MetricUtils.h File Reference


REAL8 XLALCompareMetrics (const gsl_matrix *g1_ij, const gsl_matrix *g2_ij)
 Flexible comparison function between two metrics \( g^1_{ij} \) and \( g^2_{ij} \) . More...
double XLALMetricDeterminant (const gsl_matrix *g_ij)
 Compute the determinant of a metric \( g_{ij} \) . More...
gsl_vector * XLALMetricEllipseBoundingBox (const gsl_matrix *g_ij, const double max_mismatch)
 Compute the extent of the bounding box of the mismatch ellipse of a metric \( g_{ij} \) . More...
int XLALProjectMetric (gsl_matrix **p_gpr_ij, const gsl_matrix *g_ij, const UINT4 c)
 Calculate the projected metric onto the subspace orthogonal to coordinate-axis c, namely \( g^{\prime}_{ij} = g_{ij} - ( g_{ic} g_{jc} / g_{cc} ) \) , where \( c \) is the index of the projected coordinate. More...
int XLALCholeskyLDLTDecompMetric (gsl_matrix **p_cholesky, const gsl_matrix *g_ij)
 Decompose a metric \( \mathbf{G} \) as \( \mathbf{G} = \mathbf{L} \mathbf{D} \mathbf{L}^{\mathrm{T}} \) , where \( \mathbf{L} \) is a lower-triangular matrix with unit diagonal, and \( \mathbf{D} \) is a diagonal matrix. More...
int XLALTransformMetric (gsl_matrix **p_gpr_ij, const gsl_matrix *transform, const gsl_matrix *g_ij)
 Apply a transform \( \mathbf{A} = (a_{ij}) \) to a metric \( \mathbf{G} = (g_{ij}) \) such that \( \mathbf{G} \rightarrow \mathbf{G}^{\prime} = \mathbf{A}^{\mathrm{T}} \mathbf{G} \mathbf{A} \) , or equivalently \( g_{ij} \rightarrow g^{\prime}_{kl} = g_{ij} a_{ik} a_{jl} \) . More...
int XLALInverseTransformMetric (gsl_matrix **p_gpr_ij, const gsl_matrix *transform, const gsl_matrix *g_ij)
 Apply the inverse of a transform \( \mathbf{A}^{-1} = \mathbf{B} = (b_{ij}) \) to a metric \( \mathbf{G} = (g_{ij}) \) such that \( \mathbf{G} \rightarrow \mathbf{G}^{\prime} = \mathbf{B}^{\mathrm{T}} \mathbf{G} \mathbf{B} \) , or equivalently \( g_{ij} \rightarrow g^{\prime}_{kl} = g_{ij} b_{ik} b_{jl} \) . More...
int XLALDiagNormalizeMetric (gsl_matrix **p_gpr_ij, gsl_matrix **p_transform, const gsl_matrix *g_ij)
 Diagonally-normalize a metric \( g_{ij} \) . More...
int XLALNaturalizeMetric (gsl_matrix **p_gpr_ij, gsl_matrix **p_transform, const gsl_matrix *g_ij, const DopplerMetricParams *metricParams)
 Return a metric in naturalized coordinates. More...
int XLALChangeMetricReferenceTime (gsl_matrix **p_gpr_ij, gsl_matrix **p_transform, const gsl_matrix *g_ij, const DopplerCoordinateSystem *coordSys, const double Dtau)
 Compute the transform which changes the metric reference time \( \tau_0 \rightarrow \tau_1 = \tau_0 + \Delta\tau \) . More...

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