LALSimIMR.h File Reference


int XLALSimIMRPhenomAGenerateFD (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde, const REAL8 phiPeak, const REAL8 deltaF, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 distance)
 Driver routine to compute the non-spinning, inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomA in the frequency domain. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomAGenerateTD (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, const REAL8 phiPeak, const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination)
 Driver routine to compute the non-spinning, inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomA in the time domain. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomBComputeChi (const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 s1z, const REAL8 s2z)
 Compute the dimensionless, spin-aligned parameter chi as used in the IMRPhenomB waveform. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomAGetFinalFreq (const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2)
 Compute the default final frequency. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomBGetFinalFreq (const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 chi)
 Compute the default final frequency. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomBGenerateFD (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde, const REAL8 phiPeak, const REAL8 deltaF, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 chi, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 distance)
 Driver routine to compute the spin-aligned, inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomB in the frequency domain. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomBGenerateTD (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, const REAL8 phiPeak, const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 chi, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination)
 Driver routine to compute the spin-aligned, inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomB in the time domain. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomBMetricInMEtaChi (REAL8 *gamma00, REAL8 *gamma01, REAL8 *gamma02, REAL8 *gamma11, REAL8 *gamma12, REAL8 *gamma22, const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 chi, const REAL8 fLow, const REAL8FrequencySeries *Sh)
 Compute the template-space metric of the IMRPhenomB waveform in the M, eta, chi coordinates. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomBMetricInTheta0Theta3Theta3S (REAL8 *gamma00, REAL8 *gamma01, REAL8 *gamma02, REAL8 *gamma11, REAL8 *gamma12, REAL8 *gamma22, const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 chi, const REAL8 fLow, const REAL8FrequencySeries *Sh)
 Compute the template-space metric of the IMRPhenomB waveform in the theta0, theta3, theta3S coordinates. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomCGetFinalFreq (const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 chi)
 Convenience function to quickly find the default final frequency. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomCGenerateFD (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde, const REAL8 phiPeak, const REAL8 deltaF, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 chi, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 distance, LALDict *extraParams)
 Driver routine to compute the spin-aligned, inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomC in the frequency domain. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomCGenerateTD (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, const REAL8 phiPeak, const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 chi, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination, LALDict *extraParams)
 Driver routine to compute the spin-aligned, inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomC in the time domain. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBHProperties (REAL8 *f_RD, REAL8 *f_tide, REAL8 *torus_mass, REAL8 *compactness, REAL8 *final_mass, REAL8 *chif, REAL8 mBH_SI, REAL8 mNS_SI, REAL8 chi_BH, REAL8 lambda_NS)
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_x_D (const REAL8 Mtorus, const REAL8 C, const REAL8 q, const REAL8 chi)
 Convenience function for expression appearing in disruptive merger. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_epsilon_ins_with_torus_mass (const REAL8 Mtorus, const REAL8 C, const REAL8 q, const REAL8 chi)
 Correction to the inspiral transition frequency with spin contributions. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_x_D_prime (const REAL8 Mtorus, const REAL8 C, const REAL8 q, const REAL8 chi)
 Convinience function for expression appearing in disruptive merger. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_sigma_tide_with_torus_mass (const REAL8 Mtorus, const REAL8 C, const REAL8 q, const REAL8 chi)
 Correction to ringdown Lorentzian width for disruptive mergers. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_epsilon_tide_ND (const REAL8 x_ND)
 PhenomC parameter delta_1 NSBH correction factor. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_sigma_tide_ND (const REAL8 x_ND_prime)
 Correction to ringdown Lorentzian width for nondisruptive mergers. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_x_ND (const REAL8 f_tide, const REAL8 f_RD_tilde, const REAL8 C, const REAL8 chi)
 Convinience function for expression appearing in disruptive merger. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_x_ND_prime (const REAL8 f_tide, const REAL8 f_RD_tilde, const REAL8 C, const REAL8 chi)
 Convinience function for expression appearing in disruptive merger. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_delta2_prime (const REAL8 f_tide, const REAL8 f_RD_tilde)
 Fitted coefficient for PhenomC Lorentzian. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_window_plus (const REAL8 f, const REAL8 f0, const REAL8 d)
 Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid function. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_window_minus (const REAL8 f, const REAL8 f0, const REAL8 d)
 Hyperbolic tangent sigmoid function. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_eta_from_q (const REAL8 q)
 Convenience function to calculate symmetric mass ratio from q. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_baryonic_mass_from_C (const REAL8 C, const REAL8 Mg)
 NS baryonic mass as a function of NS gravitational mass. More...
COMPLEX16 XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH_omega_tilde (const REAL8 a)
 220 quasi-normal mode dimensionless frequency More...
double XLALSimNSBH_fGWinKerr (const REAL8 r, const REAL8 M, const REAL8 a)
 GW frequency for a particle on Kerr. More...
double XLALSimNSBH_rKerrISCO (const REAL8 a)
 Kerr BH ISCO radius. More...
double XLALSimNSBH_xi_tide (const REAL8 q, const REAL8 a, const REAL8 mu)
 Relativistic correction to orbital radius at mass-shedding. More...
double XLALSimNSBH_compactness_from_lambda (const REAL8 Lambda)
 Compactness as a function of tidal deformability. More...
double XLALSimNSBH_torus_mass_fit (const REAL8 q, const REAL8 a, const REAL8 C)
 Baryonic mass of the torus remnant of a BH-NS merger. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomDGenerateFD (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde, const REAL8 phi0, const REAL8 fRef, const REAL8 deltaF, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 chi1, const REAL8 chi2, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 distance, LALDict *extraParams, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version)
 Driver routine to compute the spin-aligned, inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomD in the frequency domain. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomDFrequencySequence (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, const REAL8 phi0, const REAL8 fRef_in, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 chi1, const REAL8 chi2, const REAL8 distance, LALDict *extraParams, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the IMRPhenomD model. More...
double XLALIMRPhenomDGetPeakFreq (const REAL8 m1_in, const REAL8 m2_in, const REAL8 chi1_in, const REAL8 chi2_in)
 Function to return the frequency (in Hz) of the peak of the frequency domain amplitude for the IMRPhenomD model. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomDChirpTime (const REAL8 m1_in, const REAL8 m2_in, const REAL8 chi1_in, const REAL8 chi2_in, const REAL8 fHz)
 Estimates the length of the time domain IMRPhenomD signal This does NOT taking into account any tapering that is used to condition the Fourier domain waveform to compute the inverse Fourer transform. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomDFinalSpin (const REAL8 m1_in, const REAL8 m2_in, const REAL8 chi1_in, const REAL8 chi2_in)
 Function to return the final spin (spin of the remnant black hole) as predicted by the IMRPhenomD model. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomP (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8 chi1_l, const REAL8 chi2_l, const REAL8 chip, const REAL8 thetaJ, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 alpha0, const REAL8 phic, const REAL8 deltaF, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 f_ref, IMRPhenomP_version_type IMRPhenomP_version, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version, LALDict *extraParams)
 Driver routine to compute the precessing inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomP in the frequency domain. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomPFrequencySequence (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, const REAL8 chi1_l, const REAL8 chi2_l, const REAL8 chip, const REAL8 thetaJ, REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 alpha0, const REAL8 phic, const REAL8 f_ref, IMRPhenomP_version_type IMRPhenomP_version, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version, LALDict *extraParams)
 Driver routine to compute the precessing inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomP in the frequency domain. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomPCalculateModelParametersOld (REAL8 *chi1_l, REAL8 *chi2_l, REAL8 *chip, REAL8 *thetaJ, REAL8 *alpha0, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 f_ref, const REAL8 lnhatx, const REAL8 lnhaty, const REAL8 lnhatz, const REAL8 s1x, const REAL8 s1y, const REAL8 s1z, const REAL8 s2x, const REAL8 s2y, const REAL8 s2z, IMRPhenomP_version_type IMRPhenomP_version)
 Deprecated : used the old convention (view frame for the spins) Function to map LAL parameters (masses, 6 spin components and Lhat at f_ref) into IMRPhenomP intrinsic parameters (chi1_l, chi2_l, chip, thetaJ, alpha0). More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomPCalculateModelParametersFromSourceFrame (REAL8 *chi1_l, REAL8 *chi2_l, REAL8 *chip, REAL8 *thetaJN, REAL8 *alpha0, REAL8 *phi_aligned, REAL8 *zeta_polariz, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 f_ref, const REAL8 phiRef, const REAL8 incl, const REAL8 s1x, const REAL8 s1y, const REAL8 s1z, const REAL8 s2x, const REAL8 s2y, const REAL8 s2z, IMRPhenomP_version_type IMRPhenomP_version)
 Function to map LAL parameters (masses, 6 spin components, phiRef and inclination at f_ref) (assumed to be in the source frame where LN points in the z direction i.e. More...
int XLALSimIMREOBNRv2DominantMode (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, const REAL8 phiC, const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1SI, const REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 fLower, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination)
 This function generates the plus and cross polarizations for the dominant (2,2) mode of the EOBNRv2 approximant. More...
int XLALSimIMREOBNRv2AllModes (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, const REAL8 phiC, const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1SI, const REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 fLower, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination)
 This function generates the plus and cross polarizations for the EOBNRv2 approximant with all available modes included. More...
SphHarmTimeSeriesXLALSimIMREOBNRv2Modes (const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 fLower, const REAL8 distance)
 Wrapper function to generate the -2 spin-weighted spherical harmonic modes (as opposed to generating the polarizations). More...
double XLALSimIMRSpinAlignedEOBPeakFrequency (REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 spin1z, const REAL8 spin2z, UINT4 SpinAlignedEOBversion)
 This function returns the frequency at which the peak amplitude occurs in SEOBNRv(x) More...
int XLALSimIMRSpinAlignedEOBWaveform (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, const REAL8 phiC, REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1SI, const REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 fMin, const REAL8 r, const REAL8 inc, const REAL8 spin1z, const REAL8 spin2z, UINT4 SpinAlignedEOBversion, LALDict *LALparams)
int XLALSimIMRSpinAlignedEOBWaveformAll (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, const REAL8 phiC, REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1SI, const REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 fMin, const REAL8 r, const REAL8 inc, const REAL8 spin1z, const REAL8 spin2z, UINT4 SpinAlignedEOBversion, const REAL8 lambda2Tidal1, const REAL8 lambda2Tidal2, const REAL8 omega02Tidal1, const REAL8 omega02Tidal2, const REAL8 lambda3Tidal1, const REAL8 lambda3Tidal2, const REAL8 omega03Tidal1, const REAL8 omega03Tidal2, const REAL8 quadparam1, const REAL8 quadparam2, REAL8Vector *nqcCoeffsInput, const INT4 nqcFlag, LALValue *ModeArray, LALDict *TGRParams)
 This function takes the modes from the function XLALSimIMRSpinAlignedEOBModes and combine them into h+ and hx. More...
int XLALSimIMRSpinAlignedEOBModes (SphHarmTimeSeries **hlmmode, REAL8Vector **dynamics_out, REAL8Vector **dynamicsHi_out, REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1SI, const REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 fMin, const REAL8 r, const REAL8 spin1z, const REAL8 spin2z, UINT4 SpinAlignedEOBversion, const REAL8 lambda2Tidal1, const REAL8 lambda2Tidal2, const REAL8 omega02Tidal1, const REAL8 omega02Tidal2, const REAL8 lambda3Tidal1, const REAL8 lambda3Tidal2, const REAL8 omega03Tidal1, const REAL8 omega03Tidal2, const REAL8 quadparam1, const REAL8 quadparam2, REAL8Vector *nqcCoeffsInput, const INT4 nqcFlag, LALDict *PAParams, LALDict *TGRParams)
 This function generates spin-aligned SEOBNRv1,2,2opt,4,4opt,2T,4T,4HM complex modes hlm. More...
int XLALSimIMRSpinEOBWaveform (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, const REAL8 phiC, const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1SI, const REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 fMin, const REAL8 r, const REAL8 inc, const REAL8 spin1[], const REAL8 spin2[], const UINT4 PrecEOBversion)
 Standard interface for SEOBNRv3 waveform generator: calls XLALSimIMRSpinEOBWaveformAll. More...
int XLALSimIMRSpinEOBWaveformAll (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, REAL8Vector **dynamicsHi, SphHarmTimeSeries **hlmPTSout, SphHarmTimeSeries **hlmPTSHi, SphHarmTimeSeries **hIMRlmJTSHi, SphHarmTimeSeries **hIMRoutput, REAL8Vector **AttachParams, const REAL8 phiC, const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1SI, const REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 fMin, const REAL8 r, const REAL8 inc, const REAL8 INspin1x, const REAL8 INspin1y, const REAL8 INspin1z, const REAL8 INspin2x, const REAL8 INspin2y, const REAL8 INspin2z, const UINT4 PrecEOBversion)
 This function generates precessing spinning SEOBNRv3 waveforms h+ and hx. More...
int XLALEOBHighestInitialFreq (REAL8 *freqMinRad, REAL8 mTotal)
int XLALEOBCheckNyquistFrequency (REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 spin1[3], REAL8 spin2[3], UINT4 ell_max, Approximant approx, REAL8 deltaT)
int XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBWaveformAll (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, SphHarmTimeSeries **hIlm, SphHarmTimeSeries **hJlm, REAL8Vector **seobdynamicsAdaSVector, REAL8Vector **seobdynamicsHiSVector, REAL8Vector **seobdynamicsAdaSHiSVector, REAL8Vector **tVecPmodes, REAL8Vector **hP22_amp, REAL8Vector **hP22_phase, REAL8Vector **hP21_amp, REAL8Vector **hP21_phase, REAL8Vector **hP33_amp, REAL8Vector **hP33_phase, REAL8Vector **hP44_amp, REAL8Vector **hP44_phase, REAL8Vector **hP55_amp, REAL8Vector **hP55_phase, REAL8Vector **alphaJ2P, REAL8Vector **betaJ2P, REAL8Vector **gammaJ2P, REAL8Vector **mergerParams, const REAL8 phiC, const REAL8 INdeltaT, const REAL8 m1SI, const REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 fMin, const REAL8 r, const REAL8 inc, const REAL8 chi1x, const REAL8 chi1y, const REAL8 chi1z, const REAL8 chi2x, const REAL8 chi2y, const REAL8 chi2z, LALValue *modearray, LALDict *seobflags)
 This function is the master function generating precessing spinning SEOBNRv4P waveforms h+ and hx. More...
int XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBWaveform (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, const REAL8 phiC, const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1SI, const REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 fMin, const REAL8 r, const REAL8 inc, const REAL8 INspin1[], const REAL8 INspin2[], const UINT4 PrecEOBversion, LALDict *LALParams)
SphHarmTimeSeriesXLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBModes (const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1SI, const REAL8 m2SI, const REAL8 fMin, const REAL8 r, const REAL8 INspin1[], const REAL8 INspin2[], const UINT4 PrecEOBversion, LALDict *LALParams)
