######### Changelog ######### 2.0.1 (unreleased) ================== - No changes yet. 2.0.0 (2024-04-15) ================== - Added options to center ``mollweide`` and ``aitoff`` projections. Thanks go to Sam Wyatt for this contribution. - Added support for ``os.PathLike`` filenames when reading ligolw files. Thanks go to Thomas Sainrat for this contribution. - Check for more invalid input corner cases in ``ligo.skymap.moc.rasterize``. - Remove the ``--min-inclination`` and ``max-inclination`` options from ``bayestar-localize-coincs`` and ``bayestar-localize-lvalert``. These options are rarely used, and will be made obsolete by a future release that adds inclination posteriors to sky map output. - Remove ``frameon=False`` in ``ligo-skymap-plot-volume`` so that it respects the (lack of the) ``--transparent`` option. This improves text and label readability against dark backgrounds when transparent mode is not on. Thanks go to Geoffrey Mo for this contribution. - Add documentation on the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) review process to the Testing section of the manual. - Require Numpy >= 1.23.0. Rebuild for binary compatibility with Numpy 2.0.0. - Add unit tests for Python 3.12. 1.1.2 (2023-10-03) ================== - Update for compatibility with Matplotlib 3.8.0. - Binary wheels for macOS x86_64 are now built against Big Sur (10.15), because Catalina (11) is past end of life. - Fix deprecation warnings from importlib.resources. 1.1.1 (2023-07-08) ================== - Fix a typo in the ``setup.cfg`` file that prevented correct interpretation of the minimum Python version. Contributed by `@ahnitz `_. 1.1.0 (2023-07-07) ================== - Add ``max_depth`` keyword argument to the call to ``MOC.from_valued_healpix_cells`` in ``ligo-skymap-contour-moc``. Contributed by `@parkma99 `_. - Improve handling of the ``--output`` command line argument for ``ligo-skymap-contour-moc``: - Add ``-o`` as a short form. - Don't write to stdout by default; it does not make sense to write a binary FITS file to stdout. - Make the argument required. - Drop dependency on distutils to prepare for its removal in Python 3.12. See `PEP 632 `_. - Drop support for Python 3.8. - Vectorize ``find_ellipse`` over the ``cl`` argument. - Tune compiler settings used to build wheels for PyPI: - Add the option ``-fvisibility=hidden`` to hide all symbols except for the Python entry point. This improves the efficiency of link-time optimization. On average, it speeds up BAYESTAR by about 5%. - Add the options ``-Ofast -fno-finite-math-only -flto`` on Linux aarch64 and macOS, the targets on which we use gcc. These options approximate the configuration that we use for icc on Linux x86_64. On average, this change speeds up BAYESTAR on macOS by about 30%. - Factor out the Python implementation of the BAYESTAR adaptive mesh refinement algorithm so that other libraries can use it. It is exposed as ``ligo.skymap.moc.bayestar_adaptive_grid``. - Fix incorrectly rendered default values for some command line arguments in the documentation. - Move coherence plots from GWCelery to ligo.skymap. 1.0.7 (2023-02-27) ================== - Track an API change in Matplotlib 3.7.0. Update test baseline images. - Update Linux wheels from manylinux2014 to manylinux_2_28. - Require scipy ≠ 1.10.0 due to an unplanned API change in that version, which was fixed in 1.10.1. - Add unit tests under Python 3.11 to the continuous integration pipeline. 1.0.6 (2023-02-03) ================== - Fix an issue with OpenMP and Python multiprocessing that caused ``ligo-skymap-stats`` to parallelize inefficiently on Linux. 1.0.5 (2023-01-31) ================== - Require scipy < 1.10.0 due to removal of ``multivariate_normal_gen.cov`` in that version. A future version of Scipy may add it back as a property; see `scipy/scipy#17896`__. __ https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/17896 1.0.4 (2022-12-06) ================== - Change the default value of the ``origin`` card in FITS files generated by BAYESTAR and ``ligo-skymap-from-samples`` from ``LIGO/Virgo`` to ``LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA``. - Build binary wheels for the aarch64 (Arm64) architecture on Linux. 1.0.3 (2022-10-11) ================== - Update condor accounting group in ``bayestar-localize-coincs`` and ``bayestar-mcmc`` to ``ligo.dev.o4.cbc.pe.bayestar``. - Track `pending deprecation of matplotlib.cm.register_cmap`__. Require matplotlib >= 3.5.0. __ https://matplotlib.org/stable/api/prev_api_changes/api_changes_3.6.0.html#pending-deprecation-top-level-cmap-registration-and-access-functions-in-mpl-cm - The function ``ligo.skymap.postprocess.ellipse.find_ellipse`` will now return a tuple of the same length in all circumstances, even under error conditions. 1.0.2 (2022-08-18) ================== - Add fast path for PowerPC and other architectures in ``uniq2order``. 1.0.1 (2022-08-17) ================== - Replace deprecated ``astropy.cosmology.default_cosmology.get_cosmology_from_string``. - Build wheels for arm64 on macOS. - Add fast path for arm64 in ``uniq2order``. 