Source code for pyRing.plots

#! /usr/bin/env python
#Standard python imports
import matplotlib
import corner, h5py, glob, matplotlib.patches as mpatches, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, numpy as np, os, pandas as pd, seaborn as sns, sys, traceback, warnings
from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter
from scipy.stats       import kstest, gaussian_kde
# Transition fix, while older python versions still have tukey in the main `signal` module, and newer versions have it in `windows`
try                                     : from scipy.signal         import tukey
except(ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): from import tukey

    import configparser
except ImportError:
    import ConfigParser as configparser

#LVC imports
import lal
from lalinference                import DetFrameToEquatorial
from lalinference.imrtgr.nrutils import *

#Package internal imports
from pyRing.waveform         import *
from pyRing.utils            import bandpass_around_ringdown, compute_SNR_TD, compute_SNR_FD, import_datafile_path, qnm_interpolate, set_prefix, whiten_TD, whiten_FD, project_python_wrapper as project
from pyRing.inject_signal    import inject_IMR_signal, inject_ringdown_signal

[docs]def init_plotting(): """ Function to set the default plotting parameters. Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- Nothing, but sets the default plotting parameters. """ plt.rcParams['figure.max_open_warning'] = 0 plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (5, 5) plt.rcParams['font.size'] = 10 plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'stix' plt.rcParams[''] = 'STIXGeneral' plt.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = 1 plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 1.5*plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = plt.rcParams['font.size'] plt.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['xtick.minor.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = 3 plt.rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = 1 plt.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = False plt.rcParams['legend.loc'] = 'center left' plt.rcParams['contour.negative_linestyle'] = 'solid' plt.gca().spines['right'].set_color('none') plt.gca().spines['top'].set_color('none') plt.gca().xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') plt.gca().yaxis.set_ticks_position('left') return
[docs]def get_param_override(fixed_params,x,name): """ Function returning either a sample or the fixed value for the parameter considered. --------------- Returns x[name], unless it is over-ridden by value in the fixed_params dictionary. Parameters ---------- fixed_params : dict Dictionary of fixed parameters. x : dict Dictionary of samples. name : str Name of the parameter. Returns ------- Either x[name] or fixed_params[name]. """ if name in fixed_params: return fixed_params[name] else: return x[name]
[docs]def FindHeightForLevel(inArr, adLevels): """ Function to find the height of a contour line in a 2D array. Parameters ---------- inArr : array 2D array of values. adLevels : array Array of levels. Returns ------- adHeights : array Array of heights. """ # flatten the array oldshape = np.shape(inArr) adInput= np.reshape(inArr,oldshape[0]*oldshape[1]) # GET ARRAY SPECIFICS nLength = np.size(adInput) # CREATE REVERSED SORTED LIST adTemp = -1.0 * adInput adSorted = np.sort(adTemp) adSorted = -1.0 * adSorted # CREATE NORMALISED CUMULATIVE DISTRIBUTION adCum = np.zeros(nLength) adCum[0] = adSorted[0] for i in range(1,nLength): adCum[i] = np.logaddexp(adCum[i-1], adSorted[i]) adCum = adCum - adCum[-1] # FIND VALUE CLOSEST TO LEVELS adHeights = [] for item in adLevels: idx=(np.abs(adCum-np.log(item))).argmin() adHeights.append(adSorted[idx]) adHeights = np.array(adHeights) return np.sort(adHeights)
[docs]def plot_contour(samples_stacked, level=[0.9], linest = 'dotted', label= None, color='k', line_w=1.2, plot_legend=1, zorder=None): """ Function to plot a contour line. Parameters ---------- samples_stacked : array Array of samples. level : array Array of levels. linest : str Linestyle. label : str Label. color : str Color. line_w : float Line width. plot_legend : int Plot legend. zorder : int Zorder. Returns ------- Nothing, but plots a contour line. """ warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning) kde = gaussian_kde(samples_stacked.T) x_flat = np.r_[samples_stacked[:,0].min():samples_stacked[:,0].max():128j] y_flat = np.r_[samples_stacked[:,1].min():samples_stacked[:,1].max():128j] X,Y = np.meshgrid(x_flat,y_flat) grid_coords = np.append(X.reshape(-1,1),Y.reshape(-1,1),axis=1) pdf = kde(grid_coords.T) pdf = pdf.reshape(128,128) pdf[np.where(pdf==0.)] = 1.e-100 hs = [] lgs = [] for l in level: if zorder is not None: cntr = plt.contour(X,Y,np.log(pdf),levels = np.sort(FindHeightForLevel(np.log(pdf),[l])), colors=color, linewidths=line_w, linestyles=linest) else: cntr = plt.contour(X,Y,np.log(pdf),levels = np.sort(FindHeightForLevel(np.log(pdf),[l])), colors=color, linewidths=line_w, linestyles=linest, zorder=zorder) if(plot_legend): h,_ = cntr.legend_elements() hs.append(h[0]) if not(label==None): lgs.append(r'${0} - {1} \% \, CI$'.format(label,int(l*100.))) else: lgs.append(r'${0} \% \, CI$'.format(int(l*100.))) if(plot_legend): plt.legend([h_x for h_x in hs], [lg for lg in lgs], loc='upper left') warnings.filterwarnings('default', category=RuntimeWarning) return
[docs]def initialise_plot_strain(strain_only, whiten_method, dets, **kwargs): if((strain_only==1) and (whiten_method == 'TD')): raise Exception('TD whitening requires a start time, which is not provided in `strain_only=1` mode.') init_plotting() model_waveforms = {d: [] for d in list(dets.keys())} dt_dict = {d: [] for d in list(dets.keys())} timeseries_whitened_TD = {d: [] for d in list(dets.keys())} ref_det = kwargs['ref-det'] tevent = kwargs['trigtime'] srate = kwargs['sampling-rate'] sky_frame = kwargs['sky-frame'] dt = 1./srate duration_n = kwargs['analysis-duration-n'] #If there is no injected Mf, get an estimate of final mass from the tau of a chif=0.7 BH, for plotting purposes only. if(not(kwargs['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') and not(kwargs['injection-approximant']=='')): mf_time_prior = kwargs['injection-parameters']['Mf'] elif(kwargs['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids'): mf_time_prior = ((kwargs['injection-parameters']['tau']['t'][0]*lal.C_SI**3)/lal.G_SI)/(lal.MSUN_SI*20.) else: mf_time_prior = kwargs['mf-time-prior'] return model_waveforms, dt_dict, timeseries_whitened_TD, ref_det, tevent, sky_frame, dt, duration_n, mf_time_prior
[docs]def read_skypos(fixed_params, p, dets, sky_frame, ref_det, tevent, **kwargs): if (sky_frame == 'detector'): non_ref_det = kwargs['nonref-det'] cos_altitude = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'cos_altitude') azimuth = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'azimuth') tg, ra, dec = DetFrameToEquatorial(dets[ref_det].lal_detector, dets[non_ref_det].lal_detector, tevent, np.arccos(cos_altitude), azimuth) elif (sky_frame == 'equatorial'): ra = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'ra') dec = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'dec') else: if (len(dets) > 1): non_ref_det = kwargs['nonref-det'] cos_altitude = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'cos_altitude') azimuth = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'azimuth') tg, ra, dec = DetFrameToEquatorial(dets[ref_det].lal_detector, dets[non_ref_det].lal_detector, tevent, np.arccos(cos_altitude), azimuth) else: ra = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'ra') dec = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'dec') psi = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'psi') return ra, dec, psi
[docs]def read_waveforms(params, fixed_params, get_waveform, dets, ref_det, tevent, sky_frame, whiten_method, whiten_flag, mf_time_prior, duration_n, tgps, dt, model_waveforms, dt_dict, timeseries_whitened_TD, spectrum, **kwargs): for p in params: if p is not None: if ('t' in fixed_params): t_start = fixed_params['t'] else: t_start = p['t0'] # Select sky position parameters ra, dec, psi = read_skypos(fixed_params, p, dets, sky_frame, ref_det, tevent, **kwargs) # Generate waveform waveform_polarisations = get_waveform(p) for d in list(dets.keys()): detector = dets[d] time_delay = lal.ArrivalTimeDiff(detector.location, lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[ref_det].location, ra, dec, tgps) time_array = detector.time - (tevent+time_delay) hs, hvx, hvy, hp, hc = waveform_polarisations.waveform(time_array) waveform_proj = project(hs, hvx, hvy, hp, hc, detector.lal_detector, ra, dec, psi, tgps) if whiten_flag: waveform_proj = bandpass_around_ringdown(waveform_proj, dt, kwargs['f-min-bp'], mf_time_prior, alpha_window=0.1) if( whiten_method=='FD'): waveform = whiten_FD(waveform_proj, detector.psd, dt, kwargs['f-min-bp'], kwargs['f-max-bp']) elif(whiten_method=='TD'): # In the case where we truncate and use the TD domain, the whitening depends on when the analysis starts, i.e. the samples. Hence, the whitened data will be different depending on the sample. if(kwargs['truncate']==1): waveform_proj = waveform_proj[time_array >= t_start][:duration_n] # This block seems out of place, but it's needed here since in the case of a variable start time we need to loop over tstart. timeseries_tmp = bandpass_around_ringdown(detector.time_series, dt, kwargs['f-min-bp'], mf_time_prior, alpha_window=0.1) timeseries_tmp = timeseries_tmp[time_array >= t_start][:duration_n] timeseries_tmp = whiten_TD(timeseries_tmp, detector.cholesky) timeseries_whitened_TD[d].append(timeseries_tmp) waveform = whiten_TD(waveform_proj, detector.cholesky) else: raise ValueError('Unknown whitening method requested.') else: waveform = waveform_proj if(spectrum): waveform = np.absolute(np.fft.rfft(waveform*dt)) model_waveforms[d].append(waveform) dt_dict[d].append(time_delay+t_start) else: waveform_polarisations = None return model_waveforms, dt_dict, timeseries_whitened_TD
