each iteration, this generator yields: * ``pos`` — A list of the current positions of the walkers in the parameter space. The shape of this object will be ``(nwalkers, dim)``. * ``lnprob`` — The list of log posterior probabilities for the walkers at positions given by ``pos`` . The shape of this object is ``(nwalkers, dim)``. * ``rstate`` — The current state of the random number generator. * ``blobs`` — (optional) The metadata "blobs" associated with the current position. The value is only returned if ``lnpostfn`` returns blobs too. """ # Try to set the initial value of the random number generator. This # fails silently if it doesn't work but that's what we want because # we'll just interpret any garbage as letting the generator stay in # it's current state. self.random_state = rstate0 p = np.array(p0) halfk = int(self.k / 2) # If the initial log-probabilities were not provided, calculate them # now. lnprob = lnprob0 blobs = blobs0 if lnprob is None: lnprob, blobs = self._get_lnprob(p) # Check to make sure that the probability function didn't return # ``np.nan``. if np.any(np.isnan(lnprob)): raise ValueError("The initial lnprob was NaN.") # Store the initial size of the stored chain. i0 = self._chain.shape[1] # Here, we resize chain in advance for performance. This actually # makes a pretty big difference. if storechain: N = int(iterations / thin) self._chain = np.concatenate((self._chain, np.zeros((self.k, N, self.dim))), axis=1) self._lnprob = np.concatenate((self._lnprob, np.zeros((self.k, N))), axis=1) for i in range(int(iterations)): self.iterations += 1 # If we were passed a Metropolis-Hastings proposal # function, use it. if mh_proposal is not None: # Draw proposed positions & evaluate lnprob there q = mh_proposal(p) newlnp, blob = self._get_lnprob(q) # Accept if newlnp is better; and ... acc = (newlnp > lnprob) # ... sometimes accept for steps that got worse worse = np.flatnonzero(~acc) acc[worse] = ((newlnp[worse] - lnprob[worse]) > np.log(self._random.rand(len(worse)))) del worse # Update the accepted walkers. lnprob[acc] = newlnp[acc] p[acc] = q[acc] self.naccepted[acc] += 1 if blob is not None: assert blobs is not None, ( "If you start sampling with a given lnprob, you also " "need to provide the current list of blobs at that " "position.") ind = np.arange(self.k)[acc] for j in ind: blobs[j] = blob[j] else: # Loop over the two ensembles, calculating the proposed # positions. # Slices for the first and second halves first, second = slice(halfk), slice(halfk, self.k) for S0, S1 in [(first, second), (second, first)]: q, newlnp, acc, blob = self._propose_stretch(p[S0], p[S1], lnprob[S0]) if np.any(acc): # Update the positions, log probabilities and # acceptance counts. lnprob[S0][acc] = newlnp[acc] p[S0][acc] = q[acc] self.naccepted[S0][acc] += 1 if blob is not None: assert blobs is not None, ( "If you start sampling with a given lnprob, " "you also need to provide the current list of " "blobs at that position.") ind = np.arange(len(acc))[acc] indfull = np.arange(self.k)[S0][acc] for j in range(len(ind)): blobs[indfull[j]] = blob[ind[j]] if storechain and i % thin == 0: ind = i0 + int(i / thin) self._chain[:, ind, :] = p self._lnprob[:, ind] = lnprob if blobs is not None: self._blobs.append(list(blobs)) # Yield the result as an iterator so that the user can do all # sorts of fun stuff with the results so far. if blobs is not None: # This is a bit of a hack to keep things backwards compatible. yield p, lnprob, self.random_state, blobs else: yield p, lnprob, self.random_state
