# Copyright (C) 2013-2024 Leo Singer
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Rapid sky localization with BAYESTAR [1]_.
.. [1] Singer & Price, 2016. "Rapid Bayesian position reconstruction for
gravitational-wave transients." PRD, 93, 024013.
import inspect
import logging
import os
import sys
from textwrap import wrap
from astropy.table import Column, Table
from astropy import units as u
import lal
import lalsimulation
import numpy as np
from .. import distance
from . import filter
from ..io.hdf5 import write_samples
from ..io.fits import metadata_for_version_module
from ..io.events.base import Event
from . import filter # noqa
from ..kde import Clustered2Plus1DSkyKDE
from .. import moc
from .. import healpix_tree
from .. import version
from .. import core
from ..core import (antenna_factor, signal_amplitude_model,
log_posterior_toa_phoa_snr as _log_posterior_toa_phoa_snr)
from ..util.numpy import require_contiguous_aligned
from ..util.stopwatch import Stopwatch
from .ez_emcee import ez_emcee
__all__ = ('derasterize', 'localize', 'rasterize', 'antenna_factor',
log = logging.getLogger('BAYESTAR')
signal_amplitude_model = require_contiguous_aligned(signal_amplitude_model)
_log_posterior_toa_phoa_snr = require_contiguous_aligned(
# Wrap so that ufunc parameter names are known
def log_posterior_toa_phoa_snr(
ra, sin_dec, distance, u, twopsi, t, min_distance, max_distance,
prior_distance_power, cosmology, gmst, sample_rate, epochs, snrs,
responses, locations, horizons,
return _log_posterior_toa_phoa_snr(
ra, sin_dec, distance, u, twopsi, t, min_distance, max_distance,
prior_distance_power, cosmology, gmst, sample_rate, epochs, snrs,
responses, locations, horizons, rescale_loglikelihood)
# Wrap so that fixed parameter values are pulled from keyword arguments
def log_post(params, *args, **kwargs):
# Names of parameters
keys = ('ra', 'sin_dec', 'distance', 'u', 'twopsi', 't')
params = list(params.T)
kwargs = dict(kwargs)
return log_posterior_toa_phoa_snr(
*(kwargs.pop(key) if key in kwargs else params.pop(0) for key in keys),
*args, **kwargs)
def localize_emcee(args, xmin, xmax, chain_dump=None):
# Gather posterior samples
chain = ez_emcee(log_post, xmin, xmax, args=args, vectorize=True)
# Transform back from sin_dec to dec and cos_inclination to inclination
chain[:, 1] = np.arcsin(chain[:, 1])
chain[:, 3] = np.arccos(chain[:, 3])
# Optionally save posterior sample chain to file.
if chain_dump:
_, ndim = chain.shape
names = 'ra dec distance inclination twopsi time'.split()[:ndim]
write_samples(Table(rows=chain, names=names, copy=False), chain_dump,
path='/bayestar/posterior_samples', overwrite=True)
# Pass a random subset of 1000 points to the KDE, to save time.
pts = np.random.permutation(chain)[:1000, :3]
ckde = Clustered2Plus1DSkyKDE(pts)
return ckde.as_healpix()
def condition(
event, waveform='o2-uberbank', f_low=30.0,
enable_snr_series=True, f_high_truncate=0.95):
if len(event.singles) == 0:
raise ValueError('Cannot localize an event with zero detectors.')
singles = event.singles
if not enable_snr_series:
singles = [single for single in singles if single.snr is not None]
ifos = [single.detector for single in singles]
# Extract SNRs from table.
snrs = np.ma.asarray([
np.ma.masked if single.snr is None else single.snr
for single in singles])
# Look up physical parameters for detector.
detectors = [lalsimulation.DetectorPrefixToLALDetector(str(ifo))
for ifo in ifos]
responses = np.asarray([det.response for det in detectors])
locations = np.asarray([det.location for det in detectors]) / lal.C_SI
# Power spectra for each detector.
psds = [single.psd for single in singles]
psds = [filter.InterpolatedPSD(filter.abscissa(psd), psd.data.data,
for psd in psds]
log.debug('calculating templates')
H = filter.sngl_inspiral_psd(waveform, f_min=f_low, **event.template_args)
log.debug('calculating noise PSDs')
HS = [filter.signal_psd_series(H, S) for S in psds]
# Signal models for each detector.
log.debug('calculating Fisher matrix elements')
signal_models = [filter.SignalModel(_) for _ in HS]
# Get SNR=1 horizon distances for each detector.
horizons = np.asarray([signal_model.get_horizon_distance()
for signal_model in signal_models])
weights = np.ma.asarray([
1 / np.square(signal_model.get_crb_toa_uncert(snr))
for signal_model, snr in zip(signal_models, snrs)])
# Center detector array.
locations -= (np.sum(locations * weights.reshape(-1, 1), axis=0) /
if enable_snr_series:
snr_series = [single.snr_series for single in singles]
if all(s is None for s in snr_series):
