Source code for pyRing.utils

#Standard python imports
from __future__ import division
from optparse          import OptionParser
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, LinearNDInterpolator
from scipy.signal      import butter, filtfilt
# Transition fix, while older python versions still have tukey in the main `signal` module, and newer versions have it in `windows`
try                                     : from scipy.signal         import tukey
except(ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): from import tukey
import numpy as np, pkg_resources, os, scipy.linalg as sl, traceback, warnings

#LVC imports
import lal
from lalinference.imrtgr.nrutils import bbh_final_mass_projected_spins, bbh_final_spin_projected_spins, bbh_Kerr_trunc_opts

#Package internal imports
    import surfinBH

[docs] def final_state_surfinBH(Mtot, q, chi1, chi2, f_ref): """ This function computes the final mass and spin of a binary black hole system using the surfinBH package. Parameters ---------- Mtot : float Total mass of the binary system in solar masses. q : float Mass ratio of the binary system. chi1 : float Dimensionless spin of the more massive black hole. Input should be 3-vector, e.g. chi1 = (spin_1x, spin_1y, spin_1z). chi2 : float Dimensionless spin of the less massive black hole. Input should be 3-vector, e.g. chi2 = (spin_2x, spin_2y, spin_2z). f_ref : float Reference frequency in Hz. Returns ------- Mf : float Final mass of the binary system in solar masses. af : float Final dimensionless spin of the binary system. """ fit = surfinBH.LoadFits('NRSur7dq4Remnant') #Adapt q to surrogate conventions. if(q < 1.): q = 1./q #This is the orbital frequency (hence the missing factor of 2, since f_ref is the GW frequency) in units of rad/M (see for more info). omega_ref = np.pi*f_ref/Mtot Mf_sBH, _ = q, chi1, chi2, omega0=omega_ref) af_sBH, _ = fit.chif(q, chi1, chi2, omega0=omega_ref) Mf = Mtot*Mf_sBH af = np.sqrt(af_sBH[0]**2+af_sBH[1]**2+af_sBH[2]**2) return Mf, af
except: warnings.warn("* The `surfinBH` package is not automatically installed due to possible conflicts. If you wish to use its functionalities, it needs to be installed separately.")
[docs]def set_prefix(warning_message=True): """ Set the prefix path for the data files. Parameters ---------- warning_message : bool If True, a warning message is printed if the environment variable is not set. Returns ------- prefix : str Path to the data files. """ # Check environment try: prefix = os.path.join(os.environ['PYRING_PREFIX'], 'pyRing') except KeyError: prefix = '' if(warning_message): warnings.warn("The requested functionality requires data not included in the package. Please set a $PYRING_PREFIX variable which contains the path to such data. This can be done by setting 'export PYRING_PREFIX= yourpath' in your ~/.bashrc file. Typically, PYRING_PREFIX contains the path to the clone of the repository containing the source code.") return prefix
[docs]def import_datafile_path(filename): """ This function returns the path to a data file, including the pyRing relative path. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the data file. Returns ------- package_path : str Path to the data file. """ package_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, filename) return package_path
[docs]def check_NR_dir(): """ This function checks if the directory LVC-NR waveforms is present. Parameters ---------- None. Returns ------- Nothing, but raises an exception if the directory is not present. """ PYRING_PREFIX = set_prefix() if not(os.path.isdir(os.path.join(PYRING_PREFIX, 'data/NR_data/lvcnr-lfs'))): raise Exception("pyRing supports NR injections using the LVC-NR injection infrastructure. If you wish to inject NR simulations, please clone the LVC-NR injection infrastructure repository, located here: \nFor tutorials and info on how to use the LVC NR injection infrastructure see:\n - \n - \n -") return
[docs]def review_warning(): """ This function prints a warning message if the code block is not reviewed. Parameters ---------- None. Returns ------- Nothing, but prints a warning message. """ print("* Warning: You are using a code block which is not reviewed. Non-reviewed code cannot be used for producing LVC results.")
[docs]def qnm_interpolate(s,l,m,n): """ This function interpolates the complex frequencies of the QNM modes. Parameters ---------- s : int Spin-weight of the mode. l : int Orbital angular momentum of the mode. m : int Azimuthal angular momentum of the mode. n : int Radial quantum number of the mode. Returns ------- w_r : interp1d object Interpolant function of the real part of the complex frequency. w_i : interp1d object Interpolant function of the imaginary part of the complex frequency. """ assert not(np.abs(m) > l), "QNM interpolation: m cannot be greater than l in modulus." assert (s==0 or s==1 or s==2), "QNM interpolation: supported s values are [0,1,2] ({} was passed)." try: PYRING_PREFIX = set_prefix() # Adapt to Berti conventions (start counting from 1): n -> n+1 if (m<0): af, w_r, w_i, _, _ = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(PYRING_PREFIX,'data/NR_data/Kerr_BH/s{}l{}'.format(s, l),'n{}l{}mm{}.dat'.format(n+1, l, np.abs(m))), unpack=True) else: af, w_r, w_i, _, _ = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(PYRING_PREFIX,'data/NR_data/Kerr_BH/s{}l{}'.format(s, l),'n{}l{}m{}.dat'.format(n+1, l, m)), unpack=True) except: raise Exception("If you wish to use perturbation theory NR data not stored on the repository, please download the corresponding files from `` and place them within directories with the following structure: `pyring_installation_directory/pyring/pyRing/data/NR_data/Kerr_BH/sXlY`, where `X` is the value of the spin perturbation considered and `Y` the value of the `l` QNM index. This feature requires the installation of the source code and is not currently supported by pip.\nQNM interpolation failed with error: {}.".format(traceback.print_exc())) return interp1d(af, w_r, kind='cubic'), interp1d(af, w_i, kind='cubic')
[docs]def qnm_interpolate_KN(s,l,m,n): """ This function interpolates the complex frequencies of the QNM modes for the Kerr-Newman spacetime. Parameters ---------- s : int Spin-weight of the mode. l : int Orbital angular momentum of the mode. m : int Azimuthal angular momentum of the mode. n : int Radial quantum number of the mode. Returns ------- w_r : interp1d object Interpolant function of the real part of the complex frequency. w_i : interp1d object Interpolant function of the imaginary part of the complex frequency. """ assert not(np.abs(m) > l), "QNM interpolation: m cannot be greater than l in modulus." assert (s==0 or s==1 or s==2), "QNM interpolation: supported s values are [0,1,2] ({} was passed)." try: PYRING_PREFIX = set_prefix() if (m<0): Q, af, w_r, w_i = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(PYRING_PREFIX,'data/NR_data/KN_BH/s{}l{}'.format(s, l),'n{}l{}mm{}.dat'.format(n, l, np.abs(m))), unpack=True) else: Q, af, w_r, w_i = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(PYRING_PREFIX,'data/NR_data/KN_BH/s{}l{}'.format(s, l),'n{}l{}m{}.dat'.format(n, l, m)), unpack=True) except: raise Exception("Loading KN data failed. Exiting.".format(traceback.print_exc())) coords = np.column_stack((af,Q)) interp_r = LinearNDInterpolator(coords, w_r) interp_i = LinearNDInterpolator(coords, w_i) return interp_r, interp_i
