Source code for pyRing.noise

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#Standard python imports
from __future__        import division
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.linalg      import inv, toeplitz
from scipy.signal      import butter, filtfilt, decimate
from scipy.stats       import kstest, multivariate_normal
# Transition fix, while older python versions still have tukey in the main `signal` module, and newer versions have it in `windows`
try                                     : from scipy.signal         import tukey
except(ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): from import tukey
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, os, sys

#LVC imports
from gwpy.timeseries import TimeSeries
try:                                      from glue import datafind
except(ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): pass
import lal

#Package internal imports
from pyRing               import plots
from pyRing.inject_signal import inject_IMR_signal, inject_ringdown_signal
from pyRing.utils         import print_subsection, review_warning, whiten_TD

try:                                      import memspectrum as mem
except(ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): pass

# Data manipulation functions. #

[docs]def add_injection(on_source_times, on_source_strain, triggertime, ifo, kwargs): """ Add an injection to the data. Arguments --------- on_source_times: numpy array The times of the on-source data. on_source_strain: numpy array The on-source strain data. triggertime: float The time of the trigger. ifo: string The interferometer in which the signal is injected. kwargs: dictionary The dictionary of keyword arguments. Returns ------- on_source_strain: numpy array The on-source strain data including the injection. """ # Inject the signal if((kwargs['injection-approximant']=='NR') or ('LAL' in kwargs['injection-approximant'])): on_source_injection, _ = inject_IMR_signal( on_source_times, triggertime, ifo, **kwargs) else : on_source_injection, _ = inject_ringdown_signal(on_source_times, triggertime, ifo, **kwargs) # Add noise on top of injection if not(kwargs['zero-noise']): sys.stdout.write('\n* Adding noise on top of injection.\n\n') on_source_strain += on_source_injection else: sys.stdout.write('\n* Zero noise injection selected.\n\n') on_source_strain = on_source_injection return on_source_strain
[docs]def excise_nans_from_strain(rawstrain, starttime, T, triggertime, signal_chunk_size, dt, ifo_datafile, download_data_flag): """ If there are nans in the data, resize the strain to the longest segment which contains no nans. Arguments --------- rawstrain: numpy array The strain data (possibly containing nans). starttime: float The start time of the data. T: float The duration of the data. triggertime: float The time of the trigger. signal_chunk_size: float The duration of the on-source chunk. dt: float The sampling time of the data. ifo_datafile: string The path to the data file of a given ifo. download_data_flag: boolean Flag to download the data from the LVK server. Returns ------- rawstrain: numpy array The updated strain data after nans removal. starttime: float The updated start time of the data after nans removal. T: float The updated duration of the data after nans removal. """ # Skip, if the data were simulated. if(not(ifo_datafile=='') or (download_data_flag)): # If there are nans, resize the strain to the longest segment which contains no nans. no_nans = 0 while(no_nans == 0): if(np.isnan(rawstrain).any()): sys.stdout.write('* Nans found in the data. Resizing strain.\n\n') rawstrain, starttime, T = resize_nan_strain(rawstrain, starttime, triggertime, signal_chunk_size, dt) else: no_nans = 1 return rawstrain, starttime, T
[docs]def resize_nan_strain(strain, start_time, trig_time, onsource_length, dt): """ Resize the strain to the longest segment which contains no nans. Arguments --------- strain: numpy array The strain data (possibly containing nans). start_time: float The start time of the data. trig_time: float The time of the trigger. onsource_length: float The duration of the on-source chunk. dt: float The sampling time of the data. Returns ------- strain: numpy array The updated strain data after nans removal. start_time: float The updated start time of the data after nans removal. T: float The updated duration of the data after nans removal. """ srate = 1./dt trig_time_idx = round((trig_time-start_time)*srate) first_idx_onsource = round((trig_time-(onsource_length/2.)-start_time)*srate) last_idx_onsource = round((trig_time+(onsource_length/2.)-start_time)*srate) first_nan_index = None last_nan_index = len(strain)-1 for j in range(first_idx_onsource, last_idx_onsource): assert not(np.isnan(strain[j])), "Nans present on the onsource chunk, resize the onsource chunk to a segment which does not contain nans." for i in range(len(strain)): if(first_nan_index == None): if(np.isnan(strain[i])): first_nan_index = i else: if not(np.isnan(strain[i])): last_nan_index = i-1 break # Since we raise an error in the case where the nans overlap with the onsource chunk, now the only possibility is that the nan block is either to the left (first block below) or to the right (second block below) with respect to the onsource chunk. if(last_nan_index < trig_time_idx): sys.stdout.write('Nans present in the [{0:.2f}, {1:.2f}]s interval (before signal).\nResizing data to the [{2}, {3}]s interval. Remaining length: {4}s\n'.format(start_time+first_nan_index*dt, start_time+last_nan_index*dt, int(start_time+(last_nan_index+1)*dt), int(start_time+(len(strain))*dt), int((len(strain)-(last_nan_index+1))*dt))) new_strain = strain[last_nan_index+1:] new_start_time = start_time+(last_nan_index+1)*dt else: sys.stdout.write('Nans present in the [{0:.2f}, {1:.2f}]s interval (after signal).\nResizing data to the [{2}, {3}]s interval. Remaining length: {4}s\n'.format(start_time+first_nan_index*dt, start_time+last_nan_index*dt, int(start_time), int(start_time+(first_nan_index-1)*dt), int((first_nan_index-1)*dt))) new_strain = strain[:first_nan_index-1] new_start_time = start_time new_T = len(new_strain)*dt return new_strain, new_start_time, new_T
[docs]def bandpass_data(rawstrain, f_min_bp, f_max_bp, srate_dt, bandpassing_flag): """ Bandpass the raw strain between [f_min, f_max] Hz. Arguments --------- rawstrain: numpy array The raw strain data. f_min_bp: float The lower frequency of the bandpass filter. f_max_bp: float The upper frequency of the bandpass filter. srate_dt: float The sampling rate of the data. bandpassing_flag: bool Whether to apply bandpassing or not. Returns ------- strain: numpy array The bandpassed strain data. """ if(bandpassing_flag): # Bandpassing section. sys.stdout.write('* Bandpassing the raw strain between [{}, {}] Hz.\n\n'.format(f_min_bp, f_max_bp)) # Create a fourth order Butterworth bandpass filter between [f_min, f_max] and apply it with the function filtfilt. bb, ab = butter(4, [f_min_bp/(0.5*srate_dt), f_max_bp/(0.5*srate_dt)], btype='band') strain = filtfilt(bb, ab, rawstrain) else: sys.stdout.write('* No bandpassing applied.\n\n') strain = rawstrain return strain
[docs]def check_sampling_rate_compatibility(requested_sampling_rate, data_sampling_rate): """ Check that the requested sampling rate is not higher than the data sampling rate. Raise a error otherwise. Arguments --------- requested_sampling_rate : float The requested sampling rate. data_sampling_rate : float The sampling rate of the input data. Returns ------- Nothing, but raises a ValueError if the requested sampling rate is higher than the data sampling rate. """ if (requested_sampling_rate > data_sampling_rate): raise ValueError("* You requested a sampling rate higher than the data sampling.") else : return
[docs]def check_seglen_compatibility(signal_chunk_size, noise_chunk_size, T): """ Check that the noise and signal chunk sizes are shorter than the data duration. Raise a error otherwise. Arguments --------- signal_chunk_size : float The requested signal chunk size. noise_chunk_size : float The requested noise chunk size. Returns ------- Nothing, but raises a ValueError if the requested sampling rate is higher than the data sampling rate. """ assert not((noise_chunk_size > T) or (signal_chunk_size > T)), "* Noise ({} s) and signal ({} s) seglens must be shorter than data duration ({})".format(noise_chunk_size, signal_chunk_size, T) return
[docs]def downsample_data(strain, srate, srate_dt): """ Downsample the data to the requested sampling rate. Arguments --------- strain: numpy array The strain data. srate: float The requested sampling rate. srate_dt: float The sampling rate of the data. Returns ------- strain: numpy array The downsampled strain data. dt: float The new sampling rate. """ if(srate < srate_dt): sys.stdout.write('* Downsampling detector data from {} to {} Hz, decimate factor {}\n\n'.format(srate_dt, srate, int(srate_dt/srate))) strain = decimate(strain, int(srate_dt/srate), zero_phase=True) else : pass dt = 1./srate return strain, dt