snr_series = None
snr_series = None
# Maximum barycentered arrival time error:
# |distance from array barycenter to furthest detector| / c + 5 ms.
# For LHO+LLO, this is 15.0 ms.
# For an arbitrary terrestrial detector network, the maximum is 26.3 ms.
max_abs_t = np.max(
np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(locations), axis=1))) + 0.005
# Calculate a minimum arrival time prior for low-bandwidth signals.
# This is important for early-warning events, for which the light travel
# time between detectors may be only a tiny fraction of the template
# autocorrelation time.
# The period of the autocorrelation function is 2 pi times the timing
# uncertainty at SNR=1 (see Eq. (24) of [1]_). We want a quarter period:
# there is a factor of a half because we want the first zero crossing,
# and another factor of a half because the SNR time series will be cropped
# to a two-sided interval.
max_acor_t = max(0.5 * np.pi * signal_model.get_crb_toa_uncert(1)
for signal_model in signal_models)
max_abs_t = max(max_abs_t, max_acor_t)
if snr_series is None:
log.warning("No SNR time series found, so we are creating a "
"zero-noise SNR time series from the whitened template's "
"autocorrelation sequence. The sky localization "
"uncertainty may be underestimated.")
acors, sample_rates = zip(
*[filter.autocorrelation(_, max_abs_t) for _ in HS])
sample_rate = sample_rates[0]
deltaT = 1 / sample_rate
nsamples = len(acors[0])
assert all(sample_rate == _ for _ in sample_rates)
assert all(nsamples == len(_) for _ in acors)
nsamples = nsamples * 2 - 1
snr_series = []
for acor, single in zip(acors, singles):
series = lal.CreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries(
'fake SNR', 0, 0, deltaT, lal.StrainUnit, nsamples)
series.epoch = single.time - 0.5 * (nsamples - 1) * deltaT
acor = np.concatenate((np.conj(acor[:0:-1]), acor))
series.data.data = single.snr * filter.exp_i(single.phase) * acor
# Ensure that all of the SNR time series have the same sample rate.
# FIXME: for now, the Python wrapper expects all of the SNR time series to
# also be the same length.
deltaT = snr_series[0].deltaT
sample_rate = 1 / deltaT
if any(deltaT != series.deltaT for series in snr_series):
raise ValueError('BAYESTAR does not yet support SNR time series with '
'mixed sample rates')
# Ensure that all of the SNR time series have odd lengths.
if any(len(series.data.data) % 2 == 0 for series in snr_series):
raise ValueError('SNR time series must have odd lengths')
# Trim time series to the desired length.
max_abs_n = int(np.ceil(max_abs_t * sample_rate))
desired_length = 2 * max_abs_n - 1
for i, series in enumerate(snr_series):
length = len(series.data.data)
if length > desired_length:
snr_series[i] = lal.CutCOMPLEX8TimeSeries(
series, length // 2 + 1 - max_abs_n, desired_length)
# FIXME: for now, the Python wrapper expects all of the SNR time sries to
# also be the same length.
nsamples = len(snr_series[0].data.data)
if any(nsamples != len(series.data.data) for series in snr_series):
raise ValueError('BAYESTAR does not yet support SNR time series of '
'mixed lengths')
# Perform sanity checks that the middle sample of the SNR time series match
# the sngl_inspiral records to the nearest sample (plus the smallest
# representable LIGOTimeGPS difference of 1 nanosecond).
for ifo, single, series in zip(ifos, singles, snr_series):
shift = np.abs(0.5 * (nsamples - 1) * series.deltaT +
float(series.epoch - single.time))
if shift >= deltaT + 1e-8:
raise ValueError('BAYESTAR expects the SNR time series to be '
'centered on the single-detector trigger times, '
'but {} was off by {} s'.format(ifo, shift))
# Extract the TOAs in GPS nanoseconds from the SNR time series, assuming
# that the trigger happened in the middle.
toas_ns = [series.epoch.ns() + 1e9 * 0.5 * (len(series.data.data) - 1) *
series.deltaT for series in snr_series]
# Collect all of the SNR series in one array.
snr_series = np.vstack([series.data.data for series in snr_series])