[docs]def qnm_interpolate_braneworld(s,l,m,n): """ This function interpolates the complex frequencies of the QNM modes for the Braneworld spacetime. Parameters ---------- s : int Spin-weight of the mode. l : int Orbital angular momentum of the mode. m : int Azimuthal angular momentum of the mode. n : int Radial quantum number of the mode. Returns ------- w_r : interp1d object Interpolant function of the real part of the complex frequency. w_i : interp1d object Interpolant function of the imaginary part of the complex frequency. """ print('\nPerforming interpolation of ringdown Braneworld complex frequencies of {}{}{}{} mode.'.format(s,l,m,n)) assert not(np.abs(m) > l), "QNM interpolation: m cannot be greater than l in modulus." assert (s==0 or s==1 or s==2), "QNM interpolation: supported s values are [0,1,2] ({} was passed)." try: PYRING_PREFIX = set_prefix() if (m<0): af, qf, w_r, w_i = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(PYRING_PREFIX,'data/NR_data/Braneworld/s{}l{}'.format(s, l),'n{}l{}mm{}.dat'.format(n, l, np.abs(m))), unpack=True) else: af, qf, w_r, w_i = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(PYRING_PREFIX,'data/NR_data/Braneworld/s{}l{}'.format(s, l),'n{}l{}m{}.dat'.format(n, l, m)), unpack=True) except: raise Exception("Loading Braneworld data failed. Exiting.".format(traceback.print_exc())) coords = np.column_stack((af, qf)) interp_r = LinearNDInterpolator(coords, w_r) interp_i = LinearNDInterpolator(coords, w_i) return interp_r, interp_i
[docs]def check_modes_naming_scheme(modes, quad_modes): for (s,l,m,n) in modes: if(s>9 or l>9 or m>9 or n>9): raise ValueError("The naming scheme for Kerr amplitudes is currently only compatible with s,l,m,n <= 9. Aborting.") if quad_modes is not None: for quad_term in quad_modes.keys(): for ((s,l,m,n),(s1,l1,m1,n1),(s2,l2,m2,n2)) in quad_modes[quad_term]: if(s>9 or l>9 or m>9 or n>9 or s1>9 or l1>9 or m1>9 or n1>9 or s2>9 or l2>9 or m2>9 or n2>9): raise ValueError("The naming scheme for Kerr amplitudes is currently only compatible with s,l,m,n <= 9. Aborting.") return
[docs]def construct_full_modes(modes, quad_modes): """ This function constructs the full list of modes (combining linear and quadratic modes) to be used in the ringdown fitting procedure. Parameters ---------- modes : list List of linear modes to be used in the fitting procedure. quad_modes : dict Dictionary of quadratic modes to be used in the fitting procedure. Returns ------- modes_full : list Combined list of linear and quadratic modes to be used in the fitting procedure. """ modes_full = [] for mode in modes: modes_full.append(mode) if quad_modes is not None: for quad_term in quad_modes.keys(): for mode in quad_modes[quad_term]: modes_full.append(mode[0]) modes_full.append(mode[1]) modes_full.append(mode[2]) # Remove duplicates. modes_full = list(dict.fromkeys(modes_full)) return modes_full
[docs]def bandpass_around_ringdown(strain, dt, f_min, mf, alpha_window=0.1): """ This function bandpasses the strain around the ringdown frequency of the BH. Parameters ---------- strain : array Strain time series. dt : float Time step of the strain time series. f_min : float Minimum frequency of the bandpass. mf : float Final mass of the BH. alpha_window : float Tukey window parameter. Returns ------- strain : array Bandpassed strain time series. """ srate_dt = 1./dt Nt = len(strain) if not(mf==0.0): # Typical ringdown frequency (220 mode) for a BH with af=0.7 (Berti+ fit), only for plotting purposes. central_f_ringdown = ((lal.C_SI*lal.C_SI*lal.C_SI)/(2.*np.pi*lal.G_SI*mf*lal.MSUN_SI)) * (1.5251-1.1568*(1-0.7)**0.1292) window = tukey(Nt, alpha=alpha_window) strain = strain*window bb, ab = butter(4, [f_min/(0.5*srate_dt), (central_f_ringdown*2.)/(0.5*srate_dt)], btype='band') strain = filtfilt(bb, ab, strain) return strain
[docs]def whiten_TD(x, cholesky_L, method='solve-triangular'): """ Whiten in the time domain the time series x using the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix. Parameters ---------- x : array Time series to be whitened. cholesky_L : array Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix. method : str Method to be used to solve the linear system. Returns ------- x_whitened : array Whitened time series. """ # If x is a multivariate gaussian variable with covariance C (p(x) ~ x^T * C^{-1} * x), one can use the Cholesky decomposition to obtain C in terms of a lower triangular matrix L: `C = L * L^T`. This implies that `z~N(0,1)` with `z = L^{-1} * x` (below called `x_whitened`), i.e. we need to solve the linear system `L * z = x` for the unknown `z`. if( method=='solve'): x_whitened = sl.solve( cholesky_L, x, lower=True, check_finite=False) elif(method=='solve-triangular'): x_whitened = sl.solve_triangular(cholesky_L, x, lower=True, check_finite=False) elif(method=='solve-numpy'): x_whitened = np.linalg.solve( cholesky_L, x) else: raise ValueError('Unknown whitening method requested') return x_whitened
[docs]def whiten_FD(strain, interp_psd, dt, f_min, f_max): """ This function whitens the strain time series in the frequency domain. Parameters ---------- strain : array Strain time series. interp_psd : array Interpolated PSD. dt : float Time step of the strain time series. f_min : float Minimum frequency of the bandpass. f_max : float Maximum frequency of the bandpass. Returns ------- white_ht : array Whitened strain time series. """ ######################################################################### # Function to whiten the data. Transform to freq domain, divide by asd, # # then transform back, taking care to get normalization right. # ######################################################################### # Initialise auxiliary quantities Nt = len(strain) freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(Nt, dt) srate_dt = 1./dt # Clean PSD. Required because when we inject a given PSD, the extrapolation sets it to 0 in the region outside the interpolation range. Such a 0 would cause the whitening to crash. psd_cleaned = interp_psd(freqs) for i in range(0, len(psd_cleaned)): if((freqs[i]<f_min) or (freqs[i]>f_max)): psd_cleaned[i] = np.inf hf = np.fft.rfft(strain) white_hf = hf / (np.sqrt(psd_cleaned/dt/2.)) white_ht = np.fft.irfft(white_hf, n=Nt) return white_ht
[docs]def inner_product_TD(h1, h2, InvCov): """ This function computes the inner product between two time series h1 and h2 using the inverse covariance matrix InvCov. Parameters ---------- h1 : array First time series. h2 : array Second time series. InvCov : array Inverse covariance matrix. Returns ------- inner_product : float Inner product between h1 and h2. """ return,,h2))
[docs]def inner_product_FD(h1, h2, psd, df): """ This function computes the inner product between two frequency series h1 and h2 using the PSD psd. Parameters ---------- h1 : array First frequency series. h2 : array Second frequency series. psd : array PSD. df : float Frequency step of the frequency series. Returns ------- inner_product : float Inner product between h1 and h2. """ return 4.0*df*np.sum(np.conj(h1)*h2/psd).real