[docs]def read_dataseries(d, whiten_flag, detector, tevent, dt, whiten_method, mf_time_prior, timeseries_whitened_TD, duration_n, dt_dict, spectrum, **kwargs): if whiten_flag: if(whiten_method=='FD'): timeseries_tmp = bandpass_around_ringdown(detector.time_series, dt, kwargs['f-min-bp'], mf_time_prior, alpha_window=0.1) timeseries = whiten_FD(timeseries_tmp, detector.psd, dt, kwargs['f-min-bp'], kwargs['f-max-bp']) time_axis = detector.time-tevent elif(whiten_method=='TD'): if(kwargs['truncate']==1): # In the case where the tstart is fixed, the median of the timeseries is simply the timeseries. timeseries_regions = np.percentile(np.array(timeseries_whitened_TD[d]),[5,50,95], axis=0) timeseries = timeseries_regions[1] dt_regions = np.percentile(np.array(dt_dict[d]),[5,50,95], axis=0) time_axis = (detector.time-tevent-dt_regions[1]) time_axis = time_axis[time_axis >= 0][:duration_n] else: timeseries = bandpass_around_ringdown(detector.time_series, dt, kwargs['f-min-bp'], mf_time_prior, alpha_window=0.1) timeseries = whiten_TD(timeseries, detector.cholesky) time_axis = detector.time-tevent else: raise ValueError('Unknown whitening method requested.') wtleg = 'whitened' label_y = r'$\mathrm{s_{%s}(t)}$'%(d) else: timeseries = detector.time_series time_axis = detector.time-tevent wtleg = '' label_y = r'$\mathrm{Strain}$' if(spectrum): data_axis = np.fft.rfftfreq(len(timeseries), d=dt) dataseries = np.absolute(np.fft.rfft(timeseries*dt)) else: data_axis = time_axis dataseries = timeseries return data_axis, dataseries, wtleg, label_y
[docs]def plot_strain(get_waveform, dets, fixed_params, tgps, params = None, whiten_flag = False, whiten_method = 'TD', strain_only = 0, spectrum = 0, logamp = 0, **kwargs): """ Function to plot the strain. Parameters ---------- get_waveform : function Function to get the waveform. dets : dict Dictionary of detectors. fixed_params : dict Dictionary of fixed parameters. tgps : float GPS time. params : dict Dictionary of parameters. whiten_flag : bool Whitening flag. whiten_method : str Whitening method. Available options: ['TD', 'FD']. strain_only : int Strain only. kwargs : dict Dictionary of keyword arguments. Returns ------- Nothing, but plots the strain. """ ############## # Initialise # ############## model_waveforms, dt_dict, timeseries_whitened_TD, ref_det, tevent, sky_frame, dt, duration_n, mf_time_prior = initialise_plot_strain(strain_only, whiten_method, dets, **kwargs) ################## # Read waveforms # ################## if not(strain_only): model_waveforms, dt_dict, timeseries_whitened_TD = read_waveforms(params, fixed_params, get_waveform, dets, ref_det, tevent, sky_frame, whiten_method, whiten_flag, mf_time_prior, duration_n, tgps, dt, model_waveforms, dt_dict, timeseries_whitened_TD, spectrum, **kwargs) ######################### # Data vs waveform plot # ######################### if(spectrum): if(strain_only): filename = 'strain_fft' else: filename = 'reconstructed_waveform_fft' elif(logamp): if(strain_only): filename = 'strain_logamp' else: filename = 'reconstructed_waveform_logamp' else: if(strain_only): filename = 'strain' else: filename = 'reconstructed_waveform' fig = plt.figure() nsub_panels = len(dets) # Plot the data for i,d in enumerate(dets.keys()): detector = dets[d] ax = fig.add_subplot(nsub_panels,1,i+1) plt.grid(False) # Read the timeseries data_axis, dataseries, wtleg, label_y = read_dataseries(d, whiten_flag, detector, tevent, dt, whiten_method, mf_time_prior, timeseries_whitened_TD, duration_n, dt_dict, spectrum, **kwargs) # Plot the frequency/time series if(spectrum): ax.loglog( data_axis, dataseries, label='{}'.format(d)+' ffted-strain ' +wtleg, c='black', linestyle='-', lw=1.0) elif(logamp): ax.semilogy(data_axis, np.abs(dataseries), label='{}'.format(d)+' logamp-strain '+wtleg, c='black', linestyle='-', lw=1.0) else: ax.plot( data_axis, dataseries, label='{}'.format(d)+' strain ' +wtleg, c='black', linestyle='-', lw=1.0) # Axes if not(spectrum): if(whiten_flag and not(logamp)): if (np.max(np.abs(dataseries)) < 5.): ax.set_ylim([-5,5]) else: ax.set_ylim([-10,10]) ax.set_ylabel(label_y) if (d=='H1' and (nsub_panels > 1)): ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.grid(False) # Plot waveform median and credible regions if not(strain_only): waveform_regions = np.percentile(np.array(model_waveforms[d]), [5,50,95], axis=0) dt_regions = np.percentile(np.array(dt_dict[d]) , [5,50,95], axis=0) # Plot the waveform fft or timeseries if(spectrum): ax.loglog( data_axis, waveform_regions[1] , label='model '+wtleg, color='gold', lw=0.8) elif(logamp): ax.semilogy(data_axis, np.abs(waveform_regions[1]), label='model '+wtleg, color='gold', lw=0.8) else : ax.plot( data_axis, waveform_regions[1] , label='model '+wtleg, color='gold', lw=0.8) ax.fill_between(data_axis, waveform_regions[0], waveform_regions[2], facecolor='gold', lw=0.5, alpha=0.4) # Axes if not(spectrum): try: if( whiten_method=='FD'): ax.set_xlim([dt-150*mf_time_prior*lal.MTSUN_SI, dt+150*mf_time_prior*lal.MTSUN_SI]) ax.axvline(0.0, c='deeppink', linestyle='dashed', lw=1.0, label=r'$\mathrm{t_{start}}$') elif(whiten_method=='TD'): if not whiten_flag: ax.set_xlim([dt-150*mf_time_prior*lal.MTSUN_SI, dt+150*mf_time_prior*lal.MTSUN_SI]) else : ax.set_xlim([dt- 0*mf_time_prior*lal.MTSUN_SI, dt+150*mf_time_prior*lal.MTSUN_SI]) except (KeyError,configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): print("\nWarning: Failed to complete strain plot due to error: {}.".format(traceback.print_exc())) if spectrum: ax.set_xlim([kwargs['f-min-bp'], kwargs['f-max-bp']]) ax.set_xlabel('Freq [Hz]') else: ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]') # Legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 6}) # Save the plot plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) if not(wtleg==''): filename = filename + '_' + wtleg + '_{}'.format(whiten_method) plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/Strains', filename+'.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight') ################## # Residuals plot # ################## if(whiten_flag and not(strain_only)): # Initialise fig = plt.figure() for i,d in enumerate(dets.keys()): detector = dets[d] ax = fig.add_subplot(nsub_panels,1,i+1) # Read the timeseries data_axis, dataseries, wtleg, label_y = read_dataseries(d, whiten_flag, detector, tevent, dt, whiten_method, mf_time_prior, timeseries_whitened_TD, duration_n, dt_dict, spectrum, **kwargs) # Axes ax.set_ylabel(label_y) if (d=='H1' and (nsub_panels > 1)): ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.grid(False) # Compute residuals against waveform median and 90% region waveform_regions = np.percentile(np.array(model_waveforms[d]),[5,50,95], axis=0) residuals_lower = dataseries-waveform_regions[0] residuals_median = dataseries-waveform_regions[1] residuals_upper = dataseries-waveform_regions[2] # Plot residuals if(spectrum): ax.loglog( data_axis, residuals_median , label='whitened residuals', color='gold', lw=0.8) elif(logamp): ax.semilogy(data_axis, np.abs(residuals_median), label='whitened residuals', color='gold', lw=0.8) else : ax.plot( data_axis, residuals_median , label='whitened residuals', color='gold', lw=0.8) ax.fill_between(data_axis, residuals_lower, residuals_upper, facecolor='gold', lw=0.5, alpha=0.4) # Axes if not(spectrum): if not(logamp): # Confidence bands ax.axhline( 1.0, c='black', linestyle='dotted', lw=0.6, label=r'$\pm 1 \sigma$') ax.axhline(-1.0, c='black', linestyle='dotted', lw=0.6) ax.axhline( 2.0, c='darkred', linestyle='dotted', lw=0.6, label=r'$\pm 2 \sigma$') ax.axhline(-2.0, c='darkred', linestyle='dotted', lw=0.6) try: if( whiten_method=='FD'): if not(logamp): ax.set_ylim([-5,5]) ax.set_xlim([dt-150*mf_time_prior*lal.MTSUN_SI, dt+80*mf_time_prior*lal.MTSUN_SI]) ax.axvline(0.0, c='deeppink', linestyle='dashed', lw=1.0, label=r'$\mathrm{t_{start}}$') elif(whiten_method=='TD'): if not(logamp): ax.set_ylim([-3,3]) ax.set_xlim([0.0, dt+150*mf_time_prior*lal.MTSUN_SI]) except (KeyError,configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): print("\nWarning: Failed to set axes for residuals plot due to error: {}.".format(traceback.print_exc())) ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]') else: ax.set_xlim([kwargs['f-min-bp'], kwargs['f-max-bp']]) ax.set_xlabel('Freq [Hz]') # Legend ax.legend(loc='upper left', prop={'size': 6}) # Finalise and save plot plt.grid(False) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) if(spectrum): filename = 'whitened_residuals' +'_{}'.format(whiten_method) + '_fft' elif(logamp): filename = 'whitened_residuals' +'_{}'.format(whiten_method) + '_logamp' else : filename = 'whitened_residuals' +'_{}'.format(whiten_method) plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/Strains', filename+'.pdf'), bbox_inches='tight') ###################### # Gaussianity checks # ###################### if(not(spectrum) and not(logamp)): if(whiten_method=='TD'): # Plot whitened residuals against a normal distribution, to visually check gaussianity. # FIXME: this number should be experimented with. nbins = 50 normal_draws = np.random.normal(size=1000000) # Plot the data for i,d in enumerate(dets.keys()): detector = dets[d] fig = plt.figure() label_y = r'$\mathrm{s_{%s}(t)}$'%(d) plt.ylabel(label_y) for i in range(len(model_waveforms[d])): plt.hist(timeseries_whitened_TD[d][i]-model_waveforms[d][i], histtype='step', bins=nbins, stacked=True, fill=False, density=True, color='gold', lw=0.5, alpha=0.4) gaussian_x, bins_gauss, _ = plt.hist(normal_draws, label='Expected distribution', histtype='step', bins=nbins, stacked=True, fill=False, density=True, color='black', linewidth=2.0) # Work in progress # sigma = [gaussian_x[i]*(1-gaussian_x[i]) for i in range(len(gaussian_x))] # lower, upper = gaussian_x - sigma, gaussian_x + sigma # plt.plot(bins_gauss[:-1], lower, color='black', linewidth=1.7, linestyle='dashed') # plt.plot(bins_gauss[:-1], upper, color='black', linewidth=1.7, linestyle='dashed') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('Whitened residuals') plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/Strains','Histrogram_whitened_residuals_{}_{}.pdf'.format(d, whiten_method)), bbox_inches='tight') # Now let's compute a quantitative measure of gaussianity with zero mean and unit variance. KS_p_values = [] p_value_threshold = 0.01 for i in range(len(model_waveforms[d])): res_x = timeseries_whitened_TD[d][i]-model_waveforms[d][i] KS_statistic, p_value = kstest(res_x, "norm") KS_p_values.append(p_value) KS_p_values = np.array(KS_p_values) mask_outliers = KS_p_values < p_value_threshold N_outliers = len(KS_p_values[mask_outliers]) len_tot = len(KS_p_values) n, bins, _ = plt.hist(KS_p_values) bin_width = bins[1] - bins[0] integral = bin_width * sum(n) plt.figure() plt.hist(KS_p_values, histtype='step', bins=nbins, stacked=True, fill=False, color='black', linewidth=2.0) plt.axvline(p_value_threshold, label = 'Significance level: {}\nN outliers: {}/{}'.format(p_value_threshold, N_outliers, len_tot), color='darkred', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5) plt.xlabel('Kolmogorov–Smirnov p-values') plt.title('Integral: {:.6f}'.format(integral)) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/Strains', 'Histogram_Kolmogorov_Smirnov_test_whitened_residuals_{}_{}.pdf'.format(d, whiten_method)), bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure() plt.scatter(np.arange(0,len(KS_p_values)), KS_p_values, color='black', marker='x') plt.axhline(p_value_threshold, label = 'Significance level: {}\nN outliers: {}/{}'.format(p_value_threshold, N_outliers, len_tot), color='darkred', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=1.5) plt.xlabel('Samples') plt.ylabel('Kolmogorov–Smirnov p-values') plt.ylim([0,2]) plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/Strains', 'Scatter_Kolmogorov_Smirnov_test_whitened_residuals_{}_{}.pdf'.format(d, whiten_method)), bbox_inches='tight') print('* A Kolmogorov–Smirnov test of whitened {} residuals gave {}/{} normality outliers (at {} % significance).\n'.format(d, N_outliers, len_tot, p_value_threshold*100)) return