1.0.0 (2022-06-01) ================== - Run unit tests under Python 3.10. - Update the `BAYESTAR interface definition document`_ to state that online CBC pipelines should now include their PSD files in the initial ``coinc.xml`` upload, and should not upload a separate ``psd.xml.gz`` file. ``bayestar-localize-lvalert`` will now download ``psd.xml.gz`` (and log a warning) only if the PSD was not present in the ``coinc.xml`` file. .. _`BAYESTAR interface definition document`: https://lscsoft.docs.ligo.org/ligo.skymap/interface.html - Several enhancements and bug fixes in ``bayestar-inject``: - Swap component masses if necessary so that mass1 >= mass2 always. - Rename the ``--min-snr`` option to ``--snr-threshold`` for consistency with the same option for ``bayestar-realize-coincs`. The old ``--min-snr`` spelling is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. - Add the ``--min-triggers`` option to ``bayestar-inject`` to control the minimum number of triggers to form a coincidence, for consistency with ``bayestar-realize-coincs``. - Add the ``--distribution-samples`` option to load samples for the intrinsic mass and spin distribution from an external file. - Linux wheels are now built against cfitsio 4.1.0. See https://github.com/lpsinger/ligo.skymap/issues/12. - Add the ``request_disk`` flag when submitting ``bayestar-localize-coincs`` jobs to HTCondor. This is now required on LIGO Data Grid clusters. - Fix compatibility with Astropy 5.1. 0.6.1 (2022-01-18) ================== - Skip Numpy 1.22.0 because of an issue with Astropy table aggregation. See `astropy#12706`_. .. _`astropy#12706`: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/12706 - Skip lalsuite 7.2 due to an upstream regression. See `lalsuite!1757`_. .. _`lalsuite!1757`: https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/lalsuite/-/merge_requests/1757 - Work around a regression in Numpy 1.22.0 that broke building third party packages using the limited Python C API. See `numpy#20818`_. .. _`numpy#20818`: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/20818 - Update to python-ligo-lw >= 1.8.0. 0.6.0 (2021-12-01) ================== - Rename ``master`` branch to ``main``. - Add a ``max-distance`` option to ``bayestar-inject``. - Increase verbosity of LAL error reporting so that the user gets more information for invalid waveform arguments. - Wheels for macOS are now built against macOS 10.15 (Catalina) using GCC 11. - Require Python >= 3.8 due Astropy and Numpy deprecation policy. See `APE 18`_ and `NEP 29`_. .. _`APE 18`: https://github.com/astropy/astropy-APEs/blob/main/APE18.rst .. _`NEP 29`: https://numpy.org/neps/nep-0029-deprecation_policy.html - In ``bayestar_inject``, use the method ``vectorize_redshift_method`` instead of ``vectorize_if_needed`` from ``astropy.cosmology.utils``, because the latter was deprecated in Astropy 5.0 (see `astropy#12176`_). .. _`astropy#12176`: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/12176 - Require astropy >= 5.0. - Require python-ligo-lw <= 1.7.1 because of an API breaking change that will occur in the next version of python-ligo-lw. Support for new versions of python-ligo-lw will be added in an upcoming release. See `ligo.skymap#30`_. .. _`ligo.skymap#30`: https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/ligo.skymap/-/issues/30 - Add support for all-sky projections in Galactic coordinates activated by creating Matplotlib axes with the keyword arguments like ``projection='galactic degrees mollweide'``. - Add the ``mark_inset_circle`` and ``connect_inset_circle`` methods to ``AutoScaledWCSAxes`` in order to support circular insets (loupes). - Determine input filetypes by reading the file header in Python rather than relying on a shell utility. 0.5.3 (2021-04-10) ================== - Word-wrap the Python and command line arguments that are recorded in the ``HISTORY`` cards. This makes the arguments more legible, because Astropy's built-in FITS card wrapping behavior does not consider word breaks. It also works around a FITS validation regression in Astropy 4.2.1 (see `astropy#11486`_). .. _`astropy#11486`: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/11486 0.5.2 (2021-03-28) ================== - Teach the ``astro zoom`` and ``astro globe`` projections to accept sky coordinates in any Astropy representation, including Cartesian coordinates. - Enable SNR time series by default in ``bayestar-realize-coincs``. - Update the required version of Matplotlib to >= 3.4.0, since it includes the bug fix for `matplotlib#18832`_. - Update the required version of Astropy to >= 4.0.2 and != 4.2. Astropy 4.1 now works with Matplotlib >= 3.4.0, but Astropy 4.2 introduced a bug affecting Numpy and sky coordinates that will be fixed in Astropy 4.2.1 (see `astropy#11133`_). .. _`astropy#11133`: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/11133 0.5.1 (2021-02-27) ================== - This is the first release of ligo.skymap that is tested under and officially supports Python 3.9. (We were mostly waiting for LALSuite to be built for Python 3.9). - Drop support for Python 3.6 because it is no longer supported by many other scientific Python packages like Matplotlib and Numpy. - Update the required version of Astropy to >= 4.0.2 and < 4.1. Astropy 4.0.2 includes a bug fix for cache handling on cluster filesystems (see `astropy#9970`_). Astropy 4.1 caused some issues with Matplotlib projection classes as a result of changes in hashing behavior