[docs]def compute_SNR_TD(data, template, weights, method='direct-inversion'): """ This function computes the SNR between a data time series and a template time series in the time domain, using various methods. Parameters ---------- data : array Data time series. template : array Template time series. weights : array Weights to be used in the inner product. In the case of the time domain, this can be the inverse covariance matrix (for the 'direct-inversion' method) or the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix (for the 'cholesky-solve-triangular' method) or the ACF (for the 'toeplitz-inversion' method). method : str Method to be used to compute the inner product. Options are: 'direct-inversion', 'toeplitz-inversion', 'cholesky-solve-triangular'. Returns ------- SNR : float SNR of the template in the given data. """ # These methods have been found to give all identical results (up to the 11th decimal digit of GW150914 SNR at 10M and seglen=0.1). # The computational time hierarchy is: 'direct-inversion'~0.2ms, 'toeplitz-inversion'~0.7ms, 'cholesky-solve-triangular'~4ms. if(method=='direct-inversion'): # In this case weights is C^{-1}, the inverse covariance matrix hh = inner_product_TD(template, template, weights) dh = inner_product_TD(data, template, weights) elif(method=='cholesky-solve-triangular'): # In this case weights is L, the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix C whiten_h = whiten_TD(template, weights, method='solve-triangular') whiten_d = whiten_TD(data, weights, method='solve-triangular') hh =, whiten_h) dh =, whiten_h) elif(method=='toeplitz-inversion'): # In this case weights is ACF, the autocorrelation function from which the covariance matrix C is computed whiten_whiten_h = sl.solve_toeplitz(weights, template, check_finite=False) hh =, whiten_whiten_h) dh =, whiten_whiten_h) else: raise ValueError('Unknown method requested to compute the TD SNR.') return dh/np.sqrt(hh)
[docs]def compute_SNR_FD(data, template, psd, df): """ This function computes the SNR between a data frequency series and a template frequency series in the frequency domain. Parameters ---------- data : array Data frequency series. template : array Template frequency series. psd : array PSD. df : float Frequency step of the frequency series. Returns ------- SNR : float SNR of the template in the given data. """ return inner_product_FD(data, template, psd, df)/np.sqrt(inner_product_FD(template, template, psd, df))
[docs]def railing_check(samples, prior_bins, tolerance): """ This function checks whether the density of samples is within the tolerance percentage for the bins at the lower and higher boundaries of the prior, i.e. if there is railing of the posterior against the prior. Parameters ---------- samples : array Samples from the posterior. prior_bins : array Bins of the prior. tolerance : float Tolerance percentage. Returns ------- low_end_railing : bool True if the density of samples is within the tolerance percentage for the bin at the lower boundary of the prior. high_end_railing : bool True if the density of samples is within the tolerance percentage for the bin at the higher boundary of the prior. """ hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(samples, bins=prior_bins, density=True) highest_hist = np.amax(hist) lower_support = hist[0] / highest_hist * 100 higher_support = hist[-1] / highest_hist * 100 low_end_railing = lower_support > tolerance high_end_railing = higher_support > tolerance return low_end_railing, high_end_railing
[docs]def get_injected_parameters(injection_parameters, names): injection_values = [] # First, start from the injection parameters and clean them up. # The cleaning is needed because in the Damped-sinusoids case, the injection parameters are passed as a dictionary of lists. injection_dict = {} for key in injection_parameters.keys(): value_x = injection_parameters[key] if ((isinstance(value_x, float) or isinstance(value_x, int)) and (key in names)): injection_dict[key] = value_x elif(isinstance(value_x, dict)): for key_dict in value_x.keys(): for i in range(len(value_x[key_dict])): if(key=='A'): key_final = 'logA' value_final = np.log10(value_x[key_dict][i]) else: key_final = key value_final = value_x[key_dict][i] injection_dict[key_final+'_'+key_dict+'_'+str(i)] = value_final else: pass # Once the injections parameters have been read, cross correlate with the sampled parameters. for key in names: if(key in injection_dict.keys()): injection_values.append(injection_dict[key]) else : injection_values.append(None) return injection_values
########################################## # From here downwards, NO REVIEW NEEDED. # ##########################################
[docs]def construct_interpolant(param_name, N_bins=32, par_file = 'ringdown/random_parameters_interpolation.txt'): """ This function constructs a spline interpolant for the prior of a given parameter. Parameters ---------- param_name : str Name of the parameter. N_bins : int Number of bins to be used to construct the spline interpolant. par_file : str File containing the simulated events. Returns ------- spline_interpolant : scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline Spline interpolant for the prior of the given parameter. """ # Read in the simulated events and create spline interpolants. review_warning() from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline print('\n* Reweighting the priors for a random population of injections.') try: print("\nReweighting the prior of {}".format(param_name)) PYRING_PREFIX = set_prefix() values_interp = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(PYRING_PREFIX, par_file), names=True)[param_name] m = np.histogram(values_interp, bins=N_bins, density=True) bins = 0.5 * (m[1][1:] + m[1][:-1]) spline_interpolant = UnivariateSpline(bins, m[0], k=1, ext=1, s=0) except: raise Exception("\n* Prior railing file generation failed with error: {}.".format(traceback.print_exc())) return spline_interpolant
[docs]def EsGB_corrections(name, dim): """ This function returns the coefficients of the Parspec expansion for the gravitational polar-led modes in the EdGB model. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the mode deviation. dim : int Number of terms to be used in the Parspec expansion. Returns ------- corr : array Coefficients of the Parspec expansion for the gravitational polar-led modes in the EdGB model. """ # Coefficients of Parspec expansion for gravitational polar-led modes in EdGB, from arXiv:2103.09870, arXiv:2207.11267 all_corr = { 'domega_220': [-0.03773, -0.1668 , -0.278], 'dtau_220' : [-0.0528 , -0.08 , 3.914], } if not name in all_corr.keys(): raise ValueError("Currently EdsGB corrections only support the (l,m,n)=(2,2,0) mode deviation.") corr = [] for i in range(dim+1): corr.append(all_corr[name][i]) return corr
[docs]def EsGB_corrections_Carson_Yagi(name): """ This function returns the coefficients of the Parspec expansion for the gravitational polar-led modes in the EdGB model according to the Carson-Yagi prescription. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the mode deviation. Returns ------- corr : array Coefficients of the Parspec expansion for the gravitational polar-led modes in the EdGB model according to the Carson-Yagi prescription. """ if(name=='domega_220'): a0_GR = 0.373672 a1_GR = 0.2438 a2_GR = -1.2722 a0_GB = -0.1874 a1_GB = -0.6552 a2_GB = -0.6385 corr = [a0_GB/a0_GR, (a0_GB*a1_GB)/a1_GR, (a0_GB*a2_GB)/a2_GR] elif(name=='dtau_220'): b0_GR = 11.240715 b1_GR = 2.3569 b2_GR = -5.0014 b0_GB = 1.0/(-0.0622) b1_GB = 0.0 b2_GB = 0.0 corr = [b0_GB/b0_GR, (b0_GB*b1_GB)/b1_GR, (b0_GB*b2_GB)/b2_GR] raise ValueError("Tau corrections to be filled yet.") else: raise ValueError("Currently EdsGB corrections only support the (l,m,n)=(2,2,0) mode deviation.") return corr
[docs]def mtot(m1,m2): """ This function returns the total mass of a binary system as a function of the component masses. Parameters ---------- m1 : float Mass of the first component. m2 : float Mass of the second component. Returns ------- mtot : float Total mass of the binary system. """ return m1+m2
[docs]def mc(m1,m2): """ This function returns the chirp mass of a binary system as a function of the component masses. Parameters ---------- m1 : float Mass of the first component. m2 : float Mass of the second component. Returns ------- mc : float Chirp mass of the binary system. """ return (m1*m2)**(3./5.)/(m1+m2)**(1./5.)
