Source code for ligo.skymap.plot.backdrop

# Copyright (C) 2017-2020  Leo Singer
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""Backdrops for astronomical plots."""

from importlib.resources import files
import json
import warnings

from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from import download_file
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from matplotlib.image import imread
import numpy as np
from PIL.Image import DecompressionBombWarning
from reproject import reproject_interp

__all__ = ('bluemarble', 'blackmarble', 'coastlines', 'mellinger',

def big_imread(*args, **kwargs):
    """Wrapper for imread() that suppresses warnings when loading very large
    images (usually tiffs). Most of the all-sky images that we use in this
    module are large enough to trigger this warning:

        DecompressionBombWarning: Image size (91125000 pixels) exceeds limit of
        89478485 pixels, could be decompression bomb DOS attack.
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        warnings.simplefilter('ignore', DecompressionBombWarning)
        img = imread(*args, **kwargs)
    return img

[docs] def mellinger(): """Get the Mellinger Milky Way panorama. Retrieve, cache, and return the Mellinger Milky Way panorama. See Returns ------- `` A FITS WCS image in ICRS coordinates. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: :align: center from astropy.visualization import (ImageNormalize, AsymmetricPercentileInterval) from astropy.wcs import WCS from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from ligo.skymap.plot import mellinger from reproject import reproject_interp ax = plt.axes(projection='astro hours aitoff') backdrop = mellinger() backdrop_wcs = WCS(backdrop.header).dropaxis(-1) interval = AsymmetricPercentileInterval(45, 98) norm = ImageNormalize(, interval) backdrop_reprojected = np.asarray([ reproject_interp((layer, backdrop_wcs), ax.header)[0] for layer in norm(]) backdrop_reprojected = np.rollaxis(backdrop_reprojected, 0, 3) ax.imshow(backdrop_reprojected) """ url = '' hdu, =, cache=True) return hdu
[docs] def bluemarble(t, resolution='low'): """Get the "Blue Marble" image. Retrieve, cache, and return the NASA/NOAO/NPP "Blue Marble" image showing landforms and oceans. See Parameters ---------- t : `astropy.time.Time` Time to embed in the WCS header. resolution : {'low', 'high'} Specify which version to use: the "low" resolution version (5400x2700 pixels, the default) or the "high" resolution version (21600x10800 pixels). Returns ------- `` A FITS WCS image in ICRS coordinates. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: :align: center from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from ligo.skymap.plot import bluemarble, reproject_interp_rgb obstime = '2017-08-17 12:41:04' ax = plt.axes(projection='geo degrees aitoff', obstime=obstime) ax.imshow(reproject_interp_rgb(bluemarble(obstime), ax.header)) """ variants = { 'low': '5400x2700', 'high': '21600x10800' } url = ('' 'world.200408.3x{}.png'.format(variants[resolution])) img = big_imread(download_file(url, cache=True)) height, width, ndim = img.shape gmst_deg = Time(t).sidereal_time('mean', 'greenwich').deg header = fits.Header(dict( NAXIS=3, NAXIS1=ndim, NAXIS2=width, NAXIS3=height, CRPIX2=width / 2, CRPIX3=height / 2, CRVAL2=gmst_deg % 360, CRVAL3=0, CDELT2=360 / width, CDELT3=-180 / height, CTYPE2='RA---CAR', CTYPE3='DEC--CAR', RADESYSa='ICRS').items()) return fits.ImageHDU(img[:, :, :], header)
[docs] def blackmarble(t, resolution='low'): """Get the "Black Marble" image. Get the NASA/NOAO/NPP image showing city lights, at the sidereal time given by t. See Parameters ---------- t : `astropy.time.Time` Time to embed in the WCS header. resolution : {'low', 'mid', 'high'} Specify which version to use: the "low" resolution version (3600x1800 pixels, the default), the "mid" resolution version (13500x6750 pixels), or the "high" resolution version (54000x27000 pixels). Returns ------- `` A FITS WCS image in ICRS coordinates. Examples -------- .. plot:: :context: reset :include-source: :align: center from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from ligo.skymap.plot import blackmarble, reproject_interp_rgb obstime = '2017-08-17 12:41:04' ax = plt.axes(projection='geo degrees aitoff', obstime=obstime) ax.imshow(reproject_interp_rgb(blackmarble(obstime), ax.header)) """ variants = { 'low': '3600x1800', 'high': '13500x6750', 'mid': '54000x27000' } url = ('' 'dnb_land_ocean_ice.2012.{}_geo.tif'.format(variants[resolution])) img = big_imread(download_file(url, cache=True)) height, width, ndim = img.shape gmst_deg = Time(t).sidereal_time('mean', 'greenwich').deg header = fits.Header(dict( NAXIS=3, NAXIS1=ndim, NAXIS2=width, NAXIS3=height, CRPIX2=width / 2, CRPIX3=height / 2, CRVAL2=gmst_deg % 360, CRVAL3=0, CDELT2=360 / width, CDELT3=-180 / height, CTYPE2='RA---CAR', CTYPE3='DEC--CAR', RADESYSa='ICRS').items()) return fits.ImageHDU(img[:, :, :], header)
def reproject_interp_rgb(input_data, *args, **kwargs): data = wcs = WCS(input_data.header).celestial return np.moveaxis(np.stack([ reproject_interp((data[:, :, i], wcs), *args, **kwargs)[0].astype(data.dtype) for i in range(3)]), 0, -1) def coastlines(): with files(__package__).joinpath( 'ne_simplified_coastline.json').open() as f: geoms = json.load(f)['geometries'] return [coord for geom in geoms for coord in zip(*geom['coordinates'])]