Mid-Level Routines

Detailed Description

Mid-level routines for reading/writing HDF5 files.

These routines are mid-level routines for accessing HDF files. They make use of the LALH5Dataset structures. For most purposes, it is more convenient to use the high-level routines that directly access LALH5File structures.

Routines to Allocate Vector Datasets

LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocStringVector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, LALStringVector *vector)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocCHARVector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, CHARVector *vector)
 Allocates a LALH5Dataset. More...
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocINT2Vector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, INT2Vector *vector)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocINT4Vector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, INT4Vector *vector)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocINT8Vector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, INT8Vector *vector)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocUINT2Vector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, UINT2Vector *vector)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocUINT4Vector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, UINT4Vector *vector)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocUINT8Vector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, UINT8Vector *vector)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocREAL4Vector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, REAL4Vector *vector)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocREAL8Vector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, REAL8Vector *vector)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX8Vector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, COMPLEX8Vector *vector)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX16Vector (LALH5File *file, const char *name, COMPLEX16Vector *vector)

Routines to Read Vector Datasets

static CHARVectorSequenceXLALH5DatasetReadCHARVectorSequence (LALH5Dataset *dset)
LALStringVectorXLALH5DatasetReadStringVector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
CHARVectorXLALH5DatasetReadCHARVector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
 Reads a LALH5Dataset. More...
INT2VectorXLALH5DatasetReadINT2Vector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
INT4VectorXLALH5DatasetReadINT4Vector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
INT8VectorXLALH5DatasetReadINT8Vector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
UINT2VectorXLALH5DatasetReadUINT2Vector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
UINT4VectorXLALH5DatasetReadUINT4Vector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
UINT8VectorXLALH5DatasetReadUINT8Vector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
REAL4VectorXLALH5DatasetReadREAL4Vector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
REAL8VectorXLALH5DatasetReadREAL8Vector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
COMPLEX8VectorXLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX8Vector (LALH5Dataset *dset)
COMPLEX16VectorXLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX16Vector (LALH5Dataset *dset)

Routines to Add Attributes

int XLALH5DatasetAddCHARAttribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, CHAR value)
 Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5DatasetAddINT2Attribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, INT2 value)
int XLALH5DatasetAddINT4Attribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, INT4 value)
int XLALH5DatasetAddINT8Attribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, INT8 value)
int XLALH5DatasetAddUCHARAttribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, UCHAR value)
int XLALH5DatasetAddUINT2Attribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, UINT2 value)
int XLALH5DatasetAddUINT4Attribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, UINT4 value)
int XLALH5DatasetAddUINT8Attribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, UINT8 value)
int XLALH5DatasetAddREAL4Attribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, REAL4 value)
int XLALH5DatasetAddREAL8Attribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, REAL8 value)
int XLALH5DatasetAddCOMPLEX8Attribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, COMPLEX8 value)
int XLALH5DatasetAddCOMPLEX16Attribute (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key, COMPLEX16 value)

Routines to Query Attributes

CHAR XLALH5DatasetQueryCHARAttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
 Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset. More...
INT2 XLALH5DatasetQueryINT2AttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
INT4 XLALH5DatasetQueryINT4AttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
INT8 XLALH5DatasetQueryINT8AttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
UCHAR XLALH5DatasetQueryUCHARAttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
UINT2 XLALH5DatasetQueryUINT2AttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
UINT4 XLALH5DatasetQueryUINT4AttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
UINT8 XLALH5DatasetQueryUINT8AttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
REAL4 XLALH5DatasetQueryREAL4AttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
REAL8 XLALH5DatasetQueryREAL8AttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
COMPLEX8 XLALH5DatasetQueryCOMPLEX8AttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)
COMPLEX16 XLALH5DatasetQueryCOMPLEX16AttributeValue (LALH5Dataset *dset, const char *key)

