Source code for svd_bank_snr

Short cutting gstlal inspiral pipeline to produce SNR for gstlal_svd_bank.
A gstlal-based direct matched filter in time domain is also implemented.

from collections import defaultdict
import numpy
import os
import shutil
import sys
import threading

from gstlal import cbc_template_fir
from gstlal import templates
from gstlal import inspiral
from gstlal import lloidhandler
from gstlal import lvalert_helper
from gstlal import svd_bank

import gi
gi.require_version('Gst', '1.0')
from gi.repository import GObject, Gst

import gwdatafind

from lal.utils import CacheEntry
import lal
import lal.series
import lalsimulation as lalsim

from ligo.gracedb import rest as gracedb
from ligo.lw import array as ligolw_array
from ligo.lw import ligolw
from ligo.lw import lsctables
from ligo.lw import param as ligolw_param
from ligo.lw import utils as ligolw_utils

[docs]@ligolw_array.use_in @ligolw_param.use_in class SNRContentHandler(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler): pass
[docs]@ligolw_param.use_in @ligolw_array.use_in @lsctables.use_in class ContentHandler(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler): pass
#============================================================================================= # # Signal to Noise Ratio Document # #=============================================================================================
[docs]class SignalNoiseRatioDocument(object): """LIGO_LW xml document for Signal to Noise Ratio. This xml document contains the SNRs timeseries and their corresponding templates autocorrelation. Some meta data are recorded in the xml document for """ def __init__(self, bank_snrs_dict, verbose=False): self.verbose = verbose self.bank_snrs_dict = bank_snrs_dict
[docs] def write_output_url(self, outdir, row_number=None, counts=1, root_name="gstlal_inspiral_bank_SNRs"): """Writing the LIGO_LW xmldoc to disk. Args: outdir (str): The output diretory. row_number (int, default=None): The row number of the SNR to be outputed. Default=None is to output all. root_name (str, default="gstlal_inspiral_bank_SNRs"): The root name of the xml document. Return: xmldoc: The file object representing the xmldoc. """ assert counts >= 1, "Number of rows must be larger than or equals to 1." for instrument, bank_SNRs in self.bank_snrs_dict.items(): # create root xmldoc = ligolw.Document() root = xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) root.Name = root_name # add SNR and autocorrelation branches for bank_SNR in bank_SNRs: branch = root.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) branch.Name = "bank_SNR" branch.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue('bank_id', bank_SNR.bank_id)) self._append_content(branch, bank_SNR, instrument, row_number=row_number, counts=counts) if row_number is not None and len(bank_SNRs) == 1 and counts == 1: outname = "%s-%s_bank_SNR_%d_%d-%d-%d.xml.gz" % (instrument, bank_SNRs[0].method, bank_SNRs[0].bank_number, row_number, bank_SNRs[0].start, bank_SNRs[0].duration) else: outname = "%s-%s_bank_SNR_%s_%s-%d-%d.xml.gz" % (instrument, bank_SNRs[0].method, "ALL", "ALL", bank_SNRs[0].start, bank_SNRs[0].duration) write_url(xmldoc, os.path.join(outdir, outname), verbose = self.verbose) return xmldoc
def _append_content(self, branch, bank_SNR, instrument, row_number=None, counts=1): """For internal use only.""" slicing = slice(None, None, None) if row_number is None else slice(row_number, row_number+counts, 1) for template_id, autocorrelation, snr in zip(bank_SNR.template_id[slicing],[slicing], bank_SNR[slicing]): # retrieve row number row_number = int("_")[1]) tmp_branch = branch.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) tmp_branch.Name = "SNR_and_Autocorrelation" tmp_branch.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue('template_id', template_id)) # append timeseries and templates autocorrelation if == numpy.float32: tseries = tmp_branch.appendChild(lal.series.build_REAL4TimeSeries(snr)) elif == numpy.float64: tseries = tmp_branch.appendChild(lal.series.build_REAL8TimeSeries(snr)) elif == numpy.complex64: tseries = tmp_branch.appendChild(lal.series.build_COMPLEX8TimeSeries(snr)) elif == numpy.complex128: tseries = tmp_branch.appendChild(lal.series.build_COMPLEX16TimeSeries(snr)) else: raise ValueError("unsupported type : %s" % # append autocorrelation_bank tmp_branch.appendChild('autocorrelation_bank', autocorrelation)) return branch
