svd_bank_snr module

Short cutting gstlal inspiral pipeline to produce SNR for gstlal_svd_bank. A gstlal-based direct matched filter in time domain is also implemented.

class svd_bank_snr.Bank(bank_xmldoc, psd, rate, f_low, f_high=None, autocorrelation_length=None, verbose=False)[source]

Bases: object

FIXME: This is a class used to mimic the behavior of the svd bank object.

classmethod from_url(url, verbose=False)[source]
class svd_bank_snr.Bank_SNR(start, end, instrument, bank, bank_number=0, method='LLOID')[source]

Bases: object

An data interface between the SNRPipelineHandler and the SNR pipeline.

This is a class that defines the approximate start time and end time for which the SNR should be collected.

property duration

float: The approximate duration of all SNRs timeseries.

property end

float: The end time of all SNRs timeseries calculated from buffer timestamp and data.


Settling down the collected SNRs and parse them to LAL series.


This method can only be called once.


COMPLEX (bool): True if required complex SNR, False otherwise.

property instrument

str: The instrument of the SNR.

property start

float: The approximate start time of all SNRs timeseries based on the buffer timestamp.

class svd_bank_snr.ContentHandler(document, start_handlers={})[source]

Bases: LIGOLWContentHandler

startArray(parent, attrs)
startColumn(parent, attrs)
startParam(parent, attrs)
startStream(parent, attrs, __orig_startStream=<function use_in.<locals>.startStream>)
startTable(parent, attrs, __orig_startTable=<function use_in.<locals>.startTable>)
class svd_bank_snr.SNRContentHandler(document, start_handlers={})[source]

Bases: LIGOLWContentHandler

startArray(parent, attrs)
startParam(parent, attrs)
startStream(parent, attrs, __orig_startStream=<function LIGOLWContentHandler.startStream>)
class svd_bank_snr.SNRTrackerMixin[source]

Bases: object


Callback function for SNR appsink.

write_snrs(outdir, row_number=None, counts=1, COMPLEX=False)[source]

Writing SNRs timeseries to LIGO_LW xml files.

class svd_bank_snr.SignalNoiseRatioDocument(bank_snrs_dict, verbose=False)[source]

Bases: object

LIGO_LW xml document for Signal to Noise Ratio.

This xml document contains the SNRs timeseries and their corresponding templates autocorrelation. Some meta data are recorded in the xml document for

write_output_url(outdir, row_number=None, counts=1, root_name='gstlal_inspiral_bank_SNRs')[source]

Writing the LIGO_LW xmldoc to disk.


outdir (str): The output diretory. row_number (int, default=None): The row number of the SNR to be outputed. Default=None is to output all. root_name (str, default=”gstlal_inspiral_bank_SNRs”): The root name of the xml document.


xmldoc: The file object representing the xmldoc.

class svd_bank_snr.SimpleSNRTracker(snr_document, verbose=False)[source]

Bases: SNRTrackerMixin

Simple SNR pipeline handler.

This is the SNR pipeline handler, which only implements the controls for collecting SNR timeseries.

class svd_bank_snr.Tracker(snr_document, verbose=False)[source]

Bases: SNRTrackerMixin, LLOIDTracker

Simplified version of lloidhandler.LLOIDTracker.

This is the SNR pipeline handler derived from LLOIDTracker. In addition to the control for collecting SNR timeseries, it implements controls for trigger generator.

init(stream, coincs_document, rankingstat, horizon_distance_func, gracedbwrapper, zerolag_rankingstatpdf_url=None, rankingstatpdf_url=None, ranking_stat_output_url=None, ranking_stat_input_url=None, likelihood_snapshot_interval=None, sngls_snr_threshold=None, FAR_trialsfactor=1.0, verbose=False)[source]
svd_bank_snr.build_bank(bank_url, psd_file, sample_rate, f_low, f_high=None, autocorrelation_length=None, verbose=False)[source]

Return an instance of a Bank class.

svd_bank_snr.framecache_from_event(gid, observatories, frame_types, time_span=500, outdir='.', filename='frame.cache', verbose=False)[source]

Get the frame cache for an event given the gracedb event id.


gid (str): The gracedb event id. observatories (list): See gwdatafind. frame_type (list): See gwdatafind. time_span (float): The time span before and after the trigger time. outdir (str, default=”.”): The output directory. filename (str, default=”frame.cache”): The output filename. verbose (bool): Be verbose.


Dictionary of instruments, trigger_times, gps_start_time, gps_end_time, channels_name.

svd_bank_snr.generate_templates(table, approximant, psd, f_low, time_slice, autocorrelation_length=None, f_high=None, verbose=False)[source]

Generate whiten templates from sngl_inspiral_table.

svd_bank_snr.parse_bank_files(bank_urls, verbose=False)[source]

Parse a dictionary of bank urls key by instrument into a dictionary of bank instance key by instrument.

svd_bank_snr.psd_from_event(gid, outdir='.', save=False, filename='psd.xml.gz', verbose=False)[source]

Get the psd.xml.gz given a gracedb event id.


gid (str): The gracedb event id. outdir (str, default=”.”): The output directory. filename (str, default=”psd.xml.gz”): The output filename. save (bool, default=False): True if want to save the file, False otherwise. verbose (bool, default=False): Be verbose.


A dictionary of complex LAL Series key by instrument.

svd_bank_snr.read_url(filename, contenthandler=<class 'svd_bank_snr.SNRContentHandler'>, verbose=False)[source]
svd_bank_snr.read_xmldoc(xmldoc, root_name='gstlal_inspiral_bank_SNRs')[source]
svd_bank_snr.scan_svd_banks_for_row(coinc_xmldoc, banks_dict)[source]

Scan the sub bank id and row number of an event template from coinc.xml file.


coinc_xmldoc (:obj: xmldoc): The coinc.xml file from gracedb. banks_dict (dict): A dictionary of SVD banks key by instrument containing the event template.


bank_number (int) row_number (int)

svd_bank_snr.svd_banks_from_event(gid, outdir='.', save=False, verbose=False)[source]

Find location of the SVD banks from gracedb event id.


gid (str): The gracedb event id. outdir (str, default=”.”): The output directory. save (bool, default=False): True if want to save the file, False otherwise. verbose (bool, default=False): Be verbose.


banks_dict (dict of :obj: Bank): The SVD banks for an event key by instrument. bank_number (int) row_number (int)

svd_bank_snr.write_bank(filename, banks, verbose=False)[source]

Write template bank to LIGO_LW xml file.

svd_bank_snr.write_simplified_sngl_inspiral_table(m1, m2, s1x, s1y, s1z, s2x, s2y, s2z, instrument, approximant, filename=None)[source]

Writing a simplified sngl_inspiral_table containing only one template.


m1 (float): mass1. m2 (float): mass2. s1x (float): spin 1 x-axis. s1y (float): spin 1 y-axis. s1z (float): spin 1 z-axis. s2x (float): spin 2 x-axis. s2y (float): spin 2 y-axis. s2z (float): spin 2 z-axis. instrument (str): The instrument for the template. approximant (str): The approximant used to simulate the waveform. filename (str, default=None): The output filename.


The file object representing the xmldoc.

svd_bank_snr.write_url(xmldoc, filename, verbose=False)[source]