SuperskyMetrics.c File Reference


static gsl_matrix * SM_ComputePhaseMetric (const DopplerCoordinateSystem *coords, const LIGOTimeGPS *ref_time, const LIGOTimeGPS *start_time, const LIGOTimeGPS *end_time, const MultiLALDetector *detectors, const MultiNoiseFloor *detector_weights, const DetectorMotionType detector_motion, const EphemerisData *ephemerides)
 Call XLALComputeDopplerPhaseMetric() to compute the phase metric for a given coordinate system. More...
static int SM_ComputeFittedSuperskyMetric (gsl_matrix *fitted_ssky_metric, SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf, const gsl_matrix *ussky_metric, const gsl_matrix *orbital_metric, const DopplerCoordinateSystem *ocoords, const LIGOTimeGPS *start_time, const LIGOTimeGPS *end_time)
 Find a least-squares linear fit to the orbital X and Y metric elements using the frequency and spindown metric elements. More...
static int SM_ComputeDecoupledSuperskyMetric (gsl_matrix *decoupled_ssky_metric, SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf, const gsl_matrix *fitted_ssky_metric)
 Decouple the sky–sky and freq+spin–freq+spin blocks of the fitted supersky metric. More...
static int SM_ComputeAlignedSuperskyMetric (gsl_matrix *aligned_ssky_metric, SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf, const gsl_matrix *decoupled_ssky_metric)
 Align the sky–sky block of the decoupled supersky metric with its eigenvalues by means of a rotation. More...
static int SM_ComputeReducedSuperskyMetric (gsl_matrix **rssky_metric, SuperskyTransformData **rssky_transf, const size_t spindowns, const gsl_matrix *ussky_metric, const DopplerCoordinateSystem *ucoords, const gsl_matrix *orbital_metric, const DopplerCoordinateSystem *ocoords, const LIGOTimeGPS *ref_time, const LIGOTimeGPS *start_time, const LIGOTimeGPS *end_time)
 Compute the reduced supersky metric. More...
SuperskyMetricsXLALComputeSuperskyMetrics (const SuperskyMetricType type, const size_t spindowns, const LIGOTimeGPS *ref_time, const LALSegList *segments, const double fiducial_freq, const MultiLALDetector *detectors, const MultiNoiseFloor *detector_weights, const DetectorMotionType detector_motion, const EphemerisData *ephemerides)
 Compute the supersky metrics, which are returned in a SuperskyMetrics struct. More...
SuperskyMetricsXLALCopySuperskyMetrics (const SuperskyMetrics *metrics)
 Copy a SuperskyMetrics struct. More...
void XLALDestroySuperskyMetrics (SuperskyMetrics *metrics)
 Destroy a SuperskyMetrics struct. More...
static int fits_table_init_SuperskyTransformData (FITSFile *file)
 Initialise a FITS table for writing/reading a table of SuperskyTransformData entries. More...
int XLALFITSWriteSuperskyMetrics (FITSFile *file, const SuperskyMetrics *metrics)
 Write a SuperskyMetrics struct to a FITS file. More...
int XLALFITSReadSuperskyMetrics (FITSFile *file, SuperskyMetrics **metrics)
 Read a SuperskyMetrics struct from a FITS file. More...
int XLALSuperskyMetricsDimensions (const SuperskyMetrics *metrics, size_t *spindowns)
 Return dimensions of the supersky metrics. More...
static int SM_ScaleSuperskyMetricFiducialFreq (gsl_matrix *rssky_metric, SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf, const double new_fiducial_freq)
 Scale a given supersky metric and its coordinate transform data to a new fiducial frequency. More...
int XLALScaleSuperskyMetricsFiducialFreq (SuperskyMetrics *metrics, const double new_fiducial_freq)
 Scale all supersky metrics and their coordinate transform data to a new fiducial frequency. More...
int XLALEqualizeReducedSuperskyMetricsFreqSpacing (SuperskyMetrics *metrics, const double coh_max_mismatch, const double semi_max_mismatch)
 Project and rescale the reduced supersky metrics in the frequency dimension, such that all reduced supersky metrics have the same frequency spacing for the given maximum mismatches. More...
int XLALSetPhysicalPointSuperskyRefTime (PulsarDopplerParams *out_phys, const SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf)
 Set the reference time of a physical point to that of the reduced supersky coordinates. More...
static void SM_ReducedToAligned (double as[3], const gsl_vector *rss, const double hemi)
 Convert from 2-dimensional reduced supersky coordinates to 3-dimensional aligned sky coordinates. More...
static void SM_AlignedToReduced (gsl_vector *rss, const double as[3])
 Convert from 3-dimensional aligned sky coordinates to 2-dimensional reduced supersky coordinates. More...
