Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2017-2024  Leo Singer
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""Read events from pipedown/GstLal-style XML output."""
from collections import defaultdict
import errno
from functools import lru_cache
import itertools
import logging
import operator
import os

from ligo.lw import array, lsctables, param
from ligo.lw.ligolw import Element, LIGOLWContentHandler, LIGO_LW
from ligo.lw.lsctables import (
    CoincDefTable, CoincMapTable, CoincTable, ProcessTable, ProcessParamsTable,
    SnglInspiralTable, TimeSlideID, TimeSlideTable)
from ligo.lw.utils import load_filename, load_fileobj
import lal
import lal.series
from lalinspiral.thinca import InspiralCoincDef

from .base import Event, EventSource, SingleEvent
from ...util import ilwd

__all__ = ('LigoLWEventSource',)

log = logging.getLogger('BAYESTAR')

class ContentHandler(LIGOLWContentHandler):

def _read_xml(f, fallbackpath=None):
    if f is None:
        doc = filename = None
    elif isinstance(f, Element):
        doc = f
        filename = ''
    elif isinstance(f, (str, os.PathLike)):
            doc = load_filename(f, contenthandler=ContentHandler)
        except IOError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.ENOENT and fallbackpath and \
                    not os.path.isabs(f):
                f = os.path.join(fallbackpath, f)
                doc = load_filename(f, contenthandler=ContentHandler)
        filename = f
        doc = load_fileobj(f, contenthandler=ContentHandler)
            filename =
        except AttributeError:
            filename = ''
    return doc, filename

class LigoLWEventSource(dict, EventSource):
    """Read events from LIGO-LW XML files.

    f : str, file-like object, or `ligo.lw.ligolw.Document`
        The name of the file, or the file object, or the XML document object,
        containing the trigger tables.
    psd_file : str, file-like object, or `ligo.lw.ligolw.Document`
        The name of the file, or the file object, or the XML document object,
        containing the PSDs. If not supplied, then PSDs will be read
        automatically from any files mentioned in ``--reference-psd`` command
        line arguments stored in the ProcessParams table.
    coinc_def : `ligo.lw.lsctables.CoincDef`, optional
        An optional coinc definer to limit which events are read.
    fallbackpath : str, optional
        A directory to search for PSD files whose ``--reference-psd`` command
        line arguments have relative paths. By default, the current working
        directory and the directory containing file ``f`` are searched.



    def __init__(self, f, psd_file=None, coinc_def=InspiralCoincDef,
                 fallbackpath=None, **kwargs):
        doc, filename = _read_xml(f)
        self._fallbackpath = (
            os.path.dirname(filename) if filename else fallbackpath)
        self._psds_for_file = lru_cache(maxsize=None)(self._psds_for_file)
        super().__init__(self._make_events(doc, psd_file, coinc_def))

    def __str__(self):
        contents = repr(self)
        return '<{}>'.format(contents)

    def __repr__(self):
        contents = super().__repr__()
        return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, contents)

    _template_keys = '''mass1 mass2
                        spin1x spin1y spin1z spin2x spin2y spin2z

    _invert_phases = {
        'pycbc': False,
        'gstlal_inspiral': True,
        'gstlal_inspiral_postcohspiir_online': True,  # FIXME: wild guess
        'bayestar_realize_coincs': True,
        'bayestar-realize-coincs': True,
        'MBTAOnline': True

    def _phase_convention(cls, program):
            return cls._invert_phases[program]
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError(
                ('The pipeline "{}" is unknown, so the phase '
                 'convention could not be deduced.').format(program))

    def _psds_for_file(self, f):
        doc, _ = _read_xml(f, self._fallbackpath)
        return lal.series.read_psd_xmldoc(doc, root_name=None)

    def _make_events(self, doc, psd_file, coinc_def):
        # Look up necessary tables.
        coinc_table = CoincTable.get_table(doc)
        coinc_map_table = CoincMapTable.get_table(doc)
        sngl_inspiral_table = SnglInspiralTable.get_table(doc)
            time_slide_table = TimeSlideTable.get_table(doc)
        except ValueError:
            offsets_by_time_slide_id = None
            offsets_by_time_slide_id = time_slide_table.as_dict()

        # Indices to speed up lookups by ID.
        key = operator.attrgetter('coinc_event_id')
        event_ids_by_coinc_event_id = {
                tuple(coinc_map.event_id for coinc_map in coinc_maps
                      if coinc_map.table_name == SnglInspiralTable.tableName)
            for coinc_event_id, coinc_maps
            in itertools.groupby(sorted(coinc_map_table, key=key), key=key)}
        sngl_inspirals_by_event_id = {
            row.event_id: row for row in sngl_inspiral_table}

