Posterior Distance Distributions (ligo.skymap.distance
Distance distribution functions from [1], [2], [3].
Singer, Chen, & Holz, 2016. “Going the Distance: Mapping Host Galaxies of LIGO and Virgo Sources in Three Dimensions Using Local Cosmography and Targeted Follow-up.” ApJL, 829, L15. doi:10.3847/2041-8205/829/1/L15
Singer, Chen, & Holz, 2016. “Supplement: ‘Going the Distance: Mapping Host Galaxies of LIGO and Virgo Sources in Three Dimensions Using Local Cosmography and Targeted Follow-up’ (2016, ApJL, 829, L15).” ApJS, 226, 10. doi:10.3847/0067-0049/226/1/10
Conditional Distributions¶
Conditional distance probability density function (ansatz). |
Cumulative conditional distribution of distance (ansatz). |
Point percent function (inverse cdf) of distribution of distance (ansatz). |
- ligo.skymap.distance.conditional_pdf(x1, x2, x3, x4, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj])¶
Conditional distance probability density function (ansatz).
- Parameters:
- r
Distance (Mpc)
- distmu
Distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- distnorm
Distance normalization factor (Mpc^-2)
- r
- Returns:
- pdf
Conditional probability density according to ansatz.
- pdf
- ligo.skymap.distance.conditional_cdf(x1, x2, x3, x4, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj])¶
Cumulative conditional distribution of distance (ansatz).
- Parameters:
- r
Distance (Mpc)
- distmu
Distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- distnorm
Distance normalization factor (Mpc^-2)
- r
- Returns:
- pdf
Conditional probability density according to ansatz.
- pdf
Test against numerical integral of pdf.
>>> import scipy.integrate >>> distmu = 10.0 >>> distsigma = 5.0 >>> _, _, distnorm = parameters_to_moments(distmu, distsigma) >>> r = 8.0 >>> expected, _ = scipy.integrate.quad( ... conditional_pdf, 0, r, ... (distmu, distsigma, distnorm)) >>> result = conditional_cdf( ... r, distmu, distsigma, distnorm) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, expected)
For negative distances, it returns 0.
>>> print(conditional_cdf(-1, distmu, distsigma, distnorm)) 0.0
For infinite postive distance, it returns 1 (provided that distnorm normalizes the distribution).
>>> expected = 1.0 >>> result = conditional_cdf(np.inf, distmu, distsigma, distnorm) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, expected)
- ligo.skymap.distance.conditional_ppf(x1, x2, x3, x4, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj])¶
Point percent function (inverse cdf) of distribution of distance (ansatz).
- Parameters:
- p
The cumulative distribution function
- distmu
Distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- distnorm
Distance normalization factor (Mpc^-2)
- p
- Returns:
- r
Distance at which the cdf is equal to
- r
Test against numerical estimate.
>>> import scipy.optimize >>> distmu = 10.0 >>> distsigma = 5.0 >>> distnorm = 1.0 >>> p = 0.16 # "one-sigma" lower limit >>> expected_r16 = scipy.optimize.brentq( ... lambda r: conditional_cdf(r, distmu, distsigma, distnorm) - p, 0.0, 100.0) >>> r16 = conditional_ppf(p, distmu, distsigma, distnorm) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(r16, expected_r16)
Convert ansatz moments to parameters. |
Convert ansatz parameters to moments. |
Calculate the marginal (integrated all-sky) mean and standard deviation of distance from the ansatz parameters. |
- ligo.skymap.distance.moments_to_parameters(x1, x2, [out1, out2, out3, ]/, [out=(None, None, None), ]*, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj])¶
Convert ansatz moments to parameters.
This function is the inverse of
.- Parameters:
- distmean
Conditional mean of distance (Mpc)
- diststd
Conditional standard deviation of distance (Mpc)
- distmean
- Returns:
- distmu
Distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- distnorm
Distance normalization factor (Mpc^-2)
- distmu
- ligo.skymap.distance.parameters_to_moments(x1, x2, [out1, out2, out3, ]/, [out=(None, None, None), ]*, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj])¶
Convert ansatz parameters to moments.