[docs]def chunks_iterator(times, strain, chunksize, avoid=None, window=False, alpha=0.1): """ Divide the data in chunks. Skip the 0th and the last chunks which have filter ringing from downsampling. Arguments --------- times: numpy array The times of the data. strain: numpy array The strain data. chunksize: int The size of the chunks. avoid: float The time to avoid. window: bool Whether to apply a window to the data. alpha: float The alpha parameter of the Tukey window. Returns ------- strain: numpy array The strain data. """ if avoid is None: avoid = times[0]-1e6 # dummy value if window: win = tukey(chunksize,alpha=alpha) else: win = np.ones(chunksize) #The integer division is needed in case the chunk length in seconds is not a sub-multiple of the total strain length (e.g. after quality veto cuts) for j in range(1,len(strain)//chunksize): if not times[chunksize*j] < avoid < times[chunksize*(j+1)]: yield strain[chunksize*j:chunksize*(j+1)]*win
[docs]def chunks(times, strain, chunksize, trigger_time): """ Divide the data in chunks. Skip the 0th and the last chunks which have filter ringing from downsampling. Arguments --------- times: numpy array The times of the data. strain: numpy array The strain data. chunksize: int The size of the chunks. trigger_time: float The time of the trigger. Returns ------- time_chunks_list: numpy array The times of the chunks. data_chunks_list: numpy array The data of the chunks. index_trig: int The index of the trigger time. """ time_chunks_list, data_chunks_list = [], [] for j in range(1,len(strain)//chunksize): if not times[chunksize*j] < trigger_time < times[chunksize*(j+1)]: data_chunks_list.append(strain[chunksize*j:chunksize*(j+1)]) time_chunks_list.append(times[chunksize*j:chunksize*(j+1)]) else: index_trig = j return np.array(time_chunks_list), np.array(data_chunks_list), index_trig
[docs]def compute_on_off_source_strain(times, strain, signal_seglen, index_trigtime): """ Compute the on-source and off-source strain data. Arguments --------- times: numpy array The times of the data. strain: numpy array The strain data. signal_seglen: int The length of the signal segment. index_trigtime: int The index of the trigger time. Returns ------- on_source_strain: numpy array The on-source strain data. on_source_times: numpy array The on-source times. on_source_mask: numpy array The on-source mask. off_source_strain: numpy array The off-source strain data. off_source_times: numpy array The off-source times. off_source_mask: numpy array The off-source mask. """ on_source_mask = np.ones(len(strain), dtype=bool) if not((signal_seglen%2)==0): on_source_strain = strain[index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2:index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2+1] on_source_times = times[index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2:index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2+1] on_source_mask[range(index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2,index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2+1,1)] = False else: on_source_strain = strain[index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2:index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2] on_source_times = times[index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2:index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2] on_source_mask[range(index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2,index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2,1)] = False off_source_strain = tuple((strain)[on_source_mask]) return on_source_times, on_source_strain, off_source_strain
[docs]def window_onsource_strain(on_source_strain, signal_seglen, noise_seglen, window_onsource_flag, window_flag, alpha_window, truncate): """ Apply a window to the on-source strain data. Arguments --------- on_source_strain: numpy array The on-source strain data. signal_seglen: int The length of the signal segment. noise_seglen: int The length of the noise segment. window_onsource_flag: bool Whether to apply a window to the on-source strain data. window_flag: bool Whether to apply a window to the data. alpha_window: float The alpha parameter of the Tukey window. truncate: bool Whether to truncate the data. Returns ------- on_source_strain: numpy array The on-source strain data. """ if (window_onsource_flag and window_flag): if(truncate): print('* Warning: The on-source chunk should not be windowed when truncating data.') else : assert (signal_seglen==noise_seglen), "* If a window is applied, the length of the signal chunk and of the noise chunk must be the same, otherwise with the same Tukey alpha-parameter PSD will be underestimated. Either choose different alphas or equal lengths." on_source_window = tukey(signal_seglen, alpha=alpha_window) on_source_strain = on_source_strain*on_source_window return on_source_strain
[docs]def check_chunksizes_consistency(signal_chunk_size, noise_chunk_size, truncate): """ Check the consistency of the chunksizes. Arguments --------- signal_chunk_size: int The size of the signal chunk. noise_chunk_size: int The size of the noise chunk. truncate: bool Whether to truncate the data. """ if(not(truncate) and not(signal_chunk_size==noise_chunk_size)): print("* Warning: A different chunksize between signal and noise implies an incorrect normalization of the autocorrelation function in the non-truncated case. This configuration should not be used for production runs.") return
[docs]def set_random_seed(user_seed, ifo): """ Set the random seed used for generating the noise for injections in different detectors. Arguments --------- user_seed: int The user seed. ifo: str The detector. """ # If requested by the user, fix the noise seed. if not(user_seed==-1): if( ifo=='H1'): np.random.seed(user_seed) elif(ifo=='L1'): np.random.seed(user_seed+1) elif(ifo=='V1'): np.random.seed(user_seed+2) else : raise ValueError("Noise generation for this detector not supported. Please add the detector to the noise generation.") return
########################## # ACF related functions. # ##########################
[docs]def acf(y, fft=True, simple_norm=False): """ Returns the autocorrelation function (ACF): R[i] = sum_n x[n]*x[n+i], in the form of an array spanned by the index i. Computes the ACF using either the standard correlation (with the appropriate normalisation) or the `fft` method. The latter simply exploits the fact that the ACF is a convolution product and that the Fourier transform of a a convolution product is a product in the Fourier domain, see section 'Efficient computation' of ' The difference between the two methods is in the treatment of boundary terms. When computing the ACF using the standard correlation, we 'slide' the data vector against a delayed copy of itself, obtaining the correlation at different lags. For all lags except lag=0, part of the 'slided' vector will spill over the boundaries of the fixed vector. In this method, terms outside the vectors boundaries are assigned zeros. This implies that for increasing lag, an increasingly smaller number of terms will contribute, and the variance of large-lag terms grow. Also, the ACF will eventually go to zero, when the maximum lag is reached. When employing the fft method instead, the data are windowed at the boundaries to avoid Gibbs phenomena, and periodic boundary conditions are assumed when applying the Fourier transform, implying a different structure for large lags. For small lags (compared to the total length of the vector), the portion of the sum which dependent on boundary terms will be small, since the vectors still possess a significant overlap, and the specific method used should not matter (if gaussianity and stationarity assumptions are respected). For this reason, the length of the data on which the ACF is estimated, should always be much larger than the analysis segment length. Arguments --------- y: numpy array The data vector. fft: bool Whether to use the fft method. simple_norm: bool Whether to use the simple normalization (1/N) or the standard normalization (1/(N-lag)). Returns ------- acf_normed: numpy array The normalized ACF. """ N = len(y) # FIXME: the norm option should be applied to both cases and taken out of the fft if-else if fft: # ACF computation using FFT. Y=np.fft.fft(y) # We take the real part just to convert the complex output of fft to a real numpy float. The imaginary part is already 0 when coming out of the fft. R = np.real(np.fft.ifft(Y*Y.conj())) # Divide by an additional factor of 1/N since we are taking two fft and one ifft without unitary normalization, see: acf_normed = R/N else: # ACF computation without FFT by directly correlating the time series. # For real functions, the ACF is symmetric around zero-lag, so take only the second half (the positive lag terms). acf_numpy = np.correlate(y, y, mode='full')[N-1:] # The `simple norm` version is a biased estimator, but reduces the weight of the terms with large lag, where the ACF variance is larger. The other version is unbiased, but weights more terms with large lags. See arXiv:2107.05609 for references. if simple_norm: acf_normed = acf_numpy[:N] / N else : acf_normed = acf_numpy[:N] / (N - np.arange(N)) return acf_normed
[docs]def compute_Welch_PSD(off_source_strain, srate, noise_seglen, psd_window): """ Compute the one-sided PSD with the Welch method. Arguments --------- off_source_strain: numpy array The off-source strain. srate: float The sampling rate. noise_seglen: int The length of the noise segments. psd_window: str The window to use for the PSD estimation. Returns ------- psd_welch: numpy array The one-sided PSD. freqs_welch: numpy array The frequencies associated to the PSD. df_welch: float The PSD frequency resolution. """ sys.stdout.write('* Computing the one-sided PSD with the Welch method for comparison with the standard ACF.\n\n') psd_welch, freqs_welch = mlab.psd(off_source_strain, Fs = srate, NFFT = noise_seglen, window = psd_window, sides = 'onesided') df_welch = np.diff(freqs_welch)[0] return psd_welch, freqs_welch, df_welch
