gstlal_psd_polyfit ================== A program to fit a PSD to a polynomial Usage cases ----------- 1. Fit a PSD to a polynomial with default settings (consider using gstlal_plot_psd to compare the results):: $ gstlal_psd_polyfit --output smooth.xml.gz H1refpsd.xml.gz 2. Please add more Command line options -------------------- .. code-block:: none Usage: gstlal_psd_polyfit [options] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --median-window=MEDIAN_WINDOW Median window in sample points to apply running median for removing sharp features. Default 8. Setting it to 1 effectively disables this filter. --output=filename Set the name of the LIGO light-weight XML file to output --poly-order=POLY_ORDER Set the order of the fitting polynomial. default 10 --low-fit-freq=LOW_FIT_FREQ Set the low frequency at which to begin fitting in Hz. default 30 --high-fit-freq=HIGH_FIT_FREQ Set the high frequency at which to stop fitting in Hz. default 6500