UserInputParse.h File Reference


int XLALParseStringValueAsINT4PlusFrac (INT4 *valINT4, REAL8 *valFrac, const char *valString)
 Parse a string containing a floating-point number into integer and fractional part, such that val = valINT + valFrac. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsINT8 (INT8 *valINT8, const char *valString)
 Parse a string into an INT8 This ignores initial whitespace, but throws an error on any non-converted trailing characters (including whitespace) More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsINT4 (INT4 *valINT4, const char *valString)
 Parse a string into an INT4 This ignores initial whitespace, but throws an error on any non-converted trailing characters (including whitespace) More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsUINT8 (UINT8 *valUINT8, const char *valString)
 Parse a string into an UINT8 This ignores initial whitespace, but throws an error on any non-converted trailing characters (including whitespace) More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsUINT4 (UINT4 *valUINT4, const char *valString)
 Parse a string into an UINT4 This ignores initial whitespace, but throws an error on any non-converted trailing characters (including whitespace) More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsREAL8 (REAL8 *valREAL8, const char *valString)
 Parse a string into a REAL8 This ignores initial whitespace, but throws an error on any non-converted trailing characters (including whitespace) More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsREAL4 (REAL4 *valREAL4, const char *valString)
 Parse a string into a REAL4. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsBOOLEAN (BOOLEAN *valBOOLEAN, const char *valString)
 Parse a string into a BOOLEAN Allowed string-values are (case-insensitive): {"yes", "true", "1"} --> TRUE {"no", "false", "0"} --> FALSE. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsGPS (LIGOTimeGPS *gps, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing a GPS time into LIGOTimeGPS, without loss of (ns) accuracy. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsEPOCH (LIGOTimeGPS *gps, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing an 'epoch' into an LIGOTimeGPS, allowing both GPS and MJD(TT) inputs, at ns accuracy. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsRAJ (REAL8 *valRAJ, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing an 'equatorial longitude' (aka right ascension or RA) into REAL8 radians, allowing for both radians or "hours:minutes:seconds" as input. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsDECJ (REAL8 *valDECJ, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing an 'equatorial latitude' (aka declination or DEC) into REAL8 radians, allowing for both radians or "degrees:minutes:seconds" as input. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsINT4Range (INT4Range int4Range, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing a range of INT4 values into a INT4Range. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsREAL8Range (REAL8Range real8Range, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing a range of REAL8 values into a REAL8Range. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsEPOCHRange (LIGOTimeGPSRange gpsRange, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing a range of LIGOTimeGPS values into a LIGOTimeGPSRange. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsRAJRange (REAL8Range rajRange, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing a range of RAJ values into a REAL8Range. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsDECJRange (REAL8Range decjRange, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing a range of DECJ values into a REAL8Range. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsUserEnum (int *valEnum, const UserChoices *enumData, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing a user selection of an enumeration value. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsUserFlag (int *valFlag, const UserChoices *flagData, const char *valString)
 Parse a string representing a user selection of a set of bitflags. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsSTRING (CHAR **valOut, const char *valString)
 Duplicate string 'in', removing surrounding quotes " or \' if present. More...
int XLALParseStringValueAsSTRINGVector (LALStringVector **valSTRINGVector, const CHAR *valString)
 Parse a string containing a list of comma-separated values (CSV) into a StringVector. More...
 DECL_XLALParseStringValueAsVector (INT4)
 DECL_XLALParseStringValueAsVector (UINT4)
 DECL_XLALParseStringValueAsVector (REAL8)

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  UserChoices
 Possible choices the user may select for an enumeration or bitflag. More...


#define XLAL_IDX2BIT(i)   (1UL << ((unsigned long)(i)))
 Convert an unsigned long index i into a bit, i.e. More...
#define XLAL_BIT2IDX(b)
 Convert an unsigned long single bit b into an index, i.e. More...
#define DECL_XLALParseStringValueAsVector(CTYPE)    int XLALParseStringValueAs ##CTYPE## Vector ( CTYPE ## Vector **vect, const CHAR *valString )


typedef REAL8 REAL8Range[2]
 A range of REAL8 values; first element is minimum, second element is maximum of range. More...
typedef INT4 INT4Range[2]
 A range of INT4 values; first element is minimum, second element is maximum of range. More...
typedef LIGOTimeGPS LIGOTimeGPSRange[2]
 A range of GPS times; first element is minimum, second element is maximum of range. More...