General Packages

Detailed Description

This package provides general-purpose routines for simulation of signals and noise.


 Header LALSimNeutronStar.h
 Provides routines for neutron star physical parameters.
 Header LALSimSphHarmMode.h
 Routines to construct waveforms from spherical harmonic mode decompositions.
 Header LALSimSphHarmSeries.h
 Routines for manipulating spherical harmonic time- and frequency-series.
 Header LALSimulationVCSInfo.h
 VCS and build information for LALSimulation.
 Module LALSimBHNSRemnantFits.c
 Provides routines for NSBH remnant fits.
 Module LALSimNSBHProperties.c
 Provides routines for NSBH waveform models.
 Header LALSimulation.h
 Routines to calculate detector strain for general waveforms.
 Header LALSimUtils.h
 Miscellaneous routines.