def _propose_stretch(self, p0, p1, lnprob0): """ Propose a new position for one sub-ensemble given the positions of another. :param p0: The positions from which to jump. :param p1: The positions of the other ensemble. :param lnprob0: The log-probabilities at ``p0``. This method returns: * ``q`` — The new proposed positions for the walkers in ``ensemble``. * ``newlnprob`` — The vector of log-probabilities at the positions given by ``q``. * ``accept`` — A vector of type ``bool`` indicating whether or not the proposed position for each walker should be accepted. * ``blob`` — The new meta data blobs or ``None`` if nothing was returned by ``lnprobfn``. """ s = np.atleast_2d(p0) Ns = len(s) c = np.atleast_2d(p1) Nc = len(c) # Generate the vectors of random numbers that will produce the # proposal. zz = ((self.a - 1.) * self._random.rand(Ns) + 1) ** 2. / self.a rint = self._random.randint(Nc, size=(Ns,)) # Calculate the proposed positions and the log-probability there. q = c[rint] - zz[:, np.newaxis] * (c[rint] - s) newlnprob, blob = self._get_lnprob(q) # Decide whether or not the proposals should be accepted. lnpdiff = (self.dim - 1.) * np.log(zz) + newlnprob - lnprob0 accept = (lnpdiff > np.log(self._random.rand(len(lnpdiff)))) return q, newlnprob, accept, blob def _get_lnprob(self, pos=None): """ Calculate the vector of log-probability for the walkers. :param pos: (optional) The position vector in parameter space where the probability should be calculated. This defaults to the current position unless a different one is provided. This method returns: * ``lnprob`` — A vector of log-probabilities with one entry for each walker in this sub-ensemble. * ``blob`` — The list of meta data returned by the ``lnpostfn`` at this position or ``None`` if nothing was returned. """ if pos is None: p = self.pos else: p = pos # Check that the parameters are in physical ranges. if np.any(np.isinf(p)): raise ValueError("At least one parameter value was infinite.") if np.any(np.isnan(p)): raise ValueError("At least one parameter value was NaN.") # If the `pool` property of the sampler has been set (i.e. we want # to use `multiprocessing`), use the `pool`'s map method. Otherwise, # just use the built-in `map` function. if self.pool is not None: M = else: M = map # Run the log-probability calculations (optionally in parallel). results = list(M(self.lnprobfn, [p[i] for i in range(len(p))])) try: lnprob = np.array([float(l[0]) for l in results]) blob = [l[1] for l in results] except (IndexError, TypeError): lnprob = np.array([float(l) for l in results]) blob = None # Check for lnprob returning NaN. if np.any(np.isnan(lnprob)): raise ValueError("lnprob returned NaN.") return lnprob, blob @property def blobs(self): """ Get the list of "blobs" produced by sampling. The result is a list (of length ``iterations``) of ``list`` s (of length ``nwalkers``) of arbitrary objects. **Note**: this will actually be an empty list if your ``lnpostfn`` doesn't return any metadata. """ return self._blobs @property def chain(self): """ A pointer to the Markov chain itself. The shape of this array is ``(k, iterations, dim)``. """ return super(EnsembleSampler, self).chain @property def flatchain(self): """ A shortcut for accessing chain flattened along the zeroth (walker) axis. """ s = self.chain.shape return self.chain.reshape(s[0] * s[1], s[2]) @property def lnprobability(self): """ A pointer to the matrix of the value of ``lnprobfn`` produced at each step for each walker. The shape is ``(k, iterations)``. """ return super(EnsembleSampler, self).lnprobability @property def flatlnprobability(self): """ A shortcut to return the equivalent of ``lnprobability`` but aligned to ``flatchain`` rather than ``chain``. """ return super(EnsembleSampler, self).lnprobability.flatten() @property def acceptance_fraction(self): """ An array (length: ``k``) of the fraction of steps accepted for each walker. """ return super(EnsembleSampler, self).acceptance_fraction @property def acor(self): """ The autocorrelation time of each parameter in the chain (length: ``dim``) as estimated by the ``acor`` module. """ if acor is None: raise ImportError("acor") s = self.dim t = np.zeros(s) for i in range(s): t[i] = acor.acor(self.chain[:, :, i])[0] return t
class _function_wrapper(object): """ This is a hack to make the likelihood function pickleable when ``args`` are also included. """ def __init__(self, f, args): self.f = f self.args = args def __call__(self, x): try: return self.f(x, *self.args) except: import traceback print("emcee: Exception while calling your likelihood function:") print(" params:", x) print(" args:", self.args) print(" exception:") traceback.print_exc() raise