[docs]def compute_acf_and_whitening_psd(times, strain, starttime, T, srate, triggertime, index_trigtime, dt, window_flag, alpha_window, noise_chunk_size, noise_seglen, signal_seglen, f_min_bp, f_max_bp, fft_acf, freqs_welch, psd_welch, ifo, kwargs): """ Compute the ACF and the whitening PSD. Arguments --------- times: numpy array The times of the data. strain: numpy array The strain data. starttime: float The start time of the data. T: float The duration of the data. srate: float The sampling rate. triggertime: float The trigger time. index_trigtime: int The index of the trigger time. dt: float The time resolution. window_flag: bool Whether to apply a window to the data. alpha_window: float The alpha parameter of the Tukey window. noise_chunk_size: int The size of the noise chunks. noise_seglen: int The length of the noise segments. signal_seglen: int The length of the signal segments. f_min_bp: float The minimum frequency of the bandpass filter. f_max_bp: float The maximum frequency of the bandpass filter. fft_acf: bool Whether to use the fft method to compute the ACF. freqs_welch: numpy array The frequencies associated to the PSD. psd_welch: numpy array The one-sided PSD. ifo: str The interferometer. kwargs: dict The dictionary of keyword arguments. Returns ------- acf: numpy array The ACF. acf_normed: numpy array The normalized ACF. psd: numpy array The one-sided PSD. freqs: numpy array The frequencies associated to the PSD. df: float The PSD frequency resolution. """ # Case where the ACF was pre-computed or the run was already performed. if (not(kwargs['acf-{}'.format(ifo)]=='') or (kwargs['run-type']=='post-processing')): if(not(kwargs['acf-{}'.format(ifo)]=='')): assert (fft_acf), "Cannot compute ACF in time domain and load it from file." assert (kwargs['psd-{}'.format(ifo)]==''), "Both a PSD and an ACF from file can't be passed." acf_file = kwargs['acf-{}'.format(ifo)] sys.stdout.write('* Reading ACF from: `{}`.\n\n'.format(acf_file)) else: acf_file = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','ACF_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_chunk_size, srate)) sys.stdout.write('* Reading ACF from: `{}`.\n\n'.format(acf_file)) # We are using the one-sided PSD, thus it is twice the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function, see eq. 7.15 of Maggiore Vol.1 # We take the real part just to convert the complex output of fft to a real numpy float. The imaginary part if already 0 when coming out of the fft. time, ACF = np.loadtxt(acf_file, unpack=True) dt_acf = time[1]-time[0] assert (dt_acf == dt), "ACF (%r) and data (%r) sampling rates do not agree."%(dt_acf, dt) psd_ACF, freqs_acf = 2*np.real(np.fft.rfft(ACF*dt)), np.fft.rfftfreq(len(ACF), d=dt) plots.plot_ACF(time = time, acf = ACF, label = r'$\mathrm{ACF \,\, (from \,\, file)}$', output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output']+'/Noise','{}_ACF.pdf'.format(ifo))) plots.plot_PSD_compare(freqs1 = freqs_acf, psd1 = psd_ACF, label1 = r"$\mathrm{PSD \,\, (from \,\, loaded \,\, ACF)}$", freqs2 = freqs_welch, psd2 = psd_welch, label2 = r"$\mathrm{Welch, \,\, (frequency \,\, domain)}$", output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_PSD.pdf'.format(ifo))) whitening_PSD = interp1d(freqs_acf, psd_ACF) # Case where the PSD was pre-computed. elif (not(kwargs['psd-{}'.format(ifo)]=='') and (kwargs['gaussian-noise']=='')): # OPTIMISEME: for gaussian noise this is avoided just because of the way injections studies were performed during the review. To be relaxed in post O3a. assert (kwargs['acf-{}'.format(ifo)]==''), "Both a PSD and an ACF from file can't be passed." psd_file = kwargs['psd-{}'.format(ifo)] sys.stdout.write('* PSD was passed. Reading PSD from: `{}` and generating ACF accordingly.\n\n'.format(psd_file)) if('PESummary' in psd_file): psd_datafile = np.genfromtxt(psd_file, names=True) freqs_from_file, psd_from_file = psd_datafile['Frequency'], psd_datafile['Strain'] else: freqs_from_file, psd_from_file = np.loadtxt(psd_file, unpack=True) if('ASD' in psd_file): psd_from_file = psd_from_file*psd_from_file # Restrict to sensitive band (needed because BW PSD saturates to ~1 outside sensitive band and it screws up the likelihood) f_min_psd = max(f_min_bp, 20.0) f_max_psd = min(f_max_bp, 2038.0) if((f_min_bp < f_min_psd) or (f_max_bp > f_max_psd)): print('* Warning: selected minimum and maximum bandpassing frequencies are outside the hardcoded frequency range in which PSDs are usually well behaved, and the PSD frequency interval has been set to [{}, {}]. Consider changing this behaviour, if required by your analysis.'.format(f_min_psd, f_max_psd)) psd_from_file = psd_from_file[ freqs_from_file > f_min_psd] freqs_from_file = freqs_from_file[freqs_from_file > f_min_psd] psd_from_file = psd_from_file[ freqs_from_file < f_max_psd] freqs_from_file = freqs_from_file[freqs_from_file < f_max_psd] # OPTIMISEME: test if leaving the original freq axis does not create issues with the remainder of the code (will probably need to redefine time axis) psd_from_file_interp = interp1d(freqs_from_file, psd_from_file, fill_value='extrapolate', bounds_error=False) freqs_default = np.fft.rfftfreq(noise_seglen, d = dt) df_default = np.diff(freqs_default)[0] psd_interp = psd_from_file_interp(freqs_default) # We are using the one-sided PSD, thus it is twice the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function (see eq. 7.15 of Maggiore Vol.1). We take the real part just to convert the complex output of fft to a real numpy float. The imaginary part if already 0 when coming out of the fft. ACF_psd = 0.5*np.real(np.fft.irfft(psd_interp*df_default))*noise_seglen acfs = [acf(x) for x in chunks_iterator(times, strain, noise_seglen, avoid=triggertime, window=window_flag, alpha=alpha_window)] if(kwargs['noise-averaging-method']=='mean'): ACF_TD = np.mean(np.array(acfs), axis=0) elif(kwargs['noise-averaging-method']=='median'): # FIXME: This option gives rise to a junk spectrum. Currently not understood. review_warning() ACF_TD = np.median(np.array(acfs), axis=0) plots.plot_ACF(time = dt*np.arange(len(ACF_psd)), acf = ACF_psd, label = r'$\mathrm{ACF \,\, (from \,\, PSD \,\, file)}$', output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_ACF_psd.pdf'.format(ifo))) plots.plot_ACF(time = dt*np.arange(len(ACF_TD)), acf = ACF_TD, label = r'$\mathrm{ACF \,\, (time \,\, domain)}$', output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_ACF_TD.pdf'.format(ifo))) plots.plot_ACF_compare(time1 = dt*np.arange(len(ACF_TD)), acf1 = ACF_TD, label1 = r'$\mathrm{ACF \,\, (time \,\, domain)}$', time2 = dt*np.arange(len(ACF_psd)), acf2 = ACF_psd, label2 = r'$\mathrm{ACF \,\, (from \,\, PSD)}$', output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_ACF_TD_vs_ACF_from_PSD.pdf'.format(ifo))) plots.plot_PSD_compare(freqs1 = freqs_from_file, psd1 = psd_from_file, label1 = r'$\mathrm{PSD \,\, (from \,\, file)}$', freqs2 = freqs_welch, psd2 = psd_welch, label2 = r'$\mathrm{Welch, \,\, (frequency \,\, domain)}$', output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_PSD_file_vs_Welch.pdf'.format(ifo))) plots.plot_PSD_compare(freqs1 = freqs_from_file, psd1 = psd_from_file, label1 = r'$\mathrm{PSD \,\, (from \,\, file)}$', freqs2 = freqs_default, psd2 = psd_interp, label2 = r'$\mathrm{PSD \,\, (interpolated)}$', output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_PSD_file_vs_interp.pdf'.format(ifo))) whitening_PSD = psd_from_file_interp ACF = ACF_psd np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','ACF_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_chunk_size, srate)), np.column_stack((dt*np.arange(len(ACF)), ACF))) np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','ACF_TD_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_chunk_size, srate)), np.column_stack((dt*np.arange(len(ACF_TD)), ACF_TD))) np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','PSD_file_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_chunk_size, srate)), np.column_stack((freqs_from_file, psd_from_file))) np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','PSD_Welch_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_chunk_size, srate)), np.column_stack((freqs_welch, psd_welch))) #Case where the PSD is to be computed following the MaxEnt method. elif (not(kwargs['maxent-psd']=='')): ACF, whitening_PSD = compute_maxent_PSD(times, strain, starttime, T, srate, triggertime, index_trigtime, dt, alpha_window, window_flag, noise_seglen, signal_seglen, fft_acf, freqs_welch, psd_welch, ifo, kwargs) #Case where the ACF is computed from the data. else: if not(kwargs['injection-approximant']==''): sys.stdout.write ('* Although an injection was selected, the ACF is being computed from the strain.\n\n') else : sys.stdout.write('* No ACF was passed. Estimating ACF.