of ``astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`` (see `matplotlib#18832`_), which should be fixed in Matplotlib 3.4.0. .. _`astropy#9970`: https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/9970 .. _`matplotlib#18832`: https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/18832 - Update the required version of LALSuite to >= 6.82 to work around an incompatibility between Numpy >= 1.20.0 and older versions of LALSuite (see `lalsuite#414`_). .. _`lalsuite#414`: https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/lalsuite/-/issues/414 - Importing ligo.skymap no longer causes the ``astropy.coordinates.EarthLocation`` site registry to be populated with the locations of gravitational-wave observatories, because these sites are now included in Astropy's own data repository (see `astropy-data#89`_). .. _`astropy-data#89`: https://github.com/astropy/astropy-data/pull/89 - In the command line help for ``bayestar-localize-coincs`` and in the ``COMMENT`` card in the output FITS file, explain that the integer value in the ``OBJECT`` card in the FITS header is a row ID that refers to a coinc_event table row in the input LIGO-LW document. - Add the ``--rescale-loglikelihood`` command line argument to expose BAYESTAR's log likelihood factor that accounts for excess technical sources of noise from the matched filter pipeline. 0.5.0 (2020-08-27) ================== - Add ``--f-high`` option to ``bayestar-realize-coincs`` in order to simulate early warning triggers. - In sky maps produced by ``bayestar-localize-coincs``, the FITS headers now contain ``OBJECT`` identifiers that are integer event IDs (such as ``1``) rather than strings (such as ``coinc_event:coinc_event_id:1``). - The ``ligo-skymap-stats`` tool now recognizes FITS headers with either integer or string ``OBJECT`` identifiers. - Use Astropy rather than LAL for GPS to UTC time conversion in FITS headers so that LALSuite is not a requirement for reading and writing FITS files. - Refactor ``ligo-skymap-stats`` to unify its multiprocessing and progress bar implementation with other command line tools. - Update the compiler version that is used to build Linux wheels to icc from Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020u2. - Port the Python C extension to the limited stable Python API so that one binary wheel works for all supported Python versions for any given operating system. See `PEP 384 `_. - Eliminate global static variables from the Python C extension to enable compatibility with Python subinterpreters. See `PEP 3121 `_. - Improve the numerical stability of the method :meth:`ligo.skymap.distance.conditional_ppf` by reparametrizing the equation that is being solved. This method, which calculates the inverse of the distance CDF, works by solving the equation :math:`f(x) - p = 0` for :math:`x`, where :math:`f(x)` is the distance CDF, and :math:`p` is the desired probability. The reparametrized equation is :math:`log(1 - f(x)) - log(1 - p) = 0` if :math:`p > 1/2` and :math:`log(f(x)) - log(p) = 0` otherwise. This reparametrization is effective because it improves the dynamic range in the tails of the distribution. This same reparametrization had already proven effective in the related method :meth:`ligo.skymap.distance.marginal_ppf`. This change also fixes some rare corner cases where :meth:`~ligo.skymap.distance.marginal_ppf` returned silly values becauses it uses :meth:`~ligo.skymap.distance.conditional_ppf` internally to create its own initial guess. One example was the median distance for the binary neutron star candidate S191205ah. Before this patch, the result was negative and invalid:: >>> from ligo.skymap.distance import marginal_ppf >>> from ligo.skymap.moc import uniq2pixarea >>> from ligo.skymap.io import read_sky_map >>> url = 'https://gracedb.ligo.org/apiweb/superevents/S191205ah/files/bayestar.multiorder.fits' >>> s = read_sky_map(url, moc=True) >>> marginal_ppf(0.5, s['PROBDENSITY'] * uniq2pixarea(s['UNIQ']), ... s['DISTMU'], s['DISTSIGMA'], s['DISTNORM']) /Users/lpsinger/src/ligo.skymap/ligo/skymap/util/numpy.py:46: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in marginal_ppf return func(*args, **kwargs) -223357.8508233767 After this patch, the result is positive and sensible:: >>> marginal_ppf(0.5, s['PROBDENSITY'] * uniq2pixarea(s['UNIQ']), ... s['DISTMU'], s['DISTSIGMA'], s['DISTNORM']) 362.7485740018039 - Increase the range of validity of the solver used in :meth:`ligo.skymap.distance.moments_to_parameters` for low-probability pixels that are very prior dominated. Sky maps that have many such pixels could have credible volumes repoted as infinity. The incidence of such cases should now be decreased. - Correct the alignment of Numpy record arrays passed to :func:`ligo.skymap.moc.rasterize` in order to avoid possibly undefined behavior that was detected by UBSan. 0.4.0 (2020-07-26) ================== - Normalize column names when an ASCII file is passed to ``ligo-skymap-from-samples``. - Migrate LIGO-LW XML support from the ``glue.ligolw`` module to the newer and better maintained ``ligo.lw`` module. - Teach BAYESTAR to accept either string row IDs (such as ``sngl_inspiral:event_id:1``) or integer row IDs (such as ``1``). - The parallel ``map()`` implementation that is used by a number of the package's command line tools will now yield results in order as quickly as they arrive, rather than sorting all of the results at the end. This should provide a very modest speedup in some command line tools. 