References ------------- - Methods: The code is mainly based on the formalism described in `Carullo et al., arXiv:1902.07527 `_. For signals extending below a pure ringdown emission, it uses the truncated formulation of `Isi et al., arXiv:1905.00869 `_ (see also `their longer follow-up, arXiv:2107.05609 `_). Additional details on the methodology can be found in the `GWTC-2 Testing GR LVK catalog, arXiv:2010.14529 `_ and `GWTC-3 Testing GR LVK catalog, arXiv:2112.06861 `_. A pedagogical discussion of models usage and systematic uncertainties can be found in `Gennari et al., arXiv:2312.12515 `_. - Additional studies using pyRing: * Simulation based inference in the time domain: `arXiv:2404.11373 `_; * Higher modes GWTC-3 search using a numerical relativity calibrated-model: `arXiv:2312.12515 `_; * Bounds on tidal charges in braneworld gravity: `arXiv:2311.03556`_; * Measuring scalar polarization in Einstein scalar Gauss-Bonnet: `arXiv:2212.11359 `_; * Impact of start time uncertainty on overtone detection in GW150914: `arXiv:2201.00822 `_, `arXiv:2310.20625 `_, `arXiv:2305.18528 `_; * GWTC-3 Testing GR LVK catalog: `arXiv:2112.06861 `_; * GW190521 waveforms consistency and astrophysical implications: `arXiv:2112.06856 `_; * Models and constraints of ringdown in the presence of U(1) black hole charges: `arXiv:2109.13961 `_; * Constraints on braneworld gravity: `arXiv:2106.05558 `_; * Verification of the Bekenstein-Hod bound: `arXiv:2103.06167 `_; * Constraints on alternative theories of gravity using the ParSpec formalism: `arXiv:2102.05939 `_; * Investigations and observational constraints on the area quantisation hypothesis: `arXiv:2011.03816 `_; * GW190521 discovery: `arXiv:2009.01075 `_ and physics implications: `arXiv:2009.01190 `_; * Spectroscopy of Rotating Black Holes Pierced by Cosmic Strings: `arXiv:2002.01695 `_. * Probing the Purely Ingoing Nature of the Black-hole Event Horizon `arXiv:1912.07058 `_; - Citing ``pyRing``: When referencing ``pyRing`` in your publications, please cite the following papers: `arXiv:1902.07527 `_, `arXiv:1905.00869 `_, `arXiv:2010.14529 `_ and the software Zenodo release: .. code-block:: bibtex @software{pyRing, author = {Carullo, Gregorio and Del Pozzo, Walter and Veitch, John}, title = "\texttt{pyRing}: a time-domain ringdown analysis python package", month = jul, year = 2023, publisher = {Zenodo}, version = {2.3.0}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.8165508}, url = {}, howpublished = "\href{}{}", } - External libraries: ``pyRing`` relies on a number of open-source packages. If you use the software in your publications, please cite the references found at these links: * `corner `__ * `cpnest `__ * `gwpy `__ * `lalsuite `__ * `matplotlib `__ * `numpy `__ * `scipy `__ * `pesummary `__