# Center times of arrival and compute GMST at mean arrival time.
# Pre-center in integer nanoseconds to preserve precision of
# initial datatype.
epoch = sum(toas_ns) // len(toas_ns)
toas = 1e-9 * (np.asarray(toas_ns) - epoch)
mean_toa = np.average(toas, weights=weights)
toas -= mean_toa
epoch += int(np.round(1e9 * mean_toa))
epoch = lal.LIGOTimeGPS(0, int(epoch))
# Translate SNR time series back to time of first sample.
toas -= 0.5 * (nsamples - 1) * deltaT
# Convert complex SNRS to amplitude and phase
snrs_abs = np.abs(snr_series)
snrs_arg = filter.unwrap(np.angle(snr_series))
snrs = np.stack((snrs_abs, snrs_arg), axis=-1)
return epoch, sample_rate, toas, snrs, responses, locations, horizons
def condition_prior(horizons, min_distance=None, max_distance=None,
prior_distance_power=None, cosmology=False):
if cosmology:
log.warning('Enabling cosmological prior. This feature is UNREVIEWED.')
# If minimum distance is not specified, then default to 0 Mpc.
if min_distance is None:
min_distance = 0
# If maximum distance is not specified, then default to the SNR=4
# horizon distance of the most sensitive detector.
if max_distance is None:
max_distance = max(horizons) / 4
# If prior_distance_power is not specified, then default to 2
# (p(r) ~ r^2, uniform in volume).
if prior_distance_power is None:
prior_distance_power = 2
# Raise an exception if 0 Mpc is the minimum effective distance and the
# prior is of the form r**k for k<0
if min_distance == 0 and prior_distance_power < 0:
raise ValueError(('Prior is a power law r^k with k={}, '
'undefined at min_distance=0').format(
return min_distance, max_distance, prior_distance_power, cosmology
def localize(
event, waveform='o2-uberbank', f_low=30.0,
min_distance=None, max_distance=None, prior_distance_power=None,
cosmology=False, mcmc=False, chain_dump=None,
enable_snr_series=True, f_high_truncate=0.95,
"""Localize a compact binary signal using the BAYESTAR algorithm.
event : `ligo.skymap.io.events.Event`
The event candidate.
waveform : str, optional
The name of the waveform approximant.
f_low : float, optional
The low frequency cutoff.
min_distance, max_distance : float, optional
The limits of integration over luminosity distance, in Mpc
(default: determine automatically from detector sensitivity).
prior_distance_power : int, optional
The power of distance that appears in the prior
(default: 2, uniform in volume).
cosmology: bool, optional
Set to enable a uniform in comoving volume prior (default: false).
mcmc : bool, optional
Set to use MCMC sampling rather than more accurate Gaussian quadrature.
chain_dump : str, optional
Save posterior samples to this filename if `mcmc` is set.
enable_snr_series : bool, optional
Set to False to disable SNR time series.
f_high_truncate : float, optional
Truncate the noise power spectral densities at this factor times the
highest sampled frequency to suppress artifacts caused by incorrect
PSD conditioning by some matched filter pipelines.
skymap : `astropy.table.Table`
A 3D sky map in multi-order HEALPix format.
# Hide event parameters, but show all other arguments
def formatvalue(value):
if isinstance(value, Event):
return '=...'
return '=' + repr(value)
frame = inspect.currentframe()
argstr = inspect.formatargvalues(*inspect.getargvalues(frame),
stopwatch = Stopwatch()
epoch, sample_rate, toas, snrs, responses, locations, horizons = \
condition(event, waveform=waveform, f_low=f_low,
min_distance, max_distance, prior_distance_power, cosmology = \
condition_prior(horizons, min_distance, max_distance,
prior_distance_power, cosmology)
gmst = lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(epoch)
