SFTtypes.c File Reference


REAL8 TSFTfromDFreq (REAL8 dFreq)
int compareSFTdesc (const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2)
int compareSFTloc (const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2)
int compareDetNameCatalogs (const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2)
int compareSFTepoch (const void *ptr1, const void *ptr2)
Time range/frequency bin convention functions

int XLALCWGPSinRange (const LIGOTimeGPS gps, const LIGOTimeGPS *minGPS, const LIGOTimeGPS *maxGPS)
 Defines the official CW convention for whether a GPS time is 'within' a given range, defined as the half-open interval [minGPS, maxGPS) More...
UINT4 XLALRoundFrequencyDownToSFTBin (const REAL8 freq, const REAL8 df)
 Round a REAL8 frequency down to the nearest integer SFT bin number. More...
UINT4 XLALRoundFrequencyUpToSFTBin (const REAL8 freq, const REAL8 df)
 Round a REAL8 frequency up to the nearest integer SFT bin number. More...
int XLALFindCoveringSFTBins (UINT4 *firstBin, UINT4 *numBins, REAL8 fMinIn, REAL8 BandIn, REAL8 Tsft)
 Return the 'effective' frequency-band [fMinEff, fMaxEff] = [firstBin, lastBin] * 1/Tsft, with numBins = lastBin - firstBin + 1 which is the smallest band of SFT-bins that fully covers a given band [fMin, fMin+Band]. More...
SFT type create/destroy functions

SFTtypeXLALCreateSFT (UINT4 numBins)
 XLAL function to create one SFT-struct. More...
void XLALDestroySFT (SFTtype *sft)
 Destructor for one SFT. More...
int XLALCopySFT (SFTtype *dest, const SFTtype *src)
 Copy an entire SFT-type into another. More...
SFTVectorXLALCreateSFTVector (UINT4 numSFTs, UINT4 numBins)
 XLAL function to create an SFTVector of numSFT SFTs with SFTlen frequency-bins (which will be allocated too). More...
SFTVectorXLALCreateEmptySFTVector (UINT4 numSFTs)
 XLAL function to create an SFTVector of numSFT SFTs (which are not allocated). More...
void XLALDestroySFTVector (SFTVector *vect)
 XLAL interface to destroy an SFTVector. More...
SFTVectorXLALDuplicateSFTVector (const SFTVector *sftsIn)
 Create a complete copy of an SFT vector. More...
MultiSFTVectorXLALCreateMultiSFTVector (UINT4 length, UINT4Vector *numsft)
 Create a multi-IFO SFT vector with a given number of bins per SFT and number of SFTs per IFO (which will be allocated too). More...
MultiSFTVectorXLALCreateEmptyMultiSFTVector (UINT4Vector *numsft)
 Create an empty multi-IFO SFT vector with a given number of SFTs per IFO (which are not allocated). More...
void XLALDestroyMultiSFTVector (MultiSFTVector *multvect)
 Destroy a multi SFT-vector. More...
int XLALExtractBandFromSFT (SFTtype **outSFT, const SFTtype *inSFT, REAL8 fMin, REAL8 Band)
 Return an SFTs containing only the bins in [fMin, fMin+Band]. More...
SFTVectorXLALExtractBandFromSFTVector (const SFTVector *inSFTs, REAL8 fMin, REAL8 Band)
 Return a vector of SFTs containing only the bins in [fMin, fMin+Band]. More...
MultiSFTVectorXLALExtractBandFromMultiSFTVector (const MultiSFTVector *inSFTs, REAL8 fMin, REAL8 Band)
 Return a MultiSFT vector containing only the bins in [fMin, fMin+Band]. More...
int XLALExtractStrictBandFromSFT (SFTtype **outSFT, const SFTtype *inSFT, REAL8 fMin, REAL8 Band)
 Return a copy of an SFT containing only the bins in [fMin, fMin+Band). More...
SFTVectorXLALExtractStrictBandFromSFTVector (const SFTVector *inSFTs, REAL8 fMin, REAL8 Band)
 Return a copy of a vector of SFTs containing only the bins in [fMin, fMin+Band). More...
MultiSFTVectorXLALExtractStrictBandFromMultiSFTVector (const MultiSFTVector *inSFTs, REAL8 fMin, REAL8 Band)
 Return a copy of a MultiSFT vector containing only the bins in [fMin, fMin+Band). More...
SFT type modify functions

int XLALAppendSFT2Vector (SFTVector *vect, const SFTtype *sft)
 Append the given SFTtype to the SFT-vector (no SFT-specific checks are done!) More...
int XLALReorderMultiSFTVector (MultiSFTVector *multiSFTs, const LALStringVector *IFOs)
 Reorder the MultiSFTVector with specified list of IFOs. More...
int XLALSFTAdd (SFTtype *a, const SFTtype *b)
 Adds SFT-data from SFT 'b' to SFT 'a'. More...
int XLALSFTVectorAdd (SFTVector *a, const SFTVector *b)
 Adds SFT-data from SFTvector 'b' to elements of SFTVector 'a'. More...
int XLALMultiSFTVectorAdd (MultiSFTVector *a, const MultiSFTVector *b)
 Adds SFT-data from MultiSFTvector 'b' to elements of MultiSFTVector 'a'. More...
int XLALSFTResizeBand (SFTtype *SFT, REAL8 f0, REAL8 Band)
 Resize the frequency-band of a given SFT to [f0, f0+Band]. More...
int XLALSFTVectorResizeBand (SFTVector *SFTs, REAL8 f0, REAL8 Band)
 Resize the frequency-band of a given SFT vector to [f0, f0+Band]. More...
int XLALMultiSFTVectorResizeBand (MultiSFTVector *multiSFTs, REAL8 f0, REAL8 Band)
 Resize the frequency-band of a given multi-SFT vector to [f0, f0+Band]. More...
SFT type property functions

int XLALEarliestMultiSFTsample (LIGOTimeGPS *out, const MultiSFTVector *multisfts)
 Finds the earliest timestamp in a multi-SFT data structure. More...
int XLALLatestMultiSFTsample (LIGOTimeGPS *out, const MultiSFTVector *multisfts)
 Find the time of the end of the latest SFT in a multi-SFT data structure. More...
SFTVectorXLALExtractSFTVectorWithTimestamps (const SFTVector *sfts, const LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestamps)
 Extract an SFTVector from another SFTVector but only those timestamps matching. More...
MultiSFTVectorXLALExtractMultiSFTVectorWithMultiTimestamps (const MultiSFTVector *multiSFTs, const MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector *multiTimestamps)
 Extract a MultiSFTVector from another MultiSFTVector but only those timestamps matching. More...

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