\n\n') acfs = [acf(x, fft=fft_acf, simple_norm=kwargs['acf-simple-norm']) for x in chunks_iterator(times, strain, noise_seglen, avoid=triggertime, window=window_flag, alpha=alpha_window)] if(kwargs['noise-averaging-method']=='mean'): ACF = np.mean(np.array(acfs), axis=0) elif(kwargs['noise-averaging-method']=='median'): # FIXME: This option gives rise to a junk spectrum. Currently not understood. review_warning() ACF = np.median(np.array(acfs), axis=0) freqs_default = np.fft.rfftfreq(noise_seglen, d=dt) # We are using the one-sided PSD, thus it is twice the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function (see eq. 7.15 of Maggiore Vol.1). We take the real part just to convert the complex output of fft to a real numpy float. The imaginary part if already 0 when coming out of the fft. psd_ACF = 2*np.real(np.fft.rfft(ACF*dt)) plots.plot_ACF(dt*np.arange(len(ACF)), ACF, r'$\mathrm{ACF \,\, TD}$', os.path.join(kwargs['output']+'/Noise','{}_ACF.pdf'.format(ifo))) if(kwargs['PSD-investigation']): review_warning() sys.stdout.write('* Plotting PSDs relative to all chunks.\n\n') psds_acf = [2*np.real(np.fft.rfft(single_acf*dt)) for single_acf in acfs] plt.figure() for single_psd in psds_acf: plt.loglog(freqs_default, single_psd) plt.xlabel(r"$f\,(Hz)$", fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r"$S(f)\,(Hz^{-1})$",fontsize=18) plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_PSD_investigation.pdf'.format(ifo)), bbox_inches='tight') exit() plots.plot_PSD_compare(freqs1 = freqs_welch, psd1 = psd_welch, label1 = r"$\mathrm{Welch, \,\, (frequency \,\, domain)}$", freqs2 = freqs_default, psd2 = psd_ACF, label2 = r"$\mathrm{PSD (from \,\, ACF \,\, FFT)}$", output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_PSD.pdf'.format(ifo))) if (not(kwargs['psd-{}'.format(ifo)]=='') and not(kwargs['gaussian-noise']=='')): # Case where you passed a PSD, generated gaussian noise with it and estimated the PSD from the noise generated. Check if the PSD injected resembles the estimation. psd_file = kwargs['psd-{}'.format(ifo)] freqs_from_file, psd_from_file = np.loadtxt(psd_file, unpack=True) if('ASD' in psd_file): psd_from_file = psd_from_file*psd_from_file plots.plot_PSD_compare(freqs1 = freqs_from_file, psd1 = psd_from_file, label1 = r"$\mathrm{PSD \,\, (from \,\, file)}$", freqs2 = freqs_welch, psd2 = psd_welch, label2 = r"$\mathrm{Welch, \,\, (frequency \,\, domain)}$", output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_PSD_injected.pdf'.format(ifo))) if(kwargs['non-stationarity-check']): non_stationarity_check(acfs, dt) np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','ACF_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_chunk_size, srate)), np.column_stack((dt*np.arange(len(ACF)), ACF))) np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','PSD_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_chunk_size, srate)), np.column_stack((freqs_welch, psd_welch))) np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','PSD_from_ACF_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_chunk_size, srate)), np.column_stack((freqs_default, psd_ACF))) whitening_PSD = interp1d(freqs_default, psd_ACF) return ACF, whitening_PSD
[docs]def check_covariance_matrix_inversion_stability(Covariance_matrix_signal, debug, tolerance=1e14): """ This function checks the stability of the covariance matrix inversion, by computing its conditioning number. If the latter is larger than a certain user-specified tolerance, it raises a warning. Parameters ---------- Covariance_matrix_signal: 2D numpy array Covariance matrix of the signal. debug: boolean If True, it prints additional information. tolerance: float Tolerance for the conditioning number of the covariance matrix. If the conditioning number is larger than this value, it raises a warning. Returns ------- Nothing. It just raises a warning if the covariance matrix is not well conditioned. """ # Let's compute the conditioning number and raise a warning in case this starts introducing significant errors in our computations. C_inv_debug = inv(Covariance_matrix_signal) id =, C_inv_debug) id_minus_id = np.max(np.absolute(id - np.identity(len(Covariance_matrix_signal[0])))) cond_num = np.linalg.cond(Covariance_matrix_signal) if(cond_num > tolerance): sys.stdout.write('* WARNING: Covariance matrix conditioning number is {:e}, and exceeds the safety threshold of {:e}, implying possible errors of order 1% or greater in the likelihood computation (since we use double precision, hence ~16 significant digits). Double check your settings, e.g. search for possible data corruption, inconsistency of sampling rate and bandpassing filter, etc. Also, consider trying different covariance inversion methods to improve the numerical stability and verify the robustness of the analysis results (see the `likelihood-method` option). Running with the `debug` option turned on will print additional information.\n\n'.format(cond_num, tolerance)) if(debug): sys.stdout.write('* DEBUG: Covariance matrix maximum inversion error: {:e}\n\n'.format(id_minus_id)) sys.stdout.write('* DEBUG: Covariance matrix conditioning number: {:e}\n\n'.format(cond_num)) return
[docs]def check_Plancherel_ratio(psd_window_norm, df_welch, psd_welch, dt, ACF, debug): """ This function checks if the Plancherel theorem is verified by our ACF estimate, by using the fact that twice the Fourier transform of the ACF = one-sided PSD (approximately, in the truncated case). Since the psd is the one-sided, we only stored positive values, but Plancherel theorem must be evaluated on both positive and negative frequencies. Also, need to take into account the fact that the window absorbed some power. Parameters ---------- psd_window_norm: float Normalization factor for the window. df_welch: float Frequency resolution of the PSD estimate. psd_welch: 1D numpy array PSD estimate. dt: float Time resolution of the ACF estimate. ACF: 1D numpy array ACF estimate. debug: boolean If True, it prints additional information. Returns ------- Nothing. It just prints the Plancherel theorem ratio E(f)/E(t) (expected value: ~1). """ # Let's check if Plancherel theorem is verified by our ACF estimate, by using the fact that twice the Fourier transform of the ACF = one-sided PSD (approximately, in the truncated case). Since the psd is the one-sided, we only stored positive values, but Plancherel theorem must be evaluated on both positive and negative frequencies. Also, need to take into account the fact that the window absorbed some power. FD_term = psd_window_norm*2.*np.sum(df_welch*psd_welch**2) TD_term = np.sum(dt*(2.*ACF)**2) Plancherel_ratio = FD_term/TD_term if(debug): sys.stdout.write('* DEBUG: Plancherel theorem ratio E(f)/E(t) (expected value: ~1) = {}\n\n'.format(Plancherel_ratio)) return
[docs]def chisquare_computation(ACF, chisquare_flag): """ This function computes the reduced chisquare of the ACF estimate, and prints it. Parameters ---------- ACF: 1D numpy array ACF estimate. chisquare_flag: boolean If True, it computes the reduced chisquare of the ACF estimate. Returns ------- Nothing. It just prints the reduced chisquare of the ACF estimate. """ if (chisquare_flag): # Do a check of the reduced chisq, skipping the onsource chunk - useful for checking normalisation. Covariance_matrix = toeplitz(ACF) Inverse_Covariance_matrix = inv(Covariance_matrix) Inverse_covariance_matrix_signal = inv(Covariance_matrix_signal) chisq = [np.einsum('i,ij,j', x, Inverse_Covariance_matrix, x) for x in chunks_iterator(times, strain, noise_seglen, avoid=triggertime, window=window_flag, alpha=alpha_window)] sys.stdout.write('* Average reduced chisquare (expected value ~1) = {:.5f}\n\n'.format(np.mean(chisq)/Inverse_Covariance_matrix.shape[0])) # A value of onsource chisquare significantly different from 0 indicates that the data in this chunk do not follow the distribution of the noise, which is true if a signal is present. sigchisq=np.einsum('i,ij,j', on_source_strain, Inverse_covariance_matrix_signal, on_source_strain) sys.stdout.write('* Chisquare on source (expected value >> 1): {}\n\n'.format(sigchisq)) return
[docs]def check_data_gaussianity(times, data, Covariance, signal_seglen, trigger_time, string_output, outdir): """ This function checks if the data are Gaussian, by computing the ACF and the reduced chisquare of the ACF estimate. Parameters ---------- times: 1D numpy array Time array. data: 1D numpy array Data array. Covariance: 2D numpy array Covariance matrix. signal_seglen: float Signal segment length. trigger_time: float Trigger time. string_output: string Output string. outdir: string Output directory. Returns ------- Nothing. It just plots the whitened data against a normal distribution, to visually check gaussianity. """ fontsize_legend = 18 fontsize_label = 20 string_output = string_output.replace('.txt', '') # FIXME: this number should be experimented with. nbins = 50 # Split the data in chunks (consistently with the way the ACF was estimated), removing the signal. # FIXME: This first step should split the data into signal_seglen chunks, avoiding a large window containing the signal (since the IMR signal is longer than our ringdown analysis seglen). # _, data_chunks, _ = chunks( times, data, signal_seglen, trigger_time ) # This second step splits the data into smaller analysis-duration chunks. data_chunks = chunks_iterator(times, data, Covariance.shape[0], avoid=trigger_time, window=False, alpha=0.1) # Whiten each chunk. cholesky_matrix = np.linalg.cholesky(Covariance) whitened_data_chunks = [whiten_TD(x, cholesky_matrix) for x in data_chunks] normal_draws = np.random.normal(size=1000000) # Plot whitened data against a normal distribution, to visually check gaussianity. plt.figure() x_counts_vec = [] for x in whitened_data_chunks: x_counts, _, _ = plt.hist(x, histtype='step', bins=nbins, stacked=True, fill=False, density=True) x_counts_vec.append(x_counts) gaussian_x, bins_gauss, _ = plt.hist(normal_draws, label='Expected distribution', histtype='step', bins=nbins, stacked=True, fill=False, density=True, color='black', linewidth=2.0) # Work in progress # sigma = [gaussian_x[i]*(1-gaussian_x[i]) for i in range(len(gaussian_x))] # lower, upper = gaussian_x - sigma, gaussian_x + sigma # plt.plot(bins_gauss[:-1], lower, color='black', linewidth=1.7, linestyle='dashed') # plt.plot(bins_gauss[:-1], upper, color='black', linewidth=1.7, linestyle='dashed') plt.legend(loc='best', fontsize=fontsize_legend) plt.xlabel('Whitened noise', fontsize=fontsize_label) plt.ylim([0, 1.15*np.max(x_counts_vec)]) plt.grid(False) plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'Noise','Histrogram_whitened_data_{}.pdf'.format(string_output)), bbox_inches='tight') # Now let's compute a quantitative measure of gaussianity with zero mean and unit variance. KS_p_values, mus, sigmas = [], [], [] p_value_threshold = 0.01 for x in whitened_data_chunks: KS_statistic, p_value = kstest(x, "norm") KS_p_values.append(p_value) mus.append(np.mean(x)) sigmas.append(np.std(x, ddof=1)) KS_p_values = np.array(KS_p_values) mus = np.array(mus) sigmas = np.array(sigmas) mask_outliers = KS_p_values < p_value_threshold N_outliers = len(KS_p_values[mask_outliers]) len_tot = len(KS_p_values) n, bins, _ = plt.hist(KS_p_values) bin_width = bins[1] - bins[0] integral = bin_width * sum(n) duration = np.diff(times)[0]*Covariance.shape[0] plt.figure() counts, _, _ = plt.hist(KS_p_values, histtype='step', bins=nbins, stacked=True, fill=False, color='black', linewidth=2.0) plt.axvline(p_value_threshold, label = 'Significance level: {}\n# outliers: {}/{}'.format(p_value_threshold, N_outliers, len_tot), color='darkred', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5, zorder=1) plt.xlabel('Kolmogorov–Smirnov p-values', fontsize=fontsize_label) plt.title('Integral: {:.2f}'.format(integral)) plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=fontsize_legend) plt.grid(False) plt.ylim([0,1.3*np.max(counts)]) plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'Noise', 'histogram_Kolmogorov_Smirnov_test_whitened_data_{}.pdf'.format(string_output)), bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure() plt.scatter(duration*np.arange(0,len(KS_p_values)), 1-KS_p_values, color='black', marker='x') plt.axhline(1-p_value_threshold, label = 'Significance level: {}\n# outliers: {}/{}'.format(p_value_threshold, N_outliers, len_tot), color='darkred', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5, zorder=1) plt.xlabel('Time [s]', fontsize=fontsize_label) plt.ylabel('Kolmogorov–Smirnov p-values', fontsize=fontsize_label) plt.ylim([0,1.5*np.max(1-KS_p_values)]) plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=fontsize_legend) plt.grid(False) plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'Noise', 'scatter_Kolmogorov_Smirnov_test_whitened_data_{}.pdf'.format(string_output)), bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure() plt.scatter(duration*np.arange(0,len(KS_p_values)), mus, facecolors='none', edgecolors='teal') plt.axhline(0.0, label = 'Expected mean', color='darkred', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5, zorder=1) plt.xlabel('Time [s]', fontsize=fontsize_label) plt.ylabel(r'$\mu$', fontsize=fontsize_label) plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=fontsize_legend) plt.grid(False) plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'Noise', 'scatter_medians_whitened_data_{}.pdf'.format(string_output)), bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure() plt.scatter(duration*np.arange(0,len(KS_p_values)), sigmas, facecolors='none', edgecolors='teal', label=f'Chunk ({duration:.1f} s) sample') plt.axhline(1.0, label = 'Expected standard deviation', color='darkred', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5, zorder=1) plt.xlabel('Time [s]' , fontsize=fontsize_label) plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma$', fontsize=fontsize_label) plt.ylim([0.6,1.6]) plt.legend(loc='upper right', fontsize=fontsize_legend) plt.grid(False) plt.savefig(os.path.join(outdir, 'Noise', 'scatter_sigmas_whitened_data_{}.pdf'.format(string_output)), bbox_inches='tight') print('* A Kolmogorov–Smirnov test of whitened data chunks gave {}/{} normality outliers (at {} % significance).\n'.format(N_outliers, len_tot, p_value_threshold*100)) return
######################################## # {Loading/Generation} data functions. # ########################################
[docs]def check_consistency_loading_options(ifo_datafile, download_data_flag, kwargs): """ Check that the options passed for data loading are consistent. Parameters ---------- ifo_datafile: str Path to the data file to be loaded. download_data_flag: bool Flag to download data from the data server. kwargs: dict Dictionary of options passed to the script. Returns ------- Nothing, it just raises an error if the options are not consistent. """ if((not(ifo_datafile=='') and download_data_flag) or (download_data_flag and not(kwargs['gaussian-noise']=='')) or (not(ifo_datafile=='') and not(kwargs['gaussian-noise']==''))): raise ValueError("Contrasting options were passed for data loading. The three options: datafile={}, download-data={} and gaussian-noise={} cannot have more than one simultaneous non-zero value.".format(ifo_datafile, download_data_flag, kwargs['gaussian-noise'])) return
[docs]def download_data_with_gwdatafind(ifo, starttime, endtime, channel, kwargs): """ Download data from the data server using gwdatafind. Parameters ---------- ifo: str Name of the interferometer. starttime: float GPS start time of the data to be downloaded. endtime: float GPS end time of the data to be downloaded. channel: str Name of the channel to be downloaded. kwargs: dict Dictionary of options passed to the script. Returns ------- tseries: gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries Time series of the data downloaded. """ if(kwargs['gw-data-type-{}'.format(ifo)]==''): raise ValueError('Data download method is gwdatafind, but no `gw-data-type-{}` option passed.'.format(ifo)) connection = datafind.GWDataFindHTTPConnection() cache = connection.find_frame_urls(ifo[0], kwargs['gw-data-type-{}'.format(ifo)], starttime, endtime, urltype='file') tseries =, channel) return tseries
[docs]def download_data_with_gwpy(ifo, starttime, endtime, channel, kwargs): """ Download data from the data server using gwpy. Parameters ---------- ifo: str Name of the interferometer. starttime: float GPS start time of the data to be downloaded. endtime: float GPS end time of the data to be downloaded. channel: str Name of the channel to be downloaded. kwargs: dict Dictionary of options passed to the script. Returns ------- tseries: gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries Time series of the data downloaded. """ sys.stdout.write('\n* Using GWPY to download data.\n\n') tseries = fetch_data(ifo, starttime, endtime, channel=channel, path=None, verbose=2) return tseries
[docs]def download_data(ifo, triggertime, kwargs): """ Download data from the data server. Parameters ---------- ifo: str Name of the interferometer. triggertime: float GPS time of the trigger. kwargs: dict Dictionary of options passed to the script. Returns ------- starttime: float GPS start time of the data downloaded. dt: float Time step of the data downloaded. srate_dt: float Sampling rate of the data downloaded. rawstrain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data downloaded. """ T = float(kwargs['datalen-download']) starttime = int(triggertime)-(T/2.) endtime = int(triggertime)+(T/2.) channel = kwargs['channel-{}'.format(ifo)] if(kwargs['gw-data-find']==1): tseries = download_data_with_gwdatafind(ifo, starttime, endtime, channel, kwargs) else : tseries = download_data_with_gwpy( ifo, starttime, endtime, channel, kwargs) # The `starttime` variable previously defined can be off by as much as one sample compared to the first sample of the data. Here, we re-set it to the actual starttime = tseries.t0.to_value() dt = tseries.dt.to_value() srate_dt = tseries.sample_rate.to_value() rawstrain = np.array( sys.stdout.write('\n* Loading {}s of data from channel {} starting at {}.\n\n'.format(T, channel, starttime)) return starttime, dt, srate_dt, T, rawstrain
[docs]def fetch_data(ifo, tstart, tend, channel=None, path=None, verbose=0): """ Fetch data from the data server. Parameters ---------- ifo: str Name of the interferometer. tstart: float GPS start time of the data to be downloaded. tend: float GPS end time of the data to be downloaded. channel: str Name of the channel to be read from frame data. If 'GWOSC' will fetch open data. path: str Path to the data file to be loaded. If the file already exists locally, it will be read from disk rather than fetched from the data server. verbose: int Verbosity level. Returns ------- tseries: gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries Time series of the data downloaded. """ # If file was previously saved, open it. if path is not None and os.path.exists(path): tseries =,start=tstart,end=tend) if verbose: sys.stdout.write('Reading from local file: `{}`.'.format(path)) return tseries # If not, then see if it is on GWOSC. if channel=='GWOSC': #When downloading public data, fetch them with the highest possible sampling rate, then pyRing will down-sample internally, if required. This is needed to avoid incompatibilities between GWOSC down-sampling and the pyRing internal one. The actual function used to down-sample is the same, but differences in things like the length of data stretch can affect filtering at the borders and hence the Bayes Factors. tseries = TimeSeries.fetch_open_data(ifo, tstart, tend, sample_rate = 16384, verbose=verbose, cache=True) else: # Read from authenticated data. if channel is None: raise Exception('Channel not specified when fetching frame data.') tseries = TimeSeries.get(channel, tstart, tend, verbose=verbose) if path is not None: tseries.write(path) return tseries
