Source code for pipeio

# Copyright (C) 2009--2016  Kipp Cannon
# Copyright (C) 2016  Chad Hanna
# Copyright (C) 2016  Patrick Brockill
# Copyright (C) 2016  Sarah Caudill
# Copyright (C) 2015  Ryan Everett
# Copyright (C) 2010  Leo Singer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

## @file

## @package pipeio

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================

from import Iterable

import numpy

import gi
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
gi.require_version('GstAudio', '1.0')
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import Gst
from gi.repository import GstAudio

import lal
from ligo.segments import segment

__author__ = "Kipp Cannon <>, Chad Hanna <>, Drew Keppel <>"
__version__ = "FIXME"
__date__ = "FIXME"

# =============================================================================
#                                  Properties
# =============================================================================

[docs]def repack_complex_array_to_real(arr): """ Repack a complex-valued array into a real-valued array with twice as many columns. Used to set complex arrays as values on elements that expose them as real-valued array properties (gobject doesn't understand complex numbers). The return value is a view into the input array. """ # FIXME: this function shouldn't exist, we should add complex # types to gobject if arr.dtype.kind != "c": raise TypeError(arr) assert arr.dtype.itemsize % 2 == 0 return arr.view(dtype = numpy.dtype("f%d" % (arr.dtype.itemsize // 2)))
[docs]def repack_real_array_to_complex(arr): """ Repack a real-valued array into a complex-valued array with half as many columns. Used to retrieve complex arrays from elements that expose them as real-valued array properties (gobject doesn't understand complex numbers). The return value is a view into the input array. """ # FIXME: this function shouldn't exist, we should add complex # types to gobject if arr.dtype.kind != "f": raise TypeError(arr) return arr.view(dtype = numpy.dtype("c%d" % (arr.dtype.itemsize * 2)))
# # ============================================================================= # # Buffers # # ============================================================================= #
[docs]def get_unit_size(caps): struct = caps[0] name = struct.get_name() if name == "audio/x-raw": try: info = GstAudio.AudioInfo() info.from_caps(caps) except NotImplementedError: # removed since gstreamer 1.22 success, info = GstAudio.audio_info_from_caps(caps) assert success return info.bpf elif name == "video/x-raw" and struct["format"] in ("RGB", "RGBA", "ARGB", "ABGR"): return struct["width"] * struct["height"] * (3 if struct["format"] == "RGB" else 4) raise ValueError(caps)
[docs]def numpy_dtype_from_caps(caps): formats_dict = { GstAudio.AudioFormat.F32: numpy.dtype("float32"), GstAudio.AudioFormat.F64: numpy.dtype("float64"), GstAudio.AudioFormat.S8: numpy.dtype("int8"), GstAudio.AudioFormat.U8: numpy.dtype("uint8"), GstAudio.AudioFormat.S16: numpy.dtype("int16"), GstAudio.AudioFormat.U16: numpy.dtype("uint16"), GstAudio.AudioFormat.S32: numpy.dtype("int32"), GstAudio.AudioFormat.U32: numpy.dtype("uint32") } custom_formats_dict = { "Z64LE" : numpy.dtype("complex64"), "Z128LE": numpy.dtype("complex128") } try: info = GstAudio.AudioInfo() info.from_caps(caps) except NotImplementedError: # removed since gstreamer 1.22 success, info = GstAudio.audio_info_from_caps(caps) assert success if info.finfo.format in formats_dict: return formats_dict[info.finfo.format] elif caps.get_structure(0).get_string("format") in custom_formats_dict: return custom_formats_dict[caps.get_structure(0).get_string("format")] else: raise ValueError("unknown GstAudioFormat : %s" % caps.get_structure(0).get_string("format"))
[docs]def format_string_from_numpy_dtype(dtype, formats_dict = { numpy.dtype("float32"): GstAudio.AudioFormat.to_string(GstAudio.AudioFormat.F32), numpy.dtype("float64"): GstAudio.AudioFormat.to_string(GstAudio.AudioFormat.F64), numpy.dtype("int8"): GstAudio.AudioFormat.to_string(GstAudio.AudioFormat.S8), numpy.dtype("uint8"): GstAudio.AudioFormat.to_string(GstAudio.AudioFormat.U8), numpy.dtype("int16"): GstAudio.AudioFormat.to_string(GstAudio.AudioFormat.S16), numpy.dtype("uint16"): GstAudio.AudioFormat.to_string(GstAudio.AudioFormat.U16), numpy.dtype("int32"): GstAudio.AudioFormat.to_string(GstAudio.AudioFormat.S32), numpy.dtype("uint32"): GstAudio.AudioFormat.to_string(GstAudio.AudioFormat.U32), numpy.dtype("complex64") : "Z64LE", numpy.dtype("complex128") : "Z128LE" }): return formats_dict[dtype]
