gstlal_inspiral_reset_likelihood ================================ A program to reset likelihood data after a burn in Command line options -------------------- .. code-block:: none Usage: gstlal_inspiral_reset_likelihood [options] Options: --version show program's version number and exit -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose Be verbose. --background-ranking-file=filename Write likelihood files to disk and include the names in this cachefile file. --zerolag-ranking-file=filename Write zerolag likelihood files to disk and include the names in this cachefile file. --add-zerolag-to-background Add zerolag events to background before populating coincident parameter PDF histograms --skip-seg-and-rd-reset Skip adjusting the segments and ranking data. This would make the entire use of this program a no op unless --add-zerolag-to-background is used. So you have to do that. --segment-and-horizon=SEGMENT_AND_HORIZON Append to a list of segments and horizon distances for a given instrument. Argument specified as IFO:start:end:horizon, e.g., H1:1000000000:1000000100:120