gstlal_mock_data_server ======================= Command line options -------------------- .. code-block:: none Usage: gstlal_mock_data_server [options] Advanced LIGO mock data server. Produces mock data frames under the current working directory, as in: ./H1/H-H1_MOCK-0000/H-H1_MOCK-000000256-16.gwf Also, if the --port option is provided, this program also deploys a TCP server that provides To retrieve streaming h(t) and print as ASCII, try the following: 1. Launch with the optional TCP server mode, as in: $ gstlal_mock_data_server --port 6000 2. Launch the client pipeline with: $ gst-launch tcpclientsrc port=6000 ! gdpdepay ! lal_nxydump ! filesink location=/dev/stdout Options: -p PORT, --port=PORT Enable streaming h(t) on this port. -i INSTRUMENT, --instrument=INSTRUMENT Name of instrument (default=H1) -s INT, --gps-start-time=INT GPS start time in seconds (default=0) -e INT, --gps-end-time=INT GPS start time in seconds (default=infinity) -h, --help show this help message and exit