LALRunningMedian.h File Reference


void LALDRunningMedian (LALStatus *status, REAL8Sequence *medians, const REAL8Sequence *input, LALRunningMedianPar param)
 See LALRunningMedian_h for documentation. More...
void LALSRunningMedian (LALStatus *status, REAL4Sequence *medians, const REAL4Sequence *input, LALRunningMedianPar param)
 See LALRunningMedian_h for documentation. More...
void LALDRunningMedian2 (LALStatus *status, REAL8Sequence *medians, const REAL8Sequence *input, LALRunningMedianPar param)
 See LALRunningMedian_h for documentation. More...
void LALSRunningMedian2 (LALStatus *status, REAL4Sequence *medians, const REAL4Sequence *input, LALRunningMedianPar param)
 See LALRunningMedian_h for documentation. More...

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  LALRunningMedianPar
 This is the parameter structure for the LALRunningMedian functions. More...


Error Codes
 Could not allocate indexblock. More...
 Could not allocate checks. More...
 Could not allocate checks4shift. More...
 Could not allocate nodeaddresses. More...
 Could not aloocate first node. More...
 Could not allocate node. More...
 Could not create output vector (LALCreateVector() failed) More...
 Invalid input: NULL pointer. More...
 Invalid input: block length must be >2. More...
 Invalid input: block length larger than imput length. More...
 Invalid input: wrong size of median array. More...