#============================================================================================= # # Pipeline Handler # #=============================================================================================
[docs]class Bank_SNR(object): """An data interface between the SNRPipelineHandler and the SNR pipeline. This is a class that defines the approximate start time and end time for which the SNR should be collected. """ def __init__(self, start, end, instrument, bank, bank_number=0, method="LLOID"): if start >= end: raise ValueError("Start time must be less than end time.") self.method = method = bank self.bank_id = bank.bank_id self.bank_number = bank_number self.sngl_inspiral_table = bank.sngl_inspiral_table self.template_id = [row.template_id for row in bank.sngl_inspiral_table] self.s = start self.e = end self.epoch = None self.deltaT = None = [] self._start = None self._end = None self._duration = None self._instrument = instrument @property def start(self): """float: The approximate start time of all SNRs timeseries based on the buffer timestamp. """ try: self.finish() except: pass return round(self._start) @property def end(self): """float: The end time of all SNRs timeseries calculated from buffer timestamp and data. """ try: self.finish() except: pass return round(self._end) @property def duration(self): """float: The approximate duration of all SNRs timeseries.""" try: self.finish() except: pass return self.end - self.start @property def instrument(self): """str: The instrument of the SNR.""" return str(self._instrument) def __getitem__(self, index): """:obj:`LAL series`: Allow access SNRs timeseries object by index.""" try: self.finish() except: pass return[index] def __len__(self): """int: Return the number of SNRs timeseries.""" return len(
[docs] def finish(self, COMPLEX = False): """Settling down the collected SNRs and parse them to LAL series. Note: This method can only be called once. Args: COMPLEX (bool): True if required complex SNR, False otherwise. """ assert self.epoch is not None, "No SNRs are obtained." tmp_snrs = numpy.concatenate(numpy.array(, axis = 0) gps_start = self.epoch.gpsSeconds + self.epoch.gpsNanoSeconds * 10.**-9 gps = gps_start + numpy.arange(len(tmp_snrs)) * self.deltaT if self.s - gps[0] < 0 or self.e - gps[-1] > 0: raise ValueError("Invalid choice of start time or end time. The data spans from %f to %f." % (gps[0], gps[-1])) else: s = abs(gps - self.s).argmin() e = abs(gps - self.e).argmin() # update data and epoch self._start = self.epoch = gps[s] self._end = gps[e] tmp_snrs = tmp_snrs[s:e].T if COMPLEX else numpy.abs(tmp_snrs[s:e].T) # parse data to tseries object = [self._make_series(array, self.epoch, row_number) for row_number, array in enumerate(tmp_snrs)] # .finish() again is forbidden def finish(): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot .finish() because SNR has been .finish()ed.") self.finish = finish
def _make_series(self, array, epoch, row_number): """For internal use only.""" para = {"name" : "%s_%d_%d" % (self.instrument, self.bank_number, row_number), "epoch" : epoch, "deltaT" : self.deltaT, "f0": 0, "sampleUnits" : lal.DimensionlessUnit, "length" : len(array)} if array.dtype == numpy.float32: tseries = lal.CreateREAL4TimeSeries(**para) elif array.dtype == numpy.float64: tseries = lal.CreateREAL8TimeSeries(**para) elif array.dtype == numpy.complex64: tseries = lal.CreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries(**para) elif array.dtype == numpy.complex128: tseries = lal.CreateCOMPLEX16TimeSeries(**para) else: raise ValueError("unsupported type : %s " % array.dtype) = array return tseries
[docs]class SNRTrackerMixin:
[docs] def on_snr_buffer(self, buf): """Callback function for SNR appsink.""" with self.lock: if buf.is_gap: return # Note: be sure to set property="%s_%d" % (instrument, index) for appsink element instrument ="_")[0] index = int("_")[1]) cur_bank = self.snr_document.bank_snrs_dict[instrument][index] success, rate = buf.caps.get_structure(0).get_int("rate") assert success if cur_bank.deltaT is None: cur_bank.deltaT = 1. / rate else: # sampling rate should not be changing assert cur_bank.deltaT == 1. / rate, "Data has different sampling rate." # add the time offset of template end time here, this offset should be the same for each templates cur_time_stamp = buf.t0 + cur_bank.sngl_inspiral_table[0].end if cur_bank.s >= cur_time_stamp and cur_bank.e > cur_time_stamp: # record the first timestamp closet to start time cur_bank.epoch = cur_time_stamp = [] elif cur_bank.s <= cur_time_stamp < cur_bank.e:
[docs] def write_snrs(self, outdir, row_number=None, counts=1, COMPLEX=False): """Writing SNRs timeseries to LIGO_LW xml files.""" for snrs in self.snr_document.bank_snrs_dict.values(): # make sure to call .finish() for snr in snrs: snr.finish(COMPLEX) self.snr_document.write_output_url(outdir, row_number=row_number, counts=counts)
[docs]class SimpleSNRTracker(SNRTrackerMixin): """Simple SNR pipeline handler. This is the SNR pipeline handler, which only implements the controls for collecting SNR timeseries. """ def __init__(self, snr_document, verbose=False): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.snr_document = snr_document self.verbose = verbose
[docs]class Tracker(SNRTrackerMixin, lloidhandler.LLOIDTracker): """Simplified version of lloidhandler.LLOIDTracker. This is the SNR pipeline handler derived from LLOIDTracker. In addition to the control for collecting SNR timeseries, it implements controls for trigger generator. """ def __init__(self, snr_document, verbose=False): self.lock = threading.Lock() self.snr_document = snr_document self.verbose = verbose # Explictly delay the class initialization.
[docs] def init(self, stream, coincs_document, rankingstat, horizon_distance_func, gracedbwrapper, zerolag_rankingstatpdf_url=None, rankingstatpdf_url=None, ranking_stat_output_url=None, ranking_stat_input_url=None, likelihood_snapshot_interval=None, sngls_snr_threshold=None, FAR_trialsfactor=1.0, verbose=False): super(Tracker, self).__init__( stream, coincs_document, rankingstat, horizon_distance_func, gracedbwrapper = gracedbwrapper, zerolag_rankingstatpdf_url = zerolag_rankingstatpdf_url, rankingstatpdf_url = rankingstatpdf_url, ranking_stat_output_url = ranking_stat_output_url, ranking_stat_input_url = ranking_stat_input_url, likelihood_snapshot_interval = likelihood_snapshot_interval, sngls_snr_threshold = sngls_snr_threshold, FAR_trialsfactor = FAR_trialsfactor, kafka_server = None, cluster = True, job_tag = "0000", verbose = verbose )
#============================================================================================= # # Template Utilities # #=============================================================================================
[docs]def write_simplified_sngl_inspiral_table(m1, m2, s1x, s1y, s1z, s2x, s2y, s2z, instrument, approximant, filename=None): """Writing a simplified sngl_inspiral_table containing only one template. Args: m1 (float): mass1. m2 (float): mass2. s1x (float): spin 1 x-axis. s1y (float): spin 1 y-axis. s1z (float): spin 1 z-axis. s2x (float): spin 2 x-axis. s2y (float): spin 2 y-axis. s2z (float): spin 2 z-axis. instrument (str): The instrument for the template. approximant (str): The approximant used to simulate the waveform. filename (str, default=None): The output filename. Return: The file object representing the xmldoc. """ # Check if it is valid approximant templates.gstlal_valid_approximant(approximant) xmldoc = ligolw.Document() root = xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) table = lsctables.New(lsctables.SnglInspiralTable) rows = table.RowType() # set all slots to impossible/dummy value for t, c in zip(table.columntypes, table.columnnames): if t == u"real_4" or t == u"real_8": rows.__setattr__(c, 0) elif t == u"int_4s" or t == u"int_8s": rows.__setattr__(c, 0) elif t == u"lstring": rows.__setattr__(c, "") else: rows.__setattr__(c, None) rows.mass1 = m1 rows.mass2 = m2 rows.mtotal = m1 + m2 rows.mchirp = (m1 * m2)**0.6 / (m1 + m2)**0.2 rows.spin1x = s1x rows.spin1y = s1y rows.spin1z = s1z rows.spin2x = s2x rows.spin2y = s2y rows.spin2z = s2z rows.ifo = instrument table.append(rows) root.appendChild(table) #FIXME: do something better than this root.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue("approximant", approximant)) if filename is not None: ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, filename) return xmldoc
#FIXME: perhaps put it into As an extra way to build template bank (not just svd bank).