[docs]def SNR_plots(get_waveform, dets, fixed_params, tgps, params = None, **kwargs): """ Plot the SNR of the network and of each detector. Parameters ---------- get_waveform : function Function that returns the waveform model. dets : dict Dictionary of detectors. fixed_params : dict Dictionary of fixed parameters. tgps : float GPS time of the event. params : dict Dictionary of parameters sampled on. kwargs : dict Dictionary of keyword arguments. Returns ------- Nothing, but creates the SNR plots. """ # Initialise plotting. init_plotting() # Read auxiliary quantities. ref_det = kwargs['ref-det'] tevent = kwargs['trigtime'] srate = kwargs['sampling-rate'] sky_frame = kwargs['sky-frame'] seglen = int(srate*kwargs['signal-chunksize']) dt = 1./srate freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(seglen, d=dt) df = freqs[1] - freqs[0] duration_n = kwargs['analysis-duration-n'] alpha_window = kwargs['alpha-window'] likelihood_method = kwargs['likelihood-method'] # Do it only in TD, FD needs windowing etc. domain = 'TD' # Initialise structures. SNRs_inj, network_SNRs_inj = {}, {} SNRs_inj[domain] = {} network_SNRs_inj[domain] = {} ######################### # Injected SNR section. # ######################### # Get the injected SNR. if not(kwargs['injection-approximant']==''): print('Injected:\n') # Compute only the optimal SNR for injections SNR_type = 'optimal' SNRs_inj[domain][SNR_type] = {d: [] for d in list(dets.keys())} network_SNRs_inj[domain][SNR_type] = [] # Loop onto detectors. for d in list(dets.keys()): # Get detector time axis. detector = dets[d] time_array = detector.time t_start = kwargs['injection-parameters']['t0'] # Generate waveform polarisations. Note that time_array is overwritten, and the new time_array, used to compute the SNR, is internally aligned to trigtime. if((kwargs['injection-approximant']=='NR') or ('LAL' in kwargs['injection-approximant'])): inj_waveform, time_array = inject_IMR_signal( time_array, tevent, d, print_output=False, **kwargs) else : inj_waveform, time_array = inject_ringdown_signal(time_array, tevent, d, print_output=False, **kwargs) # Truncate time axis and injection. if(kwargs['truncate']==1): time_array_cropped = time_array[time_array >= t_start][:duration_n] inj_waveform = inj_waveform[time_array >= t_start][:duration_n] # Compute inner product weights. TD_method = likelihood_method if( TD_method=='direct-inversion' ): weights_TD = detector.inverse_covariance elif(TD_method=='cholesky-solve-triangular'): weights_TD = detector.cholesky elif(TD_method=='toeplitz-inversion' ): weights_TD = detector.acf SNRs_inj[domain][SNR_type][d] = compute_SNR_TD(inj_waveform, inj_waveform, weights_TD, method=TD_method) # Compute network SNR. network_SNRs_inj[domain][SNR_type].append(np.sqrt(np.sum([SNRs_inj[domain][SNR_type][d]**2 for d in list(dets.keys())]))) SNR_header = 'Network\t' for d in list(dets.keys()): SNR_header += '{}\t'.format(d) print('{} {} SNR ({}): {:.3f}'.format(d.ljust(len('Network')), SNR_type.ljust(len('matched_filter')), domain, np.median(SNRs_inj[domain][SNR_type][d]))) print('Network {} SNR ({}): {:.3f}'.format(SNR_type.ljust(len('matched_filter')), domain, np.median(network_SNRs_inj[domain][SNR_type]))) ####################### # Signal SNR section. # ####################### # Initialise structures. SNRs, network_SNRs, SNRs_loss = {}, {}, {} SNRs[domain] = {} network_SNRs[domain] = {} # Find maxL index to compute an estimate of the SNR loss due to truncation maxL = np.max(params['logL']) # Loop over the type of SNR. print('\nMedians:\n') for SNR_type in ['matched_filter', 'optimal']: SNRs[domain][SNR_type] = {d: [] for d in list(dets.keys())} network_SNRs[domain][SNR_type] = [] SNRs_loss[SNR_type] = {d: 0.0 for d in list(dets.keys())} # Loop over posterior samples. for p in params: # Read time and sky position parameters, required separately to compute truncated time axis. if ('t' in fixed_params): t_start = fixed_params['t'] else: t_start = p['t0'] if (sky_frame == 'detector'): non_ref_det = kwargs['nonref-det'] cos_altitude = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'cos_altitude') azimuth = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'azimuth') tg, ra, dec = DetFrameToEquatorial(dets[ref_det].lal_detector, dets[non_ref_det].lal_detector, tevent, np.arccos(cos_altitude), azimuth) elif (sky_frame == 'equatorial'): ra = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'ra') dec = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'dec') else: if (len(dets) > 1): non_ref_det = kwargs['nonref-det'] cos_altitude = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'cos_altitude') azimuth = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'azimuth') tg, ra, dec = DetFrameToEquatorial(dets[ref_det].lal_detector, dets[non_ref_det].lal_detector, tevent, np.arccos(cos_altitude), azimuth) else: ra = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'ra') dec = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'dec') psi = get_param_override(fixed_params,p,'psi') # Generate waveform polarisations. waveform_polarisations = get_waveform(p) # Loop onto detectors. for d in list(dets.keys()): # Compute detector time axis. detector = dets[d] time_delay = lal.ArrivalTimeDiff(detector.location, lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[ref_det].location, ra, dec, tgps) time_array = detector.time - (tevent+time_delay) # Compute polarisations. data_TD = detector.time_series if(domain=='FD'): window = tukey(seglen,alpha_window) windowNorm = seglen/np.sum(window**2) data = np.real(np.fft.rfft(data_TD*window*dt))*windowNorm hs, hvx, hvy, hp, hc = waveform_polarisations.waveform(time_array) waveform_TD_tmp = project(hs, hvx, hvy, hp, hc, detector.lal_detector, ra, dec, psi, tgps) waveform = np.real(np.fft.rfft(waveform_TD_tmp*dt)) elif(domain=='TD'): if(kwargs['truncate']==1): data = data_TD[time_array >= t_start][:duration_n] time_array_cropped = time_array[time_array >= t_start][:duration_n] else: data = data_TD hs, hvx, hvy, hp, hc = waveform_polarisations.waveform(time_array_cropped) waveform = project(hs, hvx, hvy, hp, hc, detector.lal_detector, ra, dec, psi, tgps) # Compute inner product weights. if( domain=='FD'): weights_FD = detector.psd(freqs) if(SNR_type=='optimal'): SNR_sample = compute_SNR_FD(waveform, waveform, weights_FD, df) elif(SNR_type=='matched_filter'): SNR_sample = compute_SNR_FD(data, waveform, weights_FD, df) elif(domain=='TD'): TD_method = likelihood_method if( TD_method=='direct-inversion' ): weights_TD = detector.inverse_covariance elif(TD_method=='cholesky-solve-triangular'): weights_TD = detector.cholesky elif(TD_method=='toeplitz-inversion' ): weights_TD = detector.acf if(SNR_type=='optimal'): SNR_sample = compute_SNR_TD(waveform, waveform, weights_TD, method=TD_method) elif(SNR_type=='matched_filter'): SNR_sample = compute_SNR_TD(data, waveform, weights_TD, method=TD_method) # Store SNR sample. SNRs[domain][SNR_type][d].append(SNR_sample) # Compute the SNR loss due to truncation if(p['logL']==maxL): # Extract the uncropped ACF acf_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Noise',f'ACF_{d}_*.txt'))[0] _, ACF_full = np.loadtxt(acf_file, unpack=True) data_double_length = data_TD[time_array >= t_start][:int(2*duration_n)] time_arr_double_length = time_array[time_array >= t_start][:int(2*duration_n)] hs_dl, hvx_dl, hvy_dl, hp_dl, hc_dl = waveform_polarisations.waveform(time_arr_double_length) waveform_dl = project(hs_dl, hvx_dl, hvy_dl, hp_dl, hc_dl, detector.lal_detector, ra, dec, psi, tgps) ACF_double_length = ACF_full[:int(2*duration_n)] SNR_double_length = compute_SNR_TD(data_double_length, waveform_dl, ACF_double_length, method='toeplitz-inversion') SNR_loss = ((SNR_double_length - SNR_sample)/SNR_sample) * 100 SNRs_loss[SNR_type][d] = SNR_loss # Compute network SNR. network_SNRs[domain][SNR_type].append(np.sqrt(np.sum([SNRs[domain][SNR_type][d][-1]**2 for d in list(dets.keys())]))) # Plot the results. SNR_header = 'Network\t' SNR_filestack = (network_SNRs[domain][SNR_type],) for d in list(dets.keys()): SNR_header += '{}\t'.format(d) SNR_filestack = SNR_filestack + (SNRs[domain][SNR_type][d],) print('{} {} SNR ({}): {:.3f}'.format(d.ljust(len('Network')), SNR_type.ljust(len('matched_filter')), domain, np.median(SNRs[domain][SNR_type][d]))) plt.figure() hist = plt.hist(SNRs[domain][SNR_type][d], histtype='step', bins=70, stacked=True, fill=False, density=True, label = '{} SNR (TD)'.format(d)) if((SNR_type == 'optimal') and not(kwargs['injection-approximant']=='')): plt.vlines(SNRs_inj[domain][SNR_type][d], 0, np.amax(hist[0]), lw=0.9, color='#882C2C', label='Injected') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots', 'SNR/{}_{}_SNR_{}.pdf'.format(d, SNR_type, domain)), bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure() hist = plt.hist(network_SNRs[domain][SNR_type], histtype='step', bins=70, stacked=True, fill=False, density=True, label = 'Network SNR ({})'.format(domain)) if((SNR_type == 'optimal') and not(kwargs['injection-approximant']=='')): plt.vlines(network_SNRs_inj[domain][SNR_type], 0, np.amax(hist[0]), lw=0.9, color='#882C2C', label='Injected') plt.legend(loc='upper right') plt.savefig(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots', 'SNR/{}_network_SNR_{}.pdf'.format(SNR_type, domain)), bbox_inches='tight') np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Nested_sampler/{}_SNR_{}.dat'.format(SNR_type, domain)), np.column_stack(SNR_filestack), header=SNR_header) print('Network {} SNR ({}): {:.3f}'.format(SNR_type.ljust(len('matched_filter')), domain, np.median(network_SNRs[domain][SNR_type]))) print(f'\nPercentage SNR loss due to truncation (in maxL sample):\n') for SNR_type in ['matched_filter', 'optimal']: SNR_header = '' SNR_filestack = () for d in list(dets.keys()): SNR_header += '{}\t'.format(d) SNR_filestack = SNR_filestack + (SNRs_loss[SNR_type][d],) print('{} {}: {:.1f}'.format(d.ljust(len('Network')), SNR_type.ljust(len('matched_filter')), SNRs_loss[SNR_type][d])+'%') np.savetxt(os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Nested_sampler/{}_trunc_loss_perc_SNR_maxL_{}.txt'.format(SNR_type, domain)), np.column_stack(SNR_filestack), header=SNR_header) return