0.3.1 (2020-05-28) ================== - Replace a call to the ``aligned_alloc`` function with the ``posix_memalign`` function. The ``aligned_alloc`` function is part of the C11 standard library, but is missing on some platforms, particularly very old versions of macOS. This fixes an issue with building Conda packages. 0.3.0 (2020-05-26) ================== - Fix an out of bounds access in the bicubic interpolation function that BAYESTAR uses to evaluate the integral over distance. Due to the relationship between the lookup table bounds and BAYESTAR's distance limits of integration, the corner case that caused out of bounds access was never triggered. This bug had no impact on localizations generated by BAYESTAR. - More performance improvements in BAYESTAR providing a 2x speedup. For benchmark results, see the new `How fast is BAYESTAR?`_ section in the manual. - The function ``bicubic_interp_eval`` had not being effectively autovectorized by the compiler. Rewrite it in explicitly vector form using the `GCC vector extension`_ (which is also supported by clang and icc) and selected vector intrinsics. In x86_64 builds, gcc, clang, and icc will now emit SSE2, SSE4.1, and FMA instructions for this code. - Pre-evaluate the SNR=0 limit of the distance integral to move some conditionals and logarithms out of BAYESTAR's innermost loop. - Add loop count hints to improve the efficacy of loop unrolling. - Perform manual loop fission in ``bayestar_sky_map_toa_phoa_snr_pixel``. - Update ligo.skymap to the latest version of the Astropy affiliated package template. Migrate package infrastructure from `APE 4`_ to `APE 17`_. The astropy-helpers submodule has been removed, and the package now includes a pyproject.toml file (see `PEP 517`_ and `PEP 518`_). - As a consequence of migrating to `APE 17`_ and switching to `setuptools_scm`_, the version of ligo.skymap will be reported slightly differently. The ``ligo.skymap.__githash__`` variable has been removed, and instead the git hash will be part of the ``ligo.skymap.__version__`` version string for unreleased, local versions. - Correspondingly, ``ligo.skymap`` tools that generate FITS files (``bayestar-localize-lvalert``, ``bayestar-localize-coincs``, ``ligo-skymap-from-samples``) will no longer populate the ``VCSREV`` and ``DATE-BLD`` keys in FITS headers. .. _`GCC vector extension`: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Vector-Extensions.html .. _`How fast is BAYESTAR?`: https://lscsoft.docs.ligo.org/ligo.skymap/performance.html .. _`APE 4`: https://github.com/astropy/astropy-APEs/blob/master/APE4.rst .. _`APE 17`: https://github.com/astropy/astropy-APEs/blob/master/APE17.rst .. _`PEP 517`: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0517/ .. _`PEP 518`: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0518/ .. _`setuptools_scm`: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools_scm 0.2.2 (2020-05-12) ================== - Fix incorrect legends on histograms generated by ``ligo-skymap-plot-stats``. - When the ``bayestar-localize-coincs`` or ``bayestar-localize-lvalert`` scripts are called with ``--loglevel=info`` or higher, they will now output additional runtime measurements. Specifically, they will output the "real" time (wall clock time), "user" time (total time spent in userland across all threads), and "sys" time (total time spent in kernel land across all threads), similar to the UNIX :manpage:`time(1)` tool. Here is an example of the formatting:: 2020-05-12 18:57:12,024 INFO finished computationally-intensive section in real=0.918s, user=36.339s, sys=0.293s 0.2.1 (2020-05-04) ================== - Speed up ``import ligo.skymap`` by up to a second by replacing uses of ``pkg_resources`` with the new Python standard library module ``importlib.resources`` (or, for Python < 3.7, the backport ``importlib_resources``). The old ``pkg_resources`` module is known to be slow because it does a lot of work on startup. (See, for example, https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/926 and https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/510.) - Drop dependency on seaborn. - Move some rarely used imports (``networkx`` and ``astropy.convolution``) from module scope to function scope to speed up imports by up to half a second on NFS filesystems. 