Source code for ligo.skymap.plot.poly

# Copyright (C) 2012-2020  Leo Singer
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""Plotting tools for drawing polygons."""
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp

from .angle import reference_angle, wrapped_angle

__all__ = ('subdivide_vertices', 'cut_dateline',
           'cut_prime_meridian', 'make_rect_poly')

[docs] def subdivide_vertices(vertices, subdivisions): """Subdivide a list of vertices by inserting subdivisions additional vertices between each original pair of vertices using linear interpolation. """ subvertices = np.empty((subdivisions * len(vertices), vertices.shape[1])) frac = np.atleast_2d( np.arange(subdivisions + 1, dtype=float) / subdivisions).T.repeat( vertices.shape[1], 1) for i in range(len(vertices)): subvertices[i * subdivisions:(i + 1) * subdivisions] = \ frac[:0:-1, :] * \ np.expand_dims(vertices[i - 1, :], 0).repeat(subdivisions, 0) + \ frac[:-1, :] * \ np.expand_dims(vertices[i, :], 0).repeat(subdivisions, 0) return subvertices
[docs] def cut_dateline(vertices): """Cut a polygon across the dateline, possibly splitting it into multiple polygons. Vertices consist of (longitude, latitude) pairs where longitude is always given in terms of a reference angle (between -π and π). This routine is not meant to cover all possible cases; it will only work for convex polygons that extend over less than a hemisphere. """ vertices = vertices.copy() vertices[:, 0] += np.pi vertices = cut_prime_meridian(vertices) for v in vertices: v[:, 0] -= np.pi return vertices
[docs] def cut_prime_meridian(vertices): """Cut a polygon across the prime meridian, possibly splitting it into multiple polygons. Vertices consist of (longitude, latitude) pairs where longitude is always given in terms of a wrapped angle (between 0 and 2π). This routine is not meant to cover all possible cases; it will only work for convex polygons that extend over less than a hemisphere. """ from shapely import geometry # Ensure that the list of vertices does not contain a repeated endpoint. if (vertices[0] == vertices[-1]).all(): vertices = vertices[:-1] # Ensure that the longitudes are wrapped from 0 to 2π. vertices = np.column_stack((wrapped_angle(vertices[:, 0]), vertices[:, 1])) # Test if the segment consisting of points i-1 and i croses the meridian. # # If the two longitudes are in [0, 2π), then the shortest arc connecting # them crosses the meridian if the difference of the angles is greater # than π. phis = vertices[:, 0] phi0, phi1 = np.sort(np.row_stack((np.roll(phis, 1), phis)), axis=0) crosses_meridian = (phi1 - phi0 > np.pi) # Count the number of times that the polygon crosses the meridian. meridian_crossings = np.sum(crosses_meridian) if meridian_crossings == 0: # There were zero meridian crossings, so we can use the # original vertices as is. out_vertices = [vertices] elif meridian_crossings == 1: # There was one meridian crossing, so the polygon encloses the pole. # Any meridian-crossing edge has to be extended # into a curve following the nearest polar edge of the map. i, = np.flatnonzero(crosses_meridian) v0 = vertices[i - 1] v1 = vertices[i] # Find the latitude at which the meridian crossing occurs by # linear interpolation. delta_lon = abs(reference_angle(v1[0] - v0[0])) lat = (abs(reference_angle(v0[0])) / delta_lon * v0[1] + abs(reference_angle(v1[0])) / delta_lon * v1[1]) # FIXME: Use this simple heuristic to decide which pole to enclose. sign_lat = np.sign(np.sum(vertices[:, 1])) # Find the closer of the left or the right map boundary for # each vertex in the line segment. lon_0 = 0. if v0[0] < np.pi else 2 * np.pi lon_1 = 0. if v1[0] < np.pi else 2 * np.pi # Set the output vertices to the polar cap plus the original # vertices. out_vertices = [ np.vstack(( vertices[:i], [[lon_0, lat], [lon_0, sign_lat * np.pi / 2], [lon_1, sign_lat * np.pi / 2], [lon_1, lat]], vertices[i:]))] elif meridian_crossings == 2: # Since the polygon is assumed to be convex, if there is an even number # of meridian crossings, we know that the polygon does not enclose # either pole. Then we can use ordinary Euclidean polygon intersection # algorithms. out_vertices = [] # Construct polygon representing map boundaries. frame_poly = geometry.Polygon(np.asarray([ [0., 0.5 * np.pi], [0., -0.5 * np.pi], [2 * np.pi, -0.5 * np.pi], [2 * np.pi, 0.5 * np.pi]])) # Intersect with polygon re-wrapped to lie in [-π, π) or [π, 3π). for shift in [0, 2 * np.pi]: poly = geometry.Polygon(np.column_stack(( reference_angle(vertices[:, 0]) + shift, vertices[:, 1]))) intersection = poly.intersection(frame_poly) if intersection: assert isinstance(intersection, geometry.Polygon) assert intersection.is_simple out_vertices += [np.asarray(intersection.exterior)] else: # There were more than two intersections. Not implemented! raise NotImplementedError('The polygon intersected the map boundaries ' 'two or more times, so it is probably not ' 'simple and convex.') # Done! return out_vertices
[docs] def make_rect_poly(width, height, theta, phi, subdivisions=10): """Create a Polygon patch representing a rectangle with half-angles width and height rotated from the north pole to (theta, phi). """ # Convert width and height to radians, then to Cartesian coordinates. w = np.sin(np.deg2rad(width)) h = np.sin(np.deg2rad(height)) # Generate vertices of rectangle. v = np.asarray([[-w, -h], [w, -h], [w, h], [-w, h]]) # Subdivide. v = subdivide_vertices(v, subdivisions) # Project onto sphere by calculating z-coord from normalization condition. v = np.hstack((v, np.sqrt(1. - np.expand_dims(np.square(v).sum(1), 1)))) # Transform vertices. v =, hp.rotator.euler_matrix_new(phi, theta, 0, Y=True)) # Convert to spherical polar coordinates. thetas, phis = hp.vec2ang(v) # Return list of vertices as longitude, latitude pairs. return np.column_stack((wrapped_angle(phis), 0.5 * np.pi - thetas))