Online Localization bayestar-localize-lvalert

Listen for new events from IGWN Alert and perform sky localization.

bayestar-localize-lvalert supports two modes of operation. You can explicitly specify the GraceDb ID on the command line, as in:

$ bayestar-localize-lvalert T90713

Or, bayetar-localize-lvalert can read GraceDB IDs from stdin (e.g., from the terminal, or redirected from a fifo):

$ mkfifo /var/run/bayestar
$ tail -F /var/run/bayestar | bayestar_localize_lvalert &
$ echo T90713 > /var/run/bayestar

usage: bayestar-localize-lvalert [-h] [--f-low Hz]
                                 [--f-high-truncate F_HIGH_TRUNCATE]
                                 [--waveform WAVEFORM] [--min-distance Mpc]
                                 [--max-distance Mpc]
                                 [--prior-distance-power -1|2] [--cosmology]
                                 [--rescale-loglikelihood RESCALE_LOGLIKELIHOOD]
                                 [--mcmc] [--chain-dump] [--seed SEED]
                                 [-l CRITICAL|ERROR|WARNING|INFO|DEBUG|NOTSET]
                                 [-d X1 [X1 ...]] [-N] [--no-tag]
                                 [-o FILE.fits[.gz]]
                                 [G123456 ...]

Positional Arguments


Run on these GraceDB IDs. If no GraceDB IDs are listed on the command line, then read newline-separated GraceDB IDs from stdin.

Named Arguments


show program’s version number and exit

-l, --loglevel

Default: INFO

-d, --disable-detector

disable certain detectors

-N, --dry-run

Dry run; do not update GraceDB entry

Default: False


Do not set lvem tag for GraceDB entry

Default: False

-o, --output

Name for uploaded file

Default: 'bayestar.fits'

--enable-multiresolution, --disable-multiresolution

generate a multiresolution HEALPix map

Default: True

waveform options

Options that affect template waveform generation


Low frequency cutoff

Default: 30


Truncate waveform at this fraction of the maximum frequency of the PSD

Default: 0.95


Template waveform approximant: e.g., TaylorF2threePointFivePN

Default: 'o2-uberbank'

posterior options

Options that affect the BAYESTAR posterior


Minimum distance of prior in megaparsecs


Maximum distance of prior in megaparsecs


Distance prior: -1 for uniform in log, 2 for uniform in volume

Default: 2


Use cosmological comoving volume prior

Default: False

--enable-snr-series, --disable-snr-series

Enable input of SNR time series

Default: True


Rescale log likelihood by the square of this factor to account for excess technical noise from search pipeline

Default: 0.83


BAYESTAR options for MCMC sampling


Use MCMC sampling instead of Gaussian quadrature

Default: False


For MCMC methods, dump the sample chain to disk

Default: False

random number generator options

Options that affect the Numpy pseudo-random number genrator


Pseudo-random number generator seed [default: initialized from /dev/urandom or clock]