int XLALConvertPhysicalToSuperskyPoint (gsl_vector *out_rssky, const PulsarDopplerParams *in_phys, const SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf)
 Convert a point from physical to supersky coordinates. More...
int XLALConvertSuperskyToPhysicalPoint (PulsarDopplerParams *out_phys, const gsl_vector *in_rssky, const gsl_vector *ref_rssky, const SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf)
 Convert a point from supersky to physical coordinates. More...
int XLALConvertSuperskyToSuperskyPoint (gsl_vector *out_rssky, const SuperskyTransformData *out_rssky_transf, const gsl_vector *in_rssky, const gsl_vector *ref_rssky, const SuperskyTransformData *in_rssky_transf)
 Convert a point between supersky coordinates. More...
int XLALConvertPhysicalToSuperskyPoints (gsl_matrix **out_rssky, const gsl_matrix *in_phys, const SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf)
 Convert a set of points from physical to supersky coordinates. More...
int XLALConvertSuperskyToPhysicalPoints (gsl_matrix **out_phys, const gsl_matrix *in_rssky, const SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf)
 Convert a set of points from supersky to physical coordinates. More...
static void SkyBoundCache (const size_t dim UNUSED, const gsl_vector *point, gsl_vector *cache)
static double PhysicalSkyBound (const void *data, const size_t dim UNUSED, const gsl_matrix *cache UNUSED, const gsl_vector *point)
int XLALSetSuperskyPhysicalSkyBounds (LatticeTiling *tiling, gsl_matrix *rssky_metric, SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf, const double alpha1, const double alpha2, const double delta1, const double delta2)
 Set parameter-space bounds on the physical sky position \( (\alpha, \delta) \) for a lattice tiling using the reduced supersky metric. More...
static double ConstantBoundB (const void *data, const size_t dim UNUSED, const gsl_matrix *cache UNUSED, const gsl_vector *point)
static double EqualAreaSkyBoundSolverA (double A1, void *params)
static double EqualAreaSkyBoundSolverB (double B1, void *params)
int XLALSetSuperskyEqualAreaSkyBounds (LatticeTiling *tiling, const gsl_matrix *rssky_metric, const double max_mismatch, const UINT4 patch_count, const UINT4 patch_index)
 Divide the reduced supersky parameter space into patch_count equal-area patches, and set parameter-space bounds on the reduced supersky coordinates \( (n_a,n_b) \) for the patch indexed by patch_index. More...
static double PhysicalSpinBound (const void *data, const size_t dim UNUSED, const gsl_matrix *cache, const gsl_vector *point UNUSED)
int XLALSetSuperskyPhysicalSpinBound (LatticeTiling *tiling, const SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf, const size_t s, const double bound1, const double bound2)
 Set parameter-space bounds on the physical frequency/spindowns \( f^{(s)} \) for a lattice tiling using the reduced supersky metric. More...
int XLALSetSuperskyPhysicalSpinBoundPadding (LatticeTiling *tiling, const SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf, const size_t s, const bool padding)
 Set parameter-space bound padding on the physical frequency/spindowns \( f^{(s)} \) for a lattice tiling using the reduced supersky metric. More...
static int SM_LatticePhysicalRangeCallback (const bool first_call, const LatticeTiling *tiling, const LatticeTilingIterator *itr, const gsl_vector *point, const size_t changed_i, const void *param, void *out)
int XLALRegisterSuperskyLatticePhysicalRangeCallback (LatticeTiling *tiling, const SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf, const PulsarDopplerParams **min_phys, const PulsarDopplerParams **max_phys)
 Register a lattice tiling callback function which computes the physical range covered by a reduced supersky lattice tiling. More...
static int SM_LatticeSuperskyRangeCallback (const bool first_call, const LatticeTiling *tiling, const LatticeTilingIterator *itr, const gsl_vector *point, const size_t changed_i, const void *param, void *out)
int XLALRegisterSuperskyLatticeSuperskyRangeCallback (LatticeTiling *tiling, const SuperskyTransformData *rssky_transf, const SuperskyTransformData *rssky2_transf, const gsl_vector **min_rssky2, const gsl_vector **max_rssky2)
 Register a lattice tiling callback function which computes the range covered by a reduced supersky lattice tiling in another set of reduced supersky coordinates. More...
int XLALSetSuperskyRangeBounds (LatticeTiling *tiling, const gsl_vector *min_rssky, const gsl_vector *max_rssky)
 Set parameter-space bounds on an entire lattice tiling given minimum and maximum ranges in reduced supersky coordinates. More...

