utilities Directory Reference


file  CheckStatus.h [code]
file  CSInterpolateTest.c [code]
file  DetInverseTest.c [code]
 Computes the inverse and determinant of a matrix.
file  EigenTest.c [code]
 Computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
file  FindRootTest.c [code]
 Tests the routines in FindRoot.h.
file  IntegrateTest.c [code]
 Tests the routines in Header Integrate.h by performing a suite of numerical integrations and checking the accuracy of the results.
file  InterpolateTest.c [code]
 Tests the routines in Interpolate.h.
file  LALBitsetTest.c [code]
file  LALHashFuncTest.c [code]
file  LALHashTblTest.c [code]
file  LALHeapTest.c [code]
file  LALRunningMedianTest.c [code]
 Program to test running median function.
file  RandomTest.c [code]
 Tests the routines in Random.h.
file  RngMedBiasTest.c [code]
file  SortTest.c [code]
 A program to test sorting routines.