Routines to Allocate Array Datasets

LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocINT2Array (LALH5File *file, const char *name, INT2Array *array)
 Allocates a LALH5Dataset. More...
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocINT4Array (LALH5File *file, const char *name, INT4Array *array)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocINT8Array (LALH5File *file, const char *name, INT8Array *array)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocUINT2Array (LALH5File *file, const char *name, UINT2Array *array)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocUINT4Array (LALH5File *file, const char *name, UINT4Array *array)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocUINT8Array (LALH5File *file, const char *name, UINT8Array *array)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocREAL4Array (LALH5File *file, const char *name, REAL4Array *array)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocREAL8Array (LALH5File *file, const char *name, REAL8Array *array)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX8Array (LALH5File *file, const char *name, COMPLEX8Array *array)
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX16Array (LALH5File *file, const char *name, COMPLEX16Array *array)

Routines to Read Array Datasets

INT2ArrayXLALH5DatasetReadINT2Array (LALH5Dataset *dset)
 Reads a LALH5Dataset. More...
INT4ArrayXLALH5DatasetReadINT4Array (LALH5Dataset *dset)
INT8ArrayXLALH5DatasetReadINT8Array (LALH5Dataset *dset)
UINT2ArrayXLALH5DatasetReadUINT2Array (LALH5Dataset *dset)
UINT4ArrayXLALH5DatasetReadUINT4Array (LALH5Dataset *dset)
UINT8ArrayXLALH5DatasetReadUINT8Array (LALH5Dataset *dset)
REAL4ArrayXLALH5DatasetReadREAL4Array (LALH5Dataset *dset)
REAL8ArrayXLALH5DatasetReadREAL8Array (LALH5Dataset *dset)
COMPLEX8ArrayXLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX8Array (LALH5Dataset *dset)
COMPLEX16ArrayXLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX16Array (LALH5Dataset *dset)

Function Documentation

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocStringVector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocStringVector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
LALStringVector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

Definition at line 358 of file H5FileIOMidLevel.c.

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadCHARVectorSequence()

static CHARVectorSequence * XLALH5DatasetReadCHARVectorSequence ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Definition at line 513 of file H5FileIOMidLevel.c.

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadStringVector()

LALStringVector * XLALH5DatasetReadStringVector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

Definition at line 560 of file H5FileIOMidLevel.c.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddCHARAttribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddCHARAttribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
CHAR  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddINT2Attribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddINT2Attribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
INT2  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddINT4Attribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddINT4Attribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
INT4  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddINT8Attribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddINT8Attribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
INT8  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddUCHARAttribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddUCHARAttribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
UCHAR  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddUINT2Attribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddUINT2Attribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
UINT2  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddUINT4Attribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddUINT4Attribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
UINT4  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddUINT8Attribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddUINT8Attribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
UINT8  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddREAL4Attribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddREAL4Attribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
REAL4  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddREAL8Attribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddREAL8Attribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
REAL8  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddCOMPLEX8Attribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddCOMPLEX8Attribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
COMPLEX8  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetAddCOMPLEX16Attribute()

int XLALH5DatasetAddCOMPLEX16Attribute ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key,
COMPLEX16  value 

Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset.

This routine adds a scalar-valued attribute with name key and value value to a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to which the attribute will be added.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the new attribute.
valueValue of the scalar attribute to be added.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryCHARAttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryCHARAttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryINT2AttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryINT2AttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryINT4AttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryINT4AttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryINT8AttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryINT8AttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryUCHARAttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryUCHARAttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryUINT2AttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryUINT2AttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryUINT4AttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryUINT4AttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryUINT8AttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryUINT8AttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryREAL4AttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryREAL4AttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryREAL8AttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryREAL8AttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryCOMPLEX8AttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryCOMPLEX8AttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetQueryCOMPLEX16AttributeValue()

XLALH5DatasetQueryCOMPLEX16AttributeValue ( LALH5Dataset dset,
const char *  key 

Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset.