[docs]def global_corner(x, names, output, truths=None): """ Create a corner plot of all parameters. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary of parameters. names : list List of parameter names. output : string Output directory. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves a corner plot to the output directory. """ samples = [] for xy in names: samples.append(np.array(x[xy])) samples = np.transpose(samples) mask = [i for i in range(samples.shape[-1]) if not all(samples[:,i]==samples[0,i]) ] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) C = corner.corner(samples[:,mask], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], labels = names, color = 'darkred', show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = truths ) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output,'Plots','Parameters', 'corner.png'), bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]def mode_corner(samples,filename=None,**kwargs): """ Create a corner plot of the QNM parameters. Parameters ---------- samples : array Array of samples. filename : string Name of the file to save the plot to. kwargs : dictionary Dictionary of keyword arguments. Returns ------- fig : figure Figure object. """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10)) C = corner.corner(samples,**kwargs) if filename is not None: plt.savefig(filename,bbox_inches='tight') return fig
[docs]def read_QNM(fit_flag, l, m, n): qnm_interpolants = {} if(fit_flag == 1): qnm = QNM_fit(l,m,n) else: interpolate_freq, interpolate_tau = qnm_interpolate(2,l,m,n) qnm_interpolants[(2,l,m,n)] = {'freq': interpolate_freq, 'tau': interpolate_tau} qnm = QNM(2,l,m,n,qnm_interpolants) return qnm
[docs]def plot_delta_QNMs(samples, f0, t0, l, m, n, Num_mode, output_dir): difference_freq = np.array([(samples[j,0]-f0[k])/f0[k] for k in range(len(f0)) for j in range(0,samples.shape[0])]) difference_tau = np.array([(samples[j,1]-t0[k])/t0[k] for k in range(len(t0)) for j in range(0,samples.shape[0])]) plt.figure() plt.hist(difference_freq, histtype='step', bins=70, stacked=True, fill=False, normed=1) plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{\delta f_{%d%d%d}}$'%(l,m,n)) plt.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{P(\delta f_{%d%d%d}|D)}$'%(l,m,n)) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir,'dfreq_{}{}{}_{}.png'.format(l,m,n,Num_mode)) ,bbox_inches='tight') plt.figure() plt.hist(difference_tau, histtype='step', bins=70, stacked=True, fill=False, normed=1) plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{\delta \tau_{%d%d%d}}$'%(l,m,n)) plt.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{P(\delta \tau_{%d%d%d}|D)}$'%(l,m,n)) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir,'Parameters/dtau_{}{}{}_{}.png'.format(l,m,n,Num_mode)) ,bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]def compare_damped_sinusoids_with_QNM_predictions(samples_x, Mf_IMR, af_IMR, Num_mode, probs_flag=1, scatter_samples_flag=1, delta_QNM_plots=0, predictions_contour_flag=0, **kwargs): """ Plot the posterior distributions of the QNM frequencies and damping times, and compare them to the GR prediction coming from an IMR analysis (if IMR posterior is available). Parameters ---------- samples_x : dictionary Dictionary of samples. Mf_IMR : array Array of final masses used to compute the GR predicition. af_IMR : array Array of final spins used to compute the GR predicition. Num_mode : int Number of free damped sinusoids considered. probs_flag : int Flag to plot the probabilities of identifying a given damped-sinusoid with GR-predicted QNMs. scatter_samples_flag : int Flag to plot the scatter of the samples. delta_QNM_plots : int Flag to plot the difference between the QNM parameters and the GR prediction. predictions_contour_flag : int Flag to plot the contours of the GR prediction. kwargs : dictionary Dictionary of keyword arguments. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves plots to the output directory. """ ########################### # Start hard-coded inputs # ########################### n_values = [0] l_values = [3,2] ######################### # End hard-coded inputs # ######################### plt.rcParams['mathtext.fontset'] = 'stix' plt.rcParams[''] = 'STIXGeneral' output_dir = os.path.join(kwargs['output'], 'Plots') # Initialise structures. theoretical_values, labels = [], [] i, Num_modes = 0, 0 for l in l_values: Num_modes += (2*l+1) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes() # Plot the posteriors from the tensorial agnostic reconstruction. pol = 't' for i in range(kwargs['n-ds-modes'][pol]): samples = np.column_stack((samples_x['f_{}_{}'.format(pol,i)],1e3*samples_x['tau_{}_{}'.format(pol,i)])) plot_contour(samples, level=[0.5, 0.9], linest = 'solid', color='k', line_w=0.8, plot_legend=0, zorder=1) if(scatter_samples_flag): plt.scatter(samples[:,0], samples[:,1], cmap='seismic', marker='.', alpha=0.3, s=2) # Use to set text position qnm_ref = read_QNM(kwargs['qnm-fit'], 2, 2, 0) freq_ref = qnm_ref.f( np.median(Mf_IMR),np.median(af_IMR)) tau_ref = qnm_ref.tau(np.median(Mf_IMR),np.median(af_IMR))*1e3 # ms units # Use for plot limits qnm_lowest = read_QNM(kwargs['qnm-fit'], 2, -2, 0) freq_lowest = qnm_lowest.f(np.median(Mf_IMR),np.median(af_IMR)) qnm_highest = read_QNM(kwargs['qnm-fit'], 3, 3, 0) freq_highest = qnm_highest.f(np.median(Mf_IMR),np.median(af_IMR)) # Plot the GR prediction for frequency and damping time coming from an IMR run. for n in n_values: #IMPROVEME: Palettes for generic N modes, now it's set for 2 sets of overtones modes. if(n==0): palette = iter( np.linspace(0, 1, Num_modes))) if(n==1): palette = iter(, 1, Num_modes))) for l in l_values: for m in range(-l,l+1,1): col = next(palette) qnm = read_QNM(kwargs['qnm-fit'], l, m, n) f0 = [qnm.f(M,a) for M,a in zip(Mf_IMR,af_IMR)] t0 = [1e3*qnm.tau(M,a) for M,a in zip(Mf_IMR,af_IMR)] theoretical_values.append([f0,t0]) if(m<0): label_mode = r'$%d\bar{%d}%d$'%(l,-m,n) else : label_mode = r'$%d%d%d$'%( l, m,n) labels.append(label_mode) samples_IMR_mode = np.column_stack((f0,t0)) if(predictions_contour_flag): plot_contour(samples_IMR_mode, level=[0.9], linest = 'solid', color=np.array([col]), line_w=1.2, plot_legend=0, zorder=10) # Fine tune text positioning. shift_f = 0.05 shift_tau = 0.08 if(l==3 ): shift_tau += 0.08 if(l==2 and m==-2 and n==0): shift_f += 0.02 # Apply shift as multiplicative factor of the median value. shift_f = shift_f * np.median(freq_ref) shift_tau = shift_tau * np.median(tau_ref) # Invert label positioning between l=2 and l=3. if(l==2): shift_tau = -shift_tau font_text = {'color': 'black', 'weight': 'normal', 'size': 10} plt.plot(np.median(f0), np.median(t0), color=col, marker='*', markersize=8, zorder=2) plt.text(np.median(f0)-shift_f, np.median(t0)-shift_tau, label_mode, fontdict=font_text, zorder=3) i = i+1 # If requested, costruct QNM deviations plot from IMR and damped sinusoids samples. if(delta_QNM_plots): plot_delta_QNMs(samples, f0, t0, l, m, n, Num_mode, output_dir) # Compute the probability that each of the modes is the one corresponding to the samples. # To understand why the kde evaluation on the samples, combined with the mean of the probability, is the correct procedure to compute this number, see TeX/Likelihood.tex if(probs_flag): pol = 't' for i in range(kwargs['n-ds-modes'][pol]): samples = np.column_stack((samples_x['f_{}_{}'.format(pol,i)],1e3*samples_x['tau_{}_{}'.format(pol,i)])) theoretical_values = np.array(theoretical_values) kde = gaussian_kde(samples.T) probs = np.array([kde(t) for t in theoretical_values]) mprob = np.array([np.mean(probs[i,:]) for i in range(len(labels))]) mprob /= mprob.sum() patches_vec = [] counter = 0 n_values = [0] for n in n_values: if(n==0): palette = iter( 0, 1, Num_modes))) if(n==1): palette = iter(, 1, Num_modes))) for l in l_values: for m in range(-l,l+1,1): col = next(palette) if(m<0): label_mode = r'$p( %d\bar{%d}%d ) = $'%(l,-m,n) else : label_mode = r'$p( %d%d%d ) = $'%( l, m,n) patches_vec.append(mpatches.Patch(color=col, label = label_mode+'{:.2f}'.format(mprob[counter]))) legend_x = ax.legend(handles = patches_vec, fancybox = True, loc = "upper right", borderaxespad = 0., fontsize = 8.5) counter += 1 ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{f\,(Hz)}$', fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{\tau\, (ms)}$', fontsize=16) plt.grid(False) if(predictions_contour_flag): append_flag = '_IMR_contours' else : append_flag = '' plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir,'Parameters/frequency_tau_{}{}.pdf'.format(Num_mode, append_flag)), bbox_inches='tight') ax.set_xlim(0.8*freq_lowest, 1.1*freq_highest) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir,'Parameters/frequency_tau_{}{}_zoom.pdf'.format(Num_mode, append_flag)), bbox_inches='tight') return fig
[docs]def Kerr_intrinsic_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the intrinsic parameters of the final Kerr black hole. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary containing the samples of the intrinsic parameters of the final Kerr black hole. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the corner plot in the output directory. """ # Corner plot of final mass and final spin pos = np.column_stack((x['Mf'], x['af'], x['t0'])) injected_values = None if (input_par['injection-approximant']=='Kerr'): injected_values = [input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'], input_par['injection-parameters']['af'], input_par['injection-parameters']['t0']] mode_corner( pos, labels = [r'$M_f (M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$' , r'$t_{start}$' ], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/Kerr_intrinsic_corner.png')) return
[docs]def Kerr_intrinsic_alpha_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the intrinsic parameters of the final Kerr black hole when including the alpha area quantisatio parameter. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary containing the samples of the intrinsic parameters of the final Kerr black hole. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the corner plot in the output directory. """ # Corner plot of final mass, final spin, and alpha. pos = np.column_stack((x['Mf'], x['af'], x['alpha'])) injected_values = None if (input_par['inject-area-quantization']): injected_values = [input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'], input_par['injection-parameters']['af'], input_par['injection-parameters']['alpha']] mode_corner( pos, labels = [r'$M_f (M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$' , r'$\alpha$' ], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/Kerr_intrinsic_alpha_corner.png')) return