[docs]def generate_gaussian_noise(ifo, triggertime, srate, kwargs): """ Generate gaussian noise. Parameters ---------- ifo: str Name of the interferometer. triggertime: float GPS time of the trigger. srate: float Sampling rate of the data. kwargs: dict Dictionary of options passed to the script. Returns ------- starttime: float GPS start time of the data downloaded. dt: float Time step of the data downloaded. srate_dt: float Sampling rate of the data downloaded. rawstrain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data downloaded. """ set_random_seed(kwargs['gaussian-noise-seed'], ifo) # Time axis definition. T = int(kwargs['injection-T']) starttime = triggertime - T/2. dt = 1.0/srate srate_dt = srate # Noise strain {generation/reading}. if not(kwargs['run-type']=='post-processing'): if (kwargs['gaussian-noise']=='white' ): rawstrain = generate_white_gaussian_noise(kwargs['gaussian-noise-white-sigma'], srate, T) elif('coloured' in kwargs['gaussian-noise']): rawstrain = generate_coloured_gaussian_noise(ifo, srate, dt, T, kwargs) else : raise ValueError("* Unknown gaussian noise option selected.") np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','rawstrain_gaussian_noise_{}_{:d}_{:d}_{:d}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), int(srate))), rawstrain) else: sys.stdout.write('* Reading the strain previously generated with gaussian noise.\n\n') rawstrain = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','rawstrain_gaussian_noise_{}_{:d}_{:d}_{:d}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), int(srate)))) return starttime, dt, srate_dt, T, rawstrain
[docs]def generate_white_gaussian_noise(sigma, srate, T): """ Generate white gaussian noise. Parameters ---------- sigma: float Standard deviation of the noise. srate: float Sampling rate of the data. T: float Duration of the data. Returns ------- noise_strain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data downloaded. """ sys.stdout.write('* Generating white gaussian noise with zero mean and sigma = {}.\n\n'.format(sigma)) noise_strain = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=sigma, size=int(T*srate)) return noise_strain
[docs]def generate_coloured_gaussian_noise_from_acf_file(acf_file): """ Generate coloured gaussian noise from an ACF file. Parameters ---------- acf_file: str Name of the file containing the ACF. Returns ------- noise_strain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data downloaded. """ times_cgn, ACF_cgn = np.loadtxt(acf_file, unpack=True) C_cgn = toeplitz(ACF_cgn) cgn = multivariate_normal(mean = np.zeros(C_cgn.shape[0]), cov = C_cgn) noise_strain = cgn.rvs() return noise_strain
[docs]def generate_coloured_gaussian_noise_from_psd_file(psd_file, srate, dt, T, kwargs): """ Generate coloured gaussian noise from a PSD file. Parameters ---------- psd_file: str Name of the file containing the PSD. Returns ------- noise_strain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data downloaded. """ # Read file and adapt to conventions. sys.stdout.write('* Generating coloured gaussian noise with zero mean and PSD given by `{}`.\n\n'.format(psd_file)) freqs_file, psd_cgn = np.loadtxt(psd_file, unpack=True) if('ASD' in psd_file): sys.stdout.write("* Warning: a file containing the `ASD` word in the name was passed, thus the values contained in the file are being squared to compute the PSD.\n\n") psd_cgn = psd_cgn*psd_cgn # Auxiliary quantities. N_points = int(T*srate) freqs_cgn = np.fft.rfftfreq(N_points, d = dt) df_cgn = np.diff(freqs_cgn)[0] # Interpolate PSD. sys.stdout.write("* Interpolating the PSD passed in input on the frequency axis defined by the selected time segment, using `scipy.interpolate.interp1d`. The interpolation is using the `fill_value='extrapolate' and `bounds_error=False` methods to treat the boundaries.`\n\n") psd_cgn = interp1d(freqs_file, psd_cgn, fill_value='extrapolate', bounds_error=False) if(kwargs['gaussian-noise'] == 'coloured-TD'): # FIXME: when chosen fixing a gaussian-noise-seed, it gives a MemoryError. To be tested. review_warning() sys.stdout.write('* Generating the noise in time domain.\n\n') # We are using the one-sided PSD, thus it is twice the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function (see eq. 7.15 of Maggiore Vol.1). We take the real part just to convert the complex output of fft to a real numpy float. The imaginary part if already 0 when coming out of the fft. ACF_cgn = 0.5*np.real(np.fft.irfft(psd_cgn(freqs_cgn)*df_cgn))*N_points C_cgn = toeplitz(ACF_cgn) cgn = multivariate_normal(mean = np.zeros(C_cgn.shape[0]), cov = C_cgn) rawstrain = cgn.rvs() elif(kwargs['gaussian-noise'] == 'coloured-FD'): f_min_hardbound = 11.0 f_max_hardbound = 4096. f_min_inj = np.max([f_min_hardbound, freqs_cgn.min()]) f_max_inj = np.min([f_max_hardbound, freqs_cgn.max()]) kmin = int(f_min_inj/df_cgn) kmax = int(f_max_inj/df_cgn) frequencies = df_cgn*np.arange(0,N_points/2.+1) frequency_strain = np.zeros(len(frequencies), dtype = np.complex64) # Generate the frequency axis. The [f_min_hardbound, f_max_hardbound] Hz interval is chosen to be the range in which LIGO-Virgo-Kagra noise is under control. Exact values are unimportant, since the PSD will be estimated from the generated strain after bandpassing is potentially applied. sys.stdout.write('* Generating the noise in frequency domain in the interval [{}, {}] Hz. This interval will later be shrinked according to bandpassing options.\n\n'.format(f_min_hardbound, f_max_hardbound)) # Generate the noise in the frequency domain. for i in range(kmin, kmax+1): sigma_cgn = 0.5*np.sqrt(psd_cgn(frequencies[i])/df_cgn) frequency_strain[i] = np.random.normal(0.0,sigma_cgn) + 1j*np.random.normal(0.0,sigma_cgn) # Convert to time domain. noise_strain = np.real(np.fft.irfft(frequency_strain))*df_cgn*N_points else: raise ValueError("* To generate gaussian noise, the allowed options are: 'white', 'coloured-TD', 'coloured-FD'.") return noise_strain
[docs]def generate_coloured_gaussian_noise(ifo, srate, dt, T, kwargs): """ Generate coloured gaussian noise. Parameters ---------- ifo: str Name of the interferometer. srate: float Sampling rate of the data. dt: float Time step of the data. T: float Duration of the data. kwargs: dict Dictionary containing the input arguments. Returns ------- noise_strain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data downloaded. """ if not(kwargs['acf-{}'.format(ifo)]==''): noise_strain = generate_coloured_gaussian_noise_from_acf_file(kwargs['acf-{}'.format(ifo)]) elif not(kwargs['psd-{}'.format(ifo)]==''): noise_strain = generate_coloured_gaussian_noise_from_psd_file(kwargs['psd-{}'.format(ifo)], srate, dt, T, kwargs) else : raise Exception("* If coloured gaussian noise is selected, an ACF or PSD from which the noise should be generated must be passed in input.") return noise_strain
[docs]def read_data_from_custom_file(fname): """ Read data from a custom file. Parameters ---------- fname: str Name of the file containing the data. Returns ------- starttime: float Start time of the data. dt: float Time step of the data. T: float Duration of the data. rawstrain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data downloaded. """ # If the file name does not follow GWOSC conventions, times corresponding to the given strain must also be passed in the file (this could be made more general by passing custom {starttime, srate, T}, but this way is probably more stable). times, rawstrain = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack=True) starttime = float(times[0]) dt = float(times[1] - times[0]) T = dt * len(rawstrain) return starttime, dt, T, rawstrain
[docs]def read_data_from_txt_file(fname): """ Read data from a txt file. Parameters ---------- fname: str Name of the file containing the data. Returns ------- starttime: float Start time of the data. T: float Duration of the data. rawstrain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data downloaded. """ ifo_name, fr_type, starttime, T = ((fname.split('/'))[-1]).strip('.txt').split('-') rawstrain = np.loadtxt(fname) return starttime, T, rawstrain
[docs]def read_data_from_gwf_file(fname, ifo, kwargs): """ Read data from a gwf file. Parameters ---------- fname: str Name of the file containing the data. ifo: str Name of the interferometer. kwargs: dict Dictionary containing the input arguments. Returns ------- starttime: float Start time of the data. T: float Duration of the data. rawstrain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data downloaded. """ ifo_name, fr_type, starttime, T = ((fname.split('/'))[-1]).strip('.gwf').split('-') channel = kwargs['channel-{}'.format(ifo)] tseries =, channel) rawstrain = np.array( return starttime, T, rawstrain