0.2.0 (2020-04-21) ================== - Update installation instructions to state that installation with pip requires pip 19.3 or newer. This has been the case since ligo.skymap 0.1.16. - Teach BAYESTAR to respect the ``f_final`` column in the ``sngl_inspiral`` table for pre-merger, early warning templates. - Ensure that BAYESTAR's arrival time prior is long enough to contain at least half a cycle of the template autocorrelation sequence. Previously, the duration of the arrival time prior was calculated solely from the light travel times between the participating detectors. This fixes an issue where SNR time series for early-warning events could have been cropped to only 1-3 samples. - Change BAYESTAR's strategy for evaluating SNR time series from Catmull-Rom interpolation of the real and imaginary parts to Catmull-Rom interpolation of the amplitude and phase. The old interpolation method could produce oscillatory artifacts in the SNR amplitude if the data are nearly critically sampled, as is the case for early-warning BNS events. The new interpolation method is immune to this kind of artifact, and also has much faster convergence as a function of sample rate. - Lift the code to apply time shifts to SNR series outside of BAYESTAR's inner loop because there are no data dependencies on the variables of integration. This is seen to speed up BAYESTAR by 30%. - Add software version and command line arguments metadata to the output of ``ligo-skymap-plot-stats``. - Fix a bug in the Lanczos sub-sample arrival time interpolant: the Lanczos kernel should be zero for ``abs(t) >= a``. - Remove ``requirements.txt`` file and list dependencies in ``setup.cfg`` instead. - The ``bayestar-localize-coincs`` will no longer create HTCondor user log files because the large number of open log files could strain the filesystem if submitting from an NFS mount. This should reduce issues with held jobs on certain LIGO Data Grid clusters. - Fix deprecation warning in ``ligo-skymap-stats``. - Remove the deprecated ``ligo.skymap.postprocess.find_injection_moc`` method, which has been renamed to ``ligo.skymap.postprocess.crossmatch``. 0.1.16 (2020-02-26) =================== - Update the compiler version that is used to build Linux wheels to icc from Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020u0. Due to C ABI requirements, the wheels are now built for the `manylinux2014 `_ standard. - Fix a unit test failure with astropy < 4.0.0. - Add support for all combinations of map projection options, including ``geo degrees globe`` and ``geo degrees zoom``. Also, ``astro`` by itself is shorthand for ``astro hours``, and ``geo`` by itself is short for ``geo degrees``. - ``ligo-skymap-plot`` now supports a variety of projections using the ``--projection`` option. - Turn on continuous integration testing for Python 3.8. - Change the license for the project as a whole to GPL 3.0 or later (GPLv3+). Previously, the source files had been a mix of GPLv2+ and GPLv3+. - Add ``ligo-skymap-contour-moc`` command line to create a credible region in a MOC (Multi Order Coverage) data structure. The input can be either a multiresolution or a flattened HEALPix probability map. 0.1.15 (2020-01-05) =================== - Add support for the ``--detector-disabled`` command line option to the ``bayestar-localize-coincs`` tool, for consistency with ``bayestar-localize-lvalert`` tool. - Remove installation dependency on astroquery, because it is only needed for the unit tests. 0.1.14 (2019-11-16) =================== - Add a monkey patch to work around a regression in Astropy 3.2 that broke WCS transformations from ITRS to ICRS coordinates. See https://github.com/astropy/astropy/pull/9609. - Fix a bug in the Python C extension code that could cause out-of-memory errors to be misreported as a SystemError with the message `` returned NULL without setting an error``, instead of as a MemoryError. 0.1.13 (2019-10-30) =================== - The ``bayestar-inject`` script now assumes that the source distribution is specified per unit comoving volume per unit proper time, rather than per unit comoving volume per unit observer time. This is in agreement with the conventional definition for LIGO/Virgo astrophysical rates. - The ``bayestar-inject`` and ``ligo-skymap-from-samples`` scripts now accept an optional integer value for the ``-j`` flag to set the number of subprocesses. - ``ligo-skymap-from-samples`` will use all posterior samples if the value of the ``--maxpts`` argument is greater than or equal to the number of posterior samples. - If the ``billiard`` package is present, then use it instead of the ``multiprocessing`` standard library module to parallelize ``ligo-skymap-from-samples`` so that the script's Python entry point can be called from daemon processes (for example, inside Celery tasks). - Switch from WMAP9 to Planck15 cosmological parameters. - ``ligo.skymap.kde.Clustered2DSkyKDE.as_healpix()`` has an optional ``top_nside`` to allow for better initial grid, before refinement. ``ligo-skymap-from-samples`` has an additional ``--top-nside`` argument, accordingly. 0.1.12 (2019-09-19) =================== - Build macOS wheels with OpenMP. - Record the command line with which ``ligo-skymap-stats`` was called by writing it to the ASCII table output as a comment line starting with ``#``. 