Deprecated List
Module Dataset Attribute Routines
Use the general Attribute Routines instead.
Module File Attribute Routines
Use the general Attribute Routines instead.
Global LALButterworthREAL4TimeSeries (LALStatus *stat, REAL4TimeSeries *series, PassBandParamStruc *params)
Use XLALButterworthREAL4TimeSeries() instead.
Global LALButterworthREAL8TimeSeries (LALStatus *stat, REAL8TimeSeries *series, PassBandParamStruc *params)
Use XLALButterworthREAL8TimeSeries() instead.
Global LALComputeDetAMResponse (LALStatus *status, LALDetAMResponse *pResponse, const LALDetAndSource *pDetAndSrc, const LIGOTimeGPS *gps)
Use XLALComputeDetAMResponse() instead.
Global LALComputeDetAMResponseSeries (LALStatus *status, LALDetAMResponseSeries *pResponseSeries, const LALDetAndSource *pDetAndSource, const LALTimeIntervalAndNSample *pTimeInfo)
Use XLALComputeDetAMResponseSeries() instead.
Global LALCreateREAL4IIRFilter (LALStatus *stat, REAL4IIRFilter **output, COMPLEX8ZPGFilter *input)

Use XLALCreateREAL4IIRFilter() instead

Use XLALCreateREAL4IIRFilter() instead

Global LALCreateREAL8IIRFilter (LALStatus *stat, REAL8IIRFilter **output, COMPLEX16ZPGFilter *input)

