The comparison 1d histogram pages

If more than one result file is passed to pesummary, various comparison plots are produced. Comparison marginalized histograms can be seen on the 1d histogram pages. Like the single analysis 1d histogram page, we see a marginalized 1d histogram plot showing the posterior distribution for all result files. By default these will be colored with the colorblind seaborn palette, but can be changed with the –palette command line argument or the –colors command line argument. Each 1d posterior will also show the corresponding 90% symmetric credible interval shown by dashed lines.

A comparison cumulative distribution function allows for an alternative method for comparing the distributions and is also provided. Finally a box plot is also provided.

At the bottom of the page, we provide the KS and JS statistics, used to compare two posterior distrubitons. Again, like the other tables on these webpages, these may be exported to csv by clicking on the export to csv button.

If you wish to see how multiple marginalized posterior distributions differ between the different runs, you may either visit the custom comparison page or the all comparison page. The custom comparison page allows the user to select only the parameters they are interested in. Like the single analysis corner page, the parameter are either selected via the side bar or typed manually in the search bar. The all comparison page will show the comparison marginalized 1d histograms for all parameters that are common to all result files.