Source code for inspiral

# Copyright (C) 2009-2013  Kipp Cannon, Chad Hanna, Drew Keppel
# Copyright (C) 2015       Ryan Lang
# Copyright (C) 2020-2021  Patrick Godwin
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

## @file
# The python module to implement things needed by gstlal_inspiral
# ### Review Status
# STATUS: reviewed with actions
# | Names                                          | Hash                                        | Date        | Diff to Head of Master     |
# | -------------------------------------------    | ------------------------------------------- | ----------  | -------- |
# | Kipp Cannon, Chad Hanna, Jolien Creighton, Florent Robinet, B. Sathyaprakash, Duncan Meacher, T.G.G. Li    | b8fef70a6bafa52e3e120a495ad0db22007caa20 | 2014-12-03 | <a href="@gstlal_inspiral_cgit_diff/python/"></a> |
# | Kipp Cannon, Chad Hanna, Jolien Creighton, B. Sathyaprakash, Duncan Meacher                                | 72875f5cb241e8d297cd9b3f9fe309a6cfe3f716 | 2015-11-06 | <a href="@gstlal_inspiral_cgit_diff/python/"></a> |
# #### Action items
# - Document examples of how to get SNR history, etc., to a web browser in an offline search
# - Long term goal: Using template duration (rather than chirp mass) should load balance the pipeline and improve statistics
# - L651: One thing to sort out is the signal probability while computing coincs
# - L640-L647: Get rid of obsolete comments
# - L667: Make sure timeslide events are not sent to GRACEDB
# - Lxxx: Can normalisation of the tail of the distribution pre-computed using fake data?
# - L681: fmin should not be hard-coded to 10 Hz. horizon_distance will be horribly wrong if psd is constructed, e.g. using some high-pass filter. For example, change the default to 40 Hz.
# - L817: If gracedb upload failed then it should be possible to identify the failure, the specifics of the trigger that encountered failure and a way of submitting the trigger again to gracedb is important. Think about how to clean-up failures.
# - Mimick gracedb upload failures and see if the code crashes

## @package inspiral

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================

import json
import math
import numpy
from numpy import random
import sqlite3
import io
import sys
import time
import http.client
import tempfile
import os
import bisect
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from ligo.lw import ligolw
from ligo.lw import dbtables
from ligo.lw import lsctables
from ligo.lw import array as ligolw_array
from ligo.lw import param as ligolw_param
from ligo.lw import utils as ligolw_utils
from ligo.lw.utils import ligolw_sqlite
from ligo.lw.utils import ligolw_add
from ligo.lw.utils import process as ligolw_process
from ligo.lw.utils import segments as ligolw_segments
from ligo.lw.utils import time_slide as ligolw_time_slide
import lal
from lal import iterutils
from lal import LIGOTimeGPS
from lal import series as lalseries
import lalsimulation
from lalburst.snglcoinc import light_travel_time
from ligo import gracedb

	import bottle
	if tuple(map(int, bottle.__version__.split("."))) < (0, 13):
		# FIXME:  see
		# if the required patch is added to the distro-supplied
		# bottle before a 0.13 is released, update the version
		# check to the correct version
		raise ImportError
except ImportError:
	# FIXME:  remove after system-wide isntall can be relied on
	from gstlal import bottle
from gstlal import svd_bank
from gstlal import templates

# =============================================================================
#                           ligo.lw Content Handlers
# =============================================================================

[docs]@ligolw_array.use_in @ligolw_param.use_in @lsctables.use_in class LIGOLWContentHandler(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler): pass
# # ============================================================================= # # Misc # # ============================================================================= #
[docs]def now(): return LIGOTimeGPS(lal.UTCToGPS(time.gmtime()))
[docs]def parse_svdbank_string(bank_string): """ parses strings of form H1:bank1.xml,H2:bank2.xml,L1:bank3.xml into a dictionary of lists of bank files. """ out = {} if bank_string is None: return out for b in bank_string.split(','): ifo, bank = b.split(':') if ifo in out: raise ValueError("Only one svd bank per instrument should be given") out[ifo] = bank return out
[docs]def parse_bank_files(svd_banks, verbose, snr_threshold = None): """ given a dictionary of lists of svd template bank file names parse them into a dictionary of bank classes """ banks = {} for instrument, filename in svd_banks.items(): for n, bank in enumerate(svd_bank.read_banks(filename, contenthandler = LIGOLWContentHandler, verbose = verbose)): # Write out sngl inspiral table to temp file for # trigger generator # FIXME teach the trigger generator to get this # information a better way bank.template_bank_filename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix = ".xml.gz", delete = False).name xmldoc = ligolw.Document() # FIXME if this table reference is from a DB this # is a problem (but it almost certainly isn't) xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()).appendChild(bank.sngl_inspiral_table.copy()).extend(bank.sngl_inspiral_table) ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, bank.template_bank_filename, verbose = verbose) xmldoc.unlink() # help garbage collector bank.logname = "%sbank%d" % (instrument, n) banks.setdefault(instrument, []).append(bank) if snr_threshold is not None: bank.snr_threshold = snr_threshold # FIXME remove when this is no longer an issue if not banks: raise ValueError("Could not parse bank files into valid bank dictionary.\n\t- Perhaps you are using out-of-date svd bank files? Please ensure that they were generated with the same code version as the parsing code") return banks