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  SuperskyTransformData
 Supersky metric coordinate transform data. More...
struct  SM_CallbackParam
struct  SM_CallbackOut
struct  PhysicalSkyBoundPiece
struct  PhysicalSkyBoundData


#define SQR(x)   ((x)*(x))
#define RE_SQRT(x)   sqrt(GSL_MAX(DBL_EPSILON, (x)))
#define DOT2(x, y)   ((x)[0]*(y)[0] + (x)[1]*(y)[1])
#define DOT3(x, y)   ((x)[0]*(y)[0] + (x)[1]*(y)[1] + (x)[2]*(y)[2])
#define SMAX   nspins
#define CHECK_RSSKY_METRIC_TRANSF(M, RT)    ((M) != NULL && CHECK_RSSKY_TRANSF(RT) && (M)->size1 == (RT)->ndim && (M)->size2 == (RT)->ndim)
#define CHECK_RSSKY_TRANSF(RT)    ((RT) != NULL && (RT)->ndim > 0 && (RT)->fiducial_freq > 0 && (RT)->nsky_offsets == 1 + (RT)->nspins)
#define RSSKY_FKDOT_OFFSET(RT, S)   (((S) == 0) ? ((RT)->SMAX) : ((size_t)((S) - 1)))


const double fiducial_calc_freq = 100.0
 Fiducial frequency at which to numerically calculate metrics, which are then rescaled to user-requested frequency based on known scalings. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SQR (   x)    ((x)*(x))

Definition at line 48 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.


#define RE_SQRT (   x)    sqrt(GSL_MAX(DBL_EPSILON, (x)))

Definition at line 51 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ DOT2

#define DOT2 (   x,
)    ((x)[0]*(y)[0] + (x)[1]*(y)[1])

Definition at line 54 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ DOT3

#define DOT3 (   x,
)    ((x)[0]*(y)[0] + (x)[1]*(y)[1] + (x)[2]*(y)[2])

Definition at line 55 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.



Definition at line 58 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.


#define SMAX   nspins

Definition at line 61 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.


)     ((M) != NULL && CHECK_RSSKY_TRANSF(RT) && (M)->size1 == (RT)->ndim && (M)->size2 == (RT)->ndim)

Definition at line 75 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.


#define CHECK_RSSKY_TRANSF (   RT)     ((RT) != NULL && (RT)->ndim > 0 && (RT)->fiducial_freq > 0 && (RT)->nsky_offsets == 1 + (RT)->nspins)

Definition at line 77 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.


)    (((S) == 0) ? ((RT)->SMAX) : ((size_t)((S) - 1)))

Definition at line 81 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.


#define RSSKY_FKDOT_DIM (   RT,

Definition at line 82 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

Function Documentation

◆ SM_ComputePhaseMetric()

static gsl_matrix* SM_ComputePhaseMetric ( const DopplerCoordinateSystem coords,
const LIGOTimeGPS ref_time,
const LIGOTimeGPS start_time,
const LIGOTimeGPS end_time,
const MultiLALDetector detectors,
const MultiNoiseFloor detector_weights,
const DetectorMotionType  detector_motion,
const EphemerisData ephemerides 

Call XLALComputeDopplerPhaseMetric() to compute the phase metric for a given coordinate system.

