Header LALInferenceLikelihood.h

Detailed Description

Header file for likelihood functions used by LALInference codes.

LALInferenceLikelihood contains all the necessary routines to compute the likelihood from a template (computed with LALInferenceTemplate) and the data (initialised with LALInferenceReadData).

Likelihood functions follow the basic naming convention: LALInference<type_of>LogLikelihood()

Takes as input:

Outputs as a REAL8 the natural logarithm value of the likelihood, as defined by:

\[ Likelihood(\vec{x}|\vec{\lambda},M)=\exp(-\tfrac{1}{2}<\vec{x}-\vec{h_M}(\vec{\lambda})|\vec{x}-\vec{h_M}(\vec{\lambda})>) \]

where: \(<x|y>=4Re\left ( \int \frac{\tilde{x}\,\tilde{y}^*}{S_f}\, df \right )\)

Note that the likelihood is reported unnormalised.


REAL8 LALInferenceUndecomposedFreqDomainLogLikelihood (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
 (log-) likelihood function. More...
REAL8 LALInferenceZeroLogLikelihood (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
 For testing purposes (for instance sampling the prior), likelihood that returns 0.0 = log(1) every time. More...
REAL8 LALInferenceComputeFrequencyDomainOverlap (LALInferenceIFOData *data, COMPLEX16Vector *freqData1, COMPLEX16Vector *freqData2)
 Computes the <x|y> overlap in the Fourier domain. More...
COMPLEX16 LALInferenceComputeFrequencyDomainComplexOverlap (LALInferenceIFOData *dataPtr, COMPLEX16Vector *freqData1, COMPLEX16Vector *freqData2)
 Computes the complex <x|y> overlap. More...
REAL8 LALInferenceNullLogLikelihood (LALInferenceIFOData *data)
 Identical to LALInferenceFreqDomainNullLogLikelihood, but returns the likelihood of a null template. More...
REAL8 LALInferenceFreqDomainStudentTLogLikelihood (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
 Student-t (log-) likelihood function
as described in Roever/Meyer/Christensen (2011):
"Modelling coloured residual noise
in gravitational-wave signal processing. More...
REAL8 LALInferenceCorrelatedAnalyticLogLikelihood (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
 An analytic likeilhood that is a correlated Gaussian in 15 dimensions. More...
REAL8 LALInferenceBimodalCorrelatedAnalyticLogLikelihood (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
 An analytic likeilhood that is two correlated Gaussians in 15 dimensions. More...
REAL8 LALInferenceRosenbrockLogLikelihood (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
 15-D Rosenbrock log(L) function (see Eq (3) of . More...
REAL8 LALInferenceMarginalisedPhaseLogLikelihood (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
REAL8 LALInferenceMarginalisedTimePhaseLogLikelihood (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
double LALInferenceMarginalDistanceLogLikelihood (double dist_min, double dist_max, double OptimalSNR, double d_inner_h, int cosmology, int margphi)
 Compute delta-log-likelihood for given distance min, max and OptimalSNR and d_inner_h when evaluated at 1Mpc cosmology: 0 = Euclidean distance prior , 1 = uniform in comoving volume margphi: 0 = use gaussian likelihood, 1 = phase-marginalised bessel likelihood. More...
REAL8 LALInferenceMarginalisedTimeLogLikelihood (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
 Returns the log-likelihood marginalised over the time dimension from the prior min to the prior max. More...
void LALInferenceInitLikelihood (LALInferenceRunState *runState)
 Initialisation function which reads runState->commaneLine and sets up the likelihood function accordingly. More...
LALInferenceVariables LALInferenceGetInstrinsicParams (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams)
 Get the intrinsic parameters from currentParams. More...
REAL8 LALInferenceFastSineGaussianLogLikelihood (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
 fast SineGaussian likelihood for LIB More...
void LALInferenceNetworkSNR (LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceIFOData *data, LALInferenceModel *model)
 Calculate the SNR across the network. More...

Function Documentation

◆ LALInferenceUndecomposedFreqDomainLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceUndecomposedFreqDomainLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

(log-) likelihood function.

Returns the non-normalised logarithmic likelihood.

Required (‘currentParams’) parameters are:

  • "rightascension" (REAL8, radian, 0 <= RA <= 2pi)
  • "declination" (REAL8, radian, -pi/2 <= dec <=pi/2)
  • "polarisation" (REAL8, radian, 0 <= psi <= ?)
  • "distance" (REAL8, Mpc, >0)
  • "time" (REAL8, GPS sec.)

Definition at line 313 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceZeroLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceZeroLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

For testing purposes (for instance sampling the prior), likelihood that returns 0.0 = log(1) every time.