0.1.11 (2019-08-28) =================== - Fix a regression that caused ``ligo-skymap-flatten`` to fail for 2D sky maps. 0.1.10 (2019-08-28) =================== - Add installation instructions for both pip and conda. - Introduce the :mod:`ligo.skymap.postprocess.crossmatch` module for fast cross-matching of sky maps with galaxy redshift catalogs. This module used to be named :mod:`ligo.skymap.postprocess.find_injection` because it was originally designed for recovering injections (simulated signals) from sky localization simulations. We changed the name because galaxy cross matching is probably a more common use case than injection finding. The :func:`~ligo.skymap.postprocess.crossmatch.crossmatch` method also got some performance improvements for cross matching of large numbers of targets. Previously, to process :math:`n` targets, it took about :math:`(4 + 0.008 n)` seconds --- for a catalog of 300k targets, about 40 minutes. Now, it takes about 4 seconds total regardless of the number of targets. Note that the :mod:`ligo.skymap.postprocess.crossmatch` API is likely to change as documentation for it improves. - Several performance improvements for BAYESTAR: - Add GCC branch prediction hints. - Exploit nested parallelism in radial integrator lookup table generation. - Calculate signal amplitudes using single-precision floating point. - Add tracepoints for Intel's Instrumentation and Tracing Technology (ITT) API, which can be enabled at build time by passing the ``--with-ittnotify`` option to ``python setup.py build``. 0.1.9 (2019-08-02) ================== - Switch from using the GNU Compiler Collection (gcc) to the Intel C Compiler (icc) for building optimized Linux binaries. On Intel Skylake machines, this can speed up BAYESTAR by 1.3x or more. Due to icc's C ABI requirements, Linux wheels now target the `manylinux2010 `_ platform tag. - In BAYESTAR, change the OpenMP scheduling kind from ``static`` (the default) to ``guided``. This improves CPU utilization by load-balancing work across threads more efficiently. 0.1.8 (2019-07-25) ================== - Add ``ligo-skymap-constellations``, an easter egg program to list the most probable constellations for a localization, for fun and for public outreach purposes. - Switch the implementation of the ``smooth`` option of ``imshow_hpx`` and ``contour_hpx`` from ``scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter`` to ``astropy.convolution.convolve_fft`` in order to correctly handle points near the projection boundary where invalid values must be masked out. - Register ``AutoScaledWCSAxes`` as a Matplotlib projection with the name ``astro wcs`` so that subclasses can be created using ``plt.axes(..., projection='astro wcs', header='...')``. - Suppress Numpy warnings for HEALPix reprojection operations in WCS plots because it is normal for invalid values to occur when transforming pixels that lie outside of the projection. - Add ``rotate`` option to ``astro globe``, ``geo globe``, and ``astro zoom`` to rotate the plot in the plane of the screen about the center of the projection. - Pass through keyword arguments from ``AutoScaledWCSAxes.scalebar()`` and ``AutoScaledWCSAxes.scalebar().label()`` to Matplotlib so that plot styles can be adjusted easily. - Bump matplotlib version to >= 3.0.2 because of a bug that affected ``ligo-skymap-plot-stats``. - The ``ligo-skymap-unflatten`` tool will now write multiresolution sky maps with pixels sorted by the ``UNIQ`` column, as required by the standard multi-order coverage map serialization in FITS. - All functions in ``ligo.skymap.moc`` now assume that ``uniq`` is a signed integer. This makes it easier to call these functions with Numpy indexing routines, which work with signed integers. Also, saved multi-order sky maps will now be read correctly by tools such as ``fv`` from HEASOFT, which do not correctly handle unsigned integer columns. - Add timestamps to the command line tools' default logging configuration in order to start characterizing the latency of BAYESTAR's data handling stages. - Increase precision of BAYESTAR's run time measurement for the FITS headers. 0.1.7 (2019-04-24) ================== - Add the ``ligo-skymap-plot-observability`` tool to plot observability windows for many sites at once. Conceptually, this tool is a variation of ``ligo-skymap-plot-airmass`` in which the sky position is integrated out. - The ``ligo-skymap-plot-airmass`` tool will now use the color map's full dynamic range. - Add ``order`` option to ``ligo.skymap.moc.rasterize`` and ``ligo.skymap.bayestar.rasterize`` and ``--nside`` option to ``ligo-skymap-flatten`` to support flattening multi-resolution HEALPix datasets to specified resolutions. - ``ligo-skymap-stats`` now ignores skymaps with no corresponding entries in the inspinjfind database, instead of failing. 0.1.6 (2019-03-26) ================== - Add options to ``ligo-skymap-plot-airmass`` to specify site coordinates explicitly rather than by a site nickname. 0.1.5 (2019-03-20) ================== - Fix a bug caused by improper floating point comparison that caused some contours to be missing from the output of ``ligo-skymap-contour``. - Speed up ``ligo-skymap-contour`` by skipping pixels that lie completely on the interior or exterior of the contour. For a typical LIGO/Virgo HEALPix map with a resolution of nside=512, the run time has decreased from about 42 seconds to 3 seconds. 0.1.4 (2019-03-13) ================== - The ``bayestar-localize-lvalert`` and ``ligo-skymap-from-samples`` tools will now generate multiresolution FITS files by default. - Add ``--instrument`` option to ``ligo-skymap-from-samples`` to support storing metadata about which detectors contributed data. 0.1.3 (2019-03-04) ================== - Fix a bug in ``ligo-skymap-plot-airmass`` that caused the airmass chart to be blank if the lower and upper credible levels were always in opposite hemispheres. The root cause was that ``plt.fill_between`` does not clip infinities to the plot's data range. 