[docs]def caps_from_array(arr, rate = None): return Gst.Caps.from_string("audio/x-raw, format=(string)%s, rate=(int)%d, channels=(int)%d, layout=(string)interleaved, channel-mask=(bitmask)0" % (format_string_from_numpy_dtype(arr.dtype), rate, arr.shape[1]))
[docs]def array_from_audio_sample(sample): caps = sample.get_caps() success, channels = caps.get_structure(0).get_int("channels") assert success buf = sample.get_buffer() success, mapinfo = assert success a = numpy.frombuffer(, dtype = numpy_dtype_from_caps(caps)) buf.unmap(mapinfo) a.shape = len(a) // channels, channels return a
[docs]def audio_buffer_from_array(arr, timestamp, offset, rate): buf = Gst.Buffer.new_wrapped(arr.tobytes()) buf.pts = timestamp buf.duration = (Gst.SECOND * arr.shape[0] + rate // 2) // rate buf.offset = offset buf.offset_end = offset + arr.shape[0] return buf
# # ============================================================================= # # Messages # # ============================================================================= #
[docs]def parse_spectrum_message(message): """ Parse a "spectrum" message from the lal_whiten element, return a LAL REAL8FrequencySeries containing the strain spectral density. """ s = message.get_structure() psd = lal.CreateREAL8FrequencySeries( name = s["instrument"] if s.has_field("instrument") else "", epoch = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(0, message.timestamp), f0 = 0.0, deltaF = s["delta-f"], sampleUnits = lal.Unit(s["sample-units"].strip()), length = len(s["magnitude"]) ) = numpy.array(s["magnitude"]) return psd
# # ============================================================================= # # Tags # # ============================================================================= #
[docs]def parse_framesrc_tags(taglist): try: instrument = taglist["instrument"] except KeyError: instrument = None try: channel_name = taglist["channel-name"] except KeyError: channel_name = None if "units" in taglist: sample_units = lal.Unit(taglist["units"].strip()) else: sample_units = None return { "instrument": instrument, "channel-name": channel_name, "sample-units": sample_units }
# From Patrick Godwin #
[docs]def format_property(prop): """ Formats a property suitable for use in a GStreamer element. Used to convert 2-dimensional data structures to an appropriate type as needed, since the mechanics of how they are treated differ between versions of pygobject. Acts as a no-op depending on the property type and version of pygobject. """ # NOTE FIXME hopefully pygobject will get fixed and we can add a greater # than in this test if GObject.pygobject_version < (3, 29, 0): return prop elif is_nested_listlike(prop): if isinstance(prop, numpy.ndarray): prop = prop.tolist() return [to_gvalue_array(row) for row in prop] elif is_listlike(prop): return to_gvalue_array(prop) else: return prop
# From Patrick Godwin #
[docs]def to_gvalue_array(arr): """ Converts a list-like object to a GValueArray. """ # handle segments as guint64 if isinstance(arr, segment): st = Gst.Structure(f"converter, array=(guint64) < {arr[0]:d}, {arr[1]:d} >") elif isinstance(arr, numpy.ndarray): arr = arr.tolist() st = Gst.Structure.new_empty("converter") st["array"] = Gst.ValueArray(list(arr)) else: st = Gst.Structure.new_empty("converter") st["array"] = Gst.ValueArray(list(arr)) result, val = st.get_array("array") if not result: raise ValueError("could not convert input to GValueArray") return val
# From Patrick Godwin #
[docs]def is_nested_listlike(obj): """ Check if object is a nested list-like object. """ if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray) and obj.ndim > 2: raise ValueError("Only 1D or 2D numpy arrays are supported") elif isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray) and obj.ndim == 2: return True elif is_listlike(obj): return any(is_listlike(row) for row in obj) else: return False
# From Patrick Godwin #
[docs]def is_listlike(obj): """ Check if object is a list-like object. """ if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray) and obj.ndim == 1: return True else: return isinstance(obj, Iterable) and not isinstance(obj, str)