[docs]def eta(m1,m2): """ This function returns the symmetric mass ratio of a binary system as a function of the component masses. Parameters ---------- m1 : float Mass of the first component. m2 : float Mass of the second component. Returns ------- eta : float Symmetric mass ratio of the binary system. """ return (m1*m2)/(m1+m2)**2
[docs]def q(m1,m2): """ This function returns the mass ratio of a binary system as a function of the component masses. Parameters ---------- m1 : float Mass of the first component. m2 : float Mass of the second component. Returns ------- q : float Mass ratio of the binary system. """ return [(np.minimum(m1,m2))/(np.maximum(m1,m2)), (np.maximum(m1,m2))/(np.minimum(m1,m2))] #Return both of the q conventions
[docs]def m1_from_m_q(m, q): """ This function returns the mass of the first component of a binary system as a function of the total mass and the mass ratio. Parameters ---------- m : float Total mass of the binary system. q : float Mass ratio of the binary system. Returns ------- m1 : float Mass of the first component of the binary system. """ return m*q/(1+q)
[docs]def m2_from_m_q(m, q): """ This function returns the mass of the second component of a binary system as a function of the total mass and the mass ratio. Parameters ---------- m : float Total mass of the binary system. q : float Mass ratio of the binary system. Returns ------- m2 : float Mass of the second component of the binary system. """ return m/(1+q)
[docs]def m1_from_mc_q(mc, q): """ This function returns the mass of the first component of a binary system as a function of the chirp mass and the mass ratio. Parameters ---------- mc : float Chirp mass of the binary system. q : float Mass ratio of the binary system. Returns ------- m1 : float Mass of the first component of the binary system. """ return mc*((1+q)**(1./5.))*q**(-3./5.)
[docs]def m2_from_mc_q(mc, q): """ This function returns the mass of the second component of a binary system as a function of the chirp mass and the mass ratio. Parameters ---------- mc : float Chirp mass of the binary system. q : float Mass ratio of the binary system. Returns ------- m2 : float Mass of the second component of the binary system. """ return mc*((1+q)**(1./5.))*q**(2./5.)
[docs]def chi_eff(q, a1, a2): """ This function returns the effective spin of a binary system as a function of the mass ratio and the spins of the components. Note: in the equal mass case, eta=0.25, implying chi_1=chi_2=0.5. Hence, in this case, chi_eff is the aritmetic mean of (a1,a2). Parameters ---------- q : float Mass ratio of the binary system. a1 : float Spin of the first component of the binary system. a2 : float Spin of the second component of the binary system. Returns ------- chi_eff : float Effective spin of the binary system. """ eta = q/(1+q)**2 chi_1 = 0.5*(1.0+np.sqrt(1.0-4.0*eta)) chi_2 = 1.0-chi_1 return chi_1*a1 + chi_2*a2
[docs]def mchirp_from_mtot_eta(mtot, eta): """ This function returns the chirp mass of a binary system as a function of the total mass and the symmetric mass ratio. Parameters ---------- mtot : float Total mass of the binary system. eta : float Symmetric mass ratio of the binary system. Returns ------- mc : float Chirp mass of the binary system. """ return mtot*eta**(3./5.)
[docs]def mchirp_from_mtot_q(mtot, q): """ This function returns the chirp mass of a binary system as a function of the total mass and the mass ratio. Parameters ---------- mtot : float Total mass of the binary system. q : float Mass ratio of the binary system. Returns ------- mc : float Chirp mass of the binary system. """ return mtot*(q/(1+q)**2)**(3./5.)