[in]coordsCoordinate system to compute metric for
[in]ref_timeReference time of the metric
[in]start_timeStart time of the metric
[in]end_timeEnd time of the metric
[in]detectorsList of detectors to average metric over
[in]detector_weightsWeights used to combine single-detector metrics (default: unit weights)
[in]detector_motionWhich detector motion to use
[in]ephemeridesEarth/Sun ephemerides

Definition at line 107 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ SM_ComputeFittedSuperskyMetric()

static int SM_ComputeFittedSuperskyMetric ( gsl_matrix *  fitted_ssky_metric,
SuperskyTransformData *  rssky_transf,
const gsl_matrix *  ussky_metric,
const gsl_matrix *  orbital_metric,
const DopplerCoordinateSystem ocoords,
const LIGOTimeGPS start_time,
const LIGOTimeGPS end_time 

Find a least-squares linear fit to the orbital X and Y metric elements using the frequency and spindown metric elements.

Outputs the intermediate fitted supersky metric, and updates the reduced supersky metric coordinate transform data.

[out]fitted_ssky_metricFitted supersky metric
[in,out]rssky_transfReduced supersky metric coordinate transform data
[in]ussky_metricUnrestricted supersky metric
[in]orbital_metricOrbital metric in ecliptic coordinates
[in]ocoordsCoordinate system of orbital metric
[in]start_timeStart time of the metrics
[in]end_timeEnd time of the metrics

Definition at line 192 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ SM_ComputeDecoupledSuperskyMetric()

static int SM_ComputeDecoupledSuperskyMetric ( gsl_matrix *  decoupled_ssky_metric,
SuperskyTransformData *  rssky_transf,
const gsl_matrix *  fitted_ssky_metric 

Decouple the sky–sky and freq+spin–freq+spin blocks of the fitted supersky metric.

Outputs the intermediate decoupled supersky metric, and updates the reduced supersky metric coordinate transform data.

[out]decoupled_ssky_metricDecoupled supersky metric
[in,out]rssky_transfReduced supersky metric coordinate transform data
[in]fitted_ssky_metricFitted supersky metric

Definition at line 346 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ SM_ComputeAlignedSuperskyMetric()

static int SM_ComputeAlignedSuperskyMetric ( gsl_matrix *  aligned_ssky_metric,
SuperskyTransformData *  rssky_transf,
const gsl_matrix *  decoupled_ssky_metric 

Align the sky–sky block of the decoupled supersky metric with its eigenvalues by means of a rotation.

Outputs the intermediate aligned supersky metric, and updates the reduced supersky metric coordinate transform data.

[out]aligned_ssky_metricAligned supersky metric
[in,out]rssky_transfReduced supersky metric coordinate transform data
[in]decoupled_ssky_metricDecoupled supersky metric

Definition at line 413 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ SM_ComputeReducedSuperskyMetric()

static int SM_ComputeReducedSuperskyMetric ( gsl_matrix **  rssky_metric,
SuperskyTransformData **  rssky_transf,
const size_t  spindowns,
const gsl_matrix *  ussky_metric,
const DopplerCoordinateSystem ucoords,
const gsl_matrix *  orbital_metric,
const DopplerCoordinateSystem ocoords,
const LIGOTimeGPS ref_time,
const LIGOTimeGPS start_time,
const LIGOTimeGPS end_time 

Compute the reduced supersky metric.

[out]rssky_metricReduced supersky metric
[out]rssky_transfReduced supersky metric coordinate transform data
[in]spindownsNumber of frequency+spindown coordinates
[in]ussky_metricUnrestricted supersky metric
[in]ucoordsCoordinate system of unrestricted supersky metric
[in]orbital_metricOrbital metric in ecliptic coordinates
[in]ocoordsCoordinate system of orbital metric
[in]ref_timeReference time of the metrics
[in]start_timeStart time of the metrics
[in]end_timeEnd time of the metrics

Definition at line 488 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ fits_table_init_SuperskyTransformData()

static int fits_table_init_SuperskyTransformData ( FITSFile file)

Initialise a FITS table for writing/reading a table of SuperskyTransformData entries.