        # Filter rows by coinc_def if requested.
        if coinc_def is not None:
            coinc_def_table = CoincDefTable.get_table(doc)
            coinc_def_ids = {
                row.coinc_def_id for row in coinc_def_table
                if (, row.search_coinc_type) ==
                (, coinc_def.search_coinc_type)}
            coinc_table = [
                row for row in coinc_table
                if row.coinc_def_id in coinc_def_ids]

        snr_dict = dict(self._snr_series_by_sngl_inspiral(doc))

        process_table = ProcessTable.get_table(doc)
        program_for_process_id = {
            row.process_id: row.program for row in process_table}

            process_params_table = ProcessParamsTable.get_table(doc)
        except ValueError:
            psd_filenames_by_process_id = {}
            psd_filenames_by_process_id = {
                process_param.process_id: process_param.value
                for process_param in process_params_table
                if process_param.param == '--reference-psd'}

        ts0 = TimeSlideID(0)
        for time_slide_id in {coinc.time_slide_id for coinc in coinc_table}:
            if offsets_by_time_slide_id is None and time_slide_id == ts0:
                    'Time slide record is missing for %s, '
                    'guessing that this is zero-lag', time_slide_id)

        for program in {program_for_process_id[coinc.process_id]
                        for coinc in coinc_table}:
            invert_phases = self._phase_convention(program)
            if invert_phases:
                    'Using anti-FINDCHIRP phase convention; inverting phases. '
                    'This is currently the default and it is appropriate for '
                    'gstlal and MBTA but not pycbc as of observing run 1 '
                    '("O1"). The default setting is likely to change in the '

        for coinc in coinc_table:
            coinc_event_id = coinc.coinc_event_id
            coinc_event_num = int(coinc_event_id)
            sngls = [sngl_inspirals_by_event_id[event_id] for event_id
                     in event_ids_by_coinc_event_id[coinc_event_id]]
            if offsets_by_time_slide_id is None and coinc.time_slide_id == ts0:
                offsets = defaultdict(float)
                offsets = offsets_by_time_slide_id[coinc.time_slide_id]

            template_args = [
                {key: getattr(sngl, key) for key in self._template_keys}
                for sngl in sngls]
            if any(d != template_args[0] for d in template_args[1:]):
                raise ValueError(
                    'Template arguments are not identical for all detectors!')
            template_args = template_args[0]

            invert_phases = self._phase_convention(

            singles = tuple(LigoLWSingleEvent(
                self, sngl.ifo, sngl.snr, sngl.coa_phase,
                float(sngl.end + offsets[sngl.ifo]), float(sngl.end),
                psd_file or psd_filenames_by_process_id.get(sngl.process_id),
                snr_dict.get(sngl.event_id), invert_phases)
                for sngl in sngls)

            event = LigoLWEvent(coinc_event_num, singles, template_args)

            yield coinc_event_num, event

    def _snr_series_by_sngl_inspiral(cls, doc):
        for elem in doc.getElementsByTagName(LIGO_LW.tagName):
                if elem.Name != lal.COMPLEX8TimeSeries.__name__:
                array.get_array(elem, 'snr')
                event_id = param.get_pyvalue(elem, 'event_id')
            except (AttributeError, ValueError):
                yield event_id, lal.series.parse_COMPLEX8TimeSeries(elem)

class LigoLWEvent(Event):

    def __init__(self, id, singles, template_args):
        self._id = id
        self._singles = singles
        self._template_args = template_args

    def singles(self):
        return self._singles

    def template_args(self):
        return self._template_args

class LigoLWSingleEvent(SingleEvent):

    def __init__(self, source, detector, snr, phase, time, zerolag_time,
                 psd_file, snr_series, invert_phases):
        self._source = source
        self._detector = detector
        self._snr = snr
        self._phase = phase
        self._time = time
        self._zerolag_time = zerolag_time
        self._psd_file = psd_file
        self._snr_series = snr_series
        self._invert_phases = invert_phases

    def detector(self):
        return self._detector

    def snr(self):
        return self._snr

    def phase(self):
        value = self._phase
        if value is not None and self._invert_phases:
            value *= -1
        return value

    def time(self):
        return self._time

    def zerolag_time(self):
        return self._zerolag_time

    def psd(self):
        return self._source._psds_for_file(self._psd_file)[self._detector]

    def snr_series(self):
        value = self._snr_series
        if self._invert_phases and value is not None:
            value = lal.CutCOMPLEX8TimeSeries(value, 0, len(
        return value

open = LigoLWEventSource