Activated with the –zeroLogLike command flag.

◆ LALInferenceComputeFrequencyDomainOverlap()

REAL8 LALInferenceComputeFrequencyDomainOverlap ( LALInferenceIFOData data,
COMPLEX16Vector freqData1,
COMPLEX16Vector freqData2 

Computes the <x|y> overlap in the Fourier domain.

Definition at line 1490 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceComputeFrequencyDomainComplexOverlap()

COMPLEX16 LALInferenceComputeFrequencyDomainComplexOverlap ( LALInferenceIFOData dataPtr,
COMPLEX16Vector freqData1,
COMPLEX16Vector freqData2 

Computes the complex <x|y> overlap.

Definition at line 1517 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceNullLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceNullLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceIFOData data)

Identical to LALInferenceFreqDomainNullLogLikelihood, but returns the likelihood of a null template.

Used for normalising.

Definition at line 1543 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceFreqDomainStudentTLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceFreqDomainStudentTLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

Student-t (log-) likelihood function
as described in Roever/Meyer/Christensen (2011):
"Modelling coloured residual noise
in gravitational-wave signal processing.

Classical and Quantum Gravity, 28(1):015010.
Returns the non-normalised logarithmic likelihood.

Required (‘currentParams’) parameters are:

  • "rightascension" (REAL8, radian, 0 <= RA <= 2pi)
  • "declination" (REAL8, radian, -pi/2 <= dec <=pi/2)
  • "polarisation" (REAL8, radian, 0 <= psi <= ?)
  • "distance" (REAL8, Mpc, > 0)
  • "time" (REAL8, GPS sec.)

This function is essentially the same as the
"UndecomposedFreqDomainLogLikelihood()" function.
The additional parameter to be supplied is the (REAL8)
degrees-of-freedom parameter (nu) for each Ifo.
The additional "df" argument gives the corresponding
d.f. parameter for each element of the "*data" list.
The names of "df" must match the "->name" slot of
the elements of "data".

(TODO: allow for d.f. parameter to vary with frequency,
i.e., to be a set of vectors corresponding to

Definition at line 1480 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceCorrelatedAnalyticLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceCorrelatedAnalyticLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

An analytic likeilhood that is a correlated Gaussian in 15 dimensions.

Definition at line 203 of file LALInferenceAnalyticLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceBimodalCorrelatedAnalyticLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceBimodalCorrelatedAnalyticLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

An analytic likeilhood that is two correlated Gaussians in 15 dimensions.

Definition at line 268 of file LALInferenceAnalyticLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceRosenbrockLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceRosenbrockLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

15-D Rosenbrock log(L) function (see Eq (3) of .

Definition at line 349 of file LALInferenceAnalyticLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceMarginalisedPhaseLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceMarginalisedPhaseLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

Definition at line 1561 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceMarginalisedTimePhaseLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceMarginalisedTimePhaseLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

Definition at line 1643 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceMarginalDistanceLogLikelihood()

double LALInferenceMarginalDistanceLogLikelihood ( double  dist_min,
double  dist_max,
double  OptimalSNR,
double  d_inner_h,
int  cosmology,
int  margphi 

Compute delta-log-likelihood for given distance min, max and OptimalSNR and d_inner_h when evaluated at 1Mpc cosmology: 0 = Euclidean distance prior , 1 = uniform in comoving volume margphi: 0 = use gaussian likelihood, 1 = phase-marginalised bessel likelihood.

Definition at line 1408 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceMarginalisedTimeLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceMarginalisedTimeLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

Returns the log-likelihood marginalised over the time dimension from the prior min to the prior max.

See for the details.

Definition at line 1633 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceInitLikelihood()

void LALInferenceInitLikelihood ( LALInferenceRunState runState)

Initialisation function which reads runState->commaneLine and sets up the likelihood function accordingly.

Can choose between Gaussian, Student-t, marginalised phase likelihoods

Definition at line 102 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceGetInstrinsicParams()

LALInferenceVariables LALInferenceGetInstrinsicParams ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams)

Get the intrinsic parameters from currentParams.

Definition at line 236 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceFastSineGaussianLogLikelihood()

REAL8 LALInferenceFastSineGaussianLogLikelihood ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

fast SineGaussian likelihood for LIB

Definition at line 1653 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.

◆ LALInferenceNetworkSNR()

void LALInferenceNetworkSNR ( LALInferenceVariables currentParams,
LALInferenceIFOData data,
LALInferenceModel model 

Calculate the SNR across the network.

Definition at line 1866 of file LALInferenceLikelihood.c.