The read function

pesummary provides functionality to read in nearly all result file formats. This is done with the function. Below we show how the gw read function is different from the core implementation. For details about the core implementation, see the core read docs.

Reading a result file

Below, we show how to read in a result file,

>>> from import read
>>> data = read("example.dat", package="gw")
>>> json_load = read("example.json", package="gw")
>>> hdf5_load = read("example.hdf5", package="gw")
>>> txt_load = read("example.txt", package="gw")

pesummary is able to read in json, dat, txt and hdf5 file formats. When the gw package is specified, the samples are read in and the parameter names are converted to a standard naming convention. The definition of these standard names can be seen here. This is to allow the samples from different codes (where different naming conventions are used) to be compared.

For details about how to read in a Testing General Relativity specific result file, see the pesummary TGR file documentation.

Converting samples

pesummary provides an extensive conversion suite. For details about this conversion suite see the Conversion docs. We may convert our existing samples using the generate_all_posterior_samples method,

>>> data.generate_all_posterior_samples()

and we can see which parameters have been derived using the converted_parameters attribute,

>>> data.converted_parameters