Use XLALCreateREAL8IIRFilter() instead

Use XLALCreateREAL8IIRFilter() instead

Global LALCreateTokenList (LALStatus *stat, TokenList **list, const CHAR *string, const CHAR *delimiters)
Use XLALCreateTokenList() instead
Global LALDButterworthREAL4TimeSeries (LALStatus *stat, REAL4TimeSeries *series, PassBandParamStruc *params)
Global LALDestroyREAL4IIRFilter (LALStatus *stat, REAL4IIRFilter **input)
Use XLALDestroyREAL4IIRFilter() instead
Global LALDestroyREAL8IIRFilter (LALStatus *stat, REAL8IIRFilter **input)
Use XLALDestroyREAL8IIRFilter() instead
Global LALDestroyTokenList (LALStatus *stat, TokenList **list)
Use XLALDestroyTokenList() instead
Global LALDIIRFilterREAL4Vector (LALStatus *stat, REAL4Vector *vector, REAL8IIRFilter *filter)
Global LALDIIRFilterREAL4VectorR (LALStatus *stat, REAL4Vector *vector, REAL8IIRFilter *filter)
Global LALIIRFilterREAL4 (LALStatus *stat, REAL4 *output, REAL4 input, REAL4IIRFilter *filter)
Global LALIIRFilterREAL4Vector (LALStatus *stat, REAL4Vector *vector, REAL4IIRFilter *filter)
Global LALIIRFilterREAL4VectorR (LALStatus *stat, REAL4Vector *vector, REAL4IIRFilter *filter)
Global LALIIRFilterREAL8 (LALStatus *stat, REAL8 *output, REAL8 input, REAL8IIRFilter *filter)
Global LALIIRFilterREAL8Vector (LALStatus *stat, REAL8Vector *vector, REAL8IIRFilter *filter)
Global LALIIRFilterREAL8VectorR (LALStatus *stat, REAL8Vector *vector, REAL8IIRFilter *filter)
Global LALLIGOIPsd (LALStatus UNUSED *status, REAL8 *psd, REAL8 f)
Use XLALLIGOIPsd() instead.
Global LALNormalizeSkyPosition (LALStatus *stat, SkyPosition *posOut, const SkyPosition *posIn)
Use XLALNormalizeSkyPosition() instead.
Global LALResampleREAL4TimeSeries (LALStatus *status, REAL4TimeSeries *ts, ResampleTSParams *params)
Use XLALResampleREAL4TimeSeries() instead.
Global LALRngMedBias (LALStatus *status, REAL8 *biasFactor, INT4 blkSize)
use XLALRngMedBias() instead.
Global LALSIIRFilter (REAL4 x, REAL4IIRFilter *filter)
Global LALSimulateCoherentGW (LALStatus *status, REAL4TimeSeries *output, CoherentGW *input, DetectorResponse *detector)
This function is deprecated, please see LALSimulation for a replacement.
Global LALWToZCOMPLEX16ZPGFilter (LALStatus *stat, COMPLEX16ZPGFilter *filter)
Use XLALWToZCOMPLEX16ZPGFilter() instead
Global LALWToZCOMPLEX8ZPGFilter (LALStatus *stat, COMPLEX8ZPGFilter *filter)
Use XLALWToZCOMPLEX8ZPGFilter() instead
Module SimulateCoherentGW_h
This module is deprecated, please see LALSimulation for a replacement.
Global XLALH5CheckGroupExists (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name)
Use XLALH5FileCheckGroupExists instead.
Global XLALH5DatasetAddLIGOTimeGPSAttribute (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key, const LIGOTimeGPS UNUSED *value)
Use XLALH5AttributeAddLIGOTimeGPS() instead.
Global XLALH5DatasetAddScalarAttribute (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key, const void UNUSED *value, LALTYPECODE UNUSED dtype)
Use XLALH5AttributeAddScalar() instead.
Global XLALH5DatasetAddStringAttribute (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key, const char UNUSED *value)
Use XLALH5AttributeAddString() instead.
Global XLALH5DatasetQueryLIGOTimeGPSAttributeValue (LIGOTimeGPS UNUSED *value, LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key)
Use XLALH5AttributeQueryLIGOTimeGPSValue() instead.
Global XLALH5DatasetQueryScalarAttributeType (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key)
Use XLALH5AttributeQueryScalarType() instead.
Global XLALH5DatasetQueryScalarAttributeValue (void UNUSED *value, LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key)
Use XLALH5AttributeQueryScalarValue() instead.
Global XLALH5DatasetQueryStringAttributeValue (char UNUSED *value, size_t UNUSED size, LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key)
Use XLALH5AttributeQueryStringValue() instead.
Global XLALH5FileAddLIGOTimeGPSAttribute (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key, const LIGOTimeGPS UNUSED *value)
Use XLALH5AttributeAddLIGOTimeGPS() instead.
Global XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key, const void UNUSED *value, LALTYPECODE UNUSED dtype)
Use XLALH5AttributeAddScalar() instead.
Global XLALH5FileAddStringAttribute (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key, const char UNUSED *value)
Use XLALH5AttributeAddString() instead.
Global XLALH5FileGetAttributeNames (LALH5File UNUSED *file, char UNUSED ***names, UINT4 UNUSED *N)
Use XLALH5AttributeQueryN() and XLALH5AttributeQueryName() instead.
Global XLALH5FileGetDatasetNames (LALH5File UNUSED *file, char UNUSED ***names, UINT4 UNUSED *N)
Use XLALH5AttributeQueryN() and XLALH5AttributeQueryName() instead.
Global XLALH5FileQueryLIGOTimeGPSAttributeValue (LIGOTimeGPS UNUSED *value, LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key)
Use XLALH5AttributeQueryLIGOTimeGPSValue() instead.
Global XLALH5FileQueryScalarAttributeType (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key)
Use XLALH5AttributeQueryScalarType() instead.
Global XLALH5FileQueryScalarAttributeValue (void UNUSED *value, LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key)
Use XLALH5AttributeQueryScalarValue() instead.
Global XLALH5FileQueryStringAttributeValue (char UNUSED *value, size_t UNUSED size, LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key)
Use XLALH5AttributeQueryStringValue() instead.
Global XLALJulianDay (const struct tm *civil)
Use XLALConvertCivilTimeToJD() instead, this is only provided for pylal backwards compatibility.
Global XLALModifiedJulianDay (const struct tm *civil)
Use XLALConvertCivilTimeToJD() instead, this is only provided for pylal backwards compatibility.