[docs]def read_data_from_GWOSC_file(fname, ifo, kwargs): """ Read data from a GWOSC file. Parameters ---------- fname: str Name of the file containing the data. The file name is expected to follow GWOSC conventions 'DET-FRAMETYPE-STARTTIME--DATALEN.txt', e.g.: 'H-H1_GWOSC_4_V1-1126259446-32.txt'. See for more infomation. This requirement can be relaxed by activating the 'ignore-data-filename' option. ifo: str Name of the interferometer. kwargs: dict Dictionary containing the input arguments. Returns ------- starttime: float Start time of the data. dt: float Time step of the data. T: float Duration of the data. rawstrain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data downloaded. """ sys.stdout.write("* Warning: The file name is expected to follow GWOSC conventions 'DET-FRAMETYPE-STARTTIME--DATALEN.txt', e.g.: 'H-H1_GWOSC_4_V1-1126259446-32.txt'. See for more infomation. This requirement can be relaxed by activating the 'ignore-data-filename' option.\n") assert not(fname==''), "Data are empty. Either pass valid data or select one of the 'download-data' or 'gaussian-noise' options." if not('.gwf' in fname): starttime, T, rawstrain = read_data_from_txt_file(fname) else : starttime, T, rawstrain = read_data_from_gwf_file(fname, ifo, kwargs) starttime = float(starttime) T = float(T) dt = T/len(rawstrain) return starttime, dt, T, rawstrain
[docs]def read_data_from_file(fname, ifo, kwargs): """ Read data from a file. Parameters ---------- fname: str Name of the file containing the data. ifo: str Name of the interferometer. kwargs: dict Dictionary containing the input arguments. Returns ------- starttime: float Start time of the data. dt: float Time step of the data. srate_dt: float Sampling rate of the data. T: float Duration of the data. rawstrain: numpy.ndarray Array of the data. """ if not(kwargs['ignore-data-filename']): starttime, dt, T, rawstrain = read_data_from_GWOSC_file(fname, ifo, kwargs) else : starttime, dt, T, rawstrain = read_data_from_custom_file(fname) srate_dt = 1./dt sys.stdout.write('\n* Loaded `{}` starting at `{}` length {}s.\n\n'.format(fname,starttime,T)) return starttime, dt, srate_dt, T, rawstrain
####################### # Main data function. # ####################### #FIXME: this function is too big and should be split. Also, it should be a class or a subclass of the detector class, not a function
[docs]def load_data(ifo, fname, **kwargs): """ Main function to read the data (from file or downloads it using gwpy), computing the ACF (either from the data or from given file input ACF/PSD) and inject a template if requested. Parameters ---------- ifo: str Name of the interferometer. fname: str Name of the file containing the data. kwargs: dict Dictionary containing the input arguments. Returns ------- Work in progress. """ print_subsection('{}'.format(ifo)) # Data parameters. download_data_flag = kwargs['download-data'] ifo_datafile = kwargs['data-{}'.format(ifo)] # Time parameters. triggertime = kwargs['trigtime'] srate = kwargs['sampling-rate'] # ACF parameters. truncate = kwargs['truncate'] fft_acf = kwargs['fft-acf'] signal_chunk_size = kwargs['signal-chunksize'] noise_chunk_size = kwargs['noise-chunksize'] # Band-passing parameters. bandpassing_flag = kwargs['bandpassing'] f_min_bp = kwargs['f-min-bp'] f_max_bp = kwargs['f-max-bp'] # Windowing parameters. window_onsource_flag = kwargs['window-onsource'] window_flag = kwargs['window'] alpha_window = kwargs['alpha-window'] # Testing parameters. debug = kwargs['debug'] chisquare_flag = kwargs['chisquare-computation'] # Auxiliary derived quantities. signal_seglen = int(srate*signal_chunk_size) noise_seglen = int(srate*noise_chunk_size) # Basic sanity checks. assert not(triggertime is None), "No triggertime given." check_chunksizes_consistency(signal_chunk_size, noise_chunk_size, truncate) #################################### # Data loading/generation section. # #################################### # Consistency check. check_consistency_loading_options(ifo_datafile, download_data_flag, kwargs) if not(ifo_datafile=='') : starttime, dt, srate_dt, T, rawstrain = read_data_from_file(fname, ifo, kwargs) elif(download_data_flag) : starttime, dt, srate_dt, T, rawstrain = download_data(ifo, triggertime, kwargs) elif(not(kwargs['gaussian-noise']=='')): starttime, dt, srate_dt, T, rawstrain = generate_gaussian_noise(ifo, triggertime, srate, kwargs) else : raise Exception("* Either pass a data file, download data or generate data.") # Safety checks. check_seglen_compatibility(signal_chunk_size, noise_chunk_size, T) check_sampling_rate_compatibility(srate, srate_dt) ############################## # Data conditioning section. # ############################## rawstrain, starttime, T = excise_nans_from_strain(rawstrain, starttime, T, triggertime, signal_chunk_size, dt, ifo_datafile, download_data_flag) strain = bandpass_data(rawstrain, f_min_bp, f_max_bp, srate_dt, bandpassing_flag) strain, dt = downsample_data(strain, srate, srate_dt) ######################################################## # Time axis and on-source strain construction section. # ######################################################## # Construct the time axis and compute the index of the trigtime (i.e. the estimate of the coalescence time of a signal or the time at which the injection should be placed). Then, compute the closest datapoint to the requested trigtime: this is the true time sample corresponding to the trigtime on our discretised axis. This adds a maximum shift to the requested starttime of `0.5*dt`. times = np.linspace(starttime, starttime+T-dt, len(strain)) index_trigtime = round((triggertime-starttime)*srate) # Find the on-source chunk, centered on the trigger time, and the off-source chunk to avoid including the signal in the PSD computation. Since the ACF might be computed on a windowed chunk through an fft, the onsource chunk must be windowed when no truncation is applied and the fft requested, to avoid normalisation inconsistencies. on_source_times, on_source_strain, off_source_strain = compute_on_off_source_strain(times, strain, signal_seglen, index_trigtime) on_source_strain = window_onsource_strain(on_source_strain, signal_seglen, noise_seglen, window_onsource_flag, window_flag, alpha_window, truncate) ############################### # ACF/PSD estimation section. # ############################### psd_window = tukey(noise_seglen, alpha_window) psd_window_norm = np.sum(psd_window**2)/noise_seglen psd_welch, freqs_welch, df_welch = compute_Welch_PSD(off_source_strain, srate, noise_seglen, psd_window) # The `whitening_PSD` is only used for visualisation in a FD-whitened waveform reconstruction plot, and unlike the `ACF` does not enter the analysis. ACF, whitening_PSD = compute_acf_and_whitening_psd(times, strain, starttime, T, srate, triggertime, index_trigtime, dt, window_flag, alpha_window, noise_chunk_size, noise_seglen, signal_seglen, f_min_bp, f_max_bp, fft_acf, freqs_welch, psd_welch, ifo, kwargs) ################################### # Covariance computation section. # ################################### # Restrict the ACF on the signal chunk and produce the covariance matrix from the ACF. if(truncate): ACF_signal = ACF[:kwargs['analysis-duration-n']] np.savetxt(kwargs['output']+'/Noise/ACF_TD_cropped_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_chunk_size, srate, kwargs['analysis-duration']), ACF_signal) else: ACF_signal = ACF[:signal_seglen] Covariance_matrix_signal = toeplitz(ACF_signal) ######################## # ACF testing section. # ######################## string_output = 'ifo_{}_starttime_{}_duration_{}_seglen_{}_srate_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), kwargs['analysis-duration'], srate) check_Plancherel_ratio(psd_window_norm, df_welch, psd_welch, dt, ACF, debug) check_covariance_matrix_inversion_stability(Covariance_matrix_signal, debug) check_data_gaussianity(times, strain, Covariance_matrix_signal, signal_seglen, triggertime, string_output, kwargs['output']) chisquare_computation(ACF, chisquare_flag) ###################### # Injection section. # ###################### if not(kwargs['injection-approximant']==''): on_source_strain = add_injection(on_source_times, on_source_strain, triggertime, ifo, kwargs) else: assert not((ifo_datafile=='') and not(download_data_flag)), "No data was passed and no injection has been selected. Exiting." #################### # Finalise output. # #################### # We are done with the whole strain. del times, rawstrain, strain # Return the: time axis, time series, covariance matrix and PSD used in the whitened waveform plot. # Note that the `on_source_strain` is long `signal_seglen` and has not been truncate yet, unlike the ACF, to allow for a variable start time. return on_source_times, on_source_strain, ACF_signal, Covariance_matrix_signal, whitening_PSD
######################## # Main detector class. # ########################
[docs]class detector: def __init__(self, ifo_name, datafile, **kwargs): = ifo_name self.lal_detector = lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[] self.location = self.lal_detector.location self.time, self.time_series, self.acf, self.covariance, self.psd = load_data(, datafile, **kwargs) self.sampling_rate = 1./np.diff(self.time)[0] # Save the times and data that will be actually used in the likelihood. np.savetxt(kwargs['output']+'/Noise/signal_chunk_times_data_{det}.txt'.format(det=ifo_name), np.column_stack((self.time, self.time_series))) self.inverse_covariance = inv(self.covariance) self.cholesky = np.linalg.cholesky(self.covariance) if kwargs['no-lognorm']: self.log_normalisation = 0. else : self.log_normalisation = -0.5*np.linalg.slogdet(self.covariance)[1] - 0.5*(self.covariance.shape[0])*np.log(2.0*np.pi) def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() del state['lal_detector'] del state['location'] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__ = state self.lal_detector = lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[] self.location = self.lal_detector.location