[docs]def eta_from_q(q): """ This function returns the symmetric mass ratio of a binary system as a function of the mass ratio. Parameters ---------- q : float Mass ratio of the binary system. Returns ------- eta : float Symmetric mass ratio of the binary system. """ return q/(1+q)**2
[docs]def project_python_wrapper(hs,hvx, hvy, hp, hc, detector, ra, dec, psi, tgps): """ Compute the complex time series projected onto the given detector. Parameters ---------- hs : array of shape (n,) The complex time series of the breathing mode. hvx : array of shape (n,) The complex time series of the longitudinal mode in the x direction. hvy : array of shape (n,) The complex time series of the longitudinal mode in the y direction. hp : array of shape (n,) The complex time series of the plus polarization. hc : array of shape (n,) The complex time series of the cross polarization. detector : laldetector structure The detector. ra : double The right ascension. dec : double The declination. psi : double The polarisation angle. tgps : double The time (GPS seconds). """ #==============================================================================# # Project complex time series onto the given detector (laldetector structure). # # Signal is shifted in time relative to the geocenter. # # ra - right ascension # # dec - declination # # psi - polarisation angle # # tgps - time (GPS seconds) # #==============================================================================# gmst = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(tgps) #The breathing and longitudinal modes act on a L-shaped detector in the same way up to a constant amplitude, thus we just use one. See arXiv:1710.03794. fp, fc, fb, fs, fvx, fvy = lal.ComputeDetAMResponseExtraModes(detector.response, ra, dec, psi, gmst) waveform = fs*hs + fvx*hvx + fvy*hvy + fp*hp + fc*hc return waveform
[docs]def cholesky_logdet_C(covariance): """ Compute the log determinant of a covariance matrix using Cholesky decomposition. Parameters ---------- covariance : array Covariance matrix. Returns ------- logdet : float Log determinant of the covariance matrix. """ R = sl.cholesky(covariance) return 2.*np.sum([np.log(R[i,i]) for i in range(R.shape[0])])
[docs]def resize_time_series(inarr, N, dt, starttime, desiredtc): """ Zero pad inarr and align its peak to the desired tc in the segment. Parameters ---------- inarr : array Input time series. N : int Length of the output time series. dt : float Sampling time of the output time series. starttime : float Start time of the output time series. desiredtc : float Desired time of coalescence of the output time series. Returns ------- outarr : array Output time series. """ review_warning() waveLength = inarr.shape[0] # Find the sample at which we wish tc to be, and the actual tc. tcSample = int(np.floor((desiredtc-starttime)/dt)) injTc = starttime + tcSample*dt # find the sample in waveform space at which tc happens, using the square amplitude as reference waveTcSample = np.argmax(inarr[:,0]**2+inarr[:,1]**2) wavePostTc = waveLength - waveTcSample if (tcSample >= waveTcSample) : bufstartindex = tcSample - waveTcSample else : bufstartindex = 0 if (wavePostTc + tcSample <= N): bufendindex = wavePostTc + tcSample else : bufendindex = N bufWaveLength = bufendindex - bufstartindex if (tcSample >= waveTcSample): waveStartIndex = 0 else : waveStartIndex = waveTcSample - tcSample # Allocate the arrays of zeros which work as a buffer. hp = np.zeros(N,dtype = np.float64) hc = np.zeros(N,dtype = np.float64) # Copy the waveform over. waveEndIndex = waveStartIndex + bufWaveLength hp[bufstartindex:bufstartindex+bufWaveLength] = inarr[waveStartIndex:waveEndIndex,0] hc[bufstartindex:bufstartindex+bufWaveLength] = inarr[waveStartIndex:waveEndIndex,1] return hp,hc
[docs]class UNUSED_NR_waveform(object): """ Class to generate NR waveforms. Parameters ---------- object : object Object to be used. """ # ===============================================================================================# # NR injection setup adapted from the script used in IMR consistency test studies. # # Credits to: Abhirup Ghosh, Archisman Ghosh, Ashok Choudhary, KaWa Tsang, Laura Van Der Schaaf, # # Nathan K Johnson-McDaniel, Peter Pang. # # ===============================================================================================# def __init__(self, **kwargs): review_warning() self.incl_inj = kwargs['injection-parameters']['incl'] self.phi_inj = kwargs['injection-parameters']['phi'] self.SXS_ID = kwargs['injection-parameters']['SXS-ID'] PYRING_PREFIX = set_prefix() self.data_file = os.path.join(PYRING_PREFIX, 'data/NR_data/SXS_data/BBH0{0}/rhOverM_Asymptotic_GeometricUnits_CoM.h5'.format(self.SXS_ID)) self.N = kwargs['injection-parameters']['N'] # Load the data sys.stdout.write('\n\n----NR injection section----') sys.stdout.write('\nLoading SXS NR data from %s\n'%(os.path.realpath(self.data_file))) sys.stdout.write('Extrapolation order N = %d\n'%(self.N)) ff = h5py.File(self.data_file, 'r') available_modes = ff.get('Extrapolated_N%d.dir'%(self.N)).keys() self.lmax = int(kwargs['injection-parameters']['lmax']) self.fix_NR_mode = kwargs['injection-parameters']['fix-NR-mode'] try: (l_fix, m_fix) = self.fix_NR_mode[0] except: (l_fix, m_fix) = (None, None) self.absmmin = 0 sys.stdout.write('lmax = %d\n'%(self.lmax)) (self.t22_geom, hr_geom22, hi_geom22) = (ff.get('Extrapolated_N%d.dir/Y_l%d_m%d.dat'%(self.N, 2, 2)).value).T self.h_plus = np.array([0.]*len(self.t22_geom)) self.h_cross = np.array([0.]