[docs]def generate_templates(table, approximant, psd, f_low, time_slice, autocorrelation_length = None, f_high = None, verbose = False): """Generate whiten templates from sngl_inspiral_table.""" # Create workspace for making template bank workspace = cbc_template_fir.templates_workspace(table, approximant, psd, f_low, time_slice, autocorrelation_length = autocorrelation_length, fhigh = f_high) # Make sure it is just a big slice from start to end assert len(time_slice) == 1, "Should contain only one slice." if workspace.autocorrelation_length is not None: if not (workspace.autocorrelation_length % 2): raise ValueError("autocorrelation_length must be odd (got %d)" % autocorrelation_length) autocorrelation_bank = numpy.zeros((len(table), autocorrelation_length), dtype = "cdouble") autocorrelation_mask = cbc_template_fir.compute_autocorrelation_mask(autocorrelation_bank) else: autocorrelation_bank = None autocorrelation_mask = None templates = [] sigmasq = [] for i, row in enumerate(table): if verbose: sys.write.stderr("generating template %d/%d: m1 = %g, m2 = %g, s1x = %g, s1y = %g, s1z = %g, s2x = %g, s2y = %g, s2z = %g\n" % (i + 1, len(table), row.mass1, row.mass2, row.spin1x, row.spin1y, row.spin1z, row.spin2x, row.spin2y, row.spin2z)) template, autocorrelation, sigma = workspace.make_whitened_template(row) templates.append(template) sigmasq.append(sigma) if autocorrelation is not None: autocorrelation_bank[i, ::-1] = numpy.concatenate((autocorrelation[-(autocorrelation_length // 2):], autocorrelation[:(autocorrelation_length // 2 + 1)])) return numpy.array(templates), autocorrelation_bank, autocorrelation_mask, sigmasq, workspace.psd
[docs]class Bank(object): """ FIXME: This is a class used to mimic the behavior of the svd bank object. """ def __init__(self, bank_xmldoc, psd, rate, f_low, f_high = None, autocorrelation_length = None, verbose = False): self.bank_id = None self.sample_rate = rate self.template_bank_filename = None self.processed_psd = None self.horizon_factors = None self.horizon_distance_func = lambda psd, snr: [100, None] self.sngl_inspiral_table = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(bank_xmldoc) # Until the correct way to set the time_slice for multiple templates is known, generating more than one # template is forbidden. #FIXME: it looks like allowing this, the SNRs is unaffected # assert len(self.sngl_inspiral_table) == 1 # FIXME: still correct if we have more than one templates? template = min(self.sngl_inspiral_table, key = lambda row: row.mchirp) self.template_duration = lalsim.SimInspiralChirpTimeBound(f_low, template.mass1 * lal.MSUN_SI, template.mass2 * lal.MSUN_SI, 0., 0.) self.time_slice = numpy.array([(rate, 0, self.template_duration)], dtype = [("rate", "int"),("begin", "float"), ("end", "float")]) self.templates, self.autocorrelation_bank, self.autocorrelation_mask, self.sigmasq, self.processed_psd = generate_templates( self.sngl_inspiral_table, ligolw_param.get_pyvalue(bank_xmldoc, "approximant"), psd, f_low, self.time_slice, f_high = f_high, autocorrelation_length = autocorrelation_length, verbose = verbose )
[docs] def get_rates(self): return set([self.sample_rate])
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url, verbose = False): xmldoc = ligolw_utils.load_url(url, contenthandler = ContentHandler, verbose = verbose) banks = [] for root in (elem for elem in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName(ligolw.LIGO_LW.tagName) if elem.hasAttribute("Name") and elem.Name == "gstlal_template_bank"): bank = cls.