0.1.2 (2019-02-28) ================== - Require lalsuite >6.53 and lscsoft-glue >=2.0.0 due to breaking changes in API and behavior for LIGO-LW XML reading. 0.1.1 (2019-02-20) ================== - Pin lalsuite at <=6.52 and lscsoft-glue at <=1.60.0 due to breaking changes in API and behavior for LIGO-LW XML reading. - Add the ``ligo-skymap-unflatten`` tool to convert flat, fixed resolution, implicitly indexed HEALPix files to multi-resolution HEALPix files. This tools is the inverse of ``ligo-skymap-flatten``. 0.1.0 (2019-02-01) ================== - Migrate from glue.segments to ligo.segments. - Add ``--min-inclination`` and ``max-inclination`` options to ``bayestar-localize-coincs`` and ``bayestar-localize-lvalert`` to control the limits of the isotropic prior over the inclination angle. - Un-pin ligo-segments and require version >= 1.2.0 due to packaging bugfixes. 0.0.19 (2018-12-13) =================== - Fix a bug that prevented the output of ligo-skymap-flatten from being gzip-compressed if the output filename ended in .gz. - Require astropy >= 3.1 because some code that we previously had to monkeypatch went upstream. See https://github.com/astropy/astropy-healpix/pull/106. - In the KDE clustering and ``ligo-skymap-from-samples``, disable OpenMP parallelism if Python mulitprocessing parallelism is enabled. This will prevent the program from spawning an excessive number of threads. - ``ligo-skymap-plot`` no longer requires a DATE-OBS entry in the FITS header when plotting in astronomical coordinates. 0.0.18 (2018-11-19) =================== - Fix a typo that caused ligo.skymap to always compile the bundled copy of chealpix instead of searching for a system version using pkgconfig. - Un-pin Numpy version now that Numpy 1.15.4 is out. - The ``bayestar-localize-lvalert`` and ``ligo-skymap-from-samples`` tools can now natively output multi-resolution HEALPix files, although they still natively output flat, fixed-resolution HEALPix files. - Add the ``ligo-skymap-flatten`` tool to convert multi-resolution HEALPix files to flat, fixed-resolution, implicitly indexed HEALPix files. - Bring back ``bayestar_samples_ppplot`` from LALInference as ``ligo-skymap-plot-pp-samples``, a tool for making P-P plots to compare a sky map with posterior samples. - Add ``--cosmology`` feature to ``ligo-skymap-stats`` to calculate comoving volumes. 0.0.17 (2018-10-24) =================== - In ``bayestar-mcmc``, correct a mistake in setting fixed parameters that undergo sampling transformations. - By default, ``bayestar-realize-coincs`` will rewrite ``simulation_id`` values so that their integer values match the corresponding events' ``coinc_event_id`` values. The option ``--preserve-ids`` switches back to the old behavior of preserving the original ``simulation_id`` values. - Track rename of ``ligo.gracedb.rest.GraceDb.service_url`` to ``ligo.gracedb.rest.GraceDb._service_url`` in ligo-gracedb >= 2.0.1. - Update common files and submodules from the Astropy package template. - Work around a change (possibly a regression?) in Numpy 1.15.3 that broke Astropy by requiring numpy <= 1.15.2. See . - Work around a bug introduced in ligo-segments 1.1.0 by requiring an earlier version of that package: its dependency on ligo-common, which does not correctly implement the namespace package ``ligo``, broke the continuous integration build. - Depend on astropy-healpix >= 0.3 to pick up a bug fix related to HEALPix bilinear interpolation that affected ``ligo-skymap-plot``. See . 0.0.16 (2018-09-11) =================== - Drop support for Python 3.5. - The ``--condor-submit`` option of the ``bayestar-localize-coincs`` and ``bayestar-mcmc`` tools now passes the submit file directives to ``condor_submit`` via stdin rather than on the command line, so that the number of jobs is not limited by the operating system's maximum number of command line arguments. - Print warnings from ``ligo.skymap.io.events.ligolw.open()`` only once per file to avoid excessive terminal output when reading large files. - ``bayestar-realize-coincs`` now copies the process table from the injection file and fills in the SimInspiral table and associates coincidences with found injections. As a result, it is no longer necessary to run ``lalapps_inspinjfind`` on the output to find injections. - ``bayestar-realize-coincs`` now prints a running count of the number of injections that have been found and saved. 0.0.15 (2018-09-04) =================== - Parallelize ``bayestar-realize-coincs``. - Add ``--min-distance`` and ``--max-distance`` options to ``bayestar-realize-coincs``. - Add unit tests and binary wheels for Python 3.7. 0.0.14 (2018-08-28) =================== - Increase lifetime of continuous integration artifacts. The unit tests take longer now because they are more complete. 