int XLALSimIMREOBNRv2HMROM (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, const int higherModesFlag)
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv1ROMEffectiveSpin (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi)
 Compute waveform in LAL format for the SEOBNRv1_ROM_EffectiveSpin model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv1ROMEffectiveSpinFrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the SEOBNRv1_ROM_EffectiveSpin model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv1ROMDoubleSpin (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute waveform in LAL format for the SEOBNRv1_ROM_DoubleSpin model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv1ROMDoubleSpinFrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the SEOBNRv1_ROM_DoubleSpin model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMEffectiveSpin (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi)
 Compute waveform in LAL format for the SEOBNRv2_ROM_EffectiveSpin model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMEffectiveSpinFrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the SEOBNRv2_ROM_EffectiveSpin model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMEffectiveSpinTimeOfFrequency (REAL8 *t, REAL8 frequency, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi)
 Compute the 'time' elapsed in the ROM waveform from a given starting frequency until the ringdown. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMEffectiveSpinFrequencyOfTime (REAL8 *frequency, REAL8 t, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi)
 Compute the starting frequency so that the given amount of 'time' elapses in the ROM waveform from the starting frequency until the ringdown. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpin (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute waveform in LAL format for the SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinFrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinTimeOfFrequency (REAL8 *t, REAL8 frequency, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute the 'time' elapsed in the ROM waveform from a given starting frequency until the ringdown. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinFrequencyOfTime (REAL8 *frequency, REAL8 t, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute the starting frequency so that the given amount of 'time' elapses in the ROM waveform from the starting frequency until the ringdown. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinAmpPhaseInterpolants (struct tagREAL8Vector **amplitude_interp, struct tagREAL8Vector **amplitude_freq_points, struct tagREAL8Vector **phase_interp, struct tagREAL8Vector **phase_freq_points, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute the Amplitude and Phase interpolants for the SEOBNRv2DoubleSpin model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHI (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max)
 Compute waveform in LAL format for the SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin_HI model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHIFrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin_HI model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHITimeOfFrequency (REAL8 *t, REAL8 frequency, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute the 'time' elapsed in the ROM waveform from a given starting frequency until the ringdown. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHIFrequencyOfTime (REAL8 *frequency, REAL8 t, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute the starting frequency so that the given amount of 'time' elapses in the ROM waveform from the starting frequency until the ringdown. More...
REAL8 XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ChirpTimeSingleSpin (const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 chi, const REAL8 f_min)
 Compute SEOBNRv2 chirp time from an interpolant assuming a single-spin. More...
int XLALSimIMRLackeyTidal2013 (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 mBH_SI, REAL8 mNS_SI, REAL8 chi_BH, REAL8 Lambda)
 Compute waveform in LAL format for the Lackey et al (2013) tidal model based on SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin_HI. More...
int XLALSimIMRLackeyTidal2013FrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 mBH_SI, REAL8 mNS_SI, REAL8 chi_BH, REAL8 Lambda)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the Lackey et al (2013) tidal model based on SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin_HI. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROM (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max, LALDict *LALparams, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version)
 Compute waveform in LAL format for the SEOBNRv4_ROM model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMFrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max, LALDict *LALparams, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the SEOBNRv4_ROM model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMTimeOfFrequency (REAL8 *t, REAL8 frequency, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute the 'time' elapsed in the ROM waveform from a given starting frequency until the ringdown. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMFrequencyOfTime (REAL8 *frequency, REAL8 t, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute the starting frequency so that the given amount of 'time' elapses in the ROM waveform from the starting frequency until the ringdown. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4HMROM (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max, UINT4 nModes, bool use_hybridization, LALDict *LALParams)
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4HMROMFrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max, UINT4 nModes, LALDict *LALParams)
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4HMROM_Modes (SphHarmFrequencySeries **hlm, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max, UINT4 nModes, bool use_hybridization)
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4HMROMFrequencySequence_Modes (SphHarmFrequencySeries **hlm, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max, UINT4 nModes, LALDict *LALParams)
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5HMROM (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max, UINT4 nModes, bool use_hybridization, LALDict *LALParams)
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5HMROMFrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max, UINT4 nModes, LALDict *LALParams)
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5HMROM_Modes (SphHarmFrequencySeries **hlm, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max, UINT4 nModes, bool use_hybridization)
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5HMROMFrequencySequence_Modes (SphHarmFrequencySeries **hlm, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, INT4 nk_max, UINT4 nModes, LALDict *LALParams)
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5ROMTimeOfFrequency (REAL8 *t, REAL8 frequency, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2)
 Compute the 'time' elapsed in the ROM waveform from a given starting frequency until the ringdown. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMNRTidalFrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, REAL8 Lambda1, REAL8 Lambda2, LALDict *LALparams, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the SEOBNRv4_ROM_NRTidal tidal model based on SEOBNRv4_ROM. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMNRTidal (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, REAL8 Lambda1, REAL8 Lambda2, LALDict *LALparams, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version)
 Compute waveform in LAL format for the SEOBNRv4_ROM_NRTidal tidal model based on SEOBNRv4_ROM. More...
REAL8 XLALbbh_final_mass_non_precessing_UIB2016 (const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 chi1, const REAL8 chi2)
 Calculate the final mass with the aligned-spin NR fit. More...
REAL8 XLALbbh_final_spin_non_precessing_UIB2016 (const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 chi1, const REAL8 chi2)
 Calculate the final spin with the aligned-spin NR fit. More...
REAL8 XLALBHNS_mass_aligned (const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 chi1, const REAL8 lam)
 Compute final black hole mass for aligned black hole spin. More...
REAL8 XLALBHNS_spin_aligned (const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 chi1, const REAL8 lam)
 Compute final black hole spin for aligned black hole spin. More...
int XLALSEOBNRv4ROMNSBHAmplitudeCorrectionFrequencySeries (const REAL8Sequence *amp_tidal, const REAL8Sequence *fHz, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 lambda2)
 Compute amplitude correction to SEOBNRv4_ROM_NRTidalv2 in LAL format at specified frequencies for the SEOBNRv4_ROM_NRTidalv2_NSBH model, incorporating tidal disruption effects. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4TSurrogate (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, REAL8 lambda1, REAL8 lambda2, SEOBNRv4TSurrogate_spline_order spline_order)
 Compute waveform in LAL format for the SEOBNRv4T_surrogate model. More...
int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4TSurrogateFrequencySequence (struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 m1SI, REAL8 m2SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, REAL8 lambda1, REAL8 lambda2, SEOBNRv4TSurrogate_spline_order spline_order)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the SEOBNRv4T_surrogate model. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenSpinFinalMassSpin (REAL8 *finalMass, REAL8 *finalSpin, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 s1s1, REAL8 s2s2, REAL8 s1L, REAL8 s2L, REAL8 s1s2, REAL8 energy)
int XLALSimSpinInspiralGenerator (REAL8TimeSeries **hPlus, REAL8TimeSeries **hCross, REAL8 phi_start, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_ref, REAL8 r, REAL8 iota, REAL8 s1x, REAL8 s1y, REAL8 s1z, REAL8 s2x, REAL8 s2y, REAL8 s2z, int phaseO, int ampO, REAL8 lambda1, REAL8 lambda2, REAL8 quadparam1, REAL8 quadparam2, LALDict *LALparams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenSpinInspiralRDGenerator (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, REAL8 phi0, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_ref, REAL8 r, REAL8 iota, REAL8 s1x, REAL8 s1y, REAL8 s1z, REAL8 s2x, REAL8 s2y, REAL8 s2z, int phaseO, int ampO, REAL8 lambda1, REAL8 lambda2, REAL8 quadparam1, REAL8 quadparam2, LALDict *LALparams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXASGenerateFD (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde22, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, REAL8 distance, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Driver routine to calculate an IMRPhenomX aligned-spin, inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform model in the frequency domain. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXASFrequencySequence (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde22, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, REAL8 distance, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the IMRPhenomX model. More...
double XLALSimIMRPhenomXASDuration (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, REAL8 f_min)
 Compute the duration of IMRPhenomXAS using the approximate SPA relation \(t_f \sim \frac{1}{2 \pi} \frac{d \varphi}{d f} \). More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPMSAAngles (REAL8Sequence **alpha_of_f, REAL8Sequence **gamma_of_f, REAL8Sequence **cosbeta_of_f, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 fRef_In, INT4 mprime, LALDict *lalParams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPPNAngles (REAL8Sequence **alpha_of_f, REAL8Sequence **gamma_of_f, REAL8Sequence **cosbeta_of_f, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 fRef_In, INT4 mprime, LALDict *lalParams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPSpinTaylorAngles (REAL8Sequence **alphaFS, REAL8Sequence **cosbetaFS, REAL8Sequence **gammaFS, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 s1x, REAL8 s1y, REAL8 s1z, REAL8 s2x, REAL8 s2y, REAL8 s2z, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fmax, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *LALparams)
 XLAL function that evaluates the SpinTaylor Euler angles on a frequency grid passed by the user. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPGenerateFD (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination, const REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRfRingEff (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, LALDict *lalParams)
REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRafinal (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, LALDict *lalParams)
REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRafinal_prec (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, LALDict *lalParams)
REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRafinal_nonprec (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, LALDict *lalParams)
REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRwindow (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, LALDict *lalParams)
REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRfRINGEffShiftDividedByEmm (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, LALDict *lalParams)
REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRbetaRD (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, LALDict *lalParams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPFrequencySequence (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination, const REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the IMRPhenomXP model. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHMModes (SphHarmFrequencySeries **hlms, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 S1z, REAL8 S2z, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 f_ref, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 distance, LALDict *LALparams)
 Function to obtain a SphHarmFrequencySeries with the individual modes h_lm. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHMGenerateFDOneMode (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htildelm, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, UINT4 ell, INT4 emm, REAL8 distance, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Returns the Fourier domain strain of just one mode: h_lm. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHMFrequencySequenceOneMode (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htildelm, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, UINT4 ell, INT4 emm, REAL8 distance, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Get the model evaluated in a prebuilt frequency array. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHM (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Returns the hptilde and hctilde of the multimode waveform for positive frequencies. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHM2 (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, REAL8 distance, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Returns the hptilde and hctilde of the multimode waveform for positive frequencies. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHMMultiBandOneMode (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htildelm, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, UINT4 ell, INT4 emm, REAL8 distance, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Return htildelm, the waveform of one mode without mode-mixing. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHMMultiBandOneModeMixing (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htildelm, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *htilde22, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, UINT4 ell, INT4 emm, REAL8 distance, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Returns htildelm the waveform of one mode that present mode-mixing. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHMAmplitude (REAL8Sequence **amplitude, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, UINT4 ell, INT4 emm, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 S1x, REAL8 S1y, REAL8 S1z, REAL8 S2x, REAL8 S2y, REAL8 S2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Returns amplitude of one single mode in a custom frequency array. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHMPhase (REAL8Sequence **phase, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, UINT4 ell, INT4 emm, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 S1x, REAL8 S1y, REAL8 S1z, REAL8 S2x, REAL8 S2y, REAL8 S2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Returns phase of one single mode in a custom frequency array. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHM_SpheroidalPhase (REAL8Sequence **phase, const REAL8Sequence *freqs_In, UINT4 ell, INT4 emm, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, REAL8 distance, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHM_SpheroidalAmplitude (REAL8Sequence **amp, const REAL8Sequence *freqs_In, UINT4 ell, INT4 emm, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, REAL8 distance, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPHM (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Returns hptilde and hctilde of the multimode precessing waveform for positive frequencies in an equally spaced grid. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPHMFromModes (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination, const REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Returns hptilde and hctilde of the multimode precessing waveform for positive frequencies in an equally space grid. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXHMFrequencySequence (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, LALDict *lalParams)
 Returns hptilde and hctilde as a complex frequency series with entries exactly at the frequencies specified in the REAL8Sequence *freqs (which can be unequally spaced). More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPHMFrequencySequence (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Returns hptilde and hctilde as a complex frequency series with entries exactly at the frequencies specified in the REAL8Sequence *freqs (which can be unequally spaced). More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPHMOneMode (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hlmpos, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hlmneg, const UINT4 l, const INT4 m, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination, const REAL8 phiRef, const REAL8 deltaF, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_max, const REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Function to compute one hlm precessing mode in an uniform frequency grid. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPHMFrequencySequenceOneMode (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hlmpos, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hlmneg, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, const UINT4 l, const INT4 m, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination, const REAL8 phiRef, const REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 Function to compute one hlm precessing mode on a custom frequency grid. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPHMModes (SphHarmFrequencySeries **hlms, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 S1x, REAL8 S1y, REAL8 S1z, REAL8 S2x, REAL8 S2y, REAL8 S2z, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 f_ref, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, LALDict *LALparams)
 Function to obtain a SphHarmFrequencySeries with the individual modes h_lm. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPCalculateModelParametersFromSourceFrame (REAL8 *chi1L, REAL8 *chi2L, REAL8 *chi_p, REAL8 *thetaJN, REAL8 *alpha0, REAL8 *phi_aligned, REAL8 *zeta_polarization, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 f_ref, const REAL8 phiRef, const REAL8 incl, const REAL8 s1x, const REAL8 s1y, const REAL8 s1z, const REAL8 s2x, const REAL8 s2y, const REAL8 s2z, LALDict *lalParams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_GeneratePNRAngles (REAL8Sequence **alphaPNR, REAL8Sequence **betaPNR, REAL8Sequence **gammaPNR, REAL8Sequence **freqs, REAL8 *alphaPNR_ref, REAL8 *gammaPNR_ref, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 This is an external wrapper to generate the (2,2) PNR angles, following the prescription outlined in arXiv:2107.08876, given the standard inputs given to generate FD waveforms. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_GeneratePNRAnglesHM (REAL8Sequence **alphaPNR, REAL8Sequence **betaPNR, REAL8Sequence **gammaPNR, REAL8Sequence **freqs, REAL8 *alphaPNR_ref, REAL8 *gammaPNR_ref, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 fRef_In, INT4 ell, INT4 emmprime, LALDict *lalParams)
 This is an external wrapper to generate the (l,m) PNR angles, following the prescriptions outlined in arXiv:2107.08876 and arXiv:##### FIXME: add reference, given the standard inputs given to generate FD waveforms. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_InterpolationDeltaF (INT4 *twospin, INT4 *precversion, REAL8 *deltaF, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 fRef, LALDict *lalParams)
REAL8 XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_GenerateEffectiveRingdownFreq (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 fRef, UINT4 ell, UINT4 emmprime, LALDict *lalParams)
 External wrapper for IMRPhenomX_PNR_GenerateEffectiveRingdownFreq. More...
REAL8 XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_GenerateRingdownPNRBeta (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 External wrapper for IMRPhenomX_PNR_GenerateRingdownPNRBeta. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_GenerateAntisymmetricWaveform (REAL8Sequence **antisymamp, REAL8Sequence **antisymphase, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 fRef_In, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *lalParams)
 EXTERNAL GENERATE antisymmetric waveform This is an external wrapper to generate the (2,2) and (2,-2) antisymmetric waveform, given the standard inputs given to generate FD waveforms. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_GenerateAntisymmetricAmpRatio (REAL8Sequence **kappa, REAL8Sequence **freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 f_min, REAL8 f_max, REAL8 fRef_In, LALDict *lalParams)
 EXTERNAL GENERATE Antisymmetric Amplitude Ratio This is an external wrapper to generate the (2,2) antisymmetric amplitude ratio amplitude given the standard inputs given to generate FD waveforms. More...
SphHarmTimeSeriesXLALSimIMRPhenomTHM_Modes (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, REAL8 distance, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *lalParams)
 Routine to compute time domain Spin-Weighted Spherical Harmonic modes for IMRPhenomTHM model. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomTHM (REAL8TimeSeries **hp, REAL8TimeSeries **hc, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *lalparams)
 Routine to compute time domain polarisations for IMRPhenomTHM model. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomT (REAL8TimeSeries **hp, REAL8TimeSeries **hc, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1L, REAL8 chi2L, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *lalParams)
 Routine to compute time domain polarisations for IMRPhenomT model. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomTP (REAL8TimeSeries **hp, REAL8TimeSeries **hc, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *lalParams)
 Routine to compute time-domain polarizations for the IMRPhenomTP model. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomTPHM (REAL8TimeSeries **hp, REAL8TimeSeries **hc, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *lalParams)
 Routine to compute time-domain polarizations for the IMRPhenomTPHM model. More...
SphHarmTimeSeriesXLALSimIMRPhenomTPHM_ChooseTDModes (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fRef, LALDict *lalParams)
 Routine to be used by ChooseTDModes, it returns a list of the time-domain modes of the IMRPhenomTPHM model in the inertial L0-frame. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomTPHM_L0Modes (SphHarmTimeSeries **hlmI, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *lalParams, UINT4 only22)
 Routine to compute a list of the time-domain modes of the IMRPhenomTPHM model in the inertial L0-frame. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomTPHM_JModes (SphHarmTimeSeries **hlmJ, REAL8TimeSeries **alphaTS, REAL8TimeSeries **cosbetaTS, REAL8TimeSeries **gammaTS, REAL8 *af, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *lalParams, UINT4 only22)
 Routine to compute a list of the time-domain modes of the IMRPhenomTPHM model in the inertial J-frame. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomTPHM_EvolveOrbit (REAL8TimeSeries **V, REAL8TimeSeries **S1x, REAL8TimeSeries **S1y, REAL8TimeSeries **S1z, REAL8TimeSeries **S2x, REAL8TimeSeries **S2y, REAL8TimeSeries **S2z, REAL8TimeSeries **LNhatx, REAL8TimeSeries **LNhaty, REAL8TimeSeries **LNhatz, REAL8TimeSeries **E1x, REAL8TimeSeries **E1y, REAL8TimeSeries **E1z, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *lalParams)
 Function to return the time series for the evolution of the individual spins, the Newtonian angular momentum direction and the orbital plane basis vector E. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomTPHM_CoprecModes (SphHarmTimeSeries **hlmJ, REAL8TimeSeries **alphaTS, REAL8TimeSeries **cosbetaTS, REAL8TimeSeries **gammaTS, REAL8 *af, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, REAL8 distance, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 fmin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 phiRef, LALDict *lalParams, UINT4 only22)
 Routine to compute a list of the time-domain modes of the IMRPhenomTPHM model in the co-precessing frame. More...
int XLALSimIMRTEOBResumS (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, const REAL8 phiRef, const REAL8 deltaT, const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 S1x, const REAL8 S1y, const REAL8 S1z, const REAL8 S2x, const REAL8 S2y, const REAL8 S2z, const REAL8 lambda1, const REAL8 lambda2, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination, const REAL8 longAscNodes, LALDict *LALparams, const REAL8 eccentricity, const REAL8 meanPerAno, const REAL8 f_min, const REAL8 f_ref)
int XLALSimInspiralNRWaveformGetSpinsFromHDF5File (REAL8 *S1x, REAL8 *S1y, REAL8 *S1z, REAL8 *S2x, REAL8 *S2y, REAL8 *S2z, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 mTot, const char *NRDataFile)
int XLALSimInspiralNRWaveformGetHplusHcross (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 r, REAL8 fStart, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 s1x, REAL8 s1y, REAL8 s1z, REAL8 s2x, REAL8 s2y, REAL8 s2z, const char *NRDataFile, LALValue *ModeArray)
INT4 XLALSimInspiralNRWaveformGetHlms (SphHarmTimeSeries **hlms, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 r, REAL8 fStart, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 s1x, REAL8 s1y, REAL8 s1z, REAL8 s2x, REAL8 s2y, REAL8 s2z, const char *NRDataFile, LALValue *ModeArray)
int XLALSimInspiralPrecessingNRSurPolarizations (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 distnace, REAL8 fMin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 s1x, REAL8 s1y, REAL8 s1z, REAL8 s2x, REAL8 s2y, REAL8 s2z, LALDict *LALparams, Approximant approximant)
 This function evaluates the NRSur7dq2 or NRSur7dq4 surrogate model and sums over all ell <= 4 modes to obtain the + and x polarizations. More...
SphHarmTimeSeriesXLALSimInspiralPrecessingNRSurModes (REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 S1x, REAL8 S1y, REAL8 S1z, REAL8 S2x, REAL8 S2y, REAL8 S2z, REAL8 fMin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, LALDict *LALparams, Approximant approximant)
 This function evaluates the NRSur7dq2 or NRSur7dq4 surrogate model and returns the inertial frame modes in the form of a SphHarmTimeSeries. More...
int XLALPrecessingNRSurDynamics (gsl_vector **t_dynamics, gsl_vector **quat0, gsl_vector **quat1, gsl_vector **quat2, gsl_vector **quat3, gsl_vector **orbphase, gsl_vector **chiAx, gsl_vector **chiAy, gsl_vector **chiAz, gsl_vector **chiBx, gsl_vector **chiBy, gsl_vector **chiBz, REAL8 q, REAL8 chiA0x, REAL8 chiA0y, REAL8 chiA0z, REAL8 chiB0x, REAL8 chiB0y, REAL8 chiB0z, REAL8 omegaRef_dimless, REAL8 init_quat0, REAL8 init_quat1, REAL8 init_quat2, REAL8 init_quat3, REAL8 init_orbphase, LALDict *LALparams, Approximant approximant)
 This function evaluates the NRSur7dq2 or NRSur7dq4 surrogate model and returns the precessing frame dynamics. More...
int XLALNRSur7dq4Remnant (gsl_vector **result, REAL8 q, REAL8 s1x, REAL8 s1y, REAL8 s1z, REAL8 s2x, REAL8 s2y, REAL8 s2z, char *remnant_property, LALDict *LALparams)
 Returns the remnant BH's mass, spin, or kick according to NRSur7dq4Remnant model. More...
int XLALNRSur3dq8Remnant (REAL8 *result, REAL8 q, REAL8 s1z, REAL8 s2z, char *remnant_property, LALDict *LALparams)
 Returns the remnant BH's mass, spin, or kick according to NRSur3dq8Remnant model. More...
double XLALSimNRTunedTidesComputeKappa2T (REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 lambda1, REAL8 lambda2)
 convenient function to compute tidal coupling constant. More...
double XLALSimNRTunedTidesMergerFrequency (const REAL8 mtot_MSUN, const REAL8 kappa2T, const REAL8 q)
 compute the merger frequency of a BNS system. More...
int XLALSimNRTunedTidesSetFDTidalPhase_v2_Coeffs (REAL8 *NRTidalv2_coeffs)
 Set the NRTidalv2 phase coefficients in an array for use here and in the IMRPhenomX*_NRTidalv2 implementation. More...
int XLALSimNRTunedTidesFDTidalAmplitudeFrequencySeries (const REAL8Sequence *amp_tidal, const REAL8Sequence *fHz, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 lambda1, REAL8 lambda2)
 Function to call amplitude tidal series only; done for convenience to use for PhenomD_NRTidalv2 and SEOBNRv4_ROM_NRTidalv2. More...
int XLALSimNRTunedTidesFDTidalPhaseFrequencySeries (const REAL8Sequence *phi_tidal, const REAL8Sequence *amp_tidal, const REAL8Sequence *planck_taper, const REAL8Sequence *fHz, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 lambda1, REAL8 lambda2, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version)
 Function to call the frequency domain tidal correction over an array of input frequencies. More...
void XLALSimInspiralGetHOSpinTerms (REAL8 *SS_3p5PN, REAL8 *SSS_3p5PN, REAL8 X_A, REAL8 X_B, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, REAL8 quadparam1, REAL8 quadparam2)
 Function to add 3.5PN spin-squared and 3.5PN spin-cubed terms. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomDNRTidal (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, REAL8 lambda1, REAL8 lambda2, LALDict *extraParams, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version)
 Compute waveform in LAL format for the IMRPhenomD_NRTidal tidal model based on IMRPhenomD. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomDNRTidalFrequencySequence (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1, REAL8 chi2, REAL8 lambda1, REAL8 lambda2, LALDict *extraParams, NRTidal_version_type NRTidal_version)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the IMRPhenomD_NRTidal tidal model based on IMRPhenomD. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomHM (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination, const REAL8 phiRef, const REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 f_ref, LALDict *extraParams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenomHMGethlmModes (SphHarmFrequencySeries **hlms, REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 phiRef, const REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 f_ref, LALDict *extraParams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBHFrequencySequence (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 mBH_SI, REAL8 mNS_SI, REAL8 chi_BH, REAL8 chi_NS, LALDict *extraParams)
 Compute waveform in LAL format at specified frequencies for the IMRPhenomNSBH model. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomNSBH (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **htilde, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 fLow, REAL8 fHigh, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, REAL8 mBH_SI, REAL8 mNS_SI, REAL8 chi_BH, REAL8 chi_NS, LALDict *extraParams)
 Driver routine to compute the single-spin, non-precessing, neutron-star-black-hole, inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomNSBH in the frequency domain in LAL format. More...
int XLALComputeAngles2PNNonSpinning (REAL8Sequence *phiz_of_f, REAL8Sequence *zeta_of_f, REAL8Sequence *costhetaL_of_f, const REAL8Sequence *f, const double m1, const double m2, const double mul, const double phl, const double mu1, const double ph1, const double ch1, const double mu2, const double ph2, double ch2, const double f_0, const int ExpansionOrder)
int XLALComputeAngles3PN (REAL8Sequence *phiz_of_f, REAL8Sequence *zeta_of_f, REAL8Sequence *costhetaL_of_f, const REAL8Sequence *f, const double m1, const double m2, const double mul, const double phl, const double mu1, const double ph1, const double ch1, const double mu2, const double ph2, double ch2, const double f_0, const int ExpansionOrder)
int XLALComputeAngles (REAL8Sequence *phiz_of_f, REAL8Sequence *zeta_of_f, REAL8Sequence *costhetaL_of_f, const REAL8Sequence *f, const double m1, const double m2, const double mul, const double phl, const double mu1, const double ph1, const double ch1, const double mu2, const double ph2, double ch2, const double f_0, const int ExpansionOrder)
int XLALOrbitalAngMom3PNSpinning (REAL8Sequence *L_norm_3PN, REAL8Sequence *f_orb_hz, const double m1, const double m2, const double mul, const double phl, double mu1, double ph1, double ch1, double mu2, double ph2, double ch2, const double f_0, const int ExpansionOrder)
 Standalone function to compute the magnitude of L divided by GMsquare_over_c to 3PN order with spin terms as a function of the orbital frequency in Hz. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3 (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 S1x, REAL8 S1y, REAL8 S1z, REAL8 S2x, REAL8 S2y, REAL8 S2z, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination, const REAL8 phiRef, const REAL8 deltaF, const REAL8 f_ref, LALDict *extraParams)
 Driver routine to compute the precessing inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomPv3 in the frequency domain. More...
int XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3HMGetHplusHcross (COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hptilde, COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **hctilde, REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 distance, const REAL8 inclination, const REAL8 phiRef, const REAL8 deltaF, REAL8 f_ref, LALDict *extraParams)
int XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3HMModes (SphHarmFrequencySeries **hlms, REAL8Sequence *freqs, REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 phiRef, const REAL8 deltaF, const REAL8 f_ref, LALDict *extraParams)
 Returns frequency domain hlm's in inertial frame. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


