
Command line options

Usage: gstlal_dagfile_rerun_relatives [options] node1 [node2 ...] <old_dag >new_dag

gstlal_dagfile_rerun_relatives constructs a DAG to re-run relatives of DAG
nodes named on the command line.  The scenario this is intended to address is
the situation in which one or more of the parents of a job malfunction but
exit with a success code (0).  This can occur, for example, during a
filesystem malfunction, where the job believes it wrote its output files to
disk successfully, it exits with a success code, but the files never show up
on the server.  Because the job exited with a success code, dagman marks it
done, and submitting the rescue DAG will not retry the job.  This tool can be
used to automate the process of rerunning one or more selected jobs, as well
as their ancestor and/or descendent graphs.  The old DAG is read from stdin.
The new one is written to stdout.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --themselves      Rerun the named nodes.
  -a, --ancestors-of    Rerun the ancestors of the named nodes.
  -d, --descendants-of  Rerun the descendents of the named nodes.
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose.