Source code for lvalert_helper

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2013  Kipp Cannon
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

## @file gstlal_inspiral_lvalert_psd_plotter
# A program to listen to lvalerts, download the psd from gstlal gracedb events, plot it, and upload the results
# ### Command line interface
#	+ `--no-upload`: Write plots to disk.
#	+ `--skip-404`: Skip events that give 404 (file not found) errors (default is to abort).
#	+ `--verbose`: Be verbose.
# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================

import http.client
import logging
import os.path
import time
import io

from ligo.lw import ligolw
from ligo.lw import array as ligolw_array
from ligo.lw import param as ligolw_param
from ligo.lw import lsctables
from ligo.lw import utils as ligolw_utils

[docs]class LIGOLWContentHandler(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler): pass
ligolw_array.use_in(LIGOLWContentHandler) ligolw_param.use_in(LIGOLWContentHandler) lsctables.use_in(LIGOLWContentHandler)
[docs]def get_filename(gracedb_client, graceid, filename, retries = 3, retry_delay = 10.0, ignore_404 = False): for i in range(retries):"retrieving \"%s\" for %s" % (filename, graceid)) response = gracedb_client.files(graceid, filename) if response.status == http.client.OK: return response if response.status == http.client.NOT_FOUND and ignore_404: logging.warning("retrieving \"%s\" for %s: (%d) %s. skipping ..." % (filename, graceid, response.status, response.reason)) return None logging.warning("retrieving \"%s\" for %s: (%d) %s. pausing ..." % (filename, graceid, response.status, response.reason)) time.sleep(retry_delay) raise Exception("retrieving \"%s\" for %s: (%d) %s" % (filename, graceid, response.status, response.reason))
[docs]def get_coinc_xmldoc(gracedb_client, graceid, filename = "coinc.xml"): return ligolw_utils.load_fileobj(get_filename(gracedb_client, graceid, filename = filename), contenthandler = LIGOLWContentHandler)
[docs]def upload_fig(fig, gracedb_client, graceid, filename, log_message, tagname = "psd"): plotfile = io.BytesIO() fig.savefig(plotfile, format = os.path.splitext(filename)[-1][1:])"uploading \"%s\" for %s" % (filename, graceid)) response = gracedb_client.writeLog(graceid, log_message, filename = filename, filecontents = plotfile.getvalue(), tagname = tagname) if response.status != http.client.CREATED: raise Exception("upload of \"%s\" for %s failed: %s" % (filename, graceid, response["error"]))
[docs]def upload_file(gracedb_client, graceid, filename, log_message = "A file", tagname = None):"uploading \"%s\" for %s" % (filename, graceid)) response = gracedb_client.writeLog(graceid, log_message, filename = filename, filecontents = io.FileIO(filename).readall(), tagname = tagname) if response.status != http.client.CREATED: raise Exception("upload of \"%s\" for %s failed: %s" % (filename, graceid, response["error"]))
[docs]def upload_xmldoc(gracedb_client, graceid, filename, xmldoc, log_message = "A file", tagname = None):"uploading \"%s\" for %s" % (filename, graceid)) output = io.StringIO() ligolw_utils.write_fileobj(xmldoc, output) response = gracedb_client.writeLog(graceid, log_message, filename = filename, filecontents = output.getvalue(), tagname = tagname) output.close() if response.status != http.client.CREATED: raise Exception("upload of \"%s\" for %s failed: %s" % (filename, graceid, response["error"]))