PSDutils.h File Reference


PSD type create/destroy functions

void XLALDestroyPSDVector (PSDVector *vect)
 Destroy a PSD-vector. More...
void XLALDestroyMultiPSDVector (MultiPSDVector *multvect)
 Destroy a multi PSD-vector. More...
MultiNoiseWeightsXLALCreateMultiNoiseWeights (const UINT4 length)
 Create a MultiNoiseWeights of the given length. More...
MultiNoiseWeightsXLALCopyMultiNoiseWeights (const MultiNoiseWeights *multiWeights)
 Create a full copy of a MultiNoiseWeights object. More...
void XLALDestroyMultiNoiseWeights (MultiNoiseWeights *weights)
 Destroy a MultiNoiseWeights object. More...
PSD type modify functions

int XLALCropMultiPSDandSFTVectors (MultiPSDVector *multiPSDVect, MultiSFTVector *multiSFTVect, UINT4 firstBin, UINT4 lastBin)
 Function that truncates the PSD in place to the requested frequency-bin interval [firstBin, lastBin] for the given multiPSDVector. More...
PSD type property functions

MultiNoiseWeightsXLALComputeMultiNoiseWeights (const MultiPSDVector *rngmed, UINT4 blocksRngMed, UINT4 excludePercentile)
 Computes weight factors arising from MultiSFTs with different noise floors. More...
PSD generation functions

REAL8FrequencySeriesXLALComputeSegmentDataQ (const MultiPSDVector *multiPSDVect, LALSeg segment)
 Compute the "data-quality factor" \( \mathcal{Q}(f) = \sum_X \frac{\epsilon_X}{\mathcal{S}_X(f)} \) over the given SFTs. More...
REAL8 XLALMathOpOverArray (const REAL8 *data, const size_t length, const MathOpType optype)
 Compute various types of "math operations" over the entries of an array. More...
REAL8 XLALGetMathOpNormalizationFactorFromTotalNumberOfSFTs (const UINT4 totalNumSFTs, const MathOpType optypeSFTs)
 Compute an additional normalization factor from the total number of SFTs to be applied after a loop of mathops over SFTs and IFOs. More...
int XLALComputePSDandNormSFTPower (REAL8Vector **finalPSD, MultiPSDVector **multiPSDVector, REAL8Vector **normSFT, MultiSFTVector *inputSFTs, const BOOLEAN returnMultiPSDVector, const BOOLEAN returnNormSFT, const UINT4 blocksRngMed, const MathOpType PSDmthopSFTs, const MathOpType PSDmthopIFOs, const MathOpType nSFTmthopSFTs, const MathOpType nSFTmthopIFOs, const BOOLEAN normalizeByTotalNumSFTs, const REAL8 FreqMin, const REAL8 FreqBand, const BOOLEAN normalizeSFTsInPlace)
 Compute the PSD (power spectral density) and the "normalized power" \( P_\mathrm{SFT} \) over a MultiSFTVector. More...
int XLALComputePSDfromSFTs (REAL8Vector **finalPSD, MultiSFTVector *inputSFTs, const UINT4 blocksRngMed, const MathOpType PSDmthopSFTs, const MathOpType PSDmthopIFOs, const BOOLEAN normalizeByTotalNumSFTs, const REAL8 FreqMin, const REAL8 FreqBand)
 Compute the PSD (power spectral density) over a MultiSFTVector. More...
PSD file writing functions

int XLALDumpMultiPSDVector (const CHAR *outbname, const MultiPSDVector *multiPSDVect)
 Dump complete multi-PSDVector over IFOs, timestamps and frequency-bins into per-IFO ASCII output-files 'outbname-IFO'. More...
int XLALWritePSDtoFilePointer (FILE *fpOut, REAL8Vector *PSDVect, REAL8Vector *normSFTVect, BOOLEAN outputNormSFT, BOOLEAN outFreqBinEnd, INT4 PSDmthopBins, INT4 nSFTmthopBins, INT4 binSize, INT4 binStep, REAL8 Freq0, REAL8 dFreq)
 Write a PSD vector as an ASCII table to an open output file pointer. More...

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Data Structures

struct  MultiPSDVector
 A collection of PSD vectors – one for each IFO in a multi-IFO search. More...
struct  MultiNoiseWeights
 One noise-weight (number) per SFT (therefore indexed over IFOs and SFTs. More...


typedef REAL8FrequencySeriesVector PSDVector
 Special type for holding a PSD vector (over several SFTs) More...


enum  MathOpType {
 common types of mathematical operations over an array More...


const UserChoices MathOpTypeChoices