Source code for stats.inspiral_intrinsics

# Copyright (C) 2017,2018  Heather Fong
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

# =============================================================================
#                                   Preamble
# =============================================================================

import h5py
import math
import numpy
import os
	from scipy.interpolate import PPoly
except ImportError:
	# argh, scipy too old
	# FIXME:  delete this when we can rely on LDG sites having a
	# new-enough scipy
	from lal.rate import IrregularBins
	class PPoly(object):
		def __init__(self, c, x):
			self.intervals = IrregularBins(x)
			self.coeffs = c
			self.x0 = x

		def __call__(self, x):
			i = self.intervals[x]
			return numpy.poly1d(self.coeffs[:,i].squeeze())(x - self.x0[i]),

from gstlal import stats as gstlalstats

# FIXME:  caution, this information might get organized differently later.
# for now we just need to figure out where the gstlal-inspiral directory in
# share/ is.  don't write anything that assumes that this module will
# continue to define any of these symbols
from gstlal import paths as gstlal_config_paths

__all__ = [

# =============================================================================
#                               Population Model
# =============================================================================

[docs]class UniformInTemplatePopulationModel(object): # FIXME: this needs to learn the template chirp masses so it can # take out the factor of mchirp**(5./3.) factor on which the # horizon distance depends (which appears in a volume factor in the # numerator of the likelihood ratio) def __init__(self, template_ids): """ Assumes uniform in template population model, no astrophysical prior. """ self.lnP = 0. @gstlalstats.assert_ln_probability def lnP_template_signal(self, template_id, snr): assert snr >= 0. return self.lnP
[docs]class SourcePopulationModel(object): # # NOTE: This is no longer the default file used in the population # model. Various tools including the dag have been modified to allow # the user to specify the mass model file at run time. If you want to # use this file, you should point the dag script to wherever it is on # your filesystem. # # NOTE: future code will have this comment and these next two lines deleted. # #POPULATION_MODELS_PATH = os.path.join(gstlal_config_paths["pkgdatadir"], "population_models") #DEFAULT_FILENAME = os.path.join(POPULATION_MODELS_PATH, "O2/lnP_template_signal_BBH_logm_reweighted_mchirp.hdf5") def __init__(self, template_ids, filename = None): """ Sets the polynomial coefficients, given the template ID and SNR for a source population model, from which lnP is then computed using PPoly. """ if filename is not None: with h5py.File(filename, 'r') as model: snr_bp = model['SNR'][()] template_ids = numpy.array([x for x in template_ids]) try: template_id_to_index_map = {x:n for n, x in enumerate(numpy.array(model['template_id']))} except KeyError: # FIXME: assume sequential order if model['event_id'] doesn't exist template_id_to_index_map = {x:n for n, x in enumerate(numpy.array(model['event_id']))} # PPoly can construct an array of polynomials by just # feeding it the coefficients array all in one go, but then # it insists on evaluating all of them at once. we don't # want to suffer that cost, so we have to make an array of # PPoly objects ourselves, and index into it to evaluate # just one. since we have to do this anyway, we use a # dictionary to also solve the problem of mapping # template_id to a specific polynomial try: these_template_id_indices = numpy.array([template_id_to_index_map[t] for t in template_ids], dtype=numpy.int32) these_template_id_indices_sort_index = numpy.argsort(these_template_id_indices) except KeyError: raise KeyError("One or more template IDs are not in this model") coefficients = model['coefficients'][:,:,these_template_id_indices[these_template_id_indices_sort_index]] self.polys = {template_ids[these_template_id_indices_sort_index[n]]:PPoly(coefficients[:,:, n], snr_bp) for n in range(len(these_template_id_indices_sort_index))} self.max_snr = snr_bp.max() else: self.polys = None self.max_snr = None @gstlalstats.assert_ln_probability def lnP_template_signal(self, template_id, snr): assert snr >= 0. try: lnP_vs_snr = self.polys[template_id] except KeyError: raise KeyError("template ID %d is not in this model" % template_id) # PPoly's .__call__() returns an array, so we need the .item() return lnP_vs_snr(min(snr, self.max_snr)).item()