# Time and run sky localization.
log.debug('starting computationally-intensive section')
args = (min_distance, max_distance, prior_distance_power, cosmology, gmst,
sample_rate, toas, snrs, responses, locations, horizons,
if mcmc:
max_abs_t = 2 * snrs.data.shape[1] / sample_rate
skymap = localize_emcee(
xmin=[0, -1, min_distance, -1, 0, 0],
xmax=[2 * np.pi, 1, max_distance, 1, 2 * np.pi, 2 * max_abs_t],
skymap, log_bci, log_bsn = core.toa_phoa_snr(*args)
skymap = Table(skymap, copy=False)
skymap.meta['log_bci'] = log_bci
skymap.meta['log_bsn'] = log_bsn
# Convert distance moments to parameters
distmean = skymap.columns.pop('DISTMEAN')
diststd = skymap.columns.pop('DISTSTD')
except KeyError:
distmean, diststd, _ = distance.parameters_to_moments(
skymap['DISTMU'], skymap['DISTSIGMA'])
skymap['DISTMU'], skymap['DISTSIGMA'], skymap['DISTNORM'] = \
distance.moments_to_parameters(distmean, diststd)
# Add marginal distance moments
good = np.isfinite(distmean) & np.isfinite(diststd)
prob = (moc.uniq2pixarea(skymap['UNIQ']) * skymap['PROBDENSITY'])[good]
distmean = distmean[good]
diststd = diststd[good]
rbar = (prob * distmean).sum()
r2bar = (prob * (np.square(diststd) + np.square(distmean))).sum()
skymap.meta['distmean'] = rbar
skymap.meta['diststd'] = np.sqrt(r2bar - np.square(rbar))
end_time = lal.GPSTimeNow()
log.info('finished computationally-intensive section in %s', stopwatch)
# Fill in metadata and return.
program, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
skymap.meta['creator'] = 'BAYESTAR'
skymap.meta['origin'] = 'LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA'
skymap.meta['gps_time'] = float(epoch)
skymap.meta['runtime'] = stopwatch.real
skymap.meta['instruments'] = {single.detector for single in event.singles}
skymap.meta['gps_creation_time'] = end_time
skymap.meta['history'] = [
'Generated by calling the following Python function:',
*wrap('{}.{}{}'.format(__name__, frame.f_code.co_name, argstr), 72),
'This was the command line that started the program:',
*wrap(' '.join([program] + sys.argv[1:]), 72)]
return skymap
def rasterize(skymap, order=None):
orig_order, _ = moc.uniq2nest(skymap['UNIQ'].max())
# Determine whether we need to do nontrivial downsampling.
downsampling = (order is not None and 0 <= order < orig_order
and 'DISTMU' in skymap.dtype.fields.keys())
# If we are downsampling, then convert from distance parameters to
# distance moments times probability density so that the averaging
# that is automatically done by moc.rasterize() correctly marginalizes
# the moments.
if downsampling:
skymap = Table(skymap, copy=True, meta=skymap.meta)
probdensity = skymap['PROBDENSITY']
distmu = skymap.columns.pop('DISTMU')
distsigma = skymap.columns.pop('DISTSIGMA')
bad = ~(np.isfinite(distmu) & np.isfinite(distsigma))
distmean, diststd, _ = distance.parameters_to_moments(
distmu, distsigma)
distmean[bad] = np.nan
diststd[bad] = np.nan
skymap['DISTMEAN'] = probdensity * distmean
skymap['DISTVAR'] = probdensity * (
np.square(diststd) + np.square(distmean))
skymap = Table(moc.rasterize(skymap, order=order),
meta=skymap.meta, copy=False)
# If we are downsampling, then convert back to distance parameters.
if downsampling:
distmean = skymap.columns.pop('DISTMEAN') / skymap['PROBDENSITY']
diststd = np.sqrt(
skymap.columns.pop('DISTVAR') / skymap['PROBDENSITY']
- np.square(distmean))
skymap['DISTMU'], skymap['DISTSIGMA'], skymap['DISTNORM'] = \
distmean, diststd)
skymap.rename_column('PROBDENSITY', 'PROB')
skymap['PROB'] *= 4 * np.pi / len(skymap)
skymap['PROB'].unit = u.pixel ** -1
return skymap
def derasterize(skymap):
skymap.rename_column('PROB', 'PROBDENSITY')
skymap['PROBDENSITY'] *= len(skymap) / (4 * np.pi)
skymap['PROBDENSITY'].unit = u.steradian ** -1
nside, _, ipix, _, _, value = zip(
nside = np.asarray(nside)
ipix = np.asarray(ipix)
value = np.stack(value)
uniq = (4 * np.square(nside) + ipix)
old_units = [column.unit for column in skymap.columns.values()]
skymap = Table(value, meta=skymap.meta, copy=False)
for old_unit, column in zip(old_units, skymap.columns.values()):
column.unit = old_unit
skymap.add_column(Column(uniq, name='UNIQ'), 0)
return skymap
def test():
"""Run BAYESTAR C unit tests.
>>> test()
return int(core.test())
del require_contiguous_aligned