gstlal_lvc_rates_injection_dag ============================== BNS Injections BNS Gaussian Injections NSBH Injections BBH Injections NOSPLIT Injections Command line options -------------------- .. code-block:: none Usage: gstlal_lvc_rates_injection_dag [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --tmp-dir=directory Set tmpdir --tag=str output dag name --bns-params-ini=filename Set path to ini file with inj params. --bns-gaussian-params-ini=filename Set path to ini file with inj params. --nsbh-params-ini=filename Set path to ini file with inj params. --bbh-params-ini=filename Set path to ini file with inj params. --nosplit-params-ini=filename Set path to ini file with inj params. --analysis-ini=filename Set path to ini file with start and end times of each chunk and reference psd files. --condor-command=command=value set condor commands of the form command=value; can be given multiple times