Source code for pipeutil

# Copyright (C) 2010  Leo Singer
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

## @file

## @package pipeutil

Boilerplate code, shorthand, and utility functions for creating GStreamer
elements and pipelines.

__author__       = "Leo Singer <>"
__organization__ = ["LIGO", "California Institute of Technology"]
__copyright__    = "Copyright 2010, Leo Singer"
__all__          = ["gstlal_element_register", "mkelem", "mkelems_in_bin", "splice"]

# The following snippet is taken from
import gi
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
from gi.repository import GObject
from gi.repository import Gst

[docs]def gstlal_element_register(clazz): """Class decorator for registering a Python element. Note that decorator syntax was extended from functions to classes in Python 2.6, so until 2.6 becomes the norm we have to invoke this as a function instead of by saying:: @gstlal_element_register class foo(Gst.Element): ... Until then, you have to do:: class foo(Gst.Element): ... gstlal_element_register(foo) """ from inspect import getmodule GObject.type_register(clazz) # MOD: Found type_register in line: [ gobject.type_register(clazz)] getmodule(clazz).__gstelementfactory__ = (clazz.__name__, Gst.RANK_NONE, clazz) return clazz
[docs]def mkelem(elemname, props={}): """Instantiate an element named elemname and optionally set some of its properties from the dictionary props.""" elem = Gst.ElementFactory.make(elemname, None) for (k, v) in props.iteritems(): elem.set_property(k, v) return elem
[docs]def mkelems_in_bin(bin, *pipedesc): """Create an array of elements from a list of tuples, add them to a bin, link them sequentially, and return the list. Example: mkelem(bin, ('audiotestsrc', {'wave':9}), ('audioresample',)) is equivalent to audiotestsrc wave=9 ! audioresample """ elems = [mkelem(*elemdesc) for elemdesc in pipedesc] for elem in elems: bin.add(elem) if len(elems) > 1: Gst.element_link_many(*elems) # MOD: Error line [87]: element_link_many not yet implemented. See web page ** return elems
[docs]def splice(bin, pad, element): """Splice element into an existing bin by teeing off an existing pad. If necessary, a tee is added to the pipeline in order to splice the new element. bin is an instance of Gst.Bin or Gst.Pipeline. pad is a string that describes any pad inside that bin. The syntax used in gst-launch is understood. For example, the string '' means the pad called 'bat' on the element called 'bar' in the bin called 'foo' inside bin. '' refers to any pad on the element 'bar'. element_or_pad is either an element or a pad. FIXME: implicit pad names not yet understood. """ padpath = pad.split('.') padname = padpath.pop() elem = bin for name in padpath: elem = elem.get_by_name(name) if elem is None: raise NameError("no such element: '%s'" % name) pad = elem.get_static_pad(padname) if pad is None: raise NameError("no such pad: '%s'" % padname) tee_type = Gst.element_factory_find('tee').get_element_type() tee = pad.get_parent_element() if tee.__gtype__ != tee_type: peer_pad = pad.get_peer() if peer_pad is None: if hasattr(element, 'get_direction'): elem.get_static_pad('src').link(element) else: return else: peer_element = peer_pad.get_parent_element() if peer_element.__gtype__ == tee_type: tee = peer_element else: if pad.get_direction() == Gst.PadDirection.SINK: pad, peer_pad = peer_pad, pad pad.unlink(peer_pad) tee = Gst.ElementFactory.make("tee", None) bin.add(tee)'sink')) tee.get_request_pad('src%d').link(peer_pad) if hasattr(element, 'get_direction'): tee.get_request_pad('src%d').link(element) else: