Go to the documentation of this file.
4 /*
5  * Copyright (C) 2015 Michael Puerrer, Sebastian Khan, Frank Ohme, Ofek Birnholtz, Lionel London, Francesco Pannarale
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
19  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
20  * MA 02110-1301 USA
21  */
23 /**
24  * \author Michael Puerrer, Sebastian Khan, Frank Ohme, Ofek Birnholtz, Lionel London, Francesco Pannarale
25  *
26  * \file
27  *
28  * \brief Internal function for IMRPhenomD phenomenological waveform model.
29  * See \ref LALSimIMRPhenom_c for more details.
30  *
31  */
33 /*
34 This waveform uses the TaylorF2 coefficients for it's inspiral phase augmented
35 by higher order phenomenological terms tuned to SEOBv2-Hybrid waveforms.
36 Below are lines copied from LALSimInspiralPNCoefficients.c which are the TaylorF2
37 phase coefficients we have used.
38 We document them here in case changes to that file changes the behaviour
39 of this waveform.
41  const REAL8 mtot = m1 + m2;
42  const REAL8 d = (m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2);
43  const REAL8 eta = m1*m2/mtot/mtot;
44  const REAL8 m1M = m1/mtot;
45  const REAL8 m2M = m2/mtot;
46  // Use the spin-orbit variables from arXiv:1303.7412, Eq. 3.9
47  // We write dSigmaL for their (\delta m/m) * \Sigma_\ell
48  // There's a division by mtotal^2 in both the energy and flux terms
49  // We just absorb the division by mtotal^2 into SL and dSigmaL
51  const REAL8 SL = m1M*m1M*chi1L + m2M*m2M*chi2L;
52  const REAL8 dSigmaL = d*(m2M*chi2L - m1M*chi1L);
54  const REAL8 pfaN = 3.L/(128.L * eta);
55  //Non-spin phasing terms - see arXiv:0907.0700, Eq. 3.18
56  pfa->v[0] = 1.L;
57  pfa->v[2] = 5.L*(743.L/84.L + 11.L * eta)/9.L;
58  pfa->v[3] = -16.L*LAL_PI;
59  pfa->v[4] = 5.L*(3058.673L/7.056L + 5429.L/7.L * eta
60  + 617.L * eta*eta)/72.L;
61  pfa->v[5] = 5.L/9.L * (7729.L/84.L - 13.L * eta) * LAL_PI;
62  pfa->vlogv[5] = 5.L/3.L * (7729.L/84.L - 13.L * eta) * LAL_PI;
63  pfa->v[6] = (11583.231236531L/4.694215680L
64  - 640.L/3.L * LAL_PI * LAL_PI - 6848.L/21.L*LAL_GAMMA)
65  + eta * (-15737.765635L/3.048192L
66  + 2255./12. * LAL_PI * LAL_PI)
67  + eta*eta * 76055.L/1728.L
68  - eta*eta*eta * 127825.L/1296.L;
69  pfa->v[6] += (-6848.L/21.L)*log(4.);
70  pfa->vlogv[6] = -6848.L/21.L;
71  pfa->v[7] = LAL_PI * ( 77096675.L/254016.L
72  + 378515.L/1512.L * eta - 74045.L/756.L * eta*eta);
74  // Spin-orbit terms - can be derived from arXiv:1303.7412, Eq. 3.15-16
75  const REAL8 pn_gamma = (554345.L/1134.L + 110.L*eta/9.L)*SL + (13915.L/84.L - 10.L*eta/3.)*dSigmaL;
76  switch( spinO )
77  {
80  pfa->v[7] += (-8980424995.L/762048.L + 6586595.L*eta/756.L - 305.L*eta*eta/36.L)*SL - (170978035.L/48384.L - 2876425.L*eta/672.L - 4735.L*eta*eta/144.L) * dSigmaL;
81 */
84 #include <stdlib.h>
85 #include <stdio.h>
86 #include <math.h>
87 #include <complex.h>
88 #include <gsl/gsl_errno.h>
89 #include <gsl/gsl_spline.h>
91 #include <lal/LALStdlib.h>
92 #include <lal/LALSimIMR.h>
93 #include <lal/LALConstants.h>
94 #include <lal/Date.h>
95 #include <lal/FrequencySeries.h>
96 #include <lal/Units.h>
97 #include <lal/LALSimInspiral.h>
99 #include "LALSimIMRPhenomD.h"
101 //PI^(-1/6) []
102 #define PI_M_SIXTH 0.8263074871107581108331125856317241299
104 // NOTE: At the moment we have separate functions for each Phenom coefficient;
105 // these could be collected together
107 /**
108  * Structure holding all coefficients for the amplitude
109  */
110 typedef struct tagIMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients {
111  double eta; // symmetric mass-ratio
112  double etaInv; // 1/eta
113  double chi12; // chi1*chi1;
114  double chi22; // chi2*chi2;
115  double eta2; // eta*eta;
116  double eta3; // eta*eta*eta;
117  double Seta; // sqrt(1.0 - 4.0*eta);
118  double SetaPlus1; // (1.0 + Seta);
119  double chi1, chi2; // dimensionless aligned spins, convention m1 >= m2.
120  double q; // asymmetric mass-ratio (q>=1)
121  double chi; // PN reduced spin parameter
122  double fRD; // ringdown frequency
123  double fDM; // imaginary part of the ringdown frequency (damping time)
125  double fmaxCalc; // frequency at which the mrerger-ringdown amplitude is maximum
127  // Phenomenological inspiral amplitude coefficients
128  double rho1;
129  double rho2;
130  double rho3;
132  // Phenomenological intermediate amplitude coefficients
133  double delta0;
134  double delta1;
135  double delta2;
136  double delta3;
137  double delta4;
139  // Phenomenological merger-ringdown amplitude coefficients
140  double gamma1;
141  double gamma2;
142  double gamma3;
144  // Coefficients for collocation method. Used in intermediate amplitude model
145  double f1, f2, f3;
146  double v1, v2, v3;
147  double d1, d2;
149  // Transition frequencies for amplitude
150  // We don't *have* to store them, but it may be clearer.
151  double fInsJoin; // Ins = Inspiral
152  double fMRDJoin; // MRD = Merger-Ringdown
153 }
156 /**
157  * Structure holding all coefficients for the phase
158  */
159 typedef struct tagIMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients {
160  double eta; // symmetric mass-ratio
161  double etaInv; // 1/eta
162  double eta2; // eta*eta
163  double Seta; // sqrt(1.0 - 4.0*eta);
164  double chi1, chi2; // dimensionless aligned spins, convention m1 >= m2.
165  double q; // asymmetric mass-ratio (q>=1)
166  double chi; // PN reduced spin parameter
167  double fRD; // ringdown frequency
168  double fDM; // imaginary part of the ringdown frequency (damping time)
170  // Phenomenological inspiral phase coefficients
171  double sigma1;
172  double sigma2;
173  double sigma3;
174  double sigma4;
175  double sigma5;
177  // Phenomenological intermediate phase coefficients
178  double beta1;
179  double beta2;
180  double beta3;
182  // Phenomenological merger-ringdown phase coefficients
183  double alpha1;
184  double alpha2;
185  double alpha3;
186  double alpha4;
187  double alpha5;
189  // C1 phase connection coefficients
190  double C1Int;
191  double C2Int;
192  double C1MRD;
193  double C2MRD;
195  // Transition frequencies for phase
196  double fInsJoin; // Ins = Inspiral
197  double fMRDJoin; // MRD = Merger-Ringdown
198 }
202  /**
203  * Structure holding all additional coefficients needed for the delta amplitude functions.
204  */
205 typedef struct tagdeltaUtility {
206  double f12;
207  double f13;
208  double f14;
209  double f15;
210  double f22;
211  double f23;
212  double f24;
213  double f32;
214  double f33;
215  double f34;
216  double f35;
217 } DeltaUtility;
219 /*
220  *
221  * Internal function prototypes; f stands for geometric frequency "Mf"
222  *
223  */
225 ////////////////////////////// Miscellaneous functions //////////////////////////////
227 static double chiPN(double Seta, double eta, double chi1, double chi2);
228 UNUSED static size_t NextPow2(const size_t n);
229 // static double StepFunc(const double t, const double t1);
230 static bool StepFunc_boolean(const double t, const double t1);
232 static inline double pow_2_of(double number);
233 static inline double pow_3_of(double number);
234 static inline double pow_4_of(double number);
236 UNUSED static double Subtract3PNSS(double m1, double m2, double M, double eta, double chi1, double chi2);
238 /******************************* Constants to save floating-point pow calculations *******************************/
240 /**
241  * useful powers in GW waveforms: 1/6, 1/3, 2/3, 4/3, 5/3, 2, 7/3, 8/3, -1, -1/6, -7/6, -1/3, -2/3, -5/3
242  * calculated using only one invocation of 'pow', the rest are just multiplications and divisions
243  */
244 typedef struct tagUsefulPowers
245 {
246  //REAL8 sixth; //FP
255  //REAL8 m_sixth; //FP
260 } UsefulPowers;
262 /**
263  * must be called before the first usage of *p
264  */
265 static int init_useful_powers(UsefulPowers * p, REAL8 number);
267 /**
268  * useful powers of LAL_PI, calculated once and kept constant - to be initied with a call to
269  * init_useful_powers(&powers_of_pi, LAL_PI);
270  *
271  * only declared here, defined in LALSIMIMRPhenomD.c (because this c file is "included" like an h file)
272  */
275 /**
276  * used to cache the recurring (frequency-independent) prefactors of AmpInsAnsatz. Must be inited with a call to
277  * init_amp_ins_prefactors(&prefactors, p);
278  */
279 typedef struct tagAmpInsPrefactors
280 {
281  double two_thirds;
282  double one;
283  double four_thirds;
284  double five_thirds;
285  double two;
286  double seven_thirds;
287  double eight_thirds;
288  double three;
290  double amp0;
293 /**
294  * must be called before the first usage of *prefactors
295  */
298 /**
299  * used to cache the recurring (frequency-independent) prefactors of PhiInsAnsatzInt. Must be inited with a call to
300  * init_phi_ins_prefactors(&prefactors, p, pn);
301  */
302 typedef struct tagPhiInsPrefactors
303 {
305  double third;
307  double two_thirds;
308  double one;
309  double four_thirds;
310  double five_thirds;
311  double two;
312  double logv;
313  double minus_third;
315  double minus_one;
320 /**
321  * must be called before the first usage of *prefactors
322  */
326 /******************************* integer powers floating-point pow calculations *******************************/
328 /**
329  * calc square of number without floating point 'pow'
330  */
331 static inline double pow_2_of(double number)
332 {
333  return (number*number);
334 }
336 /**
337  * calc cube of number without floating point 'pow'
338  */
339 static inline double pow_3_of(double number)
340 {
341  return (number*number*number);
342 }
344 /**
345  * calc fourth power of number without floating point 'pow'
346  */
347 static inline double pow_4_of(double number)
348 {
349  double pow2 = pow_2_of(number);
350  return pow2 * pow2;
351 }
353 //////////////////////// Final spin, final mass, fring, fdamp ///////////////////////
355 static double FinalSpin0815_s(double eta, double s);
356 UNUSED static double FinalSpin0815(double eta, double chi1, double chi2);
357 static double fring(double eta, double chi1, double chi2, double finalspin);
358 static double fdamp(double eta, double chi1, double chi2, double finalspin);
360 /******************************* Amplitude functions *******************************/
362 static double amp0Func(double eta);
364 ///////////////////////////// Amplitude: Inspiral functions /////////////////////////
366 static double rho1_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
367 static double rho2_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
368 static double rho3_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
369 static double AmpInsAnsatz(double Mf, UsefulPowers *powers_of_Mf, AmpInsPrefactors * prefactors);
370 static double DAmpInsAnsatz(double Mf, UsefulPowers *powers_of_Mf, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients* p);
372 ////////////////////////// Amplitude: Merger-Ringdown functions //////////////////////
374 static double gamma1_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
375 static double gamma2_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
376 static double gamma3_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
377 static double AmpMRDAnsatz(double f, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients* p);
378 static double DAmpMRDAnsatz(double f, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients* p);
381 //////////////////////////// Amplitude: Intermediate functions ///////////////////////
383 static double AmpIntAnsatz(double f, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients* p);
384 static double AmpIntColFitCoeff(double eta, double eta2, double chiPN); //this is the v2 value
392 ///////////////////////////// Amplitude: glueing function ////////////////////////////
394 UNUSED static void ComputeIMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients(IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p, double eta, double chi1, double chi2, double finspin);
395 UNUSED static double IMRPhenDAmplitude(double f, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p, UsefulPowers *powers_of_f, AmpInsPrefactors *prefactors);
397 /********************************* Phase functions *********************************/
399 /////////////////////////////// Phase: Ringdown functions ////////////////////////////
401 static double alpha1Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
402 static double alpha2Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
403 static double alpha3Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
404 static double alpha4Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
405 static double alpha5Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
406 static double PhiMRDAnsatzInt(double f, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, double Rholm, double Taulm);
407 static double DPhiMRD(double f, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, double Rholm, double Taulm);
409 /////////////////////////// Phase: Intermediate functions ///////////////////////////
411 static double beta1Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
412 static double beta2Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
413 static double beta3Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
414 static double PhiIntAnsatz(double f, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p);
415 static double DPhiIntAnsatz(double f, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p);
416 static double DPhiIntTemp(double ff, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p);
418 ///////////////////////////// Phase: Inspiral functions /////////////////////////////
420 static double sigma1Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
421 static double sigma2Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
422 static double sigma3Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
423 static double sigma4Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi);
424 static double PhiInsAnsatzInt(double f, UsefulPowers *powers_of_Mf, PhiInsPrefactors *prefactors, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, PNPhasingSeries *pn);
427 ////////////////////////////// Phase: glueing function //////////////////////////////
429 UNUSED static void ComputeIMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients(IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, double eta, double chi1, double chi2, double finspin, LALDict *extraParams);
430 UNUSED static void ComputeIMRPhenDPhaseConnectionCoefficients(IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, PNPhasingSeries *pn, PhiInsPrefactors *prefactors, double Rholm, double Taulm);
431 UNUSED static double IMRPhenDPhase(double f, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, PNPhasingSeries *pn, UsefulPowers *powers_of_f, PhiInsPrefactors *prefactors, double Rholm, double Taulm);
433 /* Non-reviewd functions using written for PhenomHM */
435 /**
436  * A struct the store the amplitude and phase structs for phenomD
437  */
438 typedef struct tagPhenDAmpAndPhasePreComp
439 {
447 /**
448  * Function to populate the PhenDAmpAndPhasePreComp struct
449  * with quantities that can be computed outside a frequency loop
450  * when you want to generate the PhenomD amplitude and phase.
451  */
453  PhenDAmpAndPhasePreComp *pDPreComp,
454  REAL8 m1,
455  REAL8 m2,
456  REAL8 chi1x,
457  REAL8 chi1y,
458  REAL8 chi1z,
459  REAL8 chi2x,
460  REAL8 chi2y,
461  REAL8 chi2z,
462  const REAL8 Rholm,
463  const REAL8 Taulm,
464  LALDict *extraParams);
467  REAL8 Mf,
469  REAL8 Rholm,
470  REAL8 Taulm);
471 #endif // of #ifndef _LALSIM_IMR_PHENOMD_INTERNALS_H
Tabulated Quasi-Normal Mode Information for Ringdown.
static double sigma1Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
UNUSED int IMRPhenomDSetupAmpAndPhaseCoefficients(PhenDAmpAndPhasePreComp *pDPreComp, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 chi1x, REAL8 chi1y, REAL8 chi1z, REAL8 chi2x, REAL8 chi2y, REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 Rholm, const REAL8 Taulm, LALDict *extraParams)
Function to populate the PhenDAmpAndPhasePreComp struct with quantities that can be computed outside ...
static double beta2Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static UNUSED double Subtract3PNSS(double m1, double m2, double M, double eta, double chi1, double chi2)
static double PhiMRDAnsatzInt(double f, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, double Rholm, double Taulm)
static double DAmpMRDAnsatz(double f, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p)
static UNUSED double FinalSpin0815(double eta, double chi1, double chi2)
static double alpha2Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double DAmpInsAnsatz(double Mf, UsefulPowers *powers_of_Mf, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p)
static double fdamp(double eta, double chi1, double chi2, double finalspin)
static double delta4_fun(IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p, DeltaUtility *d)
static double AmpIntColFitCoeff(double eta, double eta2, double chiPN)
static double amp0Func(double eta)
static double DPhiIntAnsatz(double f, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p)
UNUSED REAL8 IMRPhenomDPhase_OneFrequency(REAL8 Mf, PhenDAmpAndPhasePreComp pD, REAL8 Rholm, REAL8 Taulm)
Function to return the phenomD phase using the IMRPhenomDSetupAmpAndPhaseCoefficients struct.
