SFTClean.h File Reference


void LALFindNumberHarmonics (LALStatus *status, LineHarmonicsInfo *harmonicInfo, CHAR *fname)
 Looks into the input file containing list of lines, does some checks on the file format, and calculates the number of harmonic sets in this file. More...
void LALReadHarmonicsInfo (LALStatus *status, LineHarmonicsInfo *lineInfo, CHAR *fname)
 Reads in the contents of the input line-info file and fills up the LineHarmonicsInfo structure. More...
void LALHarmonics2Lines (LALStatus *status, LineNoiseInfo *lineInfo, LineHarmonicsInfo *harmonicsInfo)
 Converts the list of harmonic sets into an explicit list of spectral lines. More...
void LALChooseLines (LALStatus *status, LineNoiseInfo *outLine, LineNoiseInfo *inLine, REAL8 freqMin, REAL8 freqMax)
 Takes a set of spectral lines and a frequency range as input and returns those lines which lie within the specified frequency range. More...
void LALCheckLines (LALStatus *status, INT4 *flag, LineNoiseInfo *lines, REAL8 freq)
 Function to count how many lines affect a given frequency. More...
void LALFindNumberLines (LALStatus *status, LineNoiseInfo *lineInfo, CHAR *fname)
 Finds total number of spectral-lines contained in case the input file is a list of explicit spectral lines – obsolete. More...
void LALReadLineInfo (LALStatus *status, LineNoiseInfo *lineInfo, CHAR *fname)
 Reads information from file containing list of explicit lines - obsolete. More...
void LALCleanCOMPLEX8SFT (LALStatus *status, SFTtype *sft, INT4 width, INT4 window, LineNoiseInfo *lineInfo, RandomParams *randPar)
 Function for cleaning a SFT given a set of known spectral disturbances. More...
void LALCleanSFTVector (LALStatus *status, SFTVector *sftVect, INT4 width, INT4 window, LineNoiseInfo *lineInfo, RandomParams *randPar)
 Function to clean a sft vector – calls LALCleanCOMPLEX8SFT repeatedly for each sft in vector. More...
void LALCleanMultiSFTVect (LALStatus *status, MultiSFTVector *multVect, INT4 width, INT4 window, LineNoiseInfo *lineInfo, RandomParams *randPar)
 Function to clean a sft vector – calls LALCleanCOMPLEX8SFT repeatedly for each sft in vector. More...
void LALRemoveKnownLinesInSFTVect (LALStatus *status, SFTVector *sftVect, INT4 width, INT4 window, CHAR *linefile, RandomParams *randPar)
 function to remove lines from a sft vector given a file containing list of lines More...
void LALRemoveKnownLinesInMultiSFTVector (LALStatus *status, MultiSFTVector *multiSFTVect, INT4 width, INT4 window, LALStringVector *linefiles, RandomParams *randPar)
 top level function to remove lines from a multi sft vector given a list of files containing list of known spectral lines More...

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  LineNoiseInfo
 structure for storing list of spectral lines – constructed by expanding list of harmonics More...
struct  LineHarmonicsInfo
 structure for storing the contents of the input list of known spectral disturbances More...


Error Codes
#define SFTCLEANH_EVAL   5
#define SFTCLEANH_EREAD   10
#define SFTCLEANH_MSGENULL   "Null pointer"
#define SFTCLEANH_MSGEFILE   "Could not open file"
#define SFTCLEANH_MSGEHEADER   "Incorrect header in file"
#define SFTCLEANH_MSGEENDIAN   "Incorrect endian type"
#define SFTCLEANH_MSGEVAL   "Invalid value"
#define SFTCLEANH_MSGELINENAME   "Invalid linefile name"
#define SFTCLEANH_MSGESEEK   "fseek failed"
#define SFTCLEANH_MSGEREAD   "fread failed"
#define SFTCLEANH_MSGEWRITE   "fwrite failed"