[docs]def set_common_snglinspiral_values(sngl_inspiral_table): sngl_inspiral_table[-1].search = sngl_inspiral_table[0].search sngl_inspiral_table[-1].impulse_time = sngl_inspiral_table[0].impulse_time sngl_inspiral_table[-1].impulse_time_ns = sngl_inspiral_table[0].impulse_time_ns sngl_inspiral_table[-1].template_duration = sngl_inspiral_table[0].template_duration sngl_inspiral_table[-1].event_duration = sngl_inspiral_table[0].event_duration sngl_inspiral_table[-1].amplitude = sngl_inspiral_table[0].amplitude sngl_inspiral_table[-1].mass1 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].mass1 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].mass2 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].mass2 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].mchirp = sngl_inspiral_table[0].mchirp sngl_inspiral_table[-1].mtotal = sngl_inspiral_table[0].mtotal sngl_inspiral_table[-1].eta = sngl_inspiral_table[0].eta sngl_inspiral_table[-1].kappa = sngl_inspiral_table[0].kappa sngl_inspiral_table[-1].chi = sngl_inspiral_table[0].chi sngl_inspiral_table[-1].tau0 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].tau0 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].tau2 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].tau2 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].tau3 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].tau3 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].tau4 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].tau4 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].tau5 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].tau5 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].ttotal = sngl_inspiral_table[0].ttotal sngl_inspiral_table[-1].psi0 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].psi0 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].psi3 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].psi3 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].alpha = sngl_inspiral_table[0].alpha sngl_inspiral_table[-1].alpha1 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].alpha1 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].alpha2 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].alpha2 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].alpha3 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].alpha3 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].alpha4 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].alpha4 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].alpha5 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].alpha5 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].alpha6 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].alpha6 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].beta = sngl_inspiral_table[0].beta sngl_inspiral_table[-1].f_final = sngl_inspiral_table[0].f_final sngl_inspiral_table[-1].chisq_dof = sngl_inspiral_table[0].chisq_dof sngl_inspiral_table[-1].bank_chisq = sngl_inspiral_table[0].bank_chisq sngl_inspiral_table[-1].bank_chisq_dof = sngl_inspiral_table[0].bank_chisq_dof sngl_inspiral_table[-1].cont_chisq = sngl_inspiral_table[0].cont_chisq sngl_inspiral_table[-1].cont_chisq_dof = sngl_inspiral_table[0].cont_chisq_dof sngl_inspiral_table[-1].sigmasq = sngl_inspiral_table[0].sigmasq sngl_inspiral_table[-1].rsqveto_duration = sngl_inspiral_table[0].rsqveto_duration sngl_inspiral_table[-1].Gamma0 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma0 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].Gamma1 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma1 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].Gamma2 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma2 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].Gamma3 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma3 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].Gamma4 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma4 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].Gamma5 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma5 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].Gamma6 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma6 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].Gamma7 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma7 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].Gamma8 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma8 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].Gamma9 = sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma9 sngl_inspiral_table[-1].spin1x = sngl_inspiral_table[0].spin1x sngl_inspiral_table[-1].spin1y = sngl_inspiral_table[0].spin1y sngl_inspiral_table[-1].spin1z = sngl_inspiral_table[0].spin1z sngl_inspiral_table[-1].spin2x = sngl_inspiral_table[0].spin2x sngl_inspiral_table[-1].spin2y = sngl_inspiral_table[0].spin2y sngl_inspiral_table[-1].spin2z = sngl_inspiral_table[0].spin2z sngl_inspiral_table[-1].process_id = sngl_inspiral_table[0].process_id