*len(self.t22_geom)) if not((l_fix, m_fix)==(None, None)): l = l_fix m = m_fix assert not(m==0), "m=0 modes not yet supported." sys.stdout.write('Including (%d,%d) mode.\n'%(l, m)) (t_geom, hr_geom, hi_geom) = (ff.get('Extrapolated_N%d.dir/Y_l%d_m%d.dat'%(self.N, l, m)).value).T if abs(m) >= self.absmmin: Amp = np.sqrt(hr_geom**2+hi_geom**2) #FIXME: check the convention which enforces this minus sign (it stops the people being upside down) Phi = np.unwrap(np.angle(hr_geom - 1j*hi_geom)) Y_p = wf.SWSH(2,l,m)(self.incl_inj,self.phi_inj) self.h_plus = Amp*(np.cos(Phi)*np.real(Y_p) + np.sin(Phi)*np.imag(Y_p)) self.h_cross = -Amp*(np.cos(Phi)*np.imag(Y_p) - np.sin(Phi)*np.real(Y_p)) self.h_dressed = self.h_plus-1j*self.h_cross else: for l in range(2, self.lmax+1): for m in range(-l, l+1): #FIXME: This expansion is not true for m=0. m=0 expansion needs to be implemented if not(m==0): sys.stdout.write('Including (%d,%d) mode.\n'%(l, m)) (t_geom, hr_geom, hi_geom) = (ff.get('Extrapolated_N%d.dir/Y_l%d_m%d.dat'%(self.N, l, m)).value).T if abs(m) >= self.absmmin: Y_p = wf.SWSH(2,l,m)(self.incl_inj,self.phi_inj) Y_m = wf.SWSH(2,l,-m)(self.incl_inj,self.phi_inj) Amp = np.sqrt(hr_geom**2+hi_geom**2) Phi = np.unwrap(np.angle(hr_geom - 1j*hi_geom)) self.h_plus += Amp*(np.cos(Phi)*(np.real(Y_p)+np.real(Y_m)) - np.sin(Phi)*(-np.imag(Y_p)+np.imag(Y_m))) self.h_cross -= Amp*(np.cos(Phi)*(np.imag(Y_p)+np.imag(Y_m)) - np.sin(Phi)*(np.real(Y_p)-np.real(Y_m))) self.h_dressed = self.h_plus-1j*self.h_cross sys.stdout.write('\n')
[docs]def UNUSED_inject_NR_signal(lenstrain, tstart, length, ifo, triggertime, **kwargs): """ Inject a NR signal into the data. The NR signal is generated using the FIXME Parameters ---------- lenstrain : int Length of the strain data vector tstart : float Start time of the data length : float Length of the data ifo : str Detector name triggertime : float GPS time of the trigger **kwargs : dict Dictionary of keyword arguments Returns ------- hplus : numpy.ndarray Plus polarization of the NR signal hcross : numpy.ndarray Cross polarization of the NR signal """ mass = kwargs['injection-parameters']['M'] dist = kwargs['injection-parameters']['dist'] psi = kwargs['injection-parameters']['psi'] M_inj_sec = mass*lal.MTSUN_SI tM_gps = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(float(triggertime)) detector = lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[ifo] ref_det = lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[kwargs['ref-det']] if (kwargs['sky-frame']=='detector'): tg, ra, dec = DetFrameToEquatorial(lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[kwargs['ref-det']], lal.cached_detector_by_prefix[kwargs['nonref-det']], triggertime, np.arccos(kwargs['injection-parameters']['cos_altitude']), kwargs['injection-parameters']['azimuth']) elif (kwargs['sky-frame']=='equatorial'): ra = kwargs['injection-parameters']['ra'] dec = kwargs['injection-parameters']['dec'] else: raise ValueError("Invalid option for sky position sampling.") time_delay = lal.ArrivalTimeDiff(detector.location, ref_det.location, ra, dec, tM_gps) # Build NR waveform. NR_wf_obj = NR_waveform(**kwargs) t_phys = NR_wf_obj.t22_geom*M_inj_sec hp = NR_wf_obj.h_plus hc = NR_wf_obj.h_cross time = tstart+np.linspace(0, length, lenstrain) # Interpolate the waveform over a uniform grid, NR sampling (t_phys) is NOT uniform. h_p_int = np.interp(time, tstart+t_phys, hp) h_c_int = np.interp(time, tstart+t_phys, hc) # Shift the waveform to the desidered tc. hp,hc = resize_time_series(np.column_stack((h_p_int,h_c_int)), lenstrain, time[1]-time[0], tstart, triggertime+time_delay) # Project the waveform onto a given detector, switching from geometrical to physical units. hs, hvx, hvy = np.zeros(len(hp)), np.zeros(len(hp)), np.zeros(len(hp)) h = project(hs, hvx, hvy, hp, hc, detector, ra, dec, psi, tM_gps) # timeshift the waveform to the desired merger time in the given detector tM = THanford+time_delay. h *= mass * lal.MSUN_SI * lal.G_SI / (dist * lal.PC_SI*10**6 * lal.C_SI**2) return h
[docs]def compute_remnant_parameters_from_inspiral_aligned_spins_parameters(m1, m2, chi1, chi2): """ Compute the remnant parameters from the inspiral aligned spins parameters. For documentation on final state fits, see Parameters ---------- m1 : float Mass of the first BH. m2 : float Mass of the second BH. chi1 : float Signed aligned spin component (i.e. can be both positive/parallel and negative/antiparallel wrt angular momentum axis) of the first BH. chi2 : float Signed aligned spin component (i.e. can be both positive/parallel and negative/antiparallel wrt angular momentum axis) of the second BH. Returns ------- Mf : float Final mass. af : float Final spin. """ if(chi1 < 0): tilt1_fit = np.pi else : tilt1_fit = 0.0 if(chi2 < 0): tilt2_fit = np.pi else : tilt2_fit = 0.0 chi1_fit = np.abs(chi1) chi2_fit = np.abs(chi2) Mf = bbh_final_mass_projected_spins(m1, m2, chi1_fit, chi2_fit, tilt1_fit, tilt2_fit, 'UIB2016') af = bbh_final_spin_projected_spins(m1, m2, chi1_fit, chi2_fit, tilt1_fit, tilt2_fit, 'UIB2016', truncate = bbh_Kerr_trunc_opts.trunc) return Mf, af
[docs]def F_mrg_Nagar_v0(m1, m2, a1, a2): """ This function returns the merger frequency of a binary black hole system. Old version of the merger frequency, defined with respect to the 22 mode of the inspiral. Parameters ---------- m1 : float Mass of the first black hole m2 : float Mass of the second black hole a1 : float Dimensionless spin of the first black hole a2 : float Dimensionless spin of the second black hole Returns ------- res : float Merger frequency of the binary black hole system """ review_warning() q = m1/m2 #Husa conventions, m1>m2 [] eta = q/(1+q)**2 M_tot = m1+m2 chi_1 = 0.5*(1.0+np.sqrt(1.0-4.0*eta)) chi_2 = 1.0-chi_1 chi_eff = chi_1*a1 + chi_2*a2 A = -0.28562363*eta + 0.090355762 B = -0.18527394*eta + 0.12596953 C = 0.40527397*eta + 0.25864318 res = (A*chi_eff**2 + B*chi_eff + C)*((2*np.pi*M_tot)*lal.G_SI*lal.C_SI**(-3))**(-1) return res