0.0.13 (2018-08-27) =================== - Add ``bayestar-mcmc`` tool for pure Markov Chain Monte Carlo parameter estimation, without sky map postprocessing but with options for holding parameters at fixed values. - Fix a corner case in the initialization of the ``distance.marginal_ppf`` solver that could cause NaN return values. - Silence ``numpy.genfromtxt`` Unicode deprecation warning in ``ligo-skymap-plot-stats`` and update the minimum version of Numpy to 1.14. See the related `Numpy changelog entry `_. - Silence deprecation warning in ``ligo-skymap-plot-stats`` due to Matplotlib renaming the ``hist`` method's keyword argument from ``normed`` to ``density``. - The ``bayestar-realize-coincs`` tool now copies over spins from the input ``sim_inspiral`` table to the output ``sngl_inspiral`` table. - Switch the FFT implementation from LAL (which calls `FFTW `_) to `scipy.fftpack `_, which is faster for small transform sizes (e.g. <= 1024). - Add ``--seed`` option to ``bayestar-localize-coincs``, ``bayestar-localize-lvalert``, ``bayestar-mcmc``, and ``bayestar-realize-coincs``. - Some reasonable sub-sample trigger interpolation schemes can return peak times that are almost a full sample away from the maximum sample if the SNR time series has a pronounced skew in one direction in the vicinity of the maximum. Such an example occurs for the ``catmull-rom`` interpolation method for the new unit tests in ``ligo.skymap.bayestar.tests.test_interpolation``. Because of this, relax the tolerance of BAYESTAR's sanity check on single-detector trigger times and SNR series timestamps to a full sample. - Rewrite ``ligo-skymap-plot-stats`` to reduce code duplication. - Add ``--measurement-error gaussian-noise`` option to ``bayestar-realize-coincs`` to simulate a matched filter in Gaussian noise. - Remove deprecated module ``ligo.skymap.postprocess.detector_frame``. 0.0.12 (2018-07-18) =================== - ``bayestar_localize_lvalert`` will now write the correct GraceDb URL to FITS file headers in the case that it is run with a non-default GraceDb server. - BAYESTAR's SNR series time stamp assertions now include a bit more detail. - Add phase convention for gstlal-spiir, which needs to be confirmed upstream. - Fix datatype of simulated SNR time series produced by ``bayestar-realize-coincs``. 0.0.11 (2018-06-11) =================== - Prebuilt binary wheels for macOS are now relocatable. See `delocate#38 `_. 0.0.10 (2018-06-07) =================== - Make lalsuite and lscsoft-glue required dependencies. - The Python code is now required to pass linting by `Flake8 `_. 0.0.9 (2018-06-06) ================== - On reading, rename columns from Fermi GBM HEALPix files to match the LIGO/Virgo convention. In particular, rename any column named `PROBABILITY` to `PROB`. - Reduce the memory footprint of ``ligo-skymap-plot-airmass`` by transposing two nested loops. - Make some cosmetic improvements to ``ligo-skymap-plot-airmass``: * Add altitude and local time axes. * Center plot on local solar midnight. * Adjust blending and z-order of twilight shading. - ``ligo-skymap-plot-airmass`` will now write an airmass table to stdout. - Rewrite the MCMC mode of BAYESTAR using ``ligo.skymap.ez_emcee``, a new reusable, fire-and-forget, parallel-tempering, MCMC sampler that features automated convergence testing and progress monitoring. - Update common files from Astropy package template. 0.0.8 (2018-05-10) ================== - Add ``ligo-skymap-combine``, a tool to combine sky localizations from different observations into a joint skymap. 0.0.7 (2018-04-27) ================== - Move ``ligo.skymap.eigenframe.EigenFrame`` to ``ligo.skymap.coordinates.EigenFrame``. - Add a new Astropy coordinate frame ``ligo.skymap.coordinates.DetectorFrame`` to visualize triangulation rings with pairs of detectors. - Deprecate all functions in ``ligo.skymap.postprocess.detector_frame``. - Overhaul documentation so that all essential functionality is presented on the front page. - Move ``ligo.skymap.command`` to top-level ``ligo.skymap.tool`` module. - Require version 0.3.2 of the ``reproject`` package because of a regression that was caused by improper handling of nans in the ``astropy-healpix`` package. See . 0.0.6 (2018-04-13) ================== - Declare the top-level ``ligo`` module as a namespace package. - Update common files from Astropy package template. - Enable Python version check in ``setup.py`` and top-level namespace package. 0.0.5 (2018-04-12) ================== - When running ``ligo-skymap-stats`` without injections, instead of writing ``nan`` values for irrelevant columns, don't write the columns in the first place. - Start process of switching to tqdm for progress bars so that long-running operations show time estimates. - In ``ligo-skymap-stats``, disable OpenMP parallelism if running with ``-j`` to avoid creating a huge number of threads on machines with very many cores. 0.0.4 (2018-03-22) ================== - Fix ``--condor-submit`` option for ``bayestar-localize-coincs``. - Add ``--duty-cycle`` option to ``bayestar-realize-coincs``. - Rename ``ligo-skymap-aggregate-found-injections`` to ``ligo-skymap-stats`` and ``ligo-skymap-plot-found-injections`` to ``ligo-skymap-plot-stats``. The new ``ligo-skymap-stats`` program can generate summary statistics for skymaps, with or without injection-finding. - This is the first version that has been tested and shown to reproduce the results in the "First Two Years" paper, which is the review benchmark. 0.0.3 (2018-03-21) ================== - Bring back simulation tools from LALSuite. - Add ``ligo-skymap-plot-airmass``, a tool for probabilistic airmass charts. 0.0.2 (2018-03-12) ================== - Adjust CI configuration for uploading to PyPI. 0.0.1 (2018-03-12) ================== - Initial release.