Source code for emcee.ptsampler

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import (division, print_function, absolute_import,

__all__ = ["PTSampler"]

    import acor
    acor = acor
except ImportError:
    acor = None

from .sampler import Sampler
from .ensemble import EnsembleSampler
import multiprocessing as multi
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as nr

class PTPost(object):
    Wrapper for posterior used with the :class:`PTSampler` in emcee.


    def __init__(self, logl, logp, beta):
        :param logl:
            Function returning natural log of the likelihood.

        :param logp:
            Function returning natural log of the prior.

        :param beta:
            Inverse temperature of this chain: ``lnpost = beta*logl + logp``.


        self._logl = logl
        self._logp = logp
        self._beta = beta

    def __call__(self, x):
        Returns ``lnpost(x)``, ``lnlike(x)`` (the second value will be
        treated as a blob by emcee), where

        .. math::

            \ln \pi(x) \equiv \beta \ln l(x) + \ln p(x)

        :param x:
            The position in parameter space.

        lp = self._logp(x)

        # If outside prior bounds, return 0.
        if lp == float('-inf'):
            return lp, lp

        ll = self._logl(x)

        return self._beta * ll + lp, ll

[docs]class PTSampler(Sampler): """ A parallel-tempered ensemble sampler, using :class:`EnsembleSampler` for sampling within each parallel chain. :param ntemps: The number of temperatures. :param nwalkers: The number of ensemble walkers at each temperature. :param dim: The dimension of parameter space. :param logl: The log-likelihood function. :param logp: The log-prior function. :param threads: (optional) The number of parallel threads to use in sampling. :param pool: (optional) Alternative to ``threads``. Any object that implements a ``map`` method compatible with the built-in ``map`` will do here. For example, :class:`multi.Pool` will do. :param betas: (optional) Array giving the inverse temperatures, :math:`\\beta=1/T`, used in the ladder. The default is for an exponential ladder, with beta decreasing by a factor of :math:`1/\\sqrt{2}` each rung. """ def __init__(self, ntemps, nwalkers, dim, logl, logp, threads=1, pool=None, betas=None): self.logl = logl self.logp = logp self.ntemps = ntemps self.nwalkers = nwalkers self.dim = dim self._chain = None self._lnprob = None self._lnlikelihood = None if betas is None: self._betas = self.exponential_beta_ladder(ntemps) else: self._betas = betas self.nswap = np.zeros(ntemps, dtype=np.float) self.nswap_accepted = np.zeros(ntemps, dtype=np.float) self.pool = pool if threads > 1 and pool is None: self.pool = multi.Pool(threads) self.samplers = [EnsembleSampler(nwalkers, dim, PTPost(logl, logp, b), pool=self.pool) for b in self.betas]
[docs] def exponential_beta_ladder(self, ntemps): """ Exponential ladder in :math:`1/T`, with :math:`T` increasing by :math:`\\sqrt{2}` each step, with ``ntemps`` in total. """ return np.exp(np.linspace(0, -(ntemps - 1) * 0.5 * np.log(2), ntemps))
[docs] def reset(self): """ Clear the ``chain``, ``lnprobability``, ``lnlikelihood``, ``acceptance_fraction``, ``tswap_acceptance_fraction`` stored properties. """ for s in self.samplers: s.reset() self.nswap = np.zeros(self.ntemps, dtype=np.float) self.nswap_accepted = np.zeros(self.ntemps, dtype=np.float) self._chain = None self._lnprob = None self._lnlikelihood = None
[docs] def sample(self, p0, lnprob0=None, lnlike0=None, iterations=1, thin=1, storechain=True): """ Advance the chains ``iterations`` steps as a generator. :param p0: The initial positions of the walkers. Shape should be ``(ntemps, nwalkers, dim)``. :param lnprob0: (optional) The initial posterior values for the ensembles. Shape ``(ntemps, nwalkers)``. :param lnlike0: (optional) The initial likelihood values for the ensembles. Shape ``(ntemps, nwalkers)``. :param iterations: (optional) The number of iterations to preform. :param thin: (optional) The number of iterations to perform between saving the state to the internal chain. :param storechain: (optional) If ``True`` store the iterations in the ``chain`` property. At each iteration, this generator yields * ``p``, the current position of the walkers. * ``lnprob`` the current posterior values for the walkers. * ``lnlike`` the current likelihood values for the walkers. """ p = np.copy(np.array(p0)) # If we have no lnprob or logls compute them if lnprob0 is None or lnlike0 is None: lnprob0 = np.zeros((self.ntemps, self.nwalkers)) lnlike0 = np.zeros((self.ntemps, self.nwalkers)) for i in range(self.ntemps): fn = PTPost(self.logl, self.logp, self.betas[i]) if self.pool is None: results = list(map(fn, p[i, :, :])) else: results = list(, p[i, :, :])) lnprob0[i, :] = np.array([r[0] for r in results]) lnlike0[i, :] = np.array([r[1] for r in results]) lnprob = lnprob0 logl = lnlike0 # Expand the chain in advance of the iterations if storechain: nsave = iterations / thin if self._chain is None: isave = 0 self._chain = np.zeros((self.ntemps, self.nwalkers, nsave, self.dim)) self._lnprob = np.zeros((self.ntemps, self.nwalkers, nsave)) self._lnlikelihood = np.zeros((self.ntemps, self.nwalkers, nsave)) else: isave = self._chain.shape[2] self._chain = np.concatenate((self._chain, np.zeros((self.ntemps, self.nwalkers, nsave, self.dim))), axis=2) self._lnprob = np.concatenate((self._lnprob, np.zeros((self.ntemps, self.nwalkers, nsave))), axis=2) self._lnlikelihood = np.concatenate((self._lnlikelihood, np.zeros((self.ntemps, self.nwalkers, nsave))), axis=2) for i in range(iterations): for j, s in enumerate(self.samplers): for psamp, lnprobsamp, rstatesamp, loglsamp in s.sample( p[j, ...], lnprob0=lnprob[j, ...], blobs0=logl[j, ...], storechain=False): p[j, ...] = psamp lnprob[j, ...] = lnprobsamp logl[j, ...] = np.array(loglsamp) p, lnprob, logl = self._temperature_swaps(p, lnprob, logl) if (i + 1) % thin == 0: if storechain: self._chain[:, :, isave, :] = p self._lnprob[:, :, isave, ] = lnprob self._lnlikelihood[:, :, isave] = logl isave += 1 yield p, lnprob, logl
def _temperature_swaps(self, p, lnprob, logl): """ Perform parallel-tempering temperature swaps on the state in ``p`` with associated ``lnprob`` and ``logl``. """ ntemps = self.ntemps for i in range(ntemps - 1, 0, -1): bi = self.betas[i] bi1 = self.betas[i - 1] dbeta = bi1 - bi iperm = nr.permutation(self.nwalkers) i1perm = nr.permutation(self.nwalkers) raccept = np.log(nr.uniform(size=self.nwalkers)) paccept = dbeta * (logl[i, iperm] - logl[i - 1, i1perm]) self.nswap[i] += self.nwalkers self.nswap[i - 1] += self.nwalkers asel = (paccept > raccept) nacc = np.sum(asel) self.nswap_accepted[i] += nacc self.nswap_accepted[i - 1] += nacc ptemp = np.copy(p[i, iperm[asel], :]) ltemp = np.copy(logl[i, iperm[asel]]) prtemp = np.copy(lnprob[i, iperm[asel]]) p[i, iperm[asel], :] = p[i - 1, i1perm[asel], :] logl[i, iperm[asel]] = logl[i - 1, i1perm[asel]] lnprob[i, iperm[asel]] = lnprob[i - 1, i1perm[asel]] \ - dbeta * logl[i - 1, i1perm[asel]] p[i - 1, i1perm[asel], :] = ptemp logl[i - 1, i1perm[asel]] = ltemp lnprob[i - 1, i1perm[asel]] = prtemp + dbeta * ltemp return p, lnprob, logl
[docs] def thermodynamic_integration_log_evidence(self, logls=None, fburnin=0.1): """ Thermodynamic integration estimate of the evidence. :param logls: (optional) The log-likelihoods to use for computing the thermodynamic evidence. If ``None`` (the default), use the stored log-likelihoods in the sampler. Should be of shape ``(Ntemps, Nwalkers, Nsamples)``. :param fburnin: (optional) The fraction of the chain to discard as burnin samples; only the final ``1-fburnin`` fraction of the samples will be used to compute the evidence; the default is ``fburnin = 0.1``. :return ``(lnZ, dlnZ)``: Returns an estimate of the log-evidence and the error associated with the finite number of temperatures at which the posterior has been sampled. The evidence is the integral of the un-normalized posterior over all of parameter space: .. math:: Z \\equiv \\int d\\theta \\, l(\\theta) p(\\theta) Thermodymanic integration is a technique for estimating the evidence integral using information from the chains at various temperatures. Let .. math:: Z(\\beta) = \\int d\\theta \\, l^\\beta(\\theta) p(\\theta) Then .. math:: \\frac{d \\ln Z}{d \\beta} = \\frac{1}{Z(\\beta)} \\int d\\theta l^\\beta p \\ln l = \\left \\langle \\ln l \\right \\rangle_\\beta so .. math:: \\ln Z(\\beta = 1) = \\int_0^1 d\\beta \\left \\langle \\ln l \\right\\rangle_\\beta By computing the average of the log-likelihood at the difference temperatures, the sampler can approximate the above integral. """ if logls is None: return self.thermodynamic_integration_log_evidence( logls=self.lnlikelihood, fburnin=fburnin) else: betas = np.concatenate((self.betas, np.array([0]))) betas2 = np.concatenate((self.betas[::2], np.array([0]))) istart = int(logls.shape[2] * fburnin + 0.5) mean_logls = np.mean(np.mean(logls, axis=1)[:, istart:], axis=1) mean_logls2 = mean_logls[::2] lnZ =, np.diff(betas)) lnZ2 =, np.diff(betas2)) return lnZ, np.abs(lnZ - lnZ2)
@property def betas(self): """ Returns the sequence of inverse temperatures in the ladder. """ return self._betas @property def chain(self): """ Returns the stored chain of samples; shape ``(Ntemps, Nwalkers, Nsteps, Ndim)``. """ return self._chain @property def lnprobability(self): """ Matrix of lnprobability values; shape ``(Ntemps, Nwalkers, Nsteps)``. """ return self._lnprob @property def lnlikelihood(self): """ Matrix of ln-likelihood values; shape ``(Ntemps, Nwalkers, Nsteps)``. """ return self._lnlikelihood @property def tswap_acceptance_fraction(self): """ Returns an array of accepted temperature swap fractions for each temperature; shape ``(ntemps, )``. """ return self.nswap_accepted / self.nswap @property def acceptance_fraction(self): """ Matrix of shape ``(Ntemps, Nwalkers)`` detailing the acceptance fraction for each walker. """ return np.array([s.acceptance_fraction for s in self.samplers]) @property def acor(self): """ Returns a matrix of autocorrelation lengths for each parameter in each temperature of shape ``(Ntemps, Ndim)``. """ if acor is None: raise ImportError('acor') else: acors = np.zeros((self.ntemps, self.dim)) for i in range(self.ntemps): for j in range(self.dim): acors[i, j] = acor.acor(self._chain[i, :, :, j])[0] return acors