[docs]def F_mrg_Nagar(m1, m2, a1, a2, geom=0): """ This function returns the merger frequency of a binary black hole system, defined with respect to the peak of the 22 mode amplitude. The coefficients contained here are an update of Tab.1 of arxiv:1811.08744, generated by Gunnar Riemenschneider. Newer versions (if existent) can be found in the TEOBResumS repository (, e.g. the latest version on 27/11/2023 is here: Parameters ---------- m1 : float Mass of the first black hole in solar mass units m2 : float Mass of the second black hole in solar mass units a1 : float Dimensionless spin of the first black hole a2 : float Dimensionless spin of the second black hole geom : int Flag to activate geometrical units. Default is 0, SI units. Returns ------- res : float Merger frequency of the binary black hole system """ q = m1/m2 nu = q/(1+q)**2 M = m1+m2 X12 = (m1-m2)/M Shat = (m1**2*a1 + m2**2*a2)/M**2 # Computed from test particle data using Teukode (private software behind The error is not reported, since it is much smaller than the quoted digits. omg_tp = 0.273356 # Orbital fits calibrated to the non-spinning SXS data omg1 = 0.84074 omg1_err = 0.014341 omg2 = 1.6976 omg2_err = 0.075488 orb = omg_tp*(1+omg1*nu+omg2*nu**2) # Equal Mass fit calibrated to the q=1 SXS data b1 = -0.42311 b1_err = 0.088583 b2 = -0.066699 b2_err = 0.042978 b3 = -0.83053 b3_err = 0.084516 # Unequal Mass corrections to the q=1 fit based on SXS, BAM and TP data c1 = 0.066045 c1_err = 0.13227 c2 = -0.23876 c2_err = 0.29338 c3 = 0.76819 c3_err = 0.01949 c4 = -0.9201 c4_err = 0.025167 num = 1.+((b1+c1*X12)/(1.+c2*X12))*Shat+b2*Shat**2 denom = 1.+((b3+c3*X12)/(1.+c4*X12))*Shat if(geom): res = (orb*num/denom)*((2*np.pi*M))**(-1) else : res = (orb*num/denom)*((2*np.pi*M)*lal.G_SI*lal.C_SI**(-3))**(-1) return res
[docs]def F_mrg_Bohe(m1,m2,a1,a2): """ Computees the merger frequency fit as described in Bohe et al. arXiv:1611.03703 Parameters ---------- m1 : float Mass of the first black hole m2 : float Mass of the second black hole a1 : float Dimensionless spin of the first black hole a2 : float Dimensionless spin of the second black hole Returns ------- res : float Merger frequency of the binary black hole system """ review_warning() q = m1/m2 M_tot = m1+m2 nu = q/(1+q)**2 delta = np.sqrt(1.-4.*nu) chi_S = 0.5*(a1+a2) chi_A = 0.5*(a1-a2) chi = chi_S + chi_A*delta*((1.-2.*nu)**(-1)) p0_TPL = + 0.562679 p1_TPL = - 0.087062 p2_TPL = + 0.001743 p3_TPL = + 25.850378 p4_TPL = + 25.819795 p3_EQ = 10.262073 p4_EQ = 7.629922 A3 = p3_EQ + 4.*(p3_EQ - p3_TPL)*(nu-1./4.) A4 = p4_EQ + 4.*(p4_EQ - p4_TPL)*(nu-1./4.) res = (p0_TPL + (p1_TPL + p2_TPL*chi)*np.log(A3 - A4*chi))*((2.*np.pi*M_tot)*lal.G_SI*lal.C_SI**(-3))**(-1) return res
[docs]def F_mrg_Healy(m1,m2,a1,a2): """ Computes the merger frequency fit as described in Healy et al. Phys. Rev. D 97, 084002(2018) This implementation uses the convention m1>m2 and thus has a sign differences in the definitions of dm and Delta comparing to the original paper. Parameters ---------- m1 : float Mass of the first black hole m2 : float Mass of the second black hole a1 : float Dimensionless spin of the first black hole a2 : float Dimensionless spin of the second black hole Returns ------- res : float Merger frequency of the binary black hole system """ M_tot = m1+m2 dm = (m2-m1)/(m1+m2) Delta=(a1*m1-a2*m2)/(m1+m2) St = (m1**2*a1+m2**2*a2)/(m1+m2)**2 W0 = 0.3587 W1 = 0.14189 W2a = -0.01461 W2b = 0.05505 W2c = 0.00878 W2d = -0.1211 W3a = -0.16841 W3b = 0.04874 W3c = 0.09181 W3d = -0.08607 W4a = -0.02185 W4b = 0.11183 W4c = -0.01704 W4d = 0.21595 W4e = -0.12378 W4f = 0.0432 W4g = 0.00167 W4h = -0.13224 W4i = -0.09933 o1 = W0 + W1*St + W2a*Delta*dm + W2b*St**2 + W2c*Delta**2 + W2d*dm**2 o2 = W3a*Delta*St*dm + W3b*St*Delta**2 + W3c*St**3 + W3d*St*dm**2 o3 = W4a*Delta*St**2*dm + W4b*Delta**3*dm + W4c*Delta**4 + W4d*St**4 o4 = W4e*Delta**2*St**2 + W4f*dm**4 + W4g*Delta*dm**3 + W4h*Delta**2*dm**2 + W4i*St**2*dm**2 res = (o1 + o2 + o3 + o4)*((2.*np.pi*M_tot)*lal.G_SI*lal.C_SI**(-3))**(-1) return res
[docs]def A_mrg_Bohe(m1,m2,a1,a2): review_warning() # Frequency fit from Bohe et al. arXiv:1611.03703 q = m1/m2 nu = q/(1+q)**2 delta = np.sqrt(1.-4.*nu) chi_S = 0.5*(a1+a2) chi_A = 0.5*(a1-a2) chi = chi_S + chi_A*delta*((1.-2.*nu)**(-1)) e00 = +1.452857 e01 = +0.166134 e02 = +0.027356 e03 = -0.020073 e10 = -0.034424 e11 = -1.218066 e12 = -0.568373 e13 = +0.401114 Amp_tp = e00 + e01*chi + e02*chi**2 + e03*chi**3 Amp_lin = e10 + e11*chi + e12*chi**2 + e13*chi**3 e20 = + 16*1.577458 - 16*e00 - 4*e10 e21 = - 16*0.007695 - 16*e01 - 4*e11 e22 = + 16*0.021887 - 16*e02 - 4*e12 e23 = + 16*0.023268 - 16*e03 - 4*e13 Amp_quad= e20 + e21*chi + e22*chi**2 + e23*chi**3 res = nu*(Amp_tp + Amp_lin*nu + Amp_quad*nu**2) return res