__new__(cls) bank.bank_id = ligolw_param.get_pyvalue(root, "bank_id") bank.sample_rate = ligolw_param.get_pyvalue(root, "sample_rate") bank.processed_psd = None bank.sngl_inspiral_table = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(root) bank.template_bank_filename = ligolw_param.get_pyvalue(root, "template_bank_filename") bank.sigmasq = ligolw_array.get_array(root, "sigmasq").array bank.templates = ligolw_array.get_array(root, "templates").array bank.autocorrelation_bank = ligolw_array.get_array(root, "autocorrelation_bank").array bank.autocorrelation_mask = ligolw_array.get_array(root, "autocorrelation_mask").array bank.horizon_factors = dict((row.template_id, sigmasq**.5) for row, sigmasq in zip(bank.sngl_inspiral_table, bank.sigmasq)) banks.append(bank) min_template_id, horizon_distance_func = svd_bank.horizon_distance_func(banks) horizon_norm, = (bank.horizon_factors[row.template_id] for row in bank.sngl_inspiral_table for bank in banks if row.template_id == min_template_id) for bank in banks: bank.horizon_distance_func = horizon_distance_func bank.horizon_factors = dict((tid, f / horizon_norm) for (tid, f) in bank.horizon_factors.items()) return banks
[docs]def build_bank(bank_url, psd_file, sample_rate, f_low, f_high = None, autocorrelation_length = None, verbose = False): """Return an instance of a Bank class.""" bank_xmldoc = ligolw_utils.load_url(bank_url, contenthandler = ContentHandler, verbose = verbose) psd = lal.series.read_psd_xmldoc(ligolw_utils.load_url(psd_file, contenthandler = lal.series.PSDContentHandler)) assert numpy.log2(sample_rate).is_integer(), "sample_rate can only be power of two." bank = Bank(bank_xmldoc, psd[lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(bank_xmldoc)[0].ifo], sample_rate, f_low, f_high, autocorrelation_length = autocorrelation_length, verbose = verbose) bank.template_bank_filename = bank_url #FIXME: dummy bank_id bank.bank_id = 0 return bank
[docs]def write_bank(filename, banks, verbose = False): """Write template bank to LIGO_LW xml file.""" xmldoc = ligolw.Document() head = xmldoc.appendChild(ligolw.LIGO_LW()) head.Name = u"gstlal_template_bank" for bank in banks: cloned_table = bank.sngl_inspiral_table.copy() cloned_table.extend(bank.sngl_inspiral_table) head.appendChild(cloned_table) head.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue('template_bank_filename', bank.template_bank_filename)) head.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue('sample_rate', bank.sample_rate)) head.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue('bank_id', bank.bank_id)) head.appendChild('templates', bank.templates)) head.appendChild('autocorrelation_bank', bank.autocorrelation_bank)) head.appendChild('autocorrelation_mask', bank.autocorrelation_mask)) head.appendChild('sigmasq', numpy.array(bank.sigmasq))) ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, filename, verbose = verbose)
[docs]def parse_bank_files(bank_urls, verbose = False): """Parse a dictionary of bank urls key by instrument into a dictionary of bank instance key by instrument.""" banks_dict = {} for instrument, url in bank_urls.items(): banks_dict[instrument] = (Bank.from_url(url)) return banks_dict
#============================================================================================= # # I/O Utilities # #=============================================================================================
[docs]def read_xmldoc(xmldoc, root_name = u"gstlal_inspiral_bank_SNRs"): if root_name is not None: root, = (elem for elem in xmldoc.getElementsByTagName(ligolw.LIGO_LW.tagName) if elem.hasAttribute(u"Name") if elem.Name == root_name) snrdict = defaultdict(list) autocorrelation_dict = defaultdict(list) for elem in (elem for elem in root.getElementsByTagName(ligolw.LIGO_LW.tagName) if elem.hasAttribute(u"Name") and elem.Name == "bank_SNR"): # get the time series for snr_acf_elem in (elem for elem in elem.getElementsByTagName(ligolw.LIGO_LW.tagName) if elem.hasAttribute(u"Name") and elem.Name == "SNR_and_Autocorrelation"): snr_elem = snr_acf_elem.getElementsByTagName(ligolw.LIGO_LW.tagName)[0] if snr_elem.Name == u"REAL4TimeSeries": tseries = lal.series.parse_REAL4TimeSeries(snr_elem) snrdict["_")[0]].append(tseries) autocorrelation_dict["_")[0]].append(ligolw_array.get_array(snr_acf_elem, "autocorrelation_bank").array) elif snr_elem.Name == u"REAL8TimeSeries": tseries = lal.series.parse_REAL8TimeSeries(snr_elem) snrdict["_")[0]].append(tseries) autocorrelation_dict["_")[0]].append(ligolw_array.get_array(snr_acf_elem, "autocorrelation_bank").array) elif snr_elem.Name == u"COMPLEX8TimeSeries": tseries = lal.series.parse_COMPLEX8TimeSeries(snr_elem) snrdict["_")[0]].append(tseries) autocorrelation_dict["_")[0]].append(ligolw_array.get_array(snr_acf_elem, "autocorrelation_bank").array) elif snr_elem.Name == u"COMPLEX16TimeSeries": tseries = lal.series.parse_COMPLEX16TimeSeries(snr_elem) snrdict["_")[0]].append(tseries) autocorrelation_dict["_")[0]].append(ligolw_array.get_array(snr_acf_elem, "autocorrelation_bank").array) assert snrdict is not None, "xmldoc contains no LAL Series or LAL Series is unsupported" return snrdict, autocorrelation_dict
# wrapper for writing snr series to URL
[docs]def write_url(xmldoc, filename, verbose = False): ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, filename, verbose = verbose)
# wrapper for reading snr series from URL
[docs]def read_url(filename, contenthandler = SNRContentHandler, verbose = False): return ligolw_utils.load_url(filename, verbose = verbose, contenthandler = contenthandler)
#============================================================================================= # # Gracedb Events Utilities # #=============================================================================================
[docs]def scan_svd_banks_for_row(coinc_xmldoc, banks_dict): """Scan the sub bank id and row number of an event template from coinc.xml file. Args: coinc_xmldoc (:obj: `xmldoc`): The coinc.xml file from gracedb. banks_dict (dict): A dictionary of SVD banks key by instrument containing the event template. Returns: bank_number (int) row_number (int) """ eventid_trigger_dict = dict((row.ifo, row) for row in lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(coinc_xmldoc)) assert len(set([row.template_id for row in eventid_trigger_dict.values()])) == 1, "Templates should have the same template_id." bank_number = None row_number = None for i, bank in enumerate(list(banks_dict.values())[0]): for j, row in enumerate(bank.sngl_inspiral_table): if row.template_id == list(eventid_trigger_dict.values())[0].template_id: bank_number = i row_number = j break if bank_number is not None: break assert bank_number is not None, "Cannot find the template listed in the coinc.xml." return bank_number, row_number
[docs]def svd_banks_from_event(gid, outdir=".", save=False, verbose=False): """Find location of the SVD banks from gracedb event id. Args: gid (str): The gracedb event id. outdir (str, default="."): The output directory. save (bool, default=False): True if want to save the file, False otherwise. verbose (bool, default=False): Be verbose. Returns: banks_dict (dict of :obj: `Bank`): The SVD banks for an event key by instrument. bank_number (int) row_number (int) """ gracedb_client = gracedb.GraceDb() coinc_xmldoc = lvalert_helper.get_coinc_xmldoc(gracedb_client, gid) try: path = [row.value for row in lsctables.ProcessParamsTable.get_table(coinc_xmldoc) if row.param == "--gracedb-service-url"] bank_urls = inspiral.parse_svdbank_string([row.value for row in lsctables.ProcessParamsTable.get_table(coinc_xmldoc) if row.param == "--svd-bank"].pop()) if path is not None: path = path.pop() for ifo, bank_url in bank_urls.items(): bank_urls[ifo] = os.path.join(path, bank_url) banks_dict = inspiral.parse_bank_files(bank_urls, verbose = verbose) except IOError: sys.stderr.write("Files Not Found! Make sure you are on the LIGO-Caltech Computing Cluster or check if files exist.\nAbortting...\n") sys.exit() if save: try: for bank_url in bank_urls.values(): outname = os.path.join(outdir, os.path.basename(bank_url)) if verbose: sys.stderr.write("saving SVD bank files to %s ...\n" % outname) shutil.copyfile(bank_url, outname) # FIXME: in python > 2.7, OSError will be raised if destination is not writable. except IOError as e: raise e # Just get one of the template bank from any instrument, # the templates should all have the same template_id because they are exact-matched. bank_number, row_number = scan_svd_banks_for_row(coinc_xmldoc, banks_dict) return banks_dict, bank_number, row_number