This function is the inverse of
.- Parameters:
- distmu
Distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- distmu
- Returns:
- distmean
Conditional mean of distance (Mpc)
- diststd
Conditional standard deviation of distance (Mpc)
- distnorm
Distance normalization factor (Mpc^-2)
- distmean
For mu=0, sigma=1, the ansatz is a chi distribution with 3 degrees of freedom, and the moments have simple expressions.
>>> mean, std, norm = parameters_to_moments(0, 1) >>> expected_mean = 2 * np.sqrt(2 / np.pi) >>> expected_std = np.sqrt(3 - expected_mean**2) >>> expected_norm = 2.0 >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(mean, expected_mean) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(std, expected_std) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(norm, expected_norm)
Check that the moments scale as expected when we vary sigma.
>>> sigma = np.logspace(-8, 8) >>> mean, std, norm = parameters_to_moments(0, sigma) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(mean, expected_mean * sigma) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(std, expected_std * sigma) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(norm, expected_norm / sigma**2)
Check some more arbitrary values using numerical quadrature:
>>> import scipy.integrate >>> sigma = 1.0 >>> for mu in np.linspace(-10, 10): ... mean, std, norm = parameters_to_moments(mu, sigma) ... moments = np.empty(3) ... for k in range(3): ... moments[k], _ = scipy.integrate.quad( ... lambda r: r**k * conditional_pdf(r, mu, sigma, 1.0), ... 0, np.inf) ... expected_norm = 1 / moments[0] ... expected_mean, r2 = moments[1:] * expected_norm ... expected_std = np.sqrt(r2 - np.square(expected_mean)) ... np.testing.assert_approx_equal(mean, expected_mean, 5) ... np.testing.assert_approx_equal(std, expected_std, 5) ... np.testing.assert_approx_equal(norm, expected_norm, 5)
- ligo.skymap.distance.parameters_to_marginal_moments(prob, distmu, distsigma)[source]¶
Calculate the marginal (integrated all-sky) mean and standard deviation of distance from the ansatz parameters.
- Parameters:
- prob
Marginal probability (pix^-2)
- distmu
Distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- prob
- Returns:
- distmeanfloat
Mean distance (Mpc)
- diststdfloat
Std. deviation of distance (Mpc)
Marginal Distributions¶
Calculate all-sky marginal pdf (ansatz). |
Calculate all-sky marginal cdf (ansatz). |
Point percent function (inverse cdf) of marginal distribution of distance (ansatz). |
- ligo.skymap.distance.marginal_pdf(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, /, out=None, *, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj, axes, axis])¶
Calculate all-sky marginal pdf (ansatz).
- Parameters:
- r
Distance (Mpc)
- prob
Marginal probability (pix^-2)
- distmu
Distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- distnorm
Distance normalization factor (Mpc^-2)
- r
- Returns:
- pdf
Marginal probability density according to ansatz.
- pdf
>>> npix = 12 >>> prob, distmu, distsigma, distnorm = np.random.uniform(size=(4, 12)) >>> r = np.linspace(0, 1) >>> pdf_expected = ... conditional_pdf(r[:, np.newaxis], distmu, distsigma, distnorm), prob) >>> pdf = marginal_pdf(r, prob, distmu, distsigma, distnorm) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(pdf, pdf_expected, rtol=1e-4)
- ligo.skymap.distance.marginal_cdf(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, /, out=None, *, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj, axes, axis])¶
Calculate all-sky marginal cdf (ansatz).
- Parameters:
- r
Distance (Mpc)
- prob
Marginal probability (pix^-2)
- distmu
Distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- distnorm
Distance normalization factor (Mpc^-2)
- r
- Returns:
- cdf
Marginal cumulative probability according to ansatz.
- cdf
>>> npix = 12 >>> prob, distmu, distsigma = np.random.uniform(size=(3, 12)) >>> prob /= prob.sum() >>> _, _, distnorm = parameters_to_moments(distmu, distsigma) >>> r = np.linspace(0, 1) >>> cdf_expected = ... conditional_cdf(r[:, np.newaxis], distmu, distsigma, distnorm), prob) >>> cdf = marginal_cdf(r, prob, distmu, distsigma, distnorm) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(cdf, cdf_expected, rtol=1e-4)
For negative distances, it returns 0.