#define EOB_RD_EFOLDS   10.0
 The number of e-folds of ringdown which should be attached for EOBNR models. More...


enum  IMRPhenomP_version_type { IMRPhenomPv1_V , IMRPhenomPv2_V , IMRPhenomPv2NRTidal_V , IMRPhenomPv3_V }
enum  NRTidal_version_type {
  NRTidal_V , NRTidalv2_V , NRTidalv2NoAmpCorr_V , NRTidalv2NSBH_V ,
enum  SEOBNRv4TSurrogate_spline_order { SEOBNRv4TSurrogate_CUBIC , SEOBNRv4TSurrogate_LINEAR }

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ flagSEOBNRv4P_hamiltonian_derivative


use analytical derivatives (opt)


use numerical derivatives (pre-opt)

Definition at line 270 of file LALSimIMR.h.

◆ flagSEOBNRv4P_euler_extension


QNM-based simple precession prescription post-merger.


Euler angles set to constants post-merger.

Definition at line 275 of file LALSimIMR.h.

◆ flagSEOBNRv4P_Zframe


set Z axis of the P-frame along L


set Z axis of the P-frame along LN

Definition at line 280 of file LALSimIMR.h.

Function Documentation

◆ XLALIMRPhenomDGetPeakFreq()

double XLALIMRPhenomDGetPeakFreq ( const REAL8  m1_in,
const REAL8  m2_in,
const REAL8  chi1_in,
const REAL8  chi2_in 

Function to return the frequency (in Hz) of the peak of the frequency domain amplitude for the IMRPhenomD model.

The peak is a parameter in the PhenomD model given by Eq. 20 in 1508.07253 where it is called f_peak in the paper.

m1_inmass of companion 1 [Msun]
m2_inmass of companion 2 [Msun]
chi1_inaligned-spin of companion 1
chi2_inaligned-spin of companion 2

Definition at line 507 of file LALSimIMRPhenomD.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomDChirpTime()

double XLALSimIMRPhenomDChirpTime ( const REAL8  m1_SI,
const REAL8  m2_SI,
const REAL8  chi1_in,
const REAL8  chi2_in,
const REAL8  fHzSt 

Estimates the length of the time domain IMRPhenomD signal This does NOT taking into account any tapering that is used to condition the Fourier domain waveform to compute the inverse Fourer transform.

To estimate the length we assume that the waveform only reaches the the highest physics frequency i.e. the ringdown frequency. unreviewed

m1_SIMass of companion 1 (kg)
m2_SIMass of companion 2 (kg)
chi1_inaligned-spin of companion 1
chi2_inaligned-spin of companion 2
fHzStarbitrary starting frequency in Hz

Definition at line 597 of file LALSimIMRPhenomD.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomDFinalSpin()

double XLALSimIMRPhenomDFinalSpin ( const REAL8  m1_in,
const REAL8  m2_in,
const REAL8  chi1_in,
const REAL8  chi2_in 

Function to return the final spin (spin of the remnant black hole) as predicted by the IMRPhenomD model.

The final spin is calculated using the phenomenological fit described in PhysRevD.93.044006 Eq. 3.6. unreviewed

m1_inmass of companion 1 [Msun]
m2_inmass of companion 2 [Msun]
chi1_inaligned-spin of companion 1
chi2_inaligned-spin of companion 2

Definition at line 709 of file LALSimIMRPhenomD.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRSpinEOBWaveform()

int XLALSimIMRSpinEOBWaveform ( REAL8TimeSeries **  hplus,
REAL8TimeSeries **  hcross,
const REAL8  phiC,
const REAL8  deltaT,
const REAL8  m1SI,
const REAL8  m2SI,
const REAL8  fMin,
const REAL8  r,
const REAL8  inc,
const REAL8  spin1[],
const REAL8  spin2[],
const UINT4  PrecEOBversion 

Standard interface for SEOBNRv3 waveform generator: calls XLALSimIMRSpinEOBWaveformAll.

This time series contains harmonics in precessing (P) frame, no RD, for the end of the signal (high samling part)

This stores harmonics in J-frame, no RD, for the end of the signal (high sampling part)

Stores harmonics in J-frame with RD, for the end of the signal (high samling part)

stores harmonics of the full waveform in I-frame

hplus< OUTPUT, +-polarization waveform
hcross< OUTPUT, x-polarization waveform
phiC< coalescence orbital phase (rad)
deltaT< sampling time step
m1SI< mass-1 in SI unit (kg)
m2SI< mass-2 in SI unit (kg) 8
fMin< starting frequency (Hz)
r< luminosity distance in SI unit (m)
inc< inclination angle
spin1< spin1
spin2< spin2
PrecEOBversion< Precessing EOB waveform generator model

Definition at line 460 of file LALSimIMRSpinPrecEOB.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRSpinEOBWaveformAll()

int XLALSimIMRSpinEOBWaveformAll ( REAL8TimeSeries **  hplus,
REAL8TimeSeries **  hcross,
REAL8Vector **  dynHi,
SphHarmTimeSeries **  hlmPTSoutput,
SphHarmTimeSeries **  hlmPTSHiOutput,
SphHarmTimeSeries **  hIMRlmJTSHiOutput,
SphHarmTimeSeries **  hIMRoutput,
REAL8Vector **  AttachPars,
const REAL8  phiC,
const REAL8  deltaT,
const REAL8  m1SI,
const REAL8  m2SI,
const REAL8  fMin,
const REAL8  r,
const REAL8  inc,
const REAL8  INspin1x,
const REAL8  INspin1y,
const REAL8  INspin1z,
const REAL8  INspin2x,
const REAL8  INspin2y,
const REAL8  INspin2z,
const UINT4  PrecEOBversion 

This function generates precessing spinning SEOBNRv3 waveforms h+ and hx.

Currently, only h2m harmonics will be generated.