static double alpha1Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static UNUSED double IMRPhenDAmplitude(double f, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p, UsefulPowers *powers_of_f, AmpInsPrefactors *prefactors)
static double sigma3Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static UNUSED void ComputeIMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients(IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, double eta, double chi1, double chi2, double finspin, LALDict *extraParams)
static double PhiIntAnsatz(double f, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p)
static double beta3Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double rho2_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double AmpMRDAnsatz(double f, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p)
static double beta1Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double PhiInsAnsatzInt(double f, UsefulPowers *powers_of_Mf, PhiInsPrefactors *prefactors, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, PNPhasingSeries *pn)
static UNUSED void ComputeIMRPhenDPhaseConnectionCoefficients(IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, PNPhasingSeries *pn, PhiInsPrefactors *prefactors, double Rholm, double Taulm)
static double rho1_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double delta2_fun(IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p, DeltaUtility *d)
static double alpha3Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double fmaxCalc(IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p)
static double chiPN(double Seta, double eta, double chi1, double chi2)
static double pow_3_of(double number)
calc cube of number without floating point 'pow'
static double gamma2_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double AmpInsAnsatz(double Mf, UsefulPowers *powers_of_Mf, AmpInsPrefactors *prefactors)
static double alpha5Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double delta3_fun(IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p, DeltaUtility *d)
static double sigma2Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double AmpIntAnsatz(double f, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p)
static UNUSED int init_phi_ins_prefactors(PhiInsPrefactors *prefactors, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, PNPhasingSeries *pn)
must be called before the first usage of *prefactors
static double FinalSpin0815_s(double eta, double s)
static void ComputeDeltasFromCollocation(IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p)
static double delta1_fun(IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p, DeltaUtility *d)
static double gamma1_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double pow_4_of(double number)
calc fourth power of number without floating point 'pow'
UsefulPowers powers_of_pi
useful powers of LAL_PI, calculated once and kept constant - to be initied with a call to init_useful...
static double alpha4Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double rho3_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double delta0_fun(IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p, DeltaUtility *d)
static UNUSED double IMRPhenDPhase(double f, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, PNPhasingSeries *pn, UsefulPowers *powers_of_f, PhiInsPrefactors *prefactors, double Rholm, double Taulm)
static double sigma4Fit(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static double fring(double eta, double chi1, double chi2, double finalspin)
static double DPhiIntTemp(double ff, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p)
static bool StepFunc_boolean(const double t, const double t1)
static double pow_2_of(double number)
calc square of number without floating point 'pow'
static int init_amp_ins_prefactors(AmpInsPrefactors *prefactors, IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p)
must be called before the first usage of *prefactors
static UNUSED size_t NextPow2(const size_t n)
static double gamma3_fun(double eta, double eta2, double xi)
static UNUSED void ComputeIMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients(IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients *p, double eta, double chi1, double chi2, double finspin)
static double DPhiMRD(double f, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, double Rholm, double Taulm)
static int init_useful_powers(UsefulPowers *p, REAL8 number)
must be called before the first usage of *p
static double DPhiInsAnsatzInt(double ff, IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients *p, PNPhasingSeries *pn)
static vector d(const double L_norm, const double J_norm, const vector roots)
Internal function that returns the coefficients "d_0", "d_2" and "d_4" from 1703.03967 corresponding ...
int s
Definition: bh_qnmode.c:137
Definition: bh_qnmode.c:133
const double pn
double REAL8
used to cache the recurring (frequency-independent) prefactors of AmpInsAnsatz.
Structure holding all additional coefficients needed for the delta amplitude functions.
Structure holding all coefficients for the amplitude.
Structure holding all coefficients for the phase.
A struct the store the amplitude and phase structs for phenomD.
IMRPhenomDPhaseCoefficients pPhi
IMRPhenomDAmplitudeCoefficients pAmp
used to cache the recurring (frequency-independent) prefactors of PhiInsAnsatzInt.
useful powers in GW waveforms: 1/6, 1/3, 2/3, 4/3, 5/3, 2, 7/3, 8/3, -1, -1/6, -7/6,...