>>> print(marginal_cdf(-1, prob, distmu, distsigma, distnorm)) 0.0
For infinite postive distance, it returns the sum of prob (provided that distnorm normalizes the distribution).
>>> expected = 1.0 >>> result = marginal_cdf(np.inf, prob, distmu, distsigma, distnorm) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, expected)
- ligo.skymap.distance.marginal_ppf(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, /, out=None, *, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj, axes, axis])¶
Point percent function (inverse cdf) of marginal distribution of distance (ansatz).
- Parameters:
- p
The cumulative distribution function
- prob
Marginal probability (pix^-2)
- distmu
Distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- distnorm
Distance normalization factor (Mpc^-2)
- p
- Returns:
- r
Distance at which the cdf is equal to
- r
>>> from astropy.utils.misc import NumpyRNGContext >>> npix = 12 >>> with NumpyRNGContext(0): ... prob, distmu, distsigma, distnorm = np.random.uniform(size=(4, 12)) >>> r_expected = np.linspace(0.4, 0.7) >>> cdf = marginal_cdf(r_expected, prob, distmu, distsigma, distnorm) >>> r = marginal_ppf(cdf, prob, distmu, distsigma, distnorm) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(r, r_expected, rtol=1e-4)
Kernel Density Estimation¶
Calculate the marginal probability, conditional mean, and conditional standard deviation of a mixture of three-dimensional kernel density estimators (KDEs), in a given direction specified by a unit vector. |
- ligo.skymap.distance.cartesian_kde_to_moments(n, datasets, inverse_covariances, weights)[source]¶
Calculate the marginal probability, conditional mean, and conditional standard deviation of a mixture of three-dimensional kernel density estimators (KDEs), in a given direction specified by a unit vector.
- Parameters:
- n
A unit vector; an array of length 3.
- datasetslist of
A list 2D Numpy arrays specifying the sample points of the KDEs. The first dimension of each array is 3.
- inverse_covariances: list of `numpy.ndarray`
An array of 3x3 matrices specifying the inverses of the covariance matrices of the KDEs. The list has the same length as the datasets parameter.
- weightslist
A list of floating-point weights.
- n
- Returns:
- probfloat
The marginal probability in direction n, integrated over all distances.
- meanfloat
The conditional mean in direction n.
- stdfloat
The conditional standard deviation in direction n.
>>> # Some imports >>> import scipy.stats >>> import scipy.integrate >>> # Construct random dataset for KDE >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> nclusters = 5 >>> ndata = np.random.randint(0, 1000, nclusters) >>> covs = [np.random.uniform(0, 1, size=(3, 3)) for _ in range(nclusters)] >>> covs = [_ + _.T + 3 * np.eye(3) for _ in covs] >>> means = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, size=(nclusters, 3)) >>> datasets = [np.random.multivariate_normal(m, c, n).T ... for m, c, n in zip(means, covs, ndata)] >>> weights = ndata / float(np.sum(ndata)) >>> >>> # Construct set of KDEs >>> kdes = [scipy.stats.gaussian_kde(_) for _ in datasets] >>> >>> # Random unit vector n >>> n = np.random.normal(size=3) >>> n /= np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(n))) >>> >>> # Analytically evaluate conditional mean and std. dev. in direction n >>> datasets = [_.dataset for _ in kdes] >>> inverse_covariances = [_.inv_cov for _ in kdes] >>> result_prob, result_mean, result_std = cartesian_kde_to_moments( ... n, datasets, inverse_covariances, weights) >>> >>> # Numerically integrate conditional distance moments >>> def rkbar(k): ... def integrand(r): ... return r ** k * np.sum([kde(r * n) * weight ... for kde, weight in zip(kdes, weights)]) ... integral, err = scipy.integrate.quad(integrand, 0, np.inf) ... return integral ... >>> r0bar = rkbar(2) >>> r1bar = rkbar(3) >>> r2bar = rkbar(4) >>> >>> # Extract conditional mean and std. dev. >>> r1bar /= r0bar >>> r2bar /= r0bar >>> expected_prob = r0bar >>> expected_mean = r1bar >>> expected_std = np.sqrt(r2bar - np.square(r1bar)) >>> >>> # Check that the two methods give almost the same result >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result_prob, expected_prob) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result_mean, expected_mean) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result_std, expected_std) >>> >>> # Check that KDE is normalized over unit sphere. >>> nside = 32 >>> npix = ah.nside_to_npix(nside) >>> prob, _, _ = np.transpose([cartesian_kde_to_moments( ... np.asarray(hp.pix2vec(nside, ipix)), ... datasets, inverse_covariances, weights) ... for ipix in range(npix)]) >>> result_integral = prob.sum() * hp.nside2pixarea(nside) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result_integral, 1.0, decimal=4)
Upsample or downsample a distance-resolved sky map. |
Perform volumetric rendering of a 3D multi-resolution sky map. |
- ligo.skymap.distance.ud_grade(prob, distmu, distsigma, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Upsample or downsample a distance-resolved sky map.