Input conventions: Cartesian coordinate system: initial \(\vec{L}_N\) is in the xz plane, rotated away from the z-axis by an angle inc phiC : in radians deltaT : in SI units (s) m1SI, m2SI : in SI units (kg) fMin : in SI units (Hz) r : in SI units (m) inc : in radians INspin{1,2}: in dimensionless units of m{1,2}^2

Evolution conventions: values[0-2]: r vector in units of total mass values[3-5]: pstar vector in units of reduced mass values[6-8]: S1 vector in units of (total mass)^2 values[9-11]: S2 vector in units of (total mass)^2 values[12-13]: phases (carrier and precession (Thomas)) in rads

Note that when the initial opening angles of the spins w.r.t. the initial Newtonian angular momentum are small, the aligned-spin SEOBNRv2 dynamics is used. However, the waveforms are then generated according the the SEOBNRv3 model: for example, they include the (2,1) mode.

STEP 0) Prepare parameters, including pre-computed coefficients for EOB Hamiltonian, flux and waveform STEP 1) Solve for initial conditions STEP 2) Evolve EOB trajectory both at low and high sampling rate STEP 3) Compute Euler angles to go from initial inertial frame to precessing frame STEP 4) Locate merger point and at that time calculate J, chi and kappa, and construct final J frame STEP 5) Generate quasi-nonprecessing waveforms in precessing frame STEP 6) Rotate quasi-nonprecessing waveforms from precessing to final-J-frame STEP 7) Attach ringdown to final-J-frame modes STEP 8) Rotate modes from final final-J-frame to initial inertial frame STEP 9) Compute h+, hx

NOTE: if the spin magnitude is less than 1.e-5 we put them explicitely to zero!

If the misalignment angle of spins with orbital angular momentum is less than <1.e-4 we treat them as aligned for evolution of the orbital dynamics

OPTV3: Define the SpinEOBH coefficients constants of Hamiltonian spin derivative calculation.

  • An alternative is to project the spins onto L = rXp *‍/

If spins are aligned/antialigned with LNhat to within 1e-4 rads, then use SEOBNRv2 dynamics

Euler angles to go from precessing to J-frame. Note that we follow in this code passive rotation Z-Y-Z and notations of Arun et al. arXiv 0810.5336, however the Wiegner D-matrix and mode rotation coded up in LAL for active rotation We make the angle transformation here in order to match two conventions

We search for maximum of the frame-invariant amplitude and set its time as time of coalescence (or reference time)

NOTE we are making again transformation between notations of Arun et. al adopted here and Wiegner matrix (active rotation) coded up in LAL

NOTE that we have use now different convention: the phi_ref (or one might call it phi_c) is now the azimuthal phase of the observer in the source (I-)frame. Together with inclination angle it defines the position of the observer in the (I-)frame associated with the source at t=0

hplus< output: hplus GW polarization
hcross< output: hcross GW polarization
dynHi< Here we store and return the seob dynamics for high sampling (end of inspiral)
hlmPTSoutput< Here we store and return the PWave (high sampling)
hlmPTSHiOutput< Here we store and return the JWave (high sampling)
hIMRlmJTSHiOutput< Here we store and return the JWaveIMR (high sampling)
hIMRoutput< Here we store and return the IWave (full)
AttachPars< Parameters of RD attachment:
phiC< intitial orbital phase
deltaT< sampling time step
m1SI< mass of first object in SI
m2SI< mass of second object in SI
fMin< fMin
r< luminosity distance in SI
inc< inclination
INspin1x< spin1 x-component
INspin1y< spin1 y-component
INspin1z< spin1 z-component
INspin2x< spin2 x-component
INspin2y< spin2 y-component
INspin2z< spin2 z-component
PrecEOBversion< Precessing EOB waveform generator model

Definition at line 583 of file LALSimIMRSpinPrecEOB.c.

◆ XLALEOBHighestInitialFreq()

int XLALEOBHighestInitialFreq ( REAL8 freqMinRad,
REAL8  mTotal 
freqMinRad< OUTPUT, lowest initial 22 mode frequency
mTotal< Total mass in units of solar masses

Definition at line 189 of file LALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBv4P.c.

◆ XLALEOBCheckNyquistFrequency()

int XLALEOBCheckNyquistFrequency ( REAL8  m1,
REAL8  m2,
REAL8  spin1[3],
REAL8  spin2[3],
UINT4  ell_max,
Approximant  approx,
REAL8  deltaT 

Definition at line 4503 of file LALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBv4P.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBWaveformAll()

int XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBWaveformAll ( REAL8TimeSeries **  hplus,
REAL8TimeSeries **  hcross,
SphHarmTimeSeries **  hIlm,
SphHarmTimeSeries **  hJlm,
REAL8Vector **  seobdynamicsAdaSVector,
REAL8Vector **  seobdynamicsHiSVector,
REAL8Vector **  seobdynamicsAdaSHiSVector,
REAL8Vector **  tVecPmodes,
REAL8Vector **  hP22_amp,
REAL8Vector **  hP22_phase,
REAL8Vector **  hP21_amp,
REAL8Vector **  hP21_phase,
REAL8Vector **  hP33_amp,
REAL8Vector **  hP33_phase,
REAL8Vector **  hP44_amp,
REAL8Vector **  hP44_phase,
REAL8Vector **  hP55_amp,
REAL8Vector **  hP55_phase,
REAL8Vector **  alphaJ2P,
REAL8Vector **  betaJ2P,
REAL8Vector **  gammaJ2P,
REAL8Vector **  mergerParams,
const REAL8  phi,
const REAL8  INdeltaT,
const REAL8  m1SI,
const REAL8  m2SI,
const REAL8  fMin,
const REAL8  r,
const REAL8  inc,
const REAL8  chi1x,
const REAL8  chi1y,
const REAL8  chi1z,
const REAL8  chi2x,
const REAL8  chi2y,
const REAL8  chi2z,
LALValue *  modearray,
LALDict *  seobflags 

This function is the master function generating precessing spinning SEOBNRv4P waveforms h+ and hx.

Currently, only h2m harmonics will be generated.

Input conventions: Cartesian coordinate system: initial \(\vec{L}_N\) is in the xz plane, rotated away from the z-axis by an angle inc phiC : in radians deltaT : in SI units (s) m1SI, m2SI : in SI units (kg) fMin : in SI units (Hz) r : in SI units (m) inc : in radians INspin{1,2}: in dimensionless units of m{1,2}^2

Evolution conventions: values[0-2]: r vector in units of total mass values[3-5]: pstar vector in units of reduced mass values[6-8]: S1 vector in units of (total mass)^2 values[9-11]: S2 vector in units of (total mass)^2 values[12-13]: phases (carrier and precession (Thomas)) in rads

Note that when the initial opening angles of the spins w.r.t. the initial Newtonian angular momentum are small, the aligned-spin SEOBNRv4 dynamics is used. However, the waveforms are then generated according to the SEOBNRv4P model: for example, they include the (2,1) mode.

STEP 0) Prepare parameters, including pre-computed coefficients for EOB Hamiltonian, flux and waveform STEP 1) Solve for initial conditions STEP 2) Evolve EOB trajectory with adaptive sampling (AdaS) STEP 3) Step back and evolve EOB trajectory at high sampling rate (HiS) STEP 4) Get final J/L/spins from HiS dynamics at peak of Omega, compute constant angles EulerI2J STEP 5) Compute P-frame 22 mode amp/phase on HiS and compute NQC coefficients STEP 6) Compute P-frame amp/phase for all modes on HiS, now including NQC STEP 7) Attach RD to the P-frame waveform STEP 8) Build the joined dynamics AdaS+HiS up to attachment, joined P-modes AdaS+HiS+RDpatch STEP 9) Compute Euler angles J2P from AdaS and HiS dynamics up to attachment STEP 10) Compute Euler angles J2P extension after attachment STEP 11) Compute modes hJlm on the output time series by rotating and interpolating the modes hPlm STEP 12) Rotate waveform from J-frame to the output I-frame on timeseries-sampling (constant Wigner coeffs) STEP 13) Compute hplus, hcross from I-frame waveform on timeseries sampling STEP -1) Cleanup

hplus< Main output: hplus GW polarization time series
hcross< Main output: hcross GW polarization time series
hIlm< Spherical modes time series for the waveform in the initial inertial frame
hJlm< Spherical modes time series for the waveform in the final-J inertial frame
seobdynamicsAdaSVector< Vector for extended dynamics values, adaptive sampling part
seobdynamicsHiSVector< Vector for extended dynamics values, high sampling part
seobdynamicsAdaSHiSVector< Vector for extended joined dynamics values
tVecPmodes< Time vector for the P-modes
hP22_amp< Vector for the hP22 mode amplitude
hP22_phase< Vector for the hP22 mode phase
hP21_amp< Vector for the hP21 mode amplitude
hP21_phase< Vector for the hP21 mode phase
hP33_amp< Vector for the hP33 mode amplitude
hP33_phase< Vector for the hP33 mode phase
hP44_amp< Vector for the hP44 mode amplitude
hP44_phase< Vector for the hP44 mode phase
hP55_amp< Vector for the hP55 mode amplitude
hP55_phase< Vector for the hP55 mode phase
alphaJ2P< Vector for the Euler angle alphaJ2P
betaJ2P< Vector for the Euler angle betaJ2P
gammaJ2P< Vector for the Euler angle gammaJ2P
mergerParams< Parameters at merger
phi< Input: phase
INdeltaT< Input: sampling time step in SI
m1SI< Input: mass of first object in SI
m2SI< Input: mass of second object in SI
fMin< Input: fMin
r< Input: luminosity distance in SI
inc< Input: inclination
chi1x< Input: spin1 x-component, dimensionless (in units of m1^2)
chi1y< Input: spin1 y-component, dimensionless (in units of m1^2)
chi1z< Input: spin1 z-component, dimensionless (in units of m1^2)
chi2x< Input: spin2 x-component, dimensionless (in units of m2^2)
chi2y< Input: spin2 y-component, dimensionless (in units of m2^2)
chi2z< Input: spin2 z-component, dimensionless (in units of m2^2)
modearray< Input: mode array for the hlm modes (m>0) to be generated in the P-frame -- has to include (2,2) mode -- modes with l larger than _SEOB_MODES_LMAX will be ignored
seobflags< Input: dictionary of SEOB flags

Definition at line 4571 of file LALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBv4P.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBWaveform()

int XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBWaveform ( REAL8TimeSeries **  hplus,
REAL8TimeSeries **  hcross,
const REAL8  phiC,
const REAL8  deltaT,
const REAL8  m1SI,
const REAL8  m2SI,
const REAL8  fMin,
const REAL8  r,
const REAL8  inc,
const REAL8  INspin1[],
const REAL8  INspin2[],
const UINT4  PrecEOBversion,
LALDict *  LALParams 

◆ XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBModes()

SphHarmTimeSeries* XLALSimIMRSpinPrecEOBModes ( const REAL8  deltaT,
const REAL8  m1SI,
const REAL8  m2SI,
const REAL8  fMin,
const REAL8  r,
const REAL8  INspin1[],
const REAL8  INspin2[],
const UINT4  PrecEOBversion,
LALDict *  LALParams 


int XLALSimIMREOBNRv2HMROM ( struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hptilde,
struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hctilde,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  fLow,
REAL8  fHigh,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  inclination,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
const int  higherModesFlag 

Definition at line 610 of file LALSimIMREOBNRv2HMROM.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHITimeOfFrequency()

int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHITimeOfFrequency ( REAL8 t,
REAL8  frequency,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2 

Compute the 'time' elapsed in the ROM waveform from a given starting frequency until the ringdown.

The notion of elapsed 'time' (in seconds) is defined here as the difference of the frequency derivative of the frequency domain phase between the ringdown frequency and the starting frequency ('frequency' argument). This notion of time is similar to the chirp time, but it includes both the inspiral and the merger ringdown part of SEOBNRv2.

The allowed frequency range for the starting frequency in geometric frequency is [0.00053, 0.135]. The SEOBNRv2 ringdown frequency can be obtained by calling XLALSimInspiralGetFinalFreq().

See XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHIFrequencyOfTime() for the inverse function.

tOutput: time (s) elapsed from starting frequency to ringdown
frequencyStarting frequency (Hz)
m1SIMass of companion 1 (kg)
m2SIMass of companion 2 (kg)
chi1Dimensionless aligned component spin 1
chi2Dimensionless aligned component spin 2

Definition at line 1767 of file LALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHI.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHIFrequencyOfTime()

int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHIFrequencyOfTime ( REAL8 frequency,
REAL8  t,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2 

Compute the starting frequency so that the given amount of 'time' elapses in the ROM waveform from the starting frequency until the ringdown.

The notion of elapsed 'time' (in seconds) is defined here as the difference of the frequency derivative of the frequency domain phase between the ringdown frequency and the starting frequency ('frequency' argument). This notion of time is similar to the chirp time, but it includes both the inspiral and the merger ringdown part of SEOBNRv2.

If the frequency that corresponds to the specified elapsed time is lower than the geometric frequency Mf=0.00053 (ROM starting frequency) or above half of the SEOBNRv2 ringdown frequency an error is thrown. The SEOBNRv2 ringdown frequency can be obtained by calling XLALSimInspiralGetFinalFreq().

See XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHITimeOfFrequency() for the inverse function.

frequencyOutput: Frequency (Hz)
tTime (s) at frequency
m1SIMass of companion 1 (kg)
m2SIMass of companion 2 (kg)
chi1Dimensionless aligned component spin 1
chi2Dimensionless aligned component spin 2

Definition at line 1836 of file LALSimIMRSEOBNRv2ROMDoubleSpinHI.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMTimeOfFrequency()

int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMTimeOfFrequency ( REAL8 t,
REAL8  frequency,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2 

Compute the 'time' elapsed in the ROM waveform from a given starting frequency until the ringdown.

The notion of elapsed 'time' (in seconds) is defined here as the difference of the frequency derivative of the frequency domain phase between the ringdown frequency and the starting frequency ('frequency' argument). This notion of time is similar to the chirp time, but it includes both the inspiral and the merger ringdown part of SEOBNRv4.

The allowed frequency range for the starting frequency in geometric frequency is [0.00053, 0.135]. The SEOBNRv4 ringdown frequency can be obtained by calling XLALSimInspiralGetFinalFreq().

See XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMFrequencyOfTime() for the inverse function.

tOutput: time (s) elapsed from starting frequency to ringdown
frequencyStarting frequency (Hz)
m1SIMass of companion 1 (kg)
m2SIMass of companion 2 (kg)
chi1Dimensionless aligned component spin 1
chi2Dimensionless aligned component spin 2

Definition at line 1452 of file LALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROM.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMFrequencyOfTime()

int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMFrequencyOfTime ( REAL8 frequency,
REAL8  t,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2 

Compute the starting frequency so that the given amount of 'time' elapses in the ROM waveform from the starting frequency until the ringdown.

The notion of elapsed 'time' (in seconds) is defined here as the difference of the frequency derivative of the frequency domain phase between the ringdown frequency and the starting frequency ('frequency' argument). This notion of time is similar to the chirp time, but it includes both the inspiral and the merger ringdown part of SEOBNRv4.

If the frequency that corresponds to the specified elapsed time is lower than the ROM starting frequency or above half of the SEOBNRv4 ringdown frequency an error is thrown. The SEOBNRv4 ringdown frequency can be obtained by calling XLALSimInspiralGetFinalFreq().

See XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROMTimeOfFrequency() for the inverse function.

frequencyOutput: Frequency (Hz)
tTime (s) at frequency
m1SIMass of companion 1 (kg)
m2SIMass of companion 2 (kg)
chi1Dimensionless aligned component spin 1
chi2Dimensionless aligned component spin 2

Definition at line 1545 of file LALSimIMRSEOBNRv4ROM.c.


int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4HMROM ( struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hptilde,
struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hctilde,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  fLow,
REAL8  fHigh,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  inclination,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2,
INT4  nk_max,
UINT4  nModes,
bool  use_hybridization,
LALDict *  LALParams 

◆ XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4HMROMFrequencySequence()

int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4HMROMFrequencySequence ( struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hptilde,
struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hctilde,
const REAL8Sequence freqs,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  inclination,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2,
INT4  nk_max,
UINT4  nModes,
LALDict *  LALParams 


int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4HMROM_Modes ( SphHarmFrequencySeries **  hlm,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  fLow,
REAL8  fHigh,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2,
INT4  nk_max,
UINT4  nModes,
bool  use_hybridization 

◆ XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4HMROMFrequencySequence_Modes()

int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv4HMROMFrequencySequence_Modes ( SphHarmFrequencySeries **  hlm,
const REAL8Sequence freqs,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  inclination,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2,
INT4  nk_max,
UINT4  nModes,
LALDict *  LALParams 


int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5HMROM ( struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hptilde,
struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hctilde,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  fLow,
REAL8  fHigh,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  inclination,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2,
INT4  nk_max,
UINT4  nModes,
bool  use_hybridization,
LALDict *  LALParams 

◆ XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5HMROMFrequencySequence()

int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5HMROMFrequencySequence ( struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hptilde,
struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hctilde,
const REAL8Sequence freqs,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  inclination,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2,
INT4  nk_max,
UINT4  nModes,
LALDict *  LALParams 


int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5HMROM_Modes ( SphHarmFrequencySeries **  hlm,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  fLow,
REAL8  fHigh,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2,
INT4  nk_max,
UINT4  nModes,
bool  use_hybridization 

◆ XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5HMROMFrequencySequence_Modes()

int XLALSimIMRSEOBNRv5HMROMFrequencySequence_Modes ( SphHarmFrequencySeries **  hlm,
const REAL8Sequence freqs,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  inclination,
REAL8  m1SI,
REAL8  m2SI,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2,
INT4  nk_max,
UINT4  nModes,
LALDict *  LALParams 

◆ XLALSimSpinInspiralGenerator()

int XLALSimSpinInspiralGenerator ( REAL8TimeSeries **  hPlus,
REAL8TimeSeries **  hCross,
REAL8  phi_start,
REAL8  deltaT,
REAL8  m1,
REAL8  m2,
REAL8  f_min,
REAL8  f_ref,
REAL8  r,
REAL8  iota,
REAL8  s1x,
REAL8  s1y,
REAL8  s1z,
REAL8  s2x,
REAL8  s2y,
REAL8  s2z,
int  phaseO,
int  ampO,
REAL8  lambda1,
REAL8  lambda2,
REAL8  quadparam1,
REAL8  quadparam2,
LALDict *  LALparams 

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenSpinInspiralRDGenerator()

int XLALSimIMRPhenSpinInspiralRDGenerator ( REAL8TimeSeries **  hplus,
REAL8TimeSeries **  hcross,
REAL8  phi0,
REAL8  deltaT,
REAL8  m1,
REAL8  m2,
REAL8  f_min,
REAL8  f_ref,
REAL8  r,
REAL8  iota,
REAL8  s1x,
REAL8  s1y,
REAL8  s1z,
REAL8  s2x,
REAL8  s2y,
REAL8  s2z,
int  phaseO,
int  ampO,
REAL8  lambda1,
REAL8  lambda2,
REAL8  quadparam1,
REAL8  quadparam2,
LALDict *  LALparams 

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomXPSpinTaylorAngles()

int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPSpinTaylorAngles ( REAL8Sequence **  alphaFS,
REAL8Sequence **  cosbetaFS,
REAL8Sequence **  gammaFS,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  s1x,
REAL8  s1y,
REAL8  s1z,
REAL8  s2x,
REAL8  s2y,
REAL8  s2z,
REAL8  fmin,
REAL8  fmax,
REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  phiRef,
LALDict *  LALparams 

XLAL function that evaluates the SpinTaylor Euler angles on a frequency grid passed by the user.

Used in LALSimIMRPhenomX.c.

[out]alphaFSAlpha angle frequency series [out]
[out]cosbetaFScos(Beta) angle frequency series [out]
[out]gammaFSGamma angle frequency series [out]
m1_SIMass of companion 1 (kg)
m2_SIMass of companion 2 (kg)
s1xx component of primary spin
s1yy component of primary spin
s1zz component of primary spin
s2xx component of secondary spin
s2yy component of secondary spin
s2zz component of secondary spin
fminstarting GW frequency (Hz)
fmaxmaximum GW frequency (Hz)
deltaFstarting GW frequency (Hz)
fRefreference GW frequency (Hz)
phiRefreference orbital phase (rad)
LALparamsLAL Dictionary struct

Definition at line 4711 of file LALSimIMRPhenomX_precession.c.

◆ XLALSimPhenomPNRfRingEff()

REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRfRingEff ( REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
LALDict *  lalParams 

Definition at line 2499 of file LALSimIMRPhenomX.c.

◆ XLALSimPhenomPNRafinal()

REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRafinal ( REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
LALDict *  lalParams 

Definition at line 2903 of file LALSimIMRPhenomX.c.

◆ XLALSimPhenomPNRafinal_prec()

REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRafinal_prec ( REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
LALDict *  lalParams 

Definition at line 2739 of file LALSimIMRPhenomX.c.

◆ XLALSimPhenomPNRafinal_nonprec()

REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRafinal_nonprec ( REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
LALDict *  lalParams 

Definition at line 2820 of file LALSimIMRPhenomX.c.

◆ XLALSimPhenomPNRwindow()

REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRwindow ( REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
LALDict *  lalParams 

Definition at line 2983 of file LALSimIMRPhenomX.c.

◆ XLALSimPhenomPNRfRINGEffShiftDividedByEmm()

REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRfRINGEffShiftDividedByEmm ( REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
LALDict *  lalParams 

Definition at line 2578 of file LALSimIMRPhenomX.c.

◆ XLALSimPhenomPNRbetaRD()

REAL8 XLALSimPhenomPNRbetaRD ( REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
LALDict *  lalParams 

Definition at line 2658 of file LALSimIMRPhenomX.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomXPHMModes()

int XLALSimIMRPhenomXPHMModes ( SphHarmFrequencySeries **  hlms,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  S1x,
REAL8  S1y,
REAL8  S1z,
REAL8  S2x,
REAL8  S2y,
REAL8  S2z,
REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  f_min,
REAL8  f_max,
REAL8  f_ref,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  inclination,
LALDict *  lalParams 

Function to obtain a SphHarmFrequencySeries with the individual modes h_lm.

By default it returns all the modes available in the model, positive and negatives. With the mode array option in the LAL dictionary, the user can specify a custom mode array. The modes are computed in the inertial J-frame, so the mode array option does not refers to the modes in the co-precessing frame conversely to the functions for the polarizations XLALSimIMRPhenomXPHM. This function is to be used by ChooseFDModes.

[out]hlmslist with single modes h_lm in the J-frame
m1_SImass of companion 1 (kg)
m2_SImass of companion 2 (kg)
S1xx-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
S1yy-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
S1zz-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
S2xx-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
S2yy-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
S2zz-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
deltaFfrequency spacing (Hz)
f_minstarting GW frequency (Hz)
f_maxending GW frequency (Hz)
f_refreference GW frequency (Hz)
phiRefphase shift at reference frequency
distancedistance of source (m)
inclinationinclination of source (rad)
lalParamsLAL dictionary with extra options

Definition at line 3400 of file LALSimIMRPhenomXPHM.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_GenerateAntisymmetricWaveform()

int XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_GenerateAntisymmetricWaveform ( REAL8Sequence **  antisymamp,
REAL8Sequence **  antisymphase,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
REAL8  distance,
REAL8  inclination,
REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  f_min,
REAL8  f_max,
REAL8  fRef_In,
REAL8  phiRef,
LALDict *  lalParams 

EXTERNAL GENERATE antisymmetric waveform This is an external wrapper to generate the (2,2) and (2,-2) antisymmetric waveform, given the standard inputs given to generate FD waveforms.

