Source code for ligo.skymap.moc

# Copyright (C) 2017-2024  Leo Singer
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
Support for HEALPix UNIQ pixel indexing [1]_ and multi-order coverage (MOC)
maps [2]_.

.. [1] Reinecke & Hivon, 2015. "Efficient data structures for masks on 2D
       grids." AA 580, A132. :doi:`10.1051/0004-6361/201526549`
.. [2] Boch et al., 2014. "MOC - HEALPix Multi-Order Coverage map." IVOA
       Recommendation <>.


from astropy import table
from astropy import units as u
import astropy_healpix as ah
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.recfunctions import repack_fields

from .core import nest2uniq, uniq2nest, uniq2order, uniq2pixarea, uniq2ang
from .core import rasterize as _rasterize
from .util.numpy import add_newdoc_ufunc

__all__ = ('nest2uniq', 'uniq2nest', 'uniq2order', 'uniq2pixarea',
           'uniq2ang', 'rasterize', 'bayestar_adaptive_grid')

add_newdoc_ufunc(nest2uniq, """\
Convert a pixel index from NESTED to NUNIQ ordering.

order : `numpy.ndarray`
    HEALPix resolution order, the logarithm base 2 of `nside`
ipix : `numpy.ndarray`
    NESTED pixel index

uniq : `numpy.ndarray`
    NUNIQ pixel index


add_newdoc_ufunc(uniq2order, """\
Determine the HEALPix resolution order of a HEALPix NESTED index.

uniq : `numpy.ndarray`
    NUNIQ pixel index

order : `numpy.ndarray`
    HEALPix resolution order, the logarithm base 2 of `nside`


add_newdoc_ufunc(uniq2pixarea, """\
Determine the area of a HEALPix NESTED index.

uniq : `numpy.ndarray`
    NUNIQ pixel index

area : `numpy.ndarray`
    The pixel's area in steradians


add_newdoc_ufunc(uniq2nest, """\
Convert a pixel index from NUNIQ to NESTED ordering.

uniq : `numpy.ndarray`
    NUNIQ pixel index

order : `numpy.ndarray`
    HEALPix resolution order (logarithm base 2 of `nside`)
ipix : `numpy.ndarray`
    NESTED pixel index


[docs] def rasterize(moc_data, order=None): """Convert a multi-order HEALPix dataset to fixed-order NESTED ordering. Parameters ---------- moc_data : `numpy.ndarray` A multi-order HEALPix dataset stored as a Numpy record array whose first column is called UNIQ and contains the NUNIQ pixel index. Every point on the unit sphere must be contained in exactly one pixel in the dataset. order : int, optional The desired output resolution order, or :obj:`None` for the maximum resolution present in the dataset. Returns ------- nested_data : `numpy.ndarray` A fixed-order, NESTED-ordering HEALPix dataset with all of the columns that were in moc_data, with the exception of the UNIQ column. """ if np.ndim(moc_data) != 1: raise ValueError('expected 1D structured array or Astropy table') elif order is None or order < 0: order = -1 else: orig_order, orig_nest = uniq2nest(moc_data['UNIQ']) to_downsample = order < orig_order if np.any(to_downsample): to_keep = table.Table(moc_data[~to_downsample], copy=False) orig_order = orig_order[to_downsample] orig_nest = orig_nest[to_downsample] to_downsample = table.Table(moc_data[to_downsample], copy=False) ratio = 1 << (2 * np.int64(orig_order - order)) weights = 1.0 / ratio for colname, column in to_downsample.columns.items(): if colname != 'UNIQ': column *= weights to_downsample['UNIQ'] = nest2uniq(order, orig_nest // ratio) to_downsample = to_downsample.group_by( 'UNIQ').groups.aggregate(np.sum) moc_data = table.vstack((to_keep, to_downsample)) # Ensure that moc_data has appropriate padding for each of its columns to # be properly aligned in order to avoid undefined behavior. moc_data = repack_fields(np.asarray(moc_data), align=True) return _rasterize(moc_data, order=order)
[docs] def bayestar_adaptive_grid(probdensity, *args, top_nside=16, rounds=8, **kwargs): """Create a sky map by evaluating a function on an adaptive grid. Perform the BAYESTAR adaptive mesh refinement scheme as described in Section VI of Singer & Price 2016, PRD, 93, 024013 :doi:`10.1103/PhysRevD.93.024013`. This computes the sky map using a provided analytic function and refines the grid, dividing the highest 25% into subpixels and then recalculating their values. The extra given args and kwargs will be passed to the given probdensity function. Parameters ---------- probdensity : callable Probability density function. The first argument consists of column-stacked array of right ascension and declination in radians. The return value must be a 1D array of the probability density in inverse steradians with the same length as the argument. top_nside : int HEALPix NSIDE resolution of initial evaluation of the sky map rounds : int Number of refinement rounds, including the initial sky map evaluation Returns ------- skymap : astropy.table.Table An astropy Table with UNIQ and PROBDENSITY columns, representing a multi-ordered sky map """ top_npix = ah.nside_to_npix(top_nside) nrefine = top_npix // 4 cells = zip([0] * nrefine, [top_nside // 2] * nrefine, range(nrefine)) for iround in range(rounds + 1): print('adaptive refinement round {} of {} ...'.format( iround, rounds)) cells = sorted(cells, key=lambda p_n_i: p_n_i[0] / p_n_i[1]**2) new_nside, new_ipix = np.transpose([ (nside * 2, ipix * 4 + i) for _, nside, ipix in cells[-nrefine:] for i in range(4)]) ra, dec = ah.healpix_to_lonlat(new_ipix, new_nside, order='nested') p = probdensity(np.column_stack((ra.value, dec.value)), *args, **kwargs) cells[-nrefine:] = zip(p, new_nside, new_ipix) """Return a HEALPix multi-order map of the posterior density.""" post, nside, ipix = zip(*cells) post = np.asarray(list(post)) nside = np.asarray(list(nside)) ipix = np.asarray(list(ipix)) # Make sure that sky map is normalized (it should be already) post /= np.sum(post * ah.nside_to_pixel_area(nside).to_value( # Convert from NESTED to UNIQ pixel indices order = np.log2(nside).astype(int) uniq = nest2uniq(order.astype(np.int8), ipix) # Done! return table.Table([uniq, post], names=['UNIQ', 'PROBDENSITY'], copy=False)
del add_newdoc_ufunc