Definition at line 762 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ SM_ScaleSuperskyMetricFiducialFreq()

static int SM_ScaleSuperskyMetricFiducialFreq ( gsl_matrix *  rssky_metric,
SuperskyTransformData *  rssky_transf,
const double  new_fiducial_freq 

Scale a given supersky metric and its coordinate transform data to a new fiducial frequency.

[in]rssky_metricReduced supersky metric
[in]rssky_transfReduced supersky metric coordinate transform data
[in]new_fiducial_freqNew fiducial frequency

Definition at line 918 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ SM_ReducedToAligned()

static void SM_ReducedToAligned ( double  as[3],
const gsl_vector *  rss,
const double  hemi 

Convert from 2-dimensional reduced supersky coordinates to 3-dimensional aligned sky coordinates.

The 2-dimensional reduced supersky coordinates rss = (A, B) encode the two hemispheres of the sky as two neighbouring unit disks. The conversion to 3-dimensional aligned sky coordinates is illustrated in the following diagram:

| as[1] =    __________________________________________
|     B = 1_|         _____             _____         |
|           |      .-'     '-.       .-'     '-.      |
|           |    .'           '.   .'           '.    |
|           |   /               \ /               \   |
|           |  ;                 ;                 ;  |
|         0-|  |                 |                 |  |
|           |  ;                 ;                 ;  |
|           |   \               / \               /   |
|           |    '.           .'   '.           .'    |
|          _|      '-._____.-'       '-._____.-'      |
|        -1 |__.________.________.________.________.__|
|              '        '        '        '        '
|         A = -2       -1        0        1        2
|     as[0] =  1        0       -1        0        1
|     as[2] =  0       -1        0        1        0

Points outside the unit disks are moved radially onto their boundaries.

[out]as3-dimensional aligned sky coordinates
[in]rss2-dimensional reduced supersky coordinates
[in]hemiSupersky coordinate hemisphere; only sign is used

Definition at line 1075 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ SM_AlignedToReduced()

static void SM_AlignedToReduced ( gsl_vector *  rss,
const double  as[3] 

Convert from 3-dimensional aligned sky coordinates to 2-dimensional reduced supersky coordinates.

[out]rss2-dimensional reduced supersky coordinates
[in]as3-dimensional aligned sky coordinates

Definition at line 1094 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ SkyBoundCache()

static void SkyBoundCache ( const size_t dim  UNUSED,
const gsl_vector *  point,
gsl_vector *  cache 

Definition at line 1355 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ PhysicalSkyBound()

static double PhysicalSkyBound ( const void *  data,
const size_t dim  UNUSED,
const gsl_matrix *cache  UNUSED,
const gsl_vector *  point 

Definition at line 1393 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ ConstantBoundB()

static double ConstantBoundB ( const void *  data,
const size_t dim  UNUSED,
const gsl_matrix *cache  UNUSED,
const gsl_vector *  point 

Definition at line 2029 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ EqualAreaSkyBoundSolverA()

static double EqualAreaSkyBoundSolverA ( double  A1,
void *  params 

Definition at line 2056 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ EqualAreaSkyBoundSolverB()

static double EqualAreaSkyBoundSolverB ( double  B1,
void *  params 

Definition at line 2072 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ PhysicalSpinBound()

static double PhysicalSpinBound ( const void *  data,
const size_t dim  UNUSED,
const gsl_matrix *  cache,
const gsl_vector *point  UNUSED 

Definition at line 2350 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ SM_LatticePhysicalRangeCallback()

static int SM_LatticePhysicalRangeCallback ( const bool  first_call,
const LatticeTiling *  tiling,
const LatticeTilingIterator *  itr,
const gsl_vector *  point,
const size_t  changed_i,
const void *  param,
void *  out 

Definition at line 2439 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

◆ SM_LatticeSuperskyRangeCallback()

static int SM_LatticeSuperskyRangeCallback ( const bool  first_call,
const LatticeTiling *  tiling,
const LatticeTilingIterator *  itr,
const gsl_vector *  point,
const size_t  changed_i,
const void *  param,
void *  out 

Definition at line 2537 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ fiducial_calc_freq

const double fiducial_calc_freq = 100.0

Fiducial frequency at which to numerically calculate metrics, which are then rescaled to user-requested frequency based on known scalings.

Definition at line 88 of file SuperskyMetrics.c.