[docs]def framecache_from_event(gid, observatories, frame_types, time_span = 500, outdir = ".", filename = "frame.cache", verbose = False): """Get the frame cache for an event given the gracedb event id. Args: gid (str): The gracedb event id. observatories (list): See gwdatafind. frame_type (list): See gwdatafind. time_span (float): The time span before and after the trigger time. outdir (str, default="."): The output directory. filename (str, default="frame.cache"): The output filename. verbose (bool): Be verbose. Returns: Dictionary of instruments, trigger_times, gps_start_time, gps_end_time, channels_name. """ assert time_span >= 500., "Please use time_span larger or equal to 500." obs2ifo = {"H": "H1", "L": "L1", "V": "V1"} observatories = set(observatories) frame_types = set(frame_types) if len(observatories) != len(frame_types): raise ValueError("Must have as many frame_types as observatories.") # FIXME: This is not reliable, have a better way to map frame_type to observatory? obs_type_dict = dict([(obs, frame_type) for obs in observatories for frame_type in frame_types if obs == frame_type[0]]) gracedb_client = gracedb.GraceDb() coinc_xmldoc = lvalert_helper.get_coinc_xmldoc(gracedb_client, gid) eventid_trigger_dict = dict((row.ifo, row) for row in lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(coinc_xmldoc)) channel_names_dict = dict([(row.value.split("=")[0], row.value) for row in lsctables.ProcessParamsTable.get_table(coinc_xmldoc) if row.param == "--channel-name"]) gwdata_metavar_headers = ["instruments", "trigger_times", "gps_start_time", "gps_end_time", "channels_name"] gwdata_metavar_values = [] urls = [] for observatory, frame_type in obs_type_dict.items(): trigger_time = eventid_trigger_dict[obs2ifo[observatory]].end gps_start_time = int(trigger_time - time_span) gps_end_time = int(trigger_time + time_span) gwdata_metavar_values.append((obs2ifo[observatory], trigger_time, gps_start_time, gps_end_time, channel_names_dict[obs2ifo[observatory]])) urls += gwdatafind.find_urls(observatory, frame_type, gps_start_time, gps_end_time) with open(os.path.join(outdir, "frame.cache"), "w") as cache: for url in urls: filename = str(CacheEntry.from_T050017(url)) cache.write("%s\n" % filename) if verbose: sys.stderr.write("writing %s to %s\n" % (filename, os.path.join(outdir, "frame.cache"))) if verbose: sys.stderr.write("Done.\n") return dict(zip(gwdata_metavar_headers, zip(*gwdata_metavar_values)))
[docs]def psd_from_event(gid, outdir = ".", save = False, filename = "psd.xml.gz", verbose = False): """Get the psd.xml.gz given a gracedb event id. Args: gid (str): The gracedb event id. outdir (str, default="."): The output directory. filename (str, default="psd.xml.gz"): The output filename. save (bool, default=False): True if want to save the file, False otherwise. verbose (bool, default=False): Be verbose. Returns: A dictionary of complex LAL Series key by instrument. """ gracedb_client = gracedb.GraceDb() psd_fileobj = lvalert_helper.get_filename(gracedb_client, gid, filename) xmldoc = ligolw_utils.load_fileobj(psd_fileobj, contenthandler = lal.series.PSDContentHandler) if save: if verbose: sys.stderr.write("saving psd file to %s ...\n" % os.path.join(outdir, filename)) ligolw_utils.write_filename(xmldoc, filename) return lal.series.read_psd_xmldoc(xmldoc)