################################################## # {Old/currently unused/work in progress} stuff. # ##################################################
[docs]def mem_psd(data, srate, optimisation_method = "FPE"): """ Compute the one-sided average PSD with the MESA method. Currently not used. Parameters ---------- data: array The data to be analysed. srate: float The sampling rate of the data. optimisation_method: string The method used to optimise the PSD. Can be "FPE" or "AIC". Returns ------- freqs: array The frequencies at which the PSD is evaluated. psd: array The one-sided average PSD. """ #review_warning() M = mem.MESA() M.solve(data, optimisation_method = optimisation_method, early_stop=False) return M.spectrum(1./srate, onesided = True)
[docs]def compute_maxent_PSD(times, strain, starttime, T, srate, triggertime, index_trigtime, dt, alpha_window, window_flag, noise_seglen, signal_seglen, fft_acf, freqs_welch, psd_welch, ifo, kwargs): """ Compute the one-sided average PSD with the MESA method. Currently not used. Parameters ---------- times: array The time axis of the data. strain: array The data to be analysed. starttime: float The start time of the data. T: float The duration of the data. srate: float The sampling rate of the data. triggertime: float The time of the signal injection. index_trigtime: int The index of the time of the signal injection. dt: float The time step of the data. alpha_window: float The alpha parameter of the Tukey window. window_flag: string The windowing function to be used. noise_seglen: int The length of the noise segments. signal_seglen: int The length of the signal segments. fft_acf: bool Whether the ACF is computed in the time or frequency domain. freqs_welch: array The frequencies at which the Welch PSD is evaluated. psd_welch: array The one-sided Welch PSD. ifo: string The detector name. kwargs: dict The dictionary of the input parameters. Returns ------- freqs_maxent: array The frequencies at which the PSD is evaluated. psd_maxent: array The one-sided average PSD. """ # References: review_warning() assert (fft_acf), "Cannot compute ACF in time domain and compute MaxEnt PSD." freqs_default = np.fft.rfftfreq(noise_seglen, d = dt) df_default = np.diff(freqs_default)[0] if(kwargs['maxent-psd']=='average'): sys.stdout.write('* Computing the one-sided average PSD with the MESA method.\n\n') psds = [] for data in chunks_iterator(times, strain, noise_seglen, avoid=triggertime, window=window_flag, alpha=alpha_window): freqs_maxent, psd = mem_psd(data, srate, optimisation_method = "CAT") psds.append(psd) if( kwargs['noise-averaging-method']=='mean' ): psd_maxent = np.mean( np.array(psds), axis=0) elif(kwargs['noise-averaging-method']=='median'): psd_maxent = np.median(np.array(psds), axis=0) ACF = 0.5*np.real(np.fft.irfft(psd_maxent*df_default))*noise_seglen else: M_max = int(2.*signal_seglen/np.log(2.*signal_seglen)) if(kwargs['maxent-psd']=='onsource-chunk'): sys.stdout.write('* Computing the one-sided PSD with the MESA method on the onsource chunk.\n\n') if not((signal_seglen%2)==0): data = strain[index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2:index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2+1] else : data = strain[index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2:index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2] elif(kwargs['maxent-psd']=='pre-onsource-chunk'): sys.stdout.write('* Computing the one-sided PSD with the MESA method on the pre-onsource chunk.\n\n') if not((signal_seglen%2)==0): data = strain[index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2-signal_seglen:index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2+1] else : data = strain[index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2-signal_seglen:index_trigtime-signal_seglen//2] elif(kwargs['maxent-psd']=='post-onsource-chunk'): sys.stdout.write('* Computing the one-sided PSD with the MESA method on the post-onsource chunk.\n\n') if not((signal_seglen%2)==0): data = strain[index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2:index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2+1+signal_seglen] else : data = strain[index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2:index_trigtime+signal_seglen//2+signal_seglen] freqs_maxent, psd_maxent = mem_psd(data, srate, optimisation_method = "FPE") # We are using the one-sided PSD, thus it is twice the Fourier transform of the autocorrelation function (see eq. 7.15 of Maggiore Vol.1). We take the real part just to convert the complex output of fft to a real numpy float. The imaginary part if already 0 when coming out of the fft. ACF = 0.5*np.real(np.fft.irfft(psd_maxent*df_default))*signal_seglen plots.plot_ACF(time = dt*np.arange(len(ACF)), acf = ACF, label = r'$\mathrm{ACF \,\, (from \,\, MaxEnt)}$', output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output']+'/Noise','{}_ACF.pdf'.format(ifo))) plots.plot_PSD_compare(freqs1 = freqs_maxent, psd1 = psd_maxent, label1 = r"$\mathrm{PSD \,\, (from \,\, MaxEnt)}$", freqs2 = freqs_welch, psd2 = psd_welch, label2 = r"$\mathrm{Welch, \,\, (frequency \,\, domain)}$", output_path = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_PSD.pdf'.format(ifo))) np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','ACF_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_seglen, srate)), np.column_stack((dt*np.arange(len(ACF)), ACF))) np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','PSD_MaxEnt_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(kwargs['maxent-psd'], ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_seglen, srate)), np.column_stack((freqs_maxent, psd_maxent))) np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','PSD_Welch_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}.txt'.format(ifo, int(starttime), int(T), noise_seglen, srate)), np.column_stack((freqs_welch, psd_welch))) whitening_PSD = interp1d(freqs_maxent, psd_maxent, fill_value='extrapolate', bounds_error=False) return ACF, whitening_PSD
[docs]def non_stationarity_check(acfs, dt): """ Check if there is any trend in PSD evolution. Parameters ---------- acfs: list of numpy arrays List of autocorrelation functions. dt: float Time step of the autocorrelation functions. Returns ------- Nothing, but it plots the PSD evolution and prints the number of non-stationary bins. """ review_warning() #Check if there is any trend in PSD evolution. # color = iter(cm.viridis(np.linspace(0,1,len(acfs)))) #FIXME(optional): tolerance needs to be tested. Stochastic group plenary talk LVC Sept 2019 used tolerance=0.2 plt.figure() counter = 0 #FIXME(optional): random value, test it tolerance = 4.0 sys.stdout.write('* Non-stationarity check (%f maximum tolerated variation)\n\n'%tolerance) for idx in range(len(acfs)): psd_x = 2*np.real(np.fft.rfft(acfs[idx]*dt)) if not(idx==0 or idx==(len(acfs)-1)): psd_pre = 2*np.real(np.fft.rfft(acfs[idx-1]*dt)) psd_post = 2*np.real(np.fft.rfft(acfs[idx+1]*dt)) for x in range(0, len(psd_x)): statistic = np.abs(psd_x[x] - ((psd_post[x] + psd_pre[x])/2.))/psd_x[x] if(statistic > tolerance): counter = counter + 1 sys.stdout.write('Number of non-stationary bins in chunk %d: %d/%d.\n\n'%(idx, counter, len(freqs_default))) counter = 0 # c = next(color) # plt.loglog(freqs2, psd_x, lw=0.1, alpha=0.5, c=c) # plt.xlabel(r"$f\,(Hz)$", fontsize=18) # plt.ylabel(r"$S(f)\,(Hz^{-1})$",fontsize=18) # plt.legend() # plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise','{}_PSD_variation.pdf'.format(ifo)), bbox_inches='tight') # plt.close('all') return
[docs]def UNCHECKED_acf_from_ideal_psd(ASDtxtfile, fmin, srate, T): """ Build the ACF from an ideal PSD. Parameters ---------- ASDtxtfile: string Path to the file containing the ASD. fmin: float Minimum frequency of the PSD. srate: float Sampling rate of the ACF. T: float Length of the ACF. Returns ------- lag: numpy array Array of lags. R: numpy array Array of ACF values. """ review_warning() def interpolate_psd(psd_in, f_in, df_out, fmin, srate): f_out = np.arange(fmin, srate/2., df_out) return f_out, np.interp(f_out, f_in, psd_in) # Read PSD from file f, asd = np.loadtxt(ASDtxtfile, unpack = True) dt = 1./srate psd = asd**2 # Interpolate PSD on a chosen set of frequencies fo, psd = interpolate_psd(psd, f, 1./T, f.min(), srate) # Build the ACF R = np.fft.irfft(psd)*srate lag = np.linspace(0,T/2.,len(R)) return lag, R
[docs]def UNCHECKED_estimated_acf(x): """ Estimate ACF directly from the data. Parameters ---------- x: numpy array Array of data. Returns ------- r: numpy array Array of ACF values. """ review_warning() n = len(x) x = x-x.mean() r = np.correlate(x, x, mode = 'full')[-n:] return r/np.arange(n, 0, -1)
[docs]def UNCHECKED_acf_finite(y,k): """ Estimate directly from the data y Weighting by 1/(N-i) for lag i where N=len(y) k specifies the desired size of the ACF, i.e. the number of samples in the on-source segment. Parameters ---------- y: numpy array Array of data. k: int Number of samples in the on-source segment. Returns ------- R: numpy array Array of ACF values. """ review_warning() N = len(y) R = [sum(y[:N-i]*y[i:N])/(N-i) for i in range(k)] return R