# # ============================================================================= # # Injection Utilities # # ============================================================================= #
[docs]def calc_expected_injection_snr(inj, psd, f_low = 15.0, f_high = 2048.0, sample_rate = 16384.0): """ compute optimal SNR for an injection """ snrs = {} approximant = lalsimulation.GetApproximantFromString(str(inj.waveform)) if approximant == lalsimulation.NR_hdf5: LALparams = lal.CreateDict() lalsimulation.SimInspiralWaveformParamsInsertNumRelData(LALparams, str(inj.numrel_data)) else: LALparams = None h_plus, h_cross = lalsimulation.SimInspiralTD( m1 = inj.mass1*lal.MSUN_SI, m2 = inj.mass2*lal.MSUN_SI, S1x = inj.spin1x, S1y = inj.spin1y, S1z = inj.spin1z, S2x = inj.spin2x, S2y = inj.spin2y, S2z = inj.spin2z, distance = inj.distance*1e6*lal.PC_SI, inclination = inj.inclination, phiRef = inj.coa_phase, longAscNodes = 0.0, eccentricity = 0.0, meanPerAno = 0.0, deltaT = 1.0 / sample_rate, f_min = inj.f_lower, f_ref = 0.0, LALparams = LALparams, approximant = approximant ) h_plus.epoch += inj.time_geocent h_cross.epoch += inj.time_geocent # Compute strain in each detector. for ifo in psd: detector = lalsimulation.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector(ifo) h = lalsimulation.SimDetectorStrainREAL8TimeSeries(h_plus, h_cross, inj.longitude, inj.latitude, inj.polarization, detector) snrs[ifo] = lalsimulation.MeasureSNR(h, psd[ifo], f_low, f_high) return snrs
[docs]def calc_sim_inspiral_table_snrs(sim_inspiral_table, psd, segment, f_low = 15.0, f_high = 2048.0, sample_rate = 16384.0): """ calculate expected SNRs for a set of injections in a sim_inspiral table """ injections = [inj for inj in sim_inspiral_table if inj.time_geocent in segment] for inj in injections: snrs = calc_expected_injection_snr(inj, psd, f_low, f_high, sample_rate) # FIXME: get proper columns # FIXME: broken for KAGRA if "H1" in snrs: inj.alpha4 = snrs["H1"] if "L1" in snrs: inj.alpha5 = snrs["L1"] if "V1" in snrs: inj.alpha6 = snrs["V1"] # drop rows that are not contained in segment sim_inspiral_table[:] = injections return sim_inspiral_table
# # ============================================================================= # # Parameter Distributions # # ============================================================================= # # # Functions to synthesize injections #
[docs]def snr_distribution(size, startsnr): """ This produces a power law distribution in snr of size size starting at startsnr """ return startsnr * random.power(3, size)**-1 # 3 here actually means 2 :) according to scipy docs
[docs]def noncentrality(snrs, prefactor): """ This produces a set of noncentrality parameters that scale with snr^2 according to the prefactor """ return prefactor * random.rand(len(snrs)) * snrs**2 # FIXME power depends on dimensionality of the bank and the expectation for the mismatch for real signals
#return prefactor * random.power(1, len(snrs)) * snrs**2 # FIXME power depends on dimensionality of the bank and the expectation for the mismatch for real signals
[docs]def chisq_distribution(df, non_centralities, size): """ This produces a set of noncentral chisq values of size size, with degrees of freedom given by df """ out = numpy.empty((len(non_centralities) * size,)) for i, nc in enumerate(non_centralities): out[i*size:(i+1)*size] = random.noncentral_chisquare(df, nc, size) return out
# # ============================================================================= # # Output Document # # ============================================================================= #
[docs]class CoincsDocument(object): sngl_inspiral_columns = ("process:process_id", "ifo", "end_time", "end_time_ns", "eff_distance", "coa_phase", "mass1", "mass2", "snr", "chisq", "chisq_dof", "bank_chisq", "bank_chisq_dof", "sigmasq", "spin1x", "spin1y", "spin1z", "spin2x", "spin2y", "spin2z", "template_duration", "event_id", "Gamma0", "Gamma1", "Gamma2") def __init__(self, url, process_params, process_start_time, comment, instruments, seg, offsetvectors, injection_filename = None, tmp_path = None, replace_file = None, verbose = False): # # how to make another like us # self.get_another = lambda: CoincsDocument(url = url, process_params = process_params, process_start_time = process_start_time, comment = comment, instruments = instruments, seg = seg, offsetvectors = offsetvectors, injection_filename = injection_filename, tmp_path = tmp_path, replace_file = replace_file, verbose = verbose) # # url # self.url = url # # build the XML document # self.xmldoc = ligolw.Document() self.xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) # NOTE FIXME override the process start time. Since gstlal # inspiral can produce several output files from the same # process, this can plot the process metadata by a factor of 50 # even though the same process generated the files. It is a # major contributor to the size of merged databases and xml # files. A patch to ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc would be # welcomed # store relevant environment variables env_keys = set(("PATH", "PYTHONPATH", "PKG_CONFIG_PATH", "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "GST_PLUGIN_PATH", "LAL_DATA_PATH", "GSTLAL_FIR_WHITEN")) process_params.update({env_key: env_val for env_key, env_val in os.environ.items() if env_key in env_keys}) self.process = ligolw_process.register_to_xmldoc(self.xmldoc, u"gstlal_inspiral", process_params, comment = comment, instruments = instruments) if process_start_time is not None: self.process.start_time = process_start_time self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglInspiralTable, columns = self.sngl_inspiral_columns)) self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincDefTable)) self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincTable)) self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincMapTable)) self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.TimeSlideTable)) self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.CoincInspiralTable)) self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.SegmentDefTable, columns = ligolw_segments.LigolwSegmentList.segment_def_columns)) self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.SegmentSumTable, columns = ligolw_segments.LigolwSegmentList.segment_sum_columns)) self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(lsctables.New(lsctables.SegmentTable, columns = ligolw_segments.LigolwSegmentList.segment_columns)) # # optionally insert injection list document # if injection_filename is not None: # sort and add the sim_insprial xmldoc_sim_inspiral = ligolw_utils.load_filename(injection_filename, verbose = verbose, contenthandler = LIGOLWContentHandler) self.sim_inspiral_table = lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc_sim_inspiral) self.sim_inspiral_table.sort(key=lambda s:s.geocent_end_time+1.e-9*s.geocent_end_time_ns) self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(self.sim_inspiral_table) else: self.sim_inspiral_table = None # # insert time slide offset vectors. remove duplicate # offset vectors when done # time_slide_table = lsctables.TimeSlideTable.get_table(self.xmldoc) for offsetvector in offsetvectors: time_slide_table.append_offsetvector(offsetvector, self.process) time_slide_mapping = ligolw_time_slide.time_slides_vacuum(time_slide_table.as_dict()) iterutils.inplace_filter(lambda row: row.time_slide_id not in time_slide_mapping, time_slide_table) for tbl in self.xmldoc.getElementsByTagName(ligolw.Table.tagName): tbl.applyKeyMapping(time_slide_mapping) # # if the output is an sqlite database, build the sqlite # database and convert the in-ram XML document to an # interface to the database file # if url is not None and url.endswith('.sqlite'): self.working_filename = dbtables.workingcopy(ligolw_utils.local_path_from_url(url), tmp_path = tmp_path, replace_file = replace_file, verbose = verbose).__enter__() self.connection = sqlite3.connect(str(self.working_filename), check_same_thread = False) ligolw_sqlite.insert_from_xmldoc(self.connection, self.xmldoc, preserve_ids = False, verbose = verbose) # # convert self.xmldoc into wrapper interface to # database # self.xmldoc.removeChild(self.xmldoc.childNodes[-1]).unlink() self.xmldoc.appendChild(dbtables.get_xml(self.connection)) # recover the process_id following the ID remapping # that might have happened when the document was # inserted. hopefully this query is unique enough # to find exactly the one correct entry in the # database (self.process.process_id,), = self.connection.cursor().execute("SELECT process_id FROM process WHERE program == ? AND node == ? AND username == ? AND unix_procid == ? AND start_time == ?", (self.process.program, self.process.node, self.process.username, self.process.unix_procid, self.process.start_time)).fetchall() else: self.connection = self.working_filename = None # # retrieve references to the table objects, now that we # know if they are database-backed or XML objects # self.sngl_inspiral_table = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(self.xmldoc)
[docs] def commit(self): # update output document if self.connection is not None: self.connection.commit()
@property def process_id(self): return self.process.process_id
[docs] def get_next_sngl_id(self): return self.sngl_inspiral_table.get_next_id()
[docs] def write_output_url(self, seglistdicts = None, verbose = False): if seglistdicts is not None: with ligolw_segments.LigolwSegments(self.xmldoc, self.process) as llwsegments: for segtype, seglistdict in seglistdicts.items(): llwsegments.insert_from_segmentlistdict(seglistdict, name = segtype, comment = "LLOID") self.process.set_end_time_now() if self.connection is not None: # record the final state of the process row in the # database cursor = self.connection.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE process SET end_time = ? WHERE process_id == ?", (self.process.end_time, self.process.process_id)) cursor.close() self.connection.commit() dbtables.build_indexes(self.connection, verbose = verbose) self.connection.close() self.connection = None # return working copy to final destination self.working_filename.__exit__(None, None, None) else: self.sngl_inspiral_table.sort(key = lambda row: (row.end, row.ifo)) ligolw_utils.write_url(self.xmldoc, self.url, verbose = verbose, trap_signals = None) # can no longer be used self.xmldoc.unlink() del self.xmldoc
# # ============================================================================= # # GracedB Wrapper # # ============================================================================= #
[docs]class FakeGracedbResp(object): def __init__(self): self.status = http.client.CREATED
[docs] def json(self): return {"graceid": -1}
[docs]class FakeGracedbClient(object): def __init__(self, service_url): # Assumes that service url is a directory to write files to self.path = urlparse(service_url).path
[docs] def createEvent(self, group, pipeline, filename, filecontents, search): with open(os.path.join(self.path, filename), "w") as f: f.write(filecontents) return FakeGracedbResp()
[docs] def writeLog(self, gracedb_id, message, filename, filecontents, tagname): return FakeGracedbResp()