Shrobana Ghosh Note that at present this is only compatible with the PNR angles (refer arxiv XXXX.YYYYY)
[out]antisymampAmplitude of antisymmetric (2,2) waveform
[out]antisymphasePhase of antisymmetric (2,2) waveform
m1_SImass of companion 1 (kg)
m2_SImass of companion 2 (kg)
chi1xx-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi1yy-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi1zz-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi2xx-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi2yy-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi2zz-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
distancedistance to source *
inclinationAngle between orbital angular momentum and line-of-sight vector at reference frequency (rad)
deltaFFrequency spacing (Hz)
f_minStarting GW frequency (Hz)
f_maxEnding GW frequency (Hz)
fRef_InReference frequency (Hz)
phiRefphase at reference frequency (Hz)
lalParamsLAL Dictionary struct

Definition at line 70 of file LALSimIMRPhenomX_AntisymmetricWaveform.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_GenerateAntisymmetricAmpRatio()

int XLALSimIMRPhenomX_PNR_GenerateAntisymmetricAmpRatio ( REAL8Sequence **  kappa,
REAL8Sequence **  freqs,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
REAL8  inclination,
REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  f_min,
REAL8  f_max,
REAL8  fRef_In,
LALDict *  lalParams 

EXTERNAL GENERATE Antisymmetric Amplitude Ratio This is an external wrapper to generate the (2,2) antisymmetric amplitude ratio amplitude given the standard inputs given to generate FD waveforms.

kappaantisymmetric to symmetric waveform amplitude ratio
[out]freqsFrequency array (Hz)
m1_SImass of companion 1 (kg)
m2_SImass of companion 2 (kg)
chi1xx-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi1yy-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi1zz-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi2xx-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi2yy-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi2zz-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
inclinationAngle between orbital angular momentum and line-of-sight vector at reference frequency (rad)
deltaFFrequency spacing (Hz)
f_minStarting GW frequency (Hz)
f_maxEnding GW frequency (Hz)
fRef_InReference frequency (Hz)
lalParamsLAL Dictionary struct

Definition at line 173 of file LALSimIMRPhenomX_AntisymmetricWaveform.c.


int XLALSimIMRTEOBResumS ( REAL8TimeSeries **  hplus,
REAL8TimeSeries **  hcross,
const REAL8  phiRef,
const REAL8  deltaT,
const REAL8  m1,
const REAL8  m2,
const REAL8  S1x,
const REAL8  S1y,
const REAL8  S1z,
const REAL8  S2x,
const REAL8  S2y,
const REAL8  S2z,
const REAL8  lambda1,
const REAL8  lambda2,
const REAL8  distance,
const REAL8  inclination,
const REAL8  longAscNodes,
LALDict *  LALparams,
const REAL8  eccentricity,
const REAL8  meanPerAno,
const REAL8  f_min,
const REAL8  f_ref 

◆ XLALSimInspiralNRWaveformGetSpinsFromHDF5File()

int XLALSimInspiralNRWaveformGetSpinsFromHDF5File ( REAL8 S1x,
REAL8 S1y,
REAL8 S1z,
REAL8 S2x,
REAL8 S2y,
REAL8 S2z,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  mTot,
const char NRDataFile 
[out]S1xDimensionless spin1x in LAL frame
[out]S1yDimensionless spin1y in LAL frame
[out]S1zDimensionless spin1z in LAL frame
[out]S2xDimensionless spin2x in LAL frame
[out]S2yDimensionless spin2y in LAL frame
[out]S2zDimensionless spin2z in LAL frame
fRefReference frequency
mTotTotal mass
NRDataFileLocation of NR HDF file

◆ XLALSimInspiralNRWaveformGetHplusHcross()

int XLALSimInspiralNRWaveformGetHplusHcross ( REAL8TimeSeries **  hplus,
REAL8TimeSeries **  hcross,
REAL8  phiRef,
REAL8  inclination,
REAL8  deltaT,
REAL8  m1,
REAL8  m2,
REAL8  r,
REAL8  fStart,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  s1x,
REAL8  s1y,
REAL8  s1z,
REAL8  s2x,
REAL8  s2y,
REAL8  s2z,
const char NRDataFile,
LALValue *  ModeArray 
hplusOUTPUT h_+ vector
hcrossOUTPUT h_x vector
phiReforbital phase at reference pt.
inclinationinclination angle
deltaTsampling interval (s)
m1mass of companion 1 (kg)
m2mass of companion 2 (kg)
rdistance of source (m)
fStartstart GW frequency (Hz)
fRefreference GW frequency (Hz)
s1xinitial value of S1x
s1yinitial value of S1y
s1zinitial value of S1z
s2xinitial value of S2x
s2yinitial value of S2y
s2zinitial value of S2z
NRDataFileLocation of NR HDF file
ModeArrayContainer for the ell and m modes to generate. To generate all available modes pass NULL

◆ XLALSimInspiralNRWaveformGetHlms()

INT4 XLALSimInspiralNRWaveformGetHlms ( SphHarmTimeSeries **  hlms,
REAL8  deltaT,
REAL8  m1,
REAL8  m2,
REAL8  r,
REAL8  fStart,
REAL8  fRef,
REAL8  s1x,
REAL8  s1y,
REAL8  s1z,
REAL8  s2x,
REAL8  s2y,
REAL8  s2z,
const char NRDataFile,
LALValue *  ModeArray 
deltaTsampling interval (s)
m1mass of companion 1 (kg)
m2mass of companion 2 (kg)
rdistance of source (m)
fStartstart GW frequency (Hz)
fRefreference GW frequency (Hz)
s1xinitial value of S1x
s1yinitial value of S1y
s1zinitial value of S1z
s2xinitial value of S2x
s2yinitial value of S2y
s2zinitial value of S2z
NRDataFileLocation of NR HDF file
ModeArrayContainer for the ell and m modes to generate. To generate all available modes pass NULL

◆ XLALNRSur7dq4Remnant()

int XLALNRSur7dq4Remnant ( gsl_vector **  result,
REAL8  q,
REAL8  s1x,
REAL8  s1y,
REAL8  s1z,
REAL8  s2x,
REAL8  s2y,
REAL8  s2z,
char remnant_property,
LALDict *  LALparams 

Returns the remnant BH's mass, spin, or kick according to NRSur7dq4Remnant model.

Reference: arxiv:1905.09300.

The input spins must be dimensionless, and given in the coorbital frame at t=-100M from the total amplitude peak, as described in the paper. The remnant mass is returned in units of total mass, the remnant spin is dimensionless, and the remnant kick is in units of c. The remnant spin and kick vectors are also returned in the same frame.

remnant_property can be one of "mf", "chif" or "vf", respectively, for the remnant mass, spin or kick.

Usage examples: mf = lalsim.NRSur7dq4Remnant(q, s1x, s1y, s1z, s2x, s2y, s2z, "mf").data[0] chif = lalsim.NRSur7dq4Remnant(q, s1x, s1y, s1z, s2x, s2y, s2z, "chif").data

resultOutput: The requested remnant property.
qMass ratio of Bh1/Bh2. q>=1.
s1xS1x in coorbital frame at t=-100M
s1yS1y in coorbital frame at t=-100M
s1zS1z in coorbital frame at t=-100M
s2xS2x in coorbital frame at t=-100M
s2yS2y in coorbital frame at t=-100M
s2zS2z in coorbital frame at t=-100M
remnant_propertyOne of "mf", "chif" or "vf"
LALparamsDict with extra parameters

Definition at line 254 of file LALSimNRSur7dq4Remnant.c.

◆ XLALNRSur3dq8Remnant()

int XLALNRSur3dq8Remnant ( REAL8 result,
REAL8  q,
REAL8  s1z,
REAL8  s2z,
char remnant_property,
LALDict *  LALparams 

Returns the remnant BH's mass, spin, or kick according to NRSur3dq8Remnant model.

Reference: arxiv:1809.09125. This model is referred to as surfinBH3dq8 in the paper.

The remnant mass is returned in units of total mass, the remnant spin is dimensionless, and the recoil kick is in units of c.

remnant_property can be one of "mf", "chifz", "vfx" or "vfy", respectively, for the remnant mass, the z-component of remnant spin, and the x and y components of the kick. The kick components are given in the coorbital frame at t=-100M from the total amplitude peak, as described in the paper. All other components of the spin and kick are zero due to the symmetries of aligned-spin systems and are not modelled by the surrogate.

Usage examples: mf = lalsim.NRSur3dq8Remnant(q, s1z, s2z, "mf") chifz = lalsim.NRSur3dq8Remnant(q, s1z, s2z, "chifz")

resultOutput: The requested remnant property.
qMass ratio of Bh1/Bh2. q>=1.
s1zS1z z-spin of Bh1
s2zS2z z-spin of Bh2
remnant_propertyOne of "mf", "chifz", "vfx" or "vfy"
LALparamsDict with extra parameters

Definition at line 260 of file LALSimNRSur3dq8Remnant.c.

◆ XLALSimNRTunedTidesComputeKappa2T()

double XLALSimNRTunedTidesComputeKappa2T ( REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  lambda1,
REAL8  lambda2 

convenient function to compute tidal coupling constant.

Eq. 2 in arXiv:1706.02969 given masses and lambda numbers

m1_SIMass of companion 1 (kg)
m2_SIMass of companion 2 (kg)
lambda1(tidal deformability of mass 1) / m1^5 (dimensionless)
lambda2(tidal deformability of mass 2) / m2^5 (dimensionless)

Definition at line 93 of file LALSimNRTunedTides.c.

◆ XLALSimNRTunedTidesMergerFrequency()

double XLALSimNRTunedTidesMergerFrequency ( const REAL8  mtot_MSUN,
const REAL8  kappa2T,
const REAL8  q 

compute the merger frequency of a BNS system.

Tim's new fit that incorporates mass-ratio and asymptotes to zero for large kappa2T.

mtot_MSUNtotal mass of system (solar masses)
kappa2Ttidal coupling constant. Eq. 2 in arXiv:1706.02969
qmass-ratio q >= 1

Definition at line 128 of file LALSimNRTunedTides.c.

◆ XLALSimNRTunedTidesSetFDTidalPhase_v2_Coeffs()

int XLALSimNRTunedTidesSetFDTidalPhase_v2_Coeffs ( REAL8 NRTidalv2_coeffs)

Set the NRTidalv2 phase coefficients in an array for use here and in the IMRPhenomX*_NRTidalv2 implementation.

Definition at line 241 of file LALSimNRTunedTides.c.

◆ XLALSimNRTunedTidesFDTidalAmplitudeFrequencySeries()

int XLALSimNRTunedTidesFDTidalAmplitudeFrequencySeries ( const REAL8Sequence amp_tidal,
const REAL8Sequence fHz,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  lambda1,
REAL8  lambda2 

Function to call amplitude tidal series only; done for convenience to use for PhenomD_NRTidalv2 and SEOBNRv4_ROM_NRTidalv2.

[out]amp_tidaltidal amplitude frequency series
fHzlist of input Gravitational wave Frequency in Hz to evaluate
m1_SIMass of companion 1 (kg)
m2_SIMass of companion 2 (kg)
lambda1(tidal deformability of mass 1) / m1^5 (dimensionless)
lambda2(tidal deformability of mass 2) / m2^5 (dimensionless)

Definition at line 304 of file LALSimNRTunedTides.c.

◆ XLALSimNRTunedTidesFDTidalPhaseFrequencySeries()

int XLALSimNRTunedTidesFDTidalPhaseFrequencySeries ( const REAL8Sequence phi_tidal,
const REAL8Sequence amp_tidal,
const REAL8Sequence planck_taper,
const REAL8Sequence fHz,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  lambda1,
REAL8  lambda2,
NRTidal_version_type  NRTidal_version 

Function to call the frequency domain tidal correction over an array of input frequencies.