- Parameters:
- prob
Marginal probability (pix^-2)
- distmu
Distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- *args, **kwargs
Additional arguments to
- prob
- Returns:
- prob
Resampled marginal probability (pix^-2)
- distmu
Resampled distance location parameter (Mpc)
- distsigma
Resampled distance scale parameter (Mpc)
- distnorm
Resampled distance normalization factor (Mpc^-2)
- prob
- ligo.skymap.distance.volume_render(x, y, max_distance, axis0, axis1, R, skymap)[source]¶
Perform volumetric rendering of a 3D multi-resolution sky map.
- Parameters:
- x
X-coordinate in rendered image
- y
Y-coordinate in rendered image
- max_distancefloat
Limit of integration from
- axis0int
Index of axis to assign to x-coordinate
- axis1int
Index of axis to assign to y-coordinate
- R
Rotation matrix as provided by
- skymap
Multi-resolution sky map
- x
- Returns:
- image
Rendered image
- image
Test volume rendering of a normal unit sphere… First, set up the 3D sky map.
>>> import astropy_healpix as ah >>> from astropy.table import Table >>> import numpy as np >>> level = 5 >>> nside = 2**level >>> npix = ah.nside_to_npix(nside) >>> ipix = np.arange(npix) >>> skymap = Table({ ... 'UNIQ': ah.level_ipix_to_uniq(level, ipix), ... 'PROBDENSITY': np.ones(npix) / (4 * np.pi), ... 'DISTMU': np.zeros(npix), ... 'DISTSIGMA': np.ones(npix), ... 'DISTNORM': np.ones(npix) * 2.0 ... })
The conditional distance distribution should be a chi distribution with 3 degrees of freedom.
>>> from scipy.stats import norm, chi >>> r = np.linspace(0, 10.0) >>> actual = conditional_pdf( ... r, skymap['DISTMU'][0], skymap['DISTSIGMA'][0], skymap['DISTNORM'][0]) >>> expected = chi(3).pdf(r) >>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(actual, expected)
Next, run the volume renderer.
>>> dmax = 4.0 >>> n = 64 >>> s = np.logspace(-dmax, dmax, n) >>> x, y = np.meshgrid(s, s) >>> R = np.eye(3) >>> P = volume_render(x, y, dmax, 0, 1, R, skymap)
Next, integrate analytically.
>>> P_expected = norm.pdf(x) * norm.pdf(y) * (norm.cdf(dmax) - norm.cdf(-dmax))
Compare the two.
>>> np.testing.assert_almost_equal(P, P_expected, decimal=4)
Last, check that we don’t have a coordinate singularity at the origin.
>>> x = np.concatenate(([0], np.logspace(1 - n, 0, n) * dmax)) >>> y = 0.0 >>> P = volume_render(x, y, dmax, 0, 1, R, skymap) >>> P_expected = norm.pdf(x) * norm.pdf(y) * (norm.cdf(dmax) - norm.cdf(-dmax)) >>> np.testing.assert_allclose(P, P_expected, rtol=1e-4)