[docs] def writeLabel(self, gracedb_id, tagname): return FakeGracedbResp()
[docs]class GracedBWrapper(object): retries = 5 retry_delay = 5.0 DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL = def __init__(self, instruments, far_threshold = None, min_instruments = None, group = "Test", search = "LowMass", label = None, pipeline = "gstlal", service_url = None, kafka_server = None, analysis_tag = "test", job_tag = None, delay_uploads = False, upload_auxiliary_data = True, delta_t = 0.005, verbose = False): self.instruments = frozenset(instruments) self.min_instruments = min_instruments = group = search self.label = label self.pipeline = pipeline self.service_url = service_url if service_url is not None else self.DEFAULT_SERVICE_URL self.analysis_tag = analysis_tag self.job_tag = job_tag self.upload_auxiliary_data = upload_auxiliary_data self.verbose = verbose # must initialize after .service_url because this might # cause the client to be created, which requires # .service_url to have already been set self.far_threshold = far_threshold # store the coincidence threshold to use it later when forming coincidence self.delta_t = delta_t bottle.route("/gracedb_far_threshold.txt", method = "GET")(self.web_get_gracedb_far_threshold) bottle.route("/gracedb_far_threshold.txt", method = "POST")(self.web_set_gracedb_far_threshold) bottle.route("/gracedb_min_instruments.txt", method = "GET")(self.web_get_gracedb_min_instruments) bottle.route("/gracedb_min_instruments.txt", method = "POST")(self.web_set_gracedb_min_instruments) if delay_uploads: assert kafka_server is not None, "if delaying uploads, need to specify a kafka server" self.delay_uploads = delay_uploads # set up kafka producer if kafka_server is not None: from import kafka self.client = kafka.Client("kafka://{}".format(kafka_server)) self.client.subscribe(f"gstlal.{self.analysis_tag}.{topic}" for topic in ["events", "ranking_stat"]) else: self.client = None @property def far_threshold(self): return self._far_threshold @far_threshold.setter def far_threshold(self, far_threshold): self._far_threshold = far_threshold if far_threshold is None or far_threshold < 0.: self.gracedb_client = None else: if self.service_url.startswith("file"): self.gracedb_client = FakeGracedbClient(self.service_url) else: self.gracedb_client =
[docs] def web_get_gracedb_far_threshold(self): with self.lock: if self.far_threshold is not None: yield "rate=%.17g\n" % self.far_threshold else: yield "rate=\n"
[docs] def web_set_gracedb_far_threshold(self): try: with self.lock: rate = bottle.request.forms["rate"] if rate: self.far_threshold = float(rate) yield "OK: rate=%.17g\n" % self.far_threshold else: self.far_threshold = None yield "OK: rate=\n" except: yield "error\n"
[docs] def web_get_gracedb_min_instruments(self): with self.lock: if self.min_instruments is not None: yield "gracedb_min_instruments=%d\n" % self.min_instruments else: yield "gracedb_min_instruments=\n"
[docs] def web_set_gracedb_min_instruments(self): try: with self.lock: min_instruments = bottle.request.forms["gracedb_min_instruments"] if min_instruments is not None: self.min_instruments = int(min_instruments) yield "OK: gracedb_min_instruments=%d\n" % self.min_instruments else: self.min_instruments = None yield "OK: gracedb_min_instruments=\n" except: yield "error\n"
def __upload_aux_data(self, message, filename, tag, contents, gracedb_ids): assert self.gracedb_client is not None, ".gracedb_client is None; did you forget to set .far_threshold?" for gracedb_id in gracedb_ids: if self.verbose: print("posting '%s' to gracedb ID %s ..." % (filename, gracedb_id), file=sys.stderr) for attempt in range(1, self.retries + 1): try: resp = self.gracedb_client.writeLog(gracedb_id, message, filename = filename, filecontents = contents, tagname = tag) except as resp: pass else: if resp.status == http.client.CREATED: break print("gracedb upload of %s for ID %s failed on attempt %d/%d" % (filename, gracedb_id, attempt, self.retries), file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(random.lognormal(math.log(self.retry_delay), .5)) else: print("gracedb upload of %s for ID %s failed" % (filename, gracedb_id), file=sys.stderr) def __upload_aux_xmldoc(self, message, filename, tag, xmldoc, gracedb_ids): # check for no-op if not gracedb_ids: return fobj = io.BytesIO() ligolw_utils.write_fileobj(xmldoc, fobj) self.__upload_aux_data(message, filename, tag, fobj.getvalue(), gracedb_ids) del fobj
[docs] def nearest_sim_table(self, gps_time, sim_inspiral): # search through the sim inspiral table # find the row with geo-centric ends time nearest to the specific gps time (using by bisect) # return the new sim inspiral table with a single row corresponding to the nearest time sim_inspiral_table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SimInspiralTable) end_times = [inj.time_geocent for inj in sim_inspiral] idx = bisect.bisect_left(end_times, gps_time) row = sim_inspiral[idx] sim_inspiral_table.append(row) return sim_inspiral_table