[docs]def A_mrg_Healy(m1,m2,a1,a2): # Phys. Rev. D 97, 084002(2018) # Important: this Fit uses the convention m1>m2 and thus has # Sign differences in the definitions of dm and Delta comparing to # the orignial paper! # When comparing with the fit presented in the paper in eq (20) then # it is important to note that the coefficients are referred to as # H.. instead of A review_warning() dm = (m2-m1)/(m1+m2) Delta=(a1*m1-a2*m2)/(m1+m2) St = (m1**2*a1+m2**2*a2)/(m1+m2)**2 nu = m1*m2*(m1+m2)**(-2) A0 = 0.3937 A1 = -0.00252 A2a = 0.00385 A2b = 0.00495 A2c = -0.00145 A2d = -0.0526 A3a = 0.00331 A3b = 0.01775 A3c = 0.03202 A3d = 0.05267 A4a = 0.11029 A4b = -0.00552 A4c = 0.00558 A4d = 0.04593 A4e = -0.04754 A4f = 0.0179 A4g = -0.00516 A4h = 0.00163 A4i = -0.02098 h1 = A0 + A1*St + A2a*Delta*dm + A2b*St**2 + A2c*Delta**2 h2 = A2d*dm**2 +A3a*Delta*St*dm + A3b*St*Delta**2 + A3c*St**3 h3 = A3d*St*dm**2 + A4a*Delta*St**2*dm + A4b*Delta**3*dm h4 = A4c*Delta**4 + A4d*St**4 + A4e*Delta**2*St**2 + A4f*dm**4 h5 = A4g*Delta*dm**3 + A4h*Delta**2*dm**2 + A4i*St**2*dm**2 res = 4*nu*(h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 + h5) return res
[docs]def A_mrg_Nagar(m1, m2, a1, a2): q = m1/m2 nu = q/(1+q)**2 M = m1+m2 X12 = (m1-m2)/M Shat = (m1**2*a1 + m2**2*a2)/M**2 # Orbital fits calibrated to the non-spinning SXS data omg_tp = 0.273356 # for this one I won't give an error the TP waveform was generated with the TEUKCode and I think it is pretty much acurate omg1 = 0.84074 omg1_err = 0.014341 omg2 = 1.6976 omg2_err = 0.075488 orb = omg_tp*(1.+omg1*nu+omg2*nu**2) # Equal Mass fit calibrated to the q=1 SXS data b1 = -0.42311 b1_err = 0.088583 b2 = -0.066699 b2_err = 0.042978 b3 = -0.83053 b3_err = 0.084516 # Unequal Mass corrections to the q=1 fit based on SXS, BAM and TP data c1 = 0.066045 c1_err = 0.13227 c2 = -0.23876 c2_err = 0.29338 c3 = 0.76819 c3_err = 0.01949 c4 = -0.9201 c4_err = 0.025167 num = 1.+((b1+c1*X12)/(1.+c2*X12))*Shat+b2*Shat**2 denom = 1.+((b3+c3*X12)/(1.+c4*X12))*Shat omgmx = (orb*num/denom) scale = 1. - Shat*omgmx # Orbital fits calibrated to the non-spinning SXS data Amax_tp = 0.295897 # for this one I won't give an error the TP # waveform was generated with the TEUKCode # and I think it is pretty much acurate Amax1 = -0.041285 Amax1_err = 0.0078878 Amax2 = 1.5971 Amax2_err = 0.041521 orb_A = Amax_tp*(1+Amax1*nu+Amax2*nu**2) # Equal Mass fit calibrated to the q=1 SXS data b1Amax = -0.74124 b1Amax_err = 0.016178 b2Amax = -0.088705 b2Amax_err = 0.0081611 b3Amax = -1.0939 b3Amax_err = 0.015318 # Unequal Mass corrections to the q=1 fit based on SXS, BAM and TP data c1Amax = 0.44467 c1Amax_err = 0.037352 c2Amax = -0.32543 c2Amax_err = 0.081211 c3Amax = 0.45828 c3Amax_err = 0.066062 c4Amax = -0.21245 c4Amax_err = 0.080254 num_A = 1+((b1Amax+c1Amax*X12)/(1+c2Amax*X12))*Shat+b2Amax*Shat**2 denom_A = 1+((b3Amax+c3Amax*X12)/(1+c4Amax*X12))*Shat res = nu*orb_A*scale*num_A*(denom_A**(-1))*np.sqrt(24) return res
[docs]def A_omg_mrg_TEOB(m1, m2, a1, a2, version='spins', geom=0): """ Amplitude and frequency at the peak of the 22 mode for quasicircular spin-aligned binaries. Fits version: master/84b8f10 of ``. Parameters ---------- m1 : float Mass of the first black hole m2 : float Mass of the second black hole a1 : float Dimensionless spin of the first black hole a2 : float Dimensionless spin of the second black hole version: string Which type of fits to use. geom : int Flag to activate geometrical units. Default is 0, SI units. Returns ------- res : float Merger frequency of the binary black hole system """ # Sanity checks. if(a1==0.0 and a2==0.0): print('* Defaulting to `nospins` version in merger amplitude fit.') version = 'nospins' # Auxiliary variables. q = m1/m2 nu = q/(1+q)**2 nu2 = nu**2 M = m1+m2 X12 = (m1-m2)/M Shat = (m1**2*a1 + m2**2*a2)/M**2 Shat2 = Shat**2 # Perturbation theory data. A_PT = 1.44959 omg_PT = 0.273356 if(version=='nospins'): c1_A = -0.041285 c2_A = 1.5971 c1_Om = 0.84074 c2_Om = 1.6976 Amrg = A_PT * (1 + c1_A * nu + c2_A * nu2) omgmrg = omg_PT * (1 + c1_Om * nu + c2_Om * nu2) elif(version=='spins'): # Orbital frequency omg1 = 0.84074 omg2 = 1.6976 orb = omg_PT * (1 + omg1 * nu + omg2 * nu2) b0 = -0.42311 b1 = 0.066045 b2 = -0.23876 bs2 = -0.066699 b3 = -0.83053 b4 = 0.76819 b5 = -0.9201 num = 1. + (b0 + b1*X12)/(1. + b2*X12) * Shat + bs2 * Shat2 denom = 1. + (b3 + b4*X12)/(1. + b5*X12) * Shat omgmrg = (orb*num/denom) scale = 1. - omgmrg * Shat b0 = -0.741 b1 = 0.4446696 b2 = -0.3254310 bs2 = -0.0887 b3 = -1.094 b4 = 0.4582812 b5 = -0.2124477 num_A = 1. + (b0 + b1*X12)/(1. + b2*X12) * Shat + bs2 * Shat2 denom_A = 1. + (b3 + b4*X12)/(1. + b5*X12) * Shat A_1 = - 0.041285 A_2 = 1.5971 Aorb = A_PT * (1. + A_1 * nu + A_2 * nu2) Amrg = Aorb*scale*(num_A/denom_A) if(geom): omgmrg = omgmrg * ((2*np.pi*M))**(-1) else : omgmrg = omgmrg * ((2*np.pi*M)*lal.G_SI*lal.C_SI**(-3))**(-1) Amrg = Amrg*nu return Amrg, omgmrg
#UNUSED code to interpolate NR wfs. ## Interpolate the waveform over a uniform grid, NR sampling (t_phys) is NOT uniform. Then pad it to the total strain length. # endtime = tstart+length # dt_uniform = length/lenstrain # nr_wf_len = t_phys[-1]-t_phys[0] # npoints = nr_wf_len/dt_uniform # t_phys_uniform = np.linspace(t_phys[0], t_phys[-1], npoints) # h_p_int = np.interp(t_phys_uniform, t_phys, hp) # h_c_int = np.interp(t_phys_uniform, t_phys, hc) # t_peak = t_phys_uniform[np.argmax(h_p_int**2 + h_c_int**2)] # dt_peak_start = t_peak - t_phys_uniform[0] # dt_peak_end = t_phys_uniform[-1] - t_peak # dt_buffer_start = (triggertime+time_delay-dt_peak_start) - tstart # dt_buffer_end = endtime - (triggertime+time_delay+dt_peak_end) # buffer_start_len = int(dt_buffer_start/dt_uniform) # buffer_end_len = int(dt_buffer_end/dt_uniform) # zeros_start = np.zeros(buffer_start_len) # zeros_end = np.zeros(buffer_end_len) # h_p_buffered_start = np.concatenate((zeros_start, np.array(h_p_int)), axis=None) # h_c_buffered_start = np.concatenate((zeros_start, np.array(h_c_int)), axis=None) # hp = np.concatenate((h_p_buffered_start, zeros_end), axis=None) # hc = np.concatenate((h_c_buffered_start, zeros_end), axis=None)