This is Equation (7) in arXiv:1706.02969 when NRTidal_version is NRTidal_V, or Equations (17)-(21) (for phasing) and Equation (24) (for amplitude) in arXiv:1905.06011 when NRTidal_version is NRTidalv2_V, or Equations (17)-(21) in arXiv:1905.06011 when NRTidal_version is NRTidalv2NoAmpCorr_V. NoNRT_V specifies NO tidal phasing or amplitude is being added. Note internally we use m1>=m2 - this is enforced in the code. So any can be supplied

The model for the tidal phase correction in NRTidal_V/NRTidalv2_V was calibrated up to mass-ratio q=1.5 and kappa2T in [40, 5000]. The upper kappa2T limit is reached roughly for a 1.4+1.4 BNS with lambda = 2700 on both NSs. In the high mass-ratio limit, the BNS merger frequency defined in XLALSimNRTunedTidesMergerFrequency() asymptotes to zero. The waveform amplitude should be tapered away starting at this frequency. Therefore, no explicit limits are enforced.

[out]phi_tidaltidal phase frequency series
[out]amp_tidaltidal amplitude frequency series
[out]planck_taperplanck tapering to be applied on overall signal
fHzlist of input Gravitational wave Frequency in Hz to evaluate
m1_SIMass of companion 1 (kg)
m2_SIMass of companion 2 (kg)
lambda1(tidal deformability of mass 1) / m1^5 (dimensionless)
lambda2(tidal deformability of mass 2) / m2^5 (dimensionless)
NRTidal_version< one of NRTidal_V, NRTidalv2_V or NRTidalv2NoAmpCorr_V or NoNRT_V

Definition at line 364 of file LALSimNRTunedTides.c.

◆ XLALSimInspiralGetHOSpinTerms()

void XLALSimInspiralGetHOSpinTerms ( REAL8 SS_3p5PN,
REAL8  chi1,
REAL8  chi2,
REAL8  quadparam1,
REAL8  quadparam2 

Function to add 3.5PN spin-squared and 3.5PN spin-cubed terms.

The spin-squared terms occur with the spin-induced quadrupole moment terms while the spin-cubed terms occur with both spin-induced quadrupole as well as octupole moments. The terms are computed in arXiv:1806.01772 and are explicitly written out in Eq 27 of arXiv:1905.06011. The following terms are specifically meant for BNS systems, and are added to the NRTidalv2 extensions of the approximants IMRPhenomPv2, IMRPhenomD and SEOBNRv4_ROM.

SS_3p5PN3.5PN spin-spin tail term containing spin-induced quadrupole moment
SSS_3p5PN3.5 PN spin cubed term containing spin-induced octupole moment
X_AMass fraction m_1/M for first component of binary
X_BMass fraction m_2/M for second component of binary
chi1Aligned component of spin vector of first component of binary
chi2Aligned component of spin vector of second component of binary
quadparam1Spin-induced quadrupole moment parameter for component 1
quadparam2Spin-induced quadrupole moment parameter for component 2

Definition at line 445 of file LALSimNRTunedTides.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomHM()

int XLALSimIMRPhenomHM ( COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hptilde,
COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hctilde,
REAL8Sequence freqs,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2z,
const REAL8  distance,
const REAL8  inclination,
const REAL8  phiRef,
const REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  f_ref,
LALDict *  extraParams 

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomHMGethlmModes()

int XLALSimIMRPhenomHMGethlmModes ( SphHarmFrequencySeries **  hlms,
REAL8Sequence freqs,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
const REAL8  phiRef,
const REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  f_ref,
LALDict *  extraParams 

◆ XLALComputeAngles2PNNonSpinning()

int XLALComputeAngles2PNNonSpinning ( REAL8Sequence phiz_of_f,
REAL8Sequence zeta_of_f,
REAL8Sequence costhetaL_of_f,
const REAL8Sequence f,
const double  m1,
const double  m2,
const double  mul,
const double  phl,
const double  mu1,
const double  ph1,
const double  ch1,
const double  mu2,
const double  ph2,
double  ch2,
const double  f_0,
const int  ExpansionOrder 
[out]phiz_of_fazimuthal angle of L around J
[out]zeta_of_fThird euler angle to describe L w.r.t. J
[out]costhetaL_of_fCosine of polar angle between L and J
flist of input Orbtial frequencies (Hz)
m1Primary mass in SI (kg)
m2Secondary mass in SI (kg)
mulCosine of Polar angle of orbital angular momentum
phlAzimuthal angle of orbital angular momentum
mu1Cosine of Polar angle of primary spin w.r.t. orbital angular momentum
ph1Azimuthal angle of primary spin
ch1Dimensionless spin magnitude of primary spin
mu2Cosine of Polar angle of secondary spin w.r.t. orbital angular momentum
ph2Azimuthal angle of secondary spin
ch2Dimensionless spin magnitude of secondary spin
f_0Reference Gravitational Wave frequency (Hz)
ExpansionOrderKeep terms upto ExpansionOrder in precession angles phi_z and zeta (1,2,3,4,5 or -1 for all orders)

Definition at line 75 of file LALSimInspiralFDPrecAngles.c.

◆ XLALComputeAngles3PN()

int XLALComputeAngles3PN ( REAL8Sequence phiz_of_f,
REAL8Sequence zeta_of_f,
REAL8Sequence costhetaL_of_f,
const REAL8Sequence f,
const double  m1,
const double  m2,
const double  mul,
const double  phl,
const double  mu1,
const double  ph1,
const double  ch1,
const double  mu2,
const double  ph2,
double  ch2,
const double  f_0,
const int  ExpansionOrder 
[out]phiz_of_fazimuthal angle of L around J
[out]zeta_of_fThird euler angle to describe L w.r.t. J
[out]costhetaL_of_fCosine of polar angle between L and J
flist of input Orbtial frequencies (Hz)
m1Primary mass in SI (kg)
m2Secondary mass in SI (kg)
mulCosine of Polar angle of orbital angular momentum
phlAzimuthal angle of orbital angular momentum
mu1Cosine of Polar angle of primary spin w.r.t. orbital angular momentum
ph1Azimuthal angle of primary spin
ch1Dimensionless spin magnitude of primary spin
mu2Cosine of Polar angle of secondary spin w.r.t. orbital angular momentum
ph2Azimuthal angle of secondary spin
ch2Dimensionless spin magnitude of secondary spin
f_0Reference Gravitational Wave frequency (Hz)
ExpansionOrderKeep terms upto ExpansionOrder in precession angles phi_z and zeta (1,2,3,4,5 or -1 for all orders)

Definition at line 126 of file LALSimInspiralFDPrecAngles.c.

◆ XLALComputeAngles()

int XLALComputeAngles ( REAL8Sequence phiz_of_f,
REAL8Sequence zeta_of_f,
REAL8Sequence costhetaL_of_f,
const REAL8Sequence f,
const double  m1,
const double  m2,
const double  mul,
const double  phl,
const double  mu1,
const double  ph1,
const double  ch1,
const double  mu2,
const double  ph2,
double  ch2,
const double  f_0,
const int  ExpansionOrder 
[out]phiz_of_fazimuthal angle of L around J
[out]zeta_of_fThird euler angle to describe L w.r.t. J
[out]costhetaL_of_fCosine of polar angle between L and J
flist of input Orbtial frequencies (Hz)
m1Primary mass in SI (kg)
m2Secondary mass in SI (kg)
mulCosine of Polar angle of orbital angular momentum
phlAzimuthal angle of orbital angular momentum
mu1Cosine of Polar angle of primary spin w.r.t. orbital angular momentum
ph1Azimuthal angle of primary spin
ch1Dimensionless spin magnitude of primary spin
mu2Cosine of Polar angle of secondary spin w.r.t. orbital angular momentum
ph2Azimuthal angle of secondary spin
ch2Dimensionless spin magnitude of secondary spin
f_0Reference Gravitational Wave frequency (Hz)
ExpansionOrderKeep terms upto ExpansionOrder in precession angles phi_z and zeta (1,2,3,4,5 or -1 for all orders)

Definition at line 27 of file LALSimInspiralFDPrecAngles.c.

◆ XLALOrbitalAngMom3PNSpinning()

int XLALOrbitalAngMom3PNSpinning ( REAL8Sequence L_norm_3PN,
REAL8Sequence f_orb_hz,
const double  m1,
const double  m2,
const double  mul,
const double  phl,
double  mu1,
double  ph1,
double  ch1,
double  mu2,
double  ph2,
double  ch2,
const double  f_0,
const int  ExpansionOrder 

Standalone function to compute the magnitude of L divided by GMsquare_over_c to 3PN order with spin terms as a function of the orbital frequency in Hz.

[out]L_norm_3PNNormalised Orbital angular momentum accurate to 3PN with spin terms
f_orb_hzlist of input Orbtial frequencies (Hz)
m1Primary mass in SI (kg)
m2Secondary mass in SI (kg)
mulCosine of Polar angle of orbital angular momentum
phlAzimuthal angle of orbital angular momentum
mu1Cosine of Polar angle of primary spin w.r.t. orbital angular momentum
ph1Azimuthal angle of primary spin
ch1Dimensionless spin magnitude of primary spin
mu2Cosine of Polar angle of secondary spin w.r.t. orbital angular momentum
ph2Azimuthal angle of secondary spin
ch2Dimensionless spin magnitude of secondary spin
f_0Reference Gravitational Wave frequency (Hz)
ExpansionOrderKeep terms upto ExpansionOrder in precession angles phi_z and zeta (1,2,3,4,5 or -1 for all orders)

Definition at line 175 of file LALSimInspiralFDPrecAngles.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3()

int XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3 ( COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hptilde,
COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hctilde,
REAL8Sequence freqs,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  S1x,
REAL8  S1y,
REAL8  S1z,
REAL8  S2x,
REAL8  S2y,
REAL8  S2z,
const REAL8  distance,
const REAL8  inclination,
const REAL8  phiRef,
const REAL8  deltaF,
const REAL8  f_ref,
LALDict *  extraParams 

Driver routine to compute the precessing inspiral-merger-ringdown phenomenological waveform IMRPhenomPv3 in the frequency domain.


  • Hannam et al., arXiv:1308.3271 [gr-qc]
  • Bohe et al., PhenomPv2 technical document LIGO-T1500602
  • Chatziioannou et al., arXiv 1703.03967 [gr-qc]

This function can be used for equally-spaced frequency series. For unequal spacing, use XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3FrequencySequence instead.

This function calls XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3HMGetHplusHcross with just the l=m=2 mode

[out]hptildeFrequency-domain waveform h+
[out]hctildeFrequency-domain waveform hx
freqsfrequency sequency in Hz
m1_SImass of companion 1 (kg)
m2_SImass of companion 2 (kg)
S1xx-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
S1yy-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
S1zz-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
S2xx-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
S2yy-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
S2zz-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
distancedistance of source (m)
inclinationinclination of source (rad)
phiRefreference orbital phase (rad)
deltaFSampling frequency (Hz)
f_refReference frequency
extraParamslinked list containing the extra testing GR parameters

Definition at line 551 of file LALSimIMRPhenomPv3HM.c.

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3HMGetHplusHcross()

int XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3HMGetHplusHcross ( COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hptilde,
COMPLEX16FrequencySeries **  hctilde,
REAL8Sequence freqs,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
const REAL8  distance,
const REAL8  inclination,
const REAL8  phiRef,
const REAL8  deltaF,
REAL8  f_ref,
LALDict *  extraParams 

◆ XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3HMModes()

int XLALSimIMRPhenomPv3HMModes ( SphHarmFrequencySeries **  hlms,
REAL8Sequence freqs,
REAL8  m1_SI,
REAL8  m2_SI,
REAL8  chi1x,
REAL8  chi1y,
REAL8  chi1z,
REAL8  chi2x,
REAL8  chi2y,
REAL8  chi2z,
const REAL8  phiRef,
const REAL8  deltaF,
const REAL8  f_ref,
LALDict *  extraParams 

Returns frequency domain hlm's in inertial frame.

[out]hlmsSphHarmFrequencySeries struct containing inertial frame hlm modes
freqsfrequency sequency in Hz
m1_SImass of companion 1 (kg)
m2_SImass of companion 2 (kg)
chi1xx-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi1yy-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi1zz-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi2xx-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi2yy-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
chi2zz-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 w.r.t. Lhat = (0,0,1)
phiRefreference orbital phase (rad)
deltaFSampling frequency (Hz)
f_refReference frequency
extraParamslinked list containing the extra testing GR parameters

Definition at line 850 of file LALSimIMRPhenomPv3HM.c.