[docs] def do_alerts(self, last_coincs, psddict, rankingstat_xmldoc_func, seglistdicts, get_p_astro_func, sim_inspiral_table = None): gracedb_ids = [] gracedb_times = [] # no-op short circuit # NOTE the value is tested for less than or equeal to zero so # that people can disable it through the web interface by # setting e.g., -1. None is also less than zero so this works # out. if self.far_threshold <= 0 or not last_coincs: return gracedb_ids, gracedb_times coinc_inspiral_index = last_coincs.coinc_inspiral_index # Pick the "best" coinc # FIXME revisit depending on how clustering goes # NOTE if any are None, this becomes None. # best_coinc = [min((coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].combined_far, coinc_event) for coinc_event in last_coincs.coinc_event_index.values())] # NOTE streamthinca currently records the max LR and max SNR # triggers. Both will be uploaded if they are separate. Many # times they are the same. NOTE NOTE NOTE FIXME FIXME FIXME. # this loop would be a disaster if stream thinca doesn't # cluster! for coinc_event in last_coincs.coinc_event_index.values(): # revisit this "best coinc" if clustering is removed from streamthinca #for _, coinc_event in best_coinc: # # continue if the false alarm rate is not low # enough, or is nan, or there aren't enough # instruments participating in this coinc, or # if the event is a time-slide # if coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].combined_far is None or coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].combined_far > self.far_threshold or numpy.isnan(coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].combined_far) or len(last_coincs.sngl_inspirals(coinc_event.coinc_event_id)) < self.min_instruments or list(list(lsctables.TimeSlideTable.get_table(last_coincs[coinc_event.coinc_event_id]).as_dict().values())[0].values()) != [0] * len(self.instruments): continue # # fake a filename for end-user convenience # observatories = "".join(sorted(set(instrument[0] for instrument in self.instruments))) instruments = "".join(sorted(self.instruments)) description = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s" % ("GSTLAL", self.job_tag, ("%.4g" % coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].mass).replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_"),, end_time = int(coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].end) filename = "%s-%s-%d-%d.xml" % (instruments, description, end_time, 1) # # make sure the directory where we will write the files to disk exists # gracedb_uploads_gps_dir = os.path.join("gracedb_uploads", str(end_time)[:5]) if not os.path.exists(gracedb_uploads_gps_dir): os.makedirs(gracedb_uploads_gps_dir) # # construct message and send to gracedb. # we go through the intermediate step of # first writing the document into a string # buffer incase there is some safety in # doing so in the event of a malformed # document; instead of writing directly # into gracedb's input pipe and crashing # part way through. # print("sending %s to gracedb ..." % filename, file=sys.stderr) message = io.BytesIO() xmldoc = last_coincs[coinc_event.coinc_event_id] if sim_inspiral_table: xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(self.nearest_sim_table(end_time, sim_inspiral_table)) # give the alert all the standard inspiral # columns (attributes should all be # populated). FIXME: ugly. sngl_inspiral_table = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc) process_params_table = lsctables.ProcessParamsTable.get_table(xmldoc) for standard_column in ("process:process_id", "ifo", "search", "channel", "end_time", "end_time_ns", "end_time_gmst", "impulse_time", "impulse_time_ns", "template_duration", "event_duration", "amplitude", "eff_distance", "coa_phase", "mass1", "mass2", "mchirp", "mtotal", "eta", "kappa", "chi", "tau0", "tau2", "tau3", "tau4", "tau5", "ttotal", "psi0", "psi3", "alpha", "alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3", "alpha4", "alpha5", "alpha6", "beta", "f_final", "snr", "chisq", "chisq_dof", "bank_chisq", "bank_chisq_dof", "cont_chisq", "cont_chisq_dof", "sigmasq", "rsqveto_duration", "Gamma0", "Gamma1", "Gamma2", "Gamma3", "Gamma4", "Gamma5", "Gamma6", "Gamma7", "Gamma8", "Gamma9", "spin1x", "spin1y", "spin1z", "spin2x", "spin2y", "spin2z", "event_id"): try: sngl_inspiral_table.appendColumn(standard_column) except ValueError: # already has it pass # If we have snr time series for a detector that didn't # produce a peak above threshold, create a trigger here # for the highest peak that is coincident with all # other triggers event_ifos = [event.ifo for event in last_coincs.sngl_inspirals(coinc_event.coinc_event_id)] # FIXME not the best way to do this and also not # gauranteed to work if we change segment names. only # consider ifos that are "on" at this time, i.e., in # seglistdicts["whitehtsegments"][ifo] triggerless_ifos = [ifo for ifo in self.instruments if ifo not in event_ifos and end_time in seglistdicts["whitehtsegments"][ifo]] subthreshold_events = [] # FIXME Add logic to take highest network snr set of triggers when more than 1 sub-threshold trigger for ifo in triggerless_ifos: trigger_time_list = sorted([(event.ifo, LIGOTimeGPS(event.end_time, event.end_time_ns), getattr(event, "%s_snr_time_series" % ifo)) for event in last_coincs.sngl_inspirals(coinc_event.coinc_event_id) if getattr(event, "%s_snr_time_series" % ifo) is not None], key = lambda t: t[1]) if not trigger_time_list: continue # NOTE NOTE NOTE The coincidence finding algorithm has an extra fudge factor added to the light travel time that isn't used here coinc_segment = ligolw_segments.segments.segment(ligolw_segments.segments.NegInfinity, ligolw_segments.segments.PosInfinity) t0 = trigger_time_list[0][2].epoch # NOTE This assumes all ifos have same sample rate dt = trigger_time_list[0][2].deltaT unit = trigger_time_list[0][2].sampleUnits snr_length = trigger_time_list[0][2].data.length autocorrelation_length = (snr_length - 1) // 2 for (trigger_ifo, trigger_time, snr_time_series) in trigger_time_list: coincidence_window = LIGOTimeGPS(light_travel_time(ifo, trigger_ifo)) + self.delta_t coinc_segment &= ligolw_segments.segments.segment(trigger_time - coincidence_window, trigger_time + coincidence_window) if snr_time_series.epoch == t0: snr_time_series_array = else: idx = int(round(float(t0 + (len(snr_time_series_array))*dt - snr_time_series.epoch) / dt)) snr_time_series_array = numpy.append(snr_time_series_array,[idx:]) if not snr_time_series_array.any(): # empty snr time series, detector wasn't on # FIXME Need to fix itacac so that snr time series only created from a detector if there was science mode data, currently it'll just pass zeros continue for (event, snr_time_series) in subthreshold_events: coincidence_window = LIGOTimeGPS(light_travel_time(ifo, event.ifo)) trigger_time = LIGOTimeGPS(event.end_time, event.end_time_ns) coinc_segment &= ligolw_segments.segments.segment(trigger_time - coincidence_window, trigger_time + coincidence_window) tfinal = t0 + dt*(snr_time_series_array.shape[0] - 1) # NOTE This will not work if the length of the # snr time series (currently the # autocorrelation length) is not large enough # to cover all possible times that could be # coincident with all of the existing triggers if not ((t0 <= coinc_segment[0]) and (tfinal >= coinc_segment[1])): # NOTE This should probably be an # assert, but it's better to upload a # candidate to gracedb without # subthreshold triggers than to not # upload anything print("something went wrong creating sub-threshold trigger for %s in gracedb upload" % ifo, file=sys.stderr) continue idx0 = int((coinc_segment[0] - t0)/dt) idxf = int(math.ceil((coinc_segment[1] - t0)/dt)) peak_snr = 0. for idx in range(idx0, idxf + 1): if abs(snr_time_series_array[idx]) > peak_snr: peak_snr = abs(snr_time_series_array[idx]) peak_phase = math.atan2(snr_time_series_array[idx].imag, snr_time_series_array[idx].real) peak_idx = idx peak_t = idx*dt + t0 # NOTE Bayestar needs at least 26.3ms on either side of the snr peak, so only provide an snr time series if we have enough samples min_num_samps = int(math.ceil(0.0263 / dt)) + 1 if peak_idx < min_num_samps or snr_time_series_array.shape[0] - peak_idx < min_num_samps: print("not enough samples to produce snr time series for sub-threshold trigger in %s" % ifo, file=sys.stderr) continue # snr length guaranteed to be odd if peak_idx > autocorrelation_length: idx0 = peak_idx - autocorrelation_length else: idx0 = 0 if peak_idx < snr_time_series_array.shape[0] - autocorrelation_length: idxf = peak_idx + autocorrelation_length + 1 else: idxf = snr_time_series_array.shape[0] if idxf - idx0 != snr_length: if idx0 == 0: # We know we don't have enough samples, since we started at the beginning of the available samples the zeros must need to be prepended snr_time_series_array = numpy.concatenate((numpy.zeros(snr_length - (idxf - idx0), dtype=snr_time_series_array.dtype), snr_time_series_array[idx0:idxf])) elif idxf != peak_idx + autocorrelation_length + 1: # We dont have enough samples, we need to append zeros snr_time_series_array = numpy.concatenate((snr_time_series_array[idx0:idxf], numpy.zeros(snr_length - (idxf - idx0), dtype=snr_time_series_array.dtype))) else: print("unexpected conditional while making sub-threshold trigger for %s, skipping. idx0 = %d, idxf = %d" % (ifo, idx0, idxf), file=sys.stderr) continue else: snr_time_series_array = snr_time_series_array[idx0:idxf] sngl_inspiral_table.append(sngl_inspiral_table.RowType()) set_common_snglinspiral_values(sngl_inspiral_table) sngl_inspiral_table[-1].ifo = ifo sngl_inspiral_table[-1].end = peak_t sngl_inspiral_table[-1].end_time_gmst = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(peak_t) sngl_inspiral_table[-1].snr = peak_snr sngl_inspiral_table[-1].coa_phase = peak_phase sngl_inspiral_table[-1].chisq = None sngl_inspiral_table[-1].eff_distance = None sngl_inspiral_table[-1].event_id = sngl_inspiral_table.get_next_id() for row in process_params_table: # FIXME There's probably code in ligolw somewhere to do this if row.param == "--channel-name" and row.value[:2] == ifo: sngl_inspiral_table[-1].channel = row.value[3:] break snr_time_series = lal.CreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries( name = "snr", epoch = peak_t - autocorrelation_length * dt, f0 = 0.0, deltaT = dt, sampleUnits = unit, length = snr_length ) = snr_time_series_array deltaT = snr_time_series.deltaT sample_frq = int(1.//deltaT) down_frq = templates.ceil_pow_2(2 * sngl_inspiral_table[0].f_final) N = (len(snr_time_series_array)-1)//2 q = sample_frq//down_frq assert (sample_frq % down_frq) == 0, 'down-sampling frequency must be a divisor of sample frequency' snr_time_series_downsampled_array= snr_time_series_array[(N%q)::q] snr_time_series_downsampled = lal.CreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries( name = "snr", epoch = snr_time_series.epoch + (N%q)/sample_frq, f0 = snr_time_series.f0, deltaT = 1./down_frq, sampleUnits = snr_time_series.sampleUnits, length = len(snr_time_series_downsampled_array) ) = snr_time_series_downsampled_array assert len( % 2 == 1, 'SNR time series must be odd' subthreshold_events.append((sngl_inspiral_table[-1], snr_time_series_downsampled)) if subthreshold_events: sngl_inspiral_table.sort(key = lambda row: row.ifo) coinc_inspiral_table = lsctables.CoincInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc) setattr(coinc_inspiral_table[0], "ifos", ",".join(sorted([getattr(row, "ifo") for row in