
Ligo-raven is deployed in gwcelery once a new release is made and depedencies are updated. Therefore, the focus of deployment is making a release and getting it approved by the RAVEN review team and the SCCB.

Making a new release

Once all changes we want to include are made, we can prepare a release by updating the changelog with correct date and version number on the master branch. Make sure all changes are included and clearly described. Then, make a commit with these changes labeled Update CHANGES.rst:

$ git commit -a

and tag this with the version number:

$ git tag vX.XX -m "Version X.XX"

where X.XX is the version number. Push these changes via:

$ git push upstream && git push upstream --tags

Next, we can turn this release to a local tarball file:

$ python sdist

We can check this is installable by:

$ pip install dist/ligo-raven-X.XX.tar.gz

Alternatively we could create a .whl file, although this generally is not preferred:

$ python bdist_wheel

We can upload our release file to PyPI using twine, assuming having proper permissions of this page:

$ twine upload dist/ligo-raven-X.XX.tar.gz

Check this was uploaded correctly by checking the PyPI page. Lastly, we can start preparing the next release by creating a new entry in CHANGES.rst. This is done by using unreleased for the date and setting the next version number in, with the commit name Back to development.

Initiating review

If a release is intended to run online during an operting run via gwcelery, this release must be reviewed first.

The RAVEN review team should be contacted and some sort of review process arranged, whether via email or calls. The members of this review team generally review pipelines under the umbrella of the GRB group, so being involved with the group and knowning the members is important. This process may take some time and may require another release if changes are requested, so plan accordingly.

After this has been approved by the RAVEN review team, an SCCB request should be made, filling out the appropriate info and responding to the reviewers on the issue if prompted. Once this request has been approved, the release is all set to run in gwcelery on live data.