This routine queries the datatype of a scalar attribute with name key in a HDF5 dataset associated with the LALH5Dataset dset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be queried.
keyPointer to a string with the name of the attribute to query.
Value of the scalar attribute.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocCHARVector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocCHARVector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
CHARVector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocINT2Vector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocINT2Vector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
INT2Vector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocINT4Vector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocINT4Vector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
INT4Vector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocINT8Vector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocINT8Vector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
INT8Vector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT2Vector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT2Vector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
UINT2Vector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT4Vector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT4Vector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
UINT4Vector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT8Vector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT8Vector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
UINT8Vector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocREAL4Vector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocREAL4Vector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
REAL4Vector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocREAL8Vector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocREAL8Vector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
REAL8Vector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX8Vector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX8Vector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
COMPLEX8Vector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX16Vector()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX16Vector ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
COMPLEX16Vector vector 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the vector vector.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
vectorPointer to a vector structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocINT2Array()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocINT2Array ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
INT2Array array 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the array array.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
arrayPointer to an array structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocINT4Array()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocINT4Array ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
INT4Array array 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the array array.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
arrayPointer to an array structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocINT8Array()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocINT8Array ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
INT8Array array 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the array array.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
arrayPointer to an array structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT2Array()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT2Array ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
UINT2Array array 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the array array.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
arrayPointer to an array structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT4Array()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT4Array ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
UINT4Array array 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the array array.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
arrayPointer to an array structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT8Array()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocUINT8Array ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
UINT8Array array 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the array array.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
arrayPointer to an array structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocREAL4Array()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocREAL4Array ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
REAL4Array array 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the array array.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
arrayPointer to an array structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocREAL8Array()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocREAL8Array ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
REAL8Array array 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the array array.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
arrayPointer to an array structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX8Array()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX8Array ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
COMPLEX8Array array 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the array array.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
arrayPointer to an array structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX16Array()

LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetAllocCOMPLEX16Array ( LALH5File file,
const char *  name,
COMPLEX16Array array 

Allocates a LALH5Dataset.

Creates a new HDF5 dataset with name name within a HDF5 file associated with the LALH5File file structure and allocates a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the dataset. The data in the dataset is set to the data in the array array.

The LALH5File file passed to this routine must be a file opened for writing.

filePointer to a LALH5File structure in which to create the dataset.
namePointer to a string with the name of the dataset to create.
arrayPointer to an array structure containing the data.
A pointer to a LALH5Dataset structure associated with the specified dataset within a HDF5 file.
Return values
NULLAn error occurred creating the dataset.

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadCHARVector()

CHARVector * XLALH5DatasetReadCHARVector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadINT2Vector()

INT2Vector * XLALH5DatasetReadINT2Vector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadINT4Vector()

INT4Vector * XLALH5DatasetReadINT4Vector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadINT8Vector()

INT8Vector * XLALH5DatasetReadINT8Vector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadUINT2Vector()

UINT2Vector * XLALH5DatasetReadUINT2Vector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadUINT4Vector()

UINT4Vector * XLALH5DatasetReadUINT4Vector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadUINT8Vector()

UINT8Vector * XLALH5DatasetReadUINT8Vector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadREAL4Vector()

REAL4Vector * XLALH5DatasetReadREAL4Vector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadREAL8Vector()

REAL8Vector * XLALH5DatasetReadREAL8Vector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX8Vector()

COMPLEX8Vector * XLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX8Vector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX16Vector()

COMPLEX16Vector * XLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX16Vector ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to a vector containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadINT2Array()

INT2Array * XLALH5DatasetReadINT2Array ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to an array containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadINT4Array()

INT4Array * XLALH5DatasetReadINT4Array ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to an array containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadINT8Array()

INT8Array * XLALH5DatasetReadINT8Array ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to an array containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadUINT2Array()

UINT2Array * XLALH5DatasetReadUINT2Array ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to an array containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadUINT4Array()

UINT4Array * XLALH5DatasetReadUINT4Array ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to an array containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadUINT8Array()

UINT8Array * XLALH5DatasetReadUINT8Array ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to an array containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadREAL4Array()

REAL4Array * XLALH5DatasetReadREAL4Array ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to an array containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadREAL8Array()

REAL8Array * XLALH5DatasetReadREAL8Array ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to an array containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX8Array()

COMPLEX8Array * XLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX8Array ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to an array containing the data in the dataset.
Return values

◆ XLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX16Array()

COMPLEX16Array * XLALH5DatasetReadCOMPLEX16Array ( LALH5Dataset dset)

Reads a LALH5Dataset.

dsetPointer to a LALH5Dataset to be read.
Pointer to an array containing the data in the dataset.
Return values