sngl_inspiral_table]))) setattr(coinc_inspiral_table[0], "snr", sum([getattr(row, "snr")**2. for row in sngl_inspiral_table])**.5) coinc_event_map_table = lsctables.CoincMapTable.get_table(xmldoc) for row in sngl_inspiral_table: if getattr(row, "chisq") is not None: continue coinc_event_map_table.append(coinc_event_map_table.RowType()) for column in ("coinc_event_id", "table_name"): setattr(coinc_event_map_table[-1], column, getattr(coinc_event_map_table[0], column)) setattr(coinc_event_map_table[-1], "event_id", getattr(row, "event_id")) # add SNR time series if available # FIXME Probably only want one time series for each ifo for event in last_coincs.sngl_inspirals(coinc_event.coinc_event_id): snr_time_series = getattr(event, "%s_snr_time_series" % event.ifo) if snr_time_series is not None: snr_time_series_array = deltaT = snr_time_series.deltaT sample_frq = int(1.//deltaT) down_frq = templates.ceil_pow_2(2 * sngl_inspiral_table[0].f_final) N = (len(snr_time_series_array)-1)//2 q = sample_frq//down_frq assert (sample_frq % down_frq) == 0, 'down-sampling frequency must be a divisor of sample frequency' snr_time_series_downsampled_array= snr_time_series_array[(N%q)::q] snr_time_series_downsampled = lal.CreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries( name = "snr", epoch = snr_time_series.epoch + (N%q)/sample_frq, f0 = snr_time_series.f0, deltaT = 1./down_frq, sampleUnits = snr_time_series.sampleUnits, length = len(snr_time_series_downsampled_array) ) = snr_time_series_downsampled_array assert len( % 2 == 1, 'SNR time series must be odd' snr_time_series_element = lalseries.build_COMPLEX8TimeSeries(snr_time_series_downsampled) snr_time_series_element.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue(u"event_id", event.event_id)) xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(snr_time_series_element) for (event, snr_time_series) in subthreshold_events: snr_time_series_element = lalseries.build_COMPLEX8TimeSeries(snr_time_series) snr_time_series_element.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue(u"event_id", event.event_id)) xmldoc.childNodes[-1].appendChild(snr_time_series_element) # get background bin from SnglInspiral objects while they're still available background_bin = int(sngl_inspiral_table[0].Gamma1) # add psd frequeny series lal.series.make_psd_xmldoc(psddict, xmldoc.childNodes[-1]) # serialize to XML ligolw_utils.write_fileobj(xmldoc, message) # send event data to kafka if self.client: topic_prefix = "" if "noninj" in self.job_tag else "inj_" self.client.write( f"gstlal.{self.analysis_tag}.{topic_prefix}events", { "far": coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].combined_far, "snr": coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].snr, "time": coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].end_time, "time_ns": coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].end_time_ns, "coinc": message.getvalue().decode("utf-8"), "job_tag": self.job_tag } ) # Write ranking data to disk and send path to kafka rankingstat_filename = os.path.join(gracedb_uploads_gps_dir, "%s-%s_%04d_RankingData-%d-%d.xml.gz" % (instruments, description, background_bin, end_time, 1)) with open(rankingstat_filename, "wb") as fileobj: ligolw_utils.write_fileobj(rankingstat_xmldoc_func(), fileobj, compress = "gz") self.client.write( f"gstlal.{self.analysis_tag}.{topic_prefix}ranking_stat", { "ranking_data_path": os.path.realpath(rankingstat_filename), "time": coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].end_time, "time_ns": coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].end_time_ns, "coinc": message.getvalue().decode("utf-8") } ) # save event times for count tracker gracedb_times.append(coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id].end_time) # upload events if not self.delay_uploads: sngl_inspiral = last_coincs.sngl_inspirals(coinc_event.coinc_event_id)[0] coinc_inspiral = coinc_inspiral_index[coinc_event.coinc_event_id] # calculate p(astro) p_astro = get_p_astro_func( coinc_event.likelihood, sngl_inspiral.mass1, sngl_inspiral.mass2, coinc_inspiral.snr, coinc_inspiral.combined_far ) for attempt in range(1, self.retries + 1): try: resp = self.gracedb_client.createEvent(, self.pipeline, filename, filecontents = message.getvalue(), search =, label = self.label) except as resp: print(resp) else: resp_json = resp.json() if resp.status == http.client.CREATED: if self.verbose: print("event assigned grace ID %s" % resp_json["graceid"], file=sys.stderr) gracedb_ids.append(resp_json["graceid"]) self.__upload_aux_data("GstLAL internally computed p-astro", "p_astro.json", "p_astro", p_astro, [gracedb_ids[-1]]) try: resp = self.gracedb_client.writeLabel(gracedb_ids[-1], 'PASTRO_READY') except as resp: print(resp, file=sys.stderr) break print("gracedb upload of %s failed on attempt %d/%d" % (filename, attempt, self.retries), file=sys.stderr) print(resp, file=sys.stderr) time.sleep(random.lognormal(math.log(self.retry_delay), .5)) else: print("gracedb upload of %s failed" % filename, file=sys.stderr) # save event to disk message.close() with open(os.path.join(gracedb_uploads_gps_dir, filename), "wb") as fileobj: ligolw_utils.write_fileobj(xmldoc, fileobj) xmldoc.unlink() # # upload PSDs and ranking statistic data # if not self.delay_uploads and self.upload_auxiliary_data and len(gracedb_ids) > 0: self.__upload_aux_xmldoc("ranking statistic PDFs", "ranking_data.xml.gz", "ranking_statistic", rankingstat_xmldoc_func(), gracedb_ids) # # done # return gracedb_ids, gracedb_times