test Directory Reference


directory  python


file  BinarySSBTimesTest.c [code]
 Tests for XLALAdd[Multi]BinaryTimes()
file  ComputeFstatTest.c [code]
file  ConstructPLUTTest.c [code]
 Tests the construction of the Look up Table (LUT)
file  CWSignalBandTest.c [code]
 Test for XLALCWSignal[Covering]Band().
file  DopplerScanTest.c [code]
 Tests for exported functions in Doppler[Full]Scan.
file  DriveHoughTest.c [code]
 Tests the construction.
file  DriveNDHoughTest.c [code]
 Tests the construction.
file  ExtrapolatePulsarSpinsTest.c [code]
 Test for ExtrapolatePulsarSpins().
file  FileIOTest.c [code]
file  FITSFileIOTest.c [code]
file  GeneralMeshTest.c [code]
 Tests and showcases the combination of a LAL metric function (of the user's specification) and Header TwoDMesh.h modules by producing a template mesh.
file  GeneralMetricTest.c [code]
 Tests the various LAL metric functions, by outputting the metric at a point in parameter space, and also producing an array of ellipses of constant mismatch.
file  GeneratePulsarSignalTest.c [code]
file  HeapToplistTest.c [code]
file  HoughMapTest.c [code]
 Tests the construction of Hough maps.
file  LALBarycenterTest.c [code]
 Tests the routine XLALBarycenter(): exercises some of the error conditions and makes sure that they work.
file  LatticeTilingTest.c [code]
file  LFTandTSutilsTest.c [code]
 Unit tests for LFTandTSutils module.
file  LineRobustStatsTest.c [code]
file  MetricUtilsTest.c [code]
file  NDConstructPLUTTest.c [code]
 Tests the construction of the Look up Table (LUT)
file  NDHoughMapTest.c [code]
 Tests the construction of Hough maps.
file  NDPeak2PHMDTest.c [code]
 Tests the construction of Partial-Hough-Map-Derivatives (phmd)
file  NormalizeSFTRngMedTest.c [code]
file  old-FstatMetric.c [code]
 The only purpose of this file is to serve as a backwards-comparison check for XLALDopplerFstatMetric(). This used to be a standalone-code 'lalapps_FstatMetric', and was XLALified and moved into the test-directory, main() was wrapped into the forwards-compatible function XLALOldDopplerFstatMetric() and called in UniversalDopplerMetricTest for comparison.
file  Peak2PHMDTest.c [code]
 Tests the construction of Partial-Hough-Map-Derivatives (phmd)
file  PtoleMeshTest.c [code]
 Tests and showcases the combination of Header PtoleMetric.h and Header TwoDMesh.h modules.
file  PtoleMetricTest.c [code]
 Tests the LALPtoleMetric() function.
file  PulsarTOATest.c [code]
file  ReadTEMPOFileTest.c [code]
file  SFTfileIOTest.c [code]
 Test-code for SFT-fileIO library.
file  SFTnamingTest.c [code]
 Test the SFT file naming routines.
file  SimulateTaylorCWTest.c [code]
 Generates a quasiperiodic waveform.
file  StatisticsTest.c [code]
 Tests the statistics and the histogram number count of a given total Hough map.
file  SuperskyMetricsTest.c [code]
file  TEMPOcomparison.c [code]
 Tests for CW barycentric timing functions by comparing to tempo2.
file  TwoDMeshPlot.c [code]
file  TwoDMeshPlot.h [code]
file  TwoDMeshTest.c [code]
 Creates a 2-dimensional template mesh for linearly-changing mismatch ellipses.
file  UniversalDopplerMetricTest.c [code]
 Tests for exported functions in UniversalDopplerMetric.
file  VelocityTest.c [code]
 Tests the calculation of the averaged velocity of a given detector.
file  XLALComputeAMTest.c [code]
 Test for XLALComputeAMCoeffs() and XLALComputeMultiAMCoeffs() by comparison with the old LAL functions old_LALGetAMCoeffs() and old_LALGetMultiAMCoeffs().
file  XLALMultiNoiseWeightsTest.c [code]
 Tests for XLALComputeMultiNoiseWeights()