[docs]def Kerr_intrinsic_braneworld_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the intrinsic parameters of the final Kerr black hole when including the braneworld parameters. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary containing the samples of the intrinsic parameters of the final Kerr black hole. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the corner plot in the output directory. """ # Corner plot of final mass, final spin, and beta. pos = np.column_stack((x['Mf'], x['af'], x['beta'])) injected_values = None if (input_par['inject-braneworld']): injected_values = [input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'], input_par['injection-parameters']['af'], input_par['injection-parameters']['beta']] mode_corner( pos, labels = [r'$M_f (M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$' , r'$\beta$' ], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/Kerr_intrinsic_braneworld_corner.png')) return
[docs]def MMRDNS_intrinsic_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the intrinsic parameters for the MMRDNS model. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary containing the samples of the intrinsic parameters of the final Kerr black hole. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the corner plot in the output directory. """ pos = np.column_stack( (x['Mf'], x['af'], x['eta'], x['t0']) ) injected_values = None if (input_par['injection-approximant']=='NR'): M = input_par['injection-parameters']['M'] q = input_par['injection-parameters']['q'] eta = q/((1+q)*(1+q)) injected_values = [input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'], input_par['injection-parameters']['af'], eta, 12*input_par['injection-parameters']['M']*lal.MTSUN_SI] elif (input_par['injection-approximant']=='Kerr'): injected_values = [input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'], input_par['injection-parameters']['af'], None, 12*input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf']*lal.MTSUN_SI] elif(input_par['injection-approximant']=='MMRDNS'): injected_values = [input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'], input_par['injection-parameters']['af'], input_par['injection-parameters']['eta'], input_par['injection-parameters']['t0']] mode_corner(pos, labels = [r'$M_f (M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$' , r'$\eta$' , r'$t_{start}$' ], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/MMRDNS_intrinsic_corner.png')) return
[docs]def MMRDNP_intrinsic_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the intrinsic parameters for the MMRDNP model. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary containing the samples of the amplitude parameters for the MMNRDNS model. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the corner plot in the output directory. """ pos = np.column_stack((x['m1'], x['m2'], x['chi1'], x['chi2'])) injected_values = None if((input_par['injection-approximant']=='NR') or (input_par['injection-approximant']=='MMRDNP') or (input_par['injection-approximant']=='TEOBResumSPM') or ('LAL' in input_par['injection-approximant'])): injected_values = [input_par['injection-parameters']['m1'], input_par['injection-parameters']['m2'], input_par['injection-parameters']['chi1'], input_par['injection-parameters']['chi2']] mode_corner(pos, labels = [r'$m1 (M_{\odot})$', r'$m2 (M_{\odot})$', r'$\chi_1$' , r'$\chi_2$' ], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/MMRDNP_intrinsic_corner.png')) return
[docs]def MMRDNP_amplitude_parameters_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the amplitude parameters for the MMRDNP model. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary containing the samples of the amplitude parameters for the MMNRDNP model. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the corner plot in the output directory. """ m1 = x['m1'] m2 = x['m2'] chi1 = x['chi1'] chi2 = x['chi2'] M = m1 + m2 q = m1/m2 chis = (m1*chi1 + m2*chi2)/M chia = (m1*chi1 - m2*chi2)/M eta = q/((1+q)*(1+q)) pos = np.column_stack((eta, chis, chia)) injected_values = None if((input_par['injection-approximant']=='NR') or (input_par['injection-approximant']=='TEOBResumSPM') or ('LAL' in input_par['injection-approximant'])): M_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['M'] q_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['q'] m1_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['m1'] m2_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['m2'] if not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='TEOBResumSPM'): chi1_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['s1z_LALSim'] chi2_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['s2z_LALSim'] else: chi1_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['chi1'] chi2_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['chi2'] chis_inj = (m1_inj*chi1_inj + m2_inj*chi2_inj)/M_inj chia_inj = (m1_inj*chi1_inj - m2_inj*chi2_inj)/M_inj eta_inj = q_inj/((1+q_inj)*(1+q_inj)) injected_values = [eta_inj, chis_inj, chia_inj] elif(input_par['injection-approximant']=='MMRDNP'): injected_values = [input_par['injection-parameters']['eta'], input_par['injection-parameters']['chis'], input_par['injection-parameters']['chia']] mode_corner(pos, labels = [r'$\eta$' , r'$\chi_s$', r'$\chi_a$'], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/MMRDNP_amplitude_parameters_corner.png')) return
[docs]def insp_par_Mf_af_plot(x, **input_par): """ Create the plot of the final mass and final spin for models that are parameterised using binary parameters. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary containing the samples of the amplitude parameters for the MMNRDNP model. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ Mf = [] af = [] for par in x: if(par['chi1'] < 0): tilt1_fit = np.pi else: tilt1_fit = 0.0 if(par['chi2'] < 0): tilt2_fit = np.pi else: tilt2_fit = 0.0 chi1_fit = np.abs(par['chi1']) chi2_fit = np.abs(par['chi2']) Mf_x = bbh_final_mass_projected_spins(par['m1'], par['m2'], chi1_fit, chi2_fit, tilt1_fit, tilt2_fit, 'UIB2016') af_x = bbh_final_spin_projected_spins(par['m1'], par['m2'], chi1_fit, chi2_fit, tilt1_fit, tilt2_fit, 'UIB2016', truncate = bbh_Kerr_trunc_opts.trunc) Mf.append(Mf_x) af.append(af_x) pos = np.column_stack((Mf, af)) injected_values = None if (not((input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') or (input_par['injection-approximant']=='Morlet-Gabor-wavelets')) and not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='')): injected_values = [input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'], input_par['injection-parameters']['af']] mode_corner(pos, labels = [r'$M_f (M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$' ], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/Mf_af_from_inspiral_pars.png')) return
[docs]def orientation_corner(x, Config, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the orientation parameters. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary containing the samples of the orientation parameters. Config : configparser object Configparser object containing the configuration of the run. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ pos = np.column_stack((np.arccos(x['cosiota']), np.exp(x['logdistance']))) if not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') and not(input_par['injection-approximant']==''): expected_values_orientation = [np.arccos(input_par['injection-parameters']['cosiota']), np.exp(input_par['injection-parameters']['logdistance'])] else: try: file = str(Config.get("Plot",'imr-samples')) expected_values_orientation = None if('GWTC' in file): BBH = h5py.File(file, 'r')['IMRPhenomPv2_posterior'] IMR_distance = np.median(BBH['luminosity_distance_Mpc']) IMR_inclination = np.median(np.arccos(BBH['costheta_jn'])) expected_values_orientation = [IMR_inclination, IMR_distance] sys.stdout.write(('Using %s to get orientation IMR samples.\n'%(file))) except(KeyError,configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): expected_values_orientation = None mode_corner(pos, labels = [r'$\iota (rad)$', r'$D(Mpc)$' ], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = expected_values_orientation, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/Orientation_corner.png')) return
#IMPROVEME: generalize this plot for different amplitudes in case of injections
[docs]def amplitudes_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the amplitude parameters. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary containing the samples of the amplitude parameters. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ params = (np.arccos(x['cosiota']), np.exp(x['logdistance'])) injected_values = None if (input_par['injection-approximant']=='Kerr'): injected_values = [np.arccos(input_par['injection-parameters']['cosiota']), np.exp(input_par['injection-parameters']['logdistance'])] label_default = [r'$\iota (rad)$', r'$D(Mpc)$'] for mode in input_par['kerr-modes']: s,l,m,n = mode if(input_par['amp-non-prec-sym']): params = params + (x['A{}{}{}{}'.format(s,l,m,n)],) label_default.append('$|A_{%s%d%d%d}|$'%(s,l,m,n)) else: params = params + (x['A{}{}{}{}_1'.format(s,l,m,n)],)+(x['A{}{}{}{}_2'.format(s,l,m,n)],) label_default.append('$|A^1_{%s%d%d%d}|$'%(s,l,m,n)) label_default.append('$|A^2_{%s%d%d%d}|$'%(s,l,m,n)) if(not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') and not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='')): injected_values.append(np.abs(np.real(input_par['injection-scaling']*(input_par['injection-parameters']['kerr-amplitudes'][(l,m,n)])))) pos = np.column_stack(params) mode_corner( pos, labels = label_default, quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'], 'Plots/Parameters/Amplitudes_corner.png')) return
[docs]def f_tau_amp_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the frequency, damping time and amplitude parameters. Parameters ---------- x : dictionary Dictionary containing the samples of the frequency, damping time and amplitude parameters. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ for pol in input_par['n-ds-modes'].keys(): for i in range(input_par['n-ds-modes'][pol]): pos = np.column_stack((x['logA_{}_{}'.format(pol,i)],x['f_{}_{}'.format(pol,i)],1e3*x['tau_{}_{}'.format(pol,i)])) injected_values = None if((i==0) and not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') and not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='')): # Assume that the strongest one is the 220, to predict the other modes, we have the spectroscpy plot. injected_values = [None, QNM_fit(2,2,0).f(input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'],input_par['injection-parameters']['af']), QNM_fit(2,2,0).tau(input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'],input_par['injection-parameters']['af'])*1e3] elif(input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids'): injected_values = [np.log10(input_par['injection-parameters']['A'][pol][i]*input_par['injection-scaling']), input_par['injection-parameters']['f'][pol][i], 1e3*(input_par['injection-parameters']['tau'][pol][i])] mode_corner(pos, labels = [r'$logA_{0}$'.format(i) , r'$f_{0}\,(Hz)$'.format(i) , r'$\tau_{0} (ms)$'.format(i)], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/Mode_{}_corner.png'.format(i))) return
[docs]def tick_function(X): """ Function to create the ticks for the time plot. Parameters ---------- X : array FIXME: Ignored. Returns ------- Array containing the values of the ticks. """ ticks = ['10', '11','12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20'] return ticks
[docs]def t_start_plot(t0_ds, Mf, **input_par): """ Create the plot of the start time of the template. Parameters ---------- t0_ds : array Array containing the samples of the start time of the template. Mf : float Final mass of the system. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ init_plotting() Mf = Mf * lal.MTSUN_SI new_tick_locations = np.array([i*Mf for i in range(10,21)]) output_dir = os.path.join(input_par['output'], 'Plots') if(not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') and not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='')): t0_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['t0']*1e3 label_t0_inj = 'Injected value' else: t0_inj = None label_t0_inj = None plt.figure(figsize=(6,5)) ax = plt.subplot(1,1,1) ax.hist(t0_ds*1e3, bins=70, histtype='step', color = 'firebrick', lw=1.7) plt.axvline(np.mean(t0_ds*1e3), label=r'$\mathrm{Median}$', ls='dotted', c='k', lw=0.9) plt.axvline(np.percentile(t0_ds*1e3, 5), label=r'$90\% \mathrm{CI}$', ls='dotted', c='k', lw=0.9) plt.axvline(np.percentile(t0_ds*1e3, 95), ls='dotted', c='k', lw=0.9) if t0_inj: plt.axvline(t0_inj, ls='solid', c='royalblue', lw=0.9, label = label_t0_inj) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{t_{start} - t_{peak} \, [ms]}$') ax.set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{P(t_{start}|D_{ring})}$') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f')) ax.grid(False) ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) ax2.set_xticks(new_tick_locations) ax2.set_xticklabels(tick_function(new_tick_locations)) ax2.set_xlabel(r'$t_{start} - t_{peak}/M_f$', fontsize=10) ax2.grid(False) plt.xlim(new_tick_locations.min(),new_tick_locations.max()) plt.grid(False) plt.legend() plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir,'t_start.pdf') ,bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]def TEOBPM_intrinsic_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the intrinsic parameters of the TEOBPM model. Parameters ---------- x : array Array containing the samples of the intrinsic parameters of the TEOBPM model. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ init_plotting() pos = np.column_stack( (x['m1'], x['m2'], x['chi1'], x['chi2'], x['t0']) ) injected_values = None if (input_par['injection-approximant']=='NR'): m1 = input_par['injection-parameters']['m1'] m2 = input_par['injection-parameters']['m2'] chi1 = input_par['injection-parameters']['s1z'] chi2 = input_par['injection-parameters']['s2z'] eta = q/((1+q)*(1+q)) injected_values = [m1, m2, chi1, chi2, None] mode_corner( pos, labels = [r'$m_1 (M_{\odot})$', r'$m_2 (M_{\odot})$', r'$\chi_1$' , r'$\chi_2$' , r'$t_{start}$' ], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/TEOBPM_intrinsic_corner.png')) return
[docs]def TEOBPM_masses_spins_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the progenitors masses and spins of the TEOBPM model. Parameters ---------- x : array Array containing the samples of the intrinsic parameters of the TEOBPM model. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ pos = np.column_stack( (x['m1'], x['m2'], x['chi1'], x['chi2'] ) ) output_dir = os.path.join(input_par['output'], 'Plots') mode_corner( pos, labels = [r'$m_1 (M_{\odot})$', r'$m_2 (M_{\odot})$', r'$\chi_1$' , r'$\chi_2$' ], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = None, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/corner_masses_spins.png')) return
[docs]def Kerr_Newman_intrinsic_corner(x, **input_par): """ Create the corner plot of the intrinsic parameters of the Kerr-Newman model. Parameters ---------- x : array Array containing the samples of the intrinsic parameters of the Kerr-Newman model. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ pos = np.column_stack( (x['Mf'], x['af'], x['Q']) ) injected_values = None mode_corner( pos, labels = [r'$M_f (M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$' , r'$Q$' ], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = injected_values, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/Kerr_Newman_intrinsic_corner.png')) return
[docs]def Mf_af_plot(samples, Mf_LAL_samples, af_LAL_samples, **input_par): """ Create the plot of the final mass and spin and compare them to IMR samples. Parameters ---------- samples : array Array containing the samples of final mass and spin. Mf_LAL_samples : array Array containing the samples of the final mass of the IMR model. af_LAL_samples : array Array containing the samples of the final spin of the IMR model. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ # Function init output_dir = os.path.join(input_par['output'], 'Plots') IMR_bool = (Mf_LAL_samples is not None) and (af_LAL_samples is not None) colors = ['firebrick', 'cornflowerblue'] Nlevels = 10 warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning) init_plotting() sns.set(style="ticks", palette="muted") # Load ringdown samples ringdown_df = pd.DataFrame(samples, columns=['Mf', 'af']) ringdown_df['Distribution'] = 'Ringdown' # Load IMR samples, if available if(IMR_bool): samples_stacked_LAL = np.column_stack((Mf_LAL_samples, af_LAL_samples)) IMR_df = pd.DataFrame(samples_stacked_LAL, columns=['Mf', 'af']) IMR_df['Distribution'] = 'IMR' # Concatenating the dataframes combined_data = pd.concat([ringdown_df, IMR_df], ignore_index=True) palette_dict = {'Ringdown': colors[0], 'IMR': colors[1]} else: combined_data = ringdown_df palette_dict = {'Ringdown': colors[0]} # Injected values if (not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') and not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='')): Mf_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'] af_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['af'] # Creating pairplot using seaborn for both distributions with histograms pairplot = sns.pairplot(combined_data, hue='Distribution', markers='.', diag_kind='kde', diag_kws=dict(alpha=0.0, common_norm=False), palette=palette_dict) # Getting the axes bottom_left_ax = pairplot.axes[1, 0] top_left_ax = pairplot.axes[0, 0] bottom_right_ax = pairplot.axes[1, 1] top_right_ax = pairplot.axes[0, 1] # Adding histograms on the diagonal panels with matched colors for i, ax in enumerate(pairplot.diag_axes): sns.histplot(data=ringdown_df, x=ringdown_df.columns[i], hue='Distribution', ax=ax, alpha=0.5, kde=True, palette=palette_dict, legend=False, stat='density') # Adding KDE plot on the bottom left panel only # try-except for backward compatibility with old (< 0.11.0) versions of seaborn try: sns.kdeplot( ringdown_df['Mf'], ringdown_df['af'], ax=bottom_left_ax, color=colors[0], shade=True) if(IMR_bool): sns.kdeplot( IMR_df['Mf'], IMR_df['af'], ax=bottom_left_ax, color=colors[1], shade=True) except TypeError: sns.kdeplot( data=ringdown_df, x='Mf', y='af', ax=bottom_left_ax, color=colors[0], shade=True) if(IMR_bool): sns.kdeplot(data=IMR_df, x='Mf', y='af', ax=bottom_left_ax, color=colors[1], shade=True) # Adjusting labels and ticks for ax in pairplot.axes.flatten(): ax.tick_params(labelsize=10) if (not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') and not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='')): bottom_left_ax.axvline( Mf_inj, ls='dashed', c='k', label='Injected values') bottom_left_ax.axhline( af_inj, ls='dashed', c='k' ) top_left_ax.axvline( Mf_inj, ls='dashed', c='k' ) bottom_right_ax.axhline(af_inj, ls='dashed', c='k' ) top_right_ax.axvline( Mf_inj, ls='dashed', c='k' ) top_right_ax.axhline( af_inj, ls='dashed', c='k' ) # Set custom labels for the axes pairplot.axes[1, 0].set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{M_f \, (M_{\odot})}$', fontsize=15) pairplot.axes[0, 0].set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{M_f \, (M_{\odot})}$', fontsize=15) pairplot.axes[1, 1].set_xlabel(r'$\mathrm{a_f}$' , fontsize=15) pairplot.axes[1, 0].set_ylabel(r'$\mathrm{a_f}$' , fontsize=15) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir,'Parameters/Mf_af.pdf') ,bbox_inches='tight') plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir,'Parameters/Mf_af.png') ,bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]def Mf_af_plot_old(samples, Mf_LAL_samples, af_LAL_samples, **input_par): """ Create the plot of the final mass and spin and compare them to IMR samples. Parameters ---------- samples : array Array containing the samples of final mass and spin. Mf_LAL_samples : array Array containing the samples of the final mass of the IMR model. af_LAL_samples : array Array containing the samples of the final spin of the IMR model. input_par : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ # Function init output_dir = os.path.join(input_par['output'], 'Plots') # Samples Mf = samples['Mf'] af = samples['af'] logL = samples['logL'] samples_stacked = np.column_stack((Mf, af)) # Injected values if (not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') and not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='')): Mf_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'] af_inj = input_par['injection-parameters']['af'] # Plot init init_plotting() plt.figure() plt.scatter(Mf, af, c=logL, cmap='Reds', marker='.', alpha=1.0, label = r'$Ringdown$') plot_contour(samples_stacked, [0.95, 0.5]) if((Mf_LAL_samples is not None) and (af_LAL_samples is not None)): samples_stacked_LAL = np.column_stack((Mf_LAL_samples, af_LAL_samples)) plot_contour(samples_stacked_LAL, [0.95], linest = 'solid', label= 'IMR (LVC)') if (not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') and not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='')): plt.axvline(Mf_inj, ls='dashed', c='k', label='Injected values') plt.axhline(af_inj, ls='dashed', c='k') plt.ylim([0,1]) plt.grid(alpha=0.2,linestyle='dotted', color='k') plt.xlabel(r'$\mathrm{M_f(M_{\odot})}$') plt.ylabel(r'$\mathrm{a_f}$') plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir,'Parameters/Mf_af.pdf') ,bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]def omega_tau_eff_plot(x, **kwargs): """ Create the plot of the effective frequency and damping time. Parameters ---------- x : array Array containing the samples of the intrinsic parameters of the TEOBPM model. kwargs : dictionary Dictionary containing the input parameters of the run. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the plot in the output directory. """ Mf = x['Mf'] af = x['af'] output_dir = os.path.join(kwargs['output'], 'Plots') if ((kwargs['domega-tgr-modes'] is not None) and (kwargs['dtau-tgr-modes'] is None)): for mode in kwargs['domega-tgr-modes']: (l,m,n) = mode domega = x['domega_{0}{1}{2}'.format(l, m, n)] omega_eff = [] for i in range(len(Mf)): omega_eff.append(QNM_fit(l,m,n).f(Mf[i], af[i])*(1.0+domega[i])) pos = np.column_stack((Mf, af, omega_eff)) mode_corner(pos, labels = [r'$M_f \,(M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$', r'$\omega_{%d%d%d} [\!eff] \,(Hz)$'%(l,m,n)], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = None, filename = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/omega_eff_{0}{1}{2}_corner.pdf'.format(l,m,n))) pos2 = np.column_stack((Mf, af, domega)) mode_corner(pos2, labels = [r'$M_f \,(M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$', r'$\delta \omega_{%d%d%d} \, (Hz)$'%(l,m,n)], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = None, filename = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/domega_corner.pdf')) elif ((kwargs['dtau-tgr-modes'] is not None) and (kwargs['domega-tgr-modes'] is None)): for mode in kwargs['dtau-tgr-modes']: (l,m,n) = mode dtau = x['dtau_{0}{1}{2}'.format(l, m, n)] tau_eff = [] for i in range(len(Mf)): tau_eff.append(QNM_fit(l,m,n).tau(Mf[i], af[i])*1e3*(1.0+dtau[i]) ) pos = np.column_stack((Mf, af, tau_eff)) output_dir = os.path.join(kwargs['output'], 'Plots') mode_corner(pos, labels = [r'$M_f \,(M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$', r'$\tau_{%d%d%d} [\!eff] (ms)$'%(l,m,n)], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = None, filename = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/tau_eff_{0}{1}{2}_corner.pdf'.format(l,m,n))) pos2 = np.column_stack((Mf, af, dtau)) mode_corner(pos2, labels = [r'$M_f \,(M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$', r'$\delta \tau_{%d%d%d} \, (Hz)$'%(l,m,n)], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = None, filename = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/dtau_corner.pdf')) elif ((kwargs['dtau-tgr-modes'] is not None) and (kwargs['domega-tgr-modes'] is not None)): for mode in kwargs['dtau-tgr-modes']: (l,m,n) = mode domega = x['domega_{0}{1}{2}'.format(l, m, n)] dtau = x['dtau_{0}{1}{2}'.format(l, m, n)] omega_eff = [] tau_eff = [] for i in range(len(Mf)): omega_eff.append(QNM_fit(l,m,n).f(Mf[i], af[i])*(1.0+domega[i])) tau_eff.append(QNM_fit(l,m,n).tau(Mf[i], af[i])*1e3*(1.0+dtau[i]) ) pos = np.column_stack((Mf, af, omega_eff, tau_eff)) mode_corner(pos, labels = [r'$M_f \,(M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$', r'$\omega_{%d%d%d} [\!eff] (Hz)$'%(l,m,n), r'$\tau_{%d%d%d} [\!eff] (ms)$'%(l,m,n)], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = None, filename = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/omega_tau_eff_{0}{1}{2}_corner.pdf'.format(l,m,n))) pos2 = np.column_stack((Mf, af, domega)) mode_corner(pos2, labels = [r'$M_f \,(M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$', r'$\delta \omega_{%d%d%d} \, (Hz)$'%(l,m,n)], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = None, filename = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/domega_corner.pdf')) pos3 = np.column_stack((Mf, af, dtau)) mode_corner(pos3, labels = [r'$M_f \,(M_{\odot})$', r'$a_f$', r'$\delta \tau_{%d%d%d} \, (Hz)$'%(l,m,n)], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = None, filename = os.path.join(kwargs['output'],'Plots/dtau_corner.pdf')) else: raise Exception("Invalid plotting option in omega-tau effective plot.") return
[docs]def plot_NR_single_mode(t_geom, hr_geom, hi_geom, **kwargs): """ Plot the NR waveform in the time domain for a single mode. Parameters ---------- t_geom: array Time array in geometric units. hr_geom: array Real part of the waveform in geometric units. hi_geom: array Imaginary part of the waveform in geometric units. kwargs: dict Dictionary of keyword arguments. Returns ------- Nothing, but saves the waveform plot to the output directory. """ init_plotting() output_dir = os.path.join(kwargs['output'], 'Plots') dt_geom = np.min(np.diff(t_geom)) # the sampling is NOT uniform Amp_geom = np.sqrt(hr_geom**2+hi_geom**2) Phi_geom = np.unwrap(np.angle(hr_geom - 1j*hi_geom)) t_geom_uniform = np.arange(t_geom[0], t_geom[-1], dt_geom) hr_geom_interp = np.interp(t_geom_uniform, t_geom, hr_geom) hi_geom_interp = np.interp(t_geom_uniform, t_geom, hi_geom) Amp_geom_interp = np.interp(t_geom_uniform, t_geom, Amp_geom) Phi_geom_interp = np.interp(t_geom_uniform, t_geom, Phi_geom) omega_geom_interp = np.gradient(Phi_geom_interp, dt_geom) t_peak_geom_uniform = t_geom_uniform[np.argmax(Amp_geom_interp)] l,m = kwargs['injection-parameters']['fix-NR-mode'][0] M_inj_sec = kwargs['injection-parameters']['M']*lal.MTSUN_SI t_phys = t_geom_uniform*M_inj_sec freq_phys = (omega_geom_interp/(2.*np.pi)) * (M_inj_sec)**(-1) t_peak_phys = t_phys[np.argmax(Amp_geom_interp)] new_tick_locations = np.array([t_peak_phys+10*i*kwargs['injection-parameters']['Mf']*lal.MTSUN_SI for i in range(0,9)]) f = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8)) ax = plt.subplot(2,2,1) ax.plot(t_phys, hr_geom_interp, c='firebrick', label=r'$\mathrm{h_r}$') ax.axvline(t_peak_phys, ls='dotted', c='k') ax.set_xlim([t_peak_phys-50*M_inj_sec, t_peak_phys+130*M_inj_sec]) ax.legend(loc='best') ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) ax2.set_xticks(new_tick_locations) ax2.set_xticklabels(tick_function(new_tick_locations)) ax2.set_xlabel(r'$t_{start} - t_{peak}/M_f$', fontsize=10) ax = plt.subplot(2,2,3) ax.plot(t_phys, hi_geom_interp, c='firebrick', label=r'$\mathrm{h_i}$') ax.axvline(t_peak_phys, ls='dotted', c='k') ax.set_xlim([t_peak_phys-50*M_inj_sec, t_peak_phys+130*M_inj_sec]) ax.legend(loc='best') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') ax = plt.subplot(2,2,2) ax.plot(t_phys, freq_phys, c='firebrick', label=r'$\mathrm{Freq}$') ax.axhline(kwargs['injection-parameters']['f_220'], ls='dotted', c='k', alpha=0.8, label=r'$\mathrm{f_{220}}$' ) ax.axhline(kwargs['injection-parameters']['f_220_peak'], ls='dashed', c='darkgreen', alpha=0.8, label=r'$\mathrm{f^{peak}_{22}}$') ax.axvline(t_peak_phys, ls='dotted', c='k') ax.set_ylim([100, kwargs['injection-parameters']['f_220']+150]) ax.set_xlim([t_peak_phys-50*M_inj_sec, t_peak_phys+130*M_inj_sec]) ax.legend(loc='upper left') ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) ax2.set_xticks(new_tick_locations) ax2.set_xticklabels(tick_function(new_tick_locations)) ax2.set_xlabel(r'$t_{start} - t_{peak}/M_f$', fontsize=10) ax = plt.subplot(2,2,4) ax.plot(t_phys, Amp_geom_interp, c='firebrick', label=r'$\mathrm{Amp}$') ax.axvline(t_peak_phys, ls='dotted', c='k', label=r'$\mathrm{t^{peak}_{22}}$') ax.set_xlim([t_peak_phys-50*M_inj_sec, t_peak_phys+130*M_inj_sec]) ax.legend(loc='upper right') plt.xlabel('Time (s)') plt.suptitle('SXS:BBH:{0}'.format(kwargs['injection-parameters']['SXS-ID']), size=24) plt.tight_layout(rect=[0,0,1,0.95]) f.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) plt.savefig(os.path.join(output_dir,'SXS_{0}_N_{1}_l_{2}_m_{3}.pdf'.format(kwargs['injection-parameters']['SXS-ID'], kwargs['injection-parameters']['N'], l, m)), bbox_inches='tight') return
[docs]def single_time_delay_plots(dt_vec, **input_par): """ Plot the time delay posterior distributions and chains for each detector pair. Parameters ---------- dt_vec : dict Dictionary containing the time delay posterior distributions for each detector pair. input_par : dict Dictionary containing the input parameters for the run. Returns ------- Nothing. Plots are saved to the output directory. """ for det in input_par['detectors']: if(det==input_par['ref-det']): pass else: plt.figure() plt.hist(dt_vec[det], bins=50, alpha=0.8) plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta t_{%s-%s}$ (s)'%(input_par['ref-det'], det)) plt.savefig(os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/dt_%s%s_posterior.png'%(input_par['ref-det'], det))) plt.figure() plt.plot(dt_vec[det],'.') plt.xlabel(r'$\Delta t_{%s-%s}$ (s)'%(input_par['ref-det'], det)) plt.xlabel(r'$N_{samples}$') plt.savefig(os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/dt_%s%s_chain.png'%(input_par['ref-det'], det))) return
[docs]def sky_location_plots(x, Config, **input_par): """ Plot the sky location posterior distributions and chains for each detector pair. Parameters ---------- x : array Array containing the sky location posterior distributions for each detector pair. Config : configparser object Configparser object containing the input parameters for the run. input_par : dict Dictionary containing the input parameters for the run. Returns ------- Nothing. Plots are saved to the output directory. """ dt_vec = {} ra_vec = [] dec_vec = [] tg_vec = [] non_ref_dets = [] ref_det = input_par['ref-det'] sky_frame = input_par['sky-frame'] for det in input_par['detectors']: if(det==ref_det): pass else: non_ref_dets.append(det) if(input_par['template']=='Damped-sinusoids'): sky_loc_header = 'ra\tdec\ttg' else: sky_loc_header = 'ra\tdec\ttg\tdist' for det in non_ref_dets: sky_loc_header = sky_loc_header + '\tdt_'+ ref_det + det dt_vec[det] = [] for par in x: if(sky_frame == 'detector'): tg, ra, dec = DetFrameToEquatorial(lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[ref_det], lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[input_par['nonref-det']], input_par['trigtime'], np.arccos(par['cos_altitude']), par['azimuth']) elif(sky_frame == 'equatorial'): tg, ra, dec = 0.0, par['ra'], par['dec'] ra_vec.append(ra) dec_vec.append(dec) tg_vec.append(tg) for d in non_ref_dets: dt_vec[d].append(lal.ArrivalTimeDiff(lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[d].location, lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[ref_det].location, ra, dec, lal.LIGOTimeGPS(float(input_par['trigtime'])))) if(len(input_par['detectors']) > 1): dt_tuple = np.array([dt_vec[det] for det in non_ref_dets]) if(input_par['template']=='Damped-sinusoids'): np.savetxt(os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Nested_sampler/Sky-loc-samples.txt'), np.column_stack((np.array(ra_vec), np.array(dec_vec), np.array(tg_vec), dt_tuple.transpose())), header=sky_loc_header) else: np.savetxt(os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Nested_sampler/Sky-loc-samples.txt'), np.column_stack((np.array(ra_vec), np.array(dec_vec), np.array(tg_vec), np.array(np.exp(x['logdistance'])), dt_tuple.transpose())), header=sky_loc_header) single_time_delay_plots(dt_vec, **input_par) else: if(input_par['template']=='Damped-sinusoids'): np.savetxt(os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Nested_sampler/Sky-loc-samples.txt'), np.column_stack((np.array(ra_vec), np.array(dec_vec), np.array(tg_vec))), header=sky_loc_header) else: np.savetxt(os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Nested_sampler/Sky-loc-samples.txt'), np.column_stack((np.array(ra_vec), np.array(dec_vec), np.array(tg_vec), np.array(np.exp(x['logdistance'])))), header=sky_loc_header) if not(input_par['injection-approximant']==''): if(sky_frame == 'detector'): inj_tg, inj_ra, inj_dec = DetFrameToEquatorial(lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[ref_det], lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[input_par['nonref-det']], input_par['trigtime'], np.arccos(input_par['injection-parameters']['cos_altitude']), input_par['injection-parameters']['azimuth']) elif(sky_frame == 'equatorial'): inj_ra = input_par['injection-parameters']['ra'] inj_dec = input_par['injection-parameters']['dec'] inj_psi = input_par['injection-parameters']['psi'] inj_time_delay = {'{}_'.format(ref_det)+d2: lal.ArrivalTimeDiff(lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[d2].location,lal.cached_detector_by_prefix['{}'.format(ref_det)].location,inj_ra,inj_dec,lal.LIGOTimeGPS(float(input_par['trigtime']))) for d2 in non_ref_dets} expected_values_skypos = [inj_ra, inj_dec, inj_psi ] + [inj_time_delay['{}_{}'.format(ref_det, det)] for det in non_ref_dets] else: try: file = str(Config.get("Plot",'imr-samples')) expected_values_skypos = None if('GWTC' in file): BBH = h5py.File(file, 'r')['IMRPhenomPv2_posterior'] IMR_ra = np.median(BBH['right_ascension']) IMR_dec = np.median(BBH['declination']) IMR_time_delay = {'{}_'.format(ref_det)+d2: lal.ArrivalTimeDiff(lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[d2].location,lal.cached_detector_by_prefix['{0}'.format(ref_det)].location,IMR_ra,IMR_dec,lal.LIGOTimeGPS(float(input_par['trigtime']))) for d2 in non_ref_dets} expected_values_skypos = [IMR_ra, IMR_dec, None] + [IMR_time_delay['{}_{}'.format(ref_det, det)] for det in non_ref_dets] sys.stdout.write(('Using %s to get sky position IMR samples.'%(file))) except(KeyError,configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): expected_values_skypos = None #IMPROVEME: produce the plot properly also when parameters are fixed try: if(len(input_par['detectors']) > 1): mode_corner(np.column_stack((np.array(ra_vec), np.array(dec_vec), np.array(x['psi']), dt_tuple.transpose())), labels = [r'$ra$', r'$dec$', r'$psi$'] + [r'$\Delta t_{%s-%s}$ (s)'%(ref_det, det) for det in non_ref_dets], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = expected_values_skypos, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/corner_skypos.png')) else: mode_corner(np.column_stack((np.array(ra_vec), np.array(dec_vec), np.array(x['psi']))), labels = [r'$ra$', r'$dec$', r'$psi$'], quantiles = [0.05, 0.5, 0.95], show_titles = True, title_kwargs = {"fontsize": 12}, use_math_text = True, truths = expected_values_skypos, filename = os.path.join(input_par['output'],'Plots/Parameters/corner_skypos.png')) except(ValueError): pass return
[docs]def read_Mf_af_IMR_posterior(Config, **input_par): """ Read the IMR posterior samples from the `imr-samples` entry of the `Plot` section of the configuration file, and return the median values of the mass and spin parameters. Parameters ---------- Config : configparser.ConfigParser Configuration file parser. input_par : dict Dictionary containing the input parameters. Returns ------- Mf_d : float Median value of the final mass. af_d : float Median value of the final spin. """ # Get GR prediction (IMR + UIB NR fits applied on real data) to plot expected values. Using non-precessing fits since no phi12 angle was released alongside GWTC-1 # IMPROVEME: GWTC-1 did not release spin angles, so precessing fits cannot be applited on this set of samples. When GWTC-2 is out, apply precessing fits. try: file = str(Config.get("Plot",'imr-samples')) #O4a if('merge_result' in file): with h5py.File(file, 'r') as h5file: posterior_list = h5file['posterior'] m1 = posterior_list['mass_1'][:] m2 = posterior_list['mass_2'][:] chi1 = posterior_list['a_1'][:] chi2 = posterior_list['a_2'][:] tilt1 = posterior_list['tilt_1'][:] tilt2 = posterior_list['tilt_2'][:] Mf_d = bbh_final_mass_projected_spins(m1, m2, chi1, chi2, tilt1, tilt2, 'UIB2016') af_d = bbh_final_spin_projected_spins(m1, m2, chi1, chi2, tilt1, tilt2, 'UIB2016', truncate = bbh_Kerr_trunc_opts.trunc) elif('GWTC' in file): BBH = h5py.File(file, 'r')['IMRPhenomPv2_posterior'] m1_samples = BBH['m1_detector_frame_Msun'] m2_samples = BBH['m2_detector_frame_Msun'] chi1_samples = BBH['spin1'] chi2_samples = BBH['spin2'] tilt1_samples = np.arccos(BBH['costilt1']) tilt2_samples = np.arccos(BBH['costilt2']) Mf_d = [] af_d = [] for (m1, m2, chi1, chi2, tilt1, tilt2) in zip(m1_samples, m2_samples, chi1_samples, chi2_samples, tilt1_samples, tilt2_samples): af_x = bbh_final_spin_projected_spins(m1, m2, chi1, chi2, tilt1, tilt2, 'UIB2016', truncate = bbh_Kerr_trunc_opts.trunc) af_d.append(af_x) Mf_d.append(bbh_final_mass_projected_spins(m1, m2, chi1, chi2, tilt1, tilt2, 'UIB2016')) Mf_d = np.array(Mf_d) af_d = np.array(Mf_d) else: package_datapath = import_datafile_path(file) PYRING_PREFIX = set_prefix(warning_message=False) custom_datapath = os.path.join(PYRING_PREFIX, file) if(os.path.exists(package_datapath)): print('* Fetching the IMR posterior from the default ones included in the package.\n') file = package_datapath elif(os.path.exists(custom_datapath)): print('* Fetching the IMR posterior relatively to the PYRING_PREFIX.\n') file = custom_datapath else: print('* Fetching the IMR posterior using the provided absolute path.\n') pass Mf_d = np.genfromtxt(file, names=True)['Mf'] af_d = np.genfromtxt(file, names=True)['af'] Mf = np.median(Mf_d) dMf = np.std(Mf_d, ddof=1) af = np.median(af_d) daf = np.std(af_d, ddof=1) except (KeyError,configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError, OSError): try: if(not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='Damped-sinusoids') and not(input_par['injection-approximant']=='')): Mf = input_par['injection-parameters']['Mf'] dMf = (5./100.)*Mf #IMPROVEME: substitute with an estimate of NR uncertainty Mf_d = np.random.normal(Mf, dMf/2, 1000) af = input_par['injection-parameters']['af'] daf = (2./100.)*af #IMPROVEME: substitute with an estimate of NR uncertainty af_d = np.random.normal(af, daf/2, 1000) else: Mf = Config.getfloat("Priors",'mf-time-prior') dMf = Config.getfloat("Plot",'dmf')#Estimate of half the 95% CI, which is 2sigma Mf_d = np.random.normal(Mf, dMf/2, 1000) af = Config.getfloat("Plot",'af') daf = Config.getfloat("Plot",'daf')#Estimate of half the 95% CI, which is 2sigma af_d = np.random.normal(af, daf/2, 1000) except (KeyError,configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): sys.stdout.write('No IMR posterior was passed.\n') Mf_d = None af_d = None if((Mf_d is not None) and (af_d is not None)): sys.stdout.write('* To predict the GR spectrum of QNM or final mass and spin, the following parameters will be used:\n\n Mf: {:.3f} ({:.3f})\n af: {:.3f} ({:.3f})\n\n'.format(Mf, dMf, af, daf)) return Mf_d, af_d
[docs]def plot_ACF(time, acf, label, output_path): """ Plot the ACF of the data. Parameters ---------- time : array Time array. acf : array ACF array. label : str Label of the plot. output_path : str Path to the output file. Returns ------- Nothing, but it saves the plot in the output_path. """ init_plotting() plt.figure() plt.plot(time, acf, linewidth=0.5, color = 'k', label=r'{}'.format(label)) plt.xlabel(r'$\tau\,(s)$', fontsize=18) plt.ylabel(r'$C(\tau)$' , fontsize=18) plt.legend() plt.savefig(output_path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close('all') return
[docs]def plot_PSD(freqs, psd, label, output_path): """ Plot the PSD of the data. Parameters ---------- freqs : array Frequency array. psd : array PSD array. label : str Label of the plot. output_path : str Path to the output file. Returns ------- Nothing, but it saves the plot in the output_path. """ init_plotting() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.loglog(freqs, psd, linewidth=0.5, color = 'k', label=r'{}'.format(label)) ax.set_xlabel(r'$f\,(Hz)$', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel(r'$S(f)\,(Hz^{-1})$', fontsize=18) ax.legend() plt.savefig(output_path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close('all') return
[docs]def plot_ACF_compare(time1, acf1, label1, time2, acf2, label2, output_path): """ Plot two different ACF estimates to compare them. Parameters ---------- time1 : array Time array of the first ACF. acf1 : array ACF array of the first ACF. label1 : str Label of the first ACF. time2 : array Time array of the second ACF. acf2 : array ACF array of the second ACF. label2 : str Label of the second ACF. output_path : str Path to the output file. Returns ------- Nothing, but it saves the plot in the output_path. """ init_plotting() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.plot(time1, acf1, linewidth=0.5, color = 'k', label=r'{}'.format(label1), linestyle='dotted') ax.plot(time2, acf2, linewidth=0.5, color = 'firebrick', label=r'{}'.format(label2), alpha=0.8) ax.set_xlabel(r'$\tau\,(s)$', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel(r'$C(\tau)$' , fontsize=18) ax.legend() plt.savefig(output_path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close('all') return
[docs]def plot_PSD_compare(freqs1, psd1, label1, freqs2, psd2, label2, output_path): """ Plot two different PSD estimates to compare them. Parameters ---------- freqs1 : array Frequency array of the first PSD. psd1 : array PSD array of the first PSD. label1 : str Label of the first PSD. freqs2 : array Frequency array of the second PSD. psd2 : array PSD array of the second PSD. label2 : str Label of the second PSD. output_path : str Path to the output file. Returns ------- Nothing, but it saves the plot in the output_path. """ init_plotting() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax.loglog(freqs1, psd1, linewidth=0.5, color = 'firebrick', label=r'{}'.format(label1), alpha=0.8) ax.loglog(freqs2, psd2, linewidth=0.5, color = 'k', label=r'{}'.format(label2), linestyle='dotted') ax.set_xlabel(r'$f\,(Hz)$', fontsize=18) ax.set_ylabel(r'$S(f)\,(Hz^{-1})$',fontsize=18) ax.legend() plt.savefig(output_path, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close('all') return
[docs]def UNUSED_noise_evidence_density(t0_samples,noise_model): """ Compute the noise evidence density for a given set of t0 samples. Parameters ---------- t0_samples : array Array of t0 samples. noise_model : NoiseModel object Noise model object. Returns ------- logZnoise : array Array of logZnoise values for each t0 sample. """ logZnoise = [] time = noise_model.times-noise_model.tevent for t0 in t0_samples: index = np.abs(t0-time).argmin() logZnoise.append(np.sum([- 0.5*np.einsum('i, ij, j',s[index:],Cinv[index:,index:],s[index:]) for s,Cinv